import type {MenuItems} from './lib/menu.js'; import type {Colour} from './colours.js'; import type {SVGFolder, SVGLayer} from './map.js'; import type {SVGDrawing, SVGShape} from './map_tokens.js'; import type {ID, Token, TokenLight, TokenSet, Uint} from './types.js'; import {add, id} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {DragTransfer, setDragEffect} from './lib/drag.js'; import {keyEvent, mouseDragEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseX, mouseY} from './lib/events.js'; import {button, div, h1, img, input, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr} from './lib/html.js'; import {Pipe} from './lib/inter.js'; import {item, menu, submenu} from './lib/menu.js'; import {checkInt, mod} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, node} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {rect} from './lib/svg.js'; import {dragImage, dragImageFiles, uploadImages} from './assets.js'; import {imageIDtoURL} from './asset_urls.js'; import {dragCharacter, edit as tokenEdit} from './characters.js'; import {makeColourPicker, noColour} from './colours.js'; import {adminHideLight, cursors, hiddenLayer, itemControl, layerLight, mapID, selectedLayerID} from './ids.js'; import {registerKeyEvent} from './keys.js'; import lang from './language.js'; import {getLayer, isSVGFolder, isSVGLayer, isTokenImage, layerList, mapData, mapView, panZoom, removeLayer, root, screen2Grid, showSignal, updateLight} from './map.js'; import {checkSelectedLayer, doLayerAdd, doLayerFolderAdd, doLayerMove, doLayerRename, doLayerShift, doLockUnlockLayer, doMapChange, doMapDataRemove, doMapDataSet, doMaskAdd, doMaskRemove, doMaskSet, doSetLightColour, doShowHideLayer, doTokenAdd, doTokenMoveLayerPos, doTokenRemove, doTokenSet, doTokenSetMulti, doWallAdd, doWallModify, doWallMove, doWallRemove, setLayer, snapTokenToGrid, tokenMousePos, waitAdded, waitFolderAdded, waitFolderRemoved, waitLayerHide, waitLayerLock, waitLayerPositionChange, waitLayerRename, waitLayerShow, waitLayerUnlock, waitRemoved} from './map_fns.js'; import {SQRT3, SVGToken, deselectToken, outline, outlineRotationClass, selected, tokens, tokenSelected, tokenSelectedReceive} from './map_tokens.js'; import {tokenContext} from './plugins.js'; import {handleError, rpc} from './rpc.js'; import {autosnap, hiddenLayerOpacity, hiddenLayerSelectedOpacity, measureTokenMove} from './settings.js'; import {characterData, cloneObject, getCharacterToken, mapLoadedSend} from './shared.js'; import {lightGrid, lightOnOffStr, remove} from './symbols.js'; import {defaultTool, toolTokenMouseDown, toolTokenMouseOver, toolTokenWheel} from './tools.js'; import {measureDistance, startMeasurement, stopMeasurement} from './tools_measure.js'; import undo from './undo.js'; import {shell, windows} from './windows.js'; export const [mapLoadSend, mapLoadReceive] = new Pipe().bind(3), dragLighting = new DragTransfer("light"), selectToken = (newToken: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing) => { setLayer(tokens.get(!.layer); selected.token = newToken; amendNode(outline, {"transform": newToken.transformString(false), "style": `--outline-width: ${newToken.width}px; --outline-height: ${newToken.height}px`, "class": outlineRotationClass(newToken.rotation)}); for (const k of ["x", "y", "rotation", "width", "height"] as const) { tokenMousePos[k] = newToken[k]; } tokenSelected(); }; export default (base: HTMLElement) => { let copiedToken: Token | null = null, tokenDragMode = -1, lastToken: Token | null = null, mX = 0, mY = 0, moved = false, overOutline = false; const makeLayerContext = (fn: (sl: SVGLayer) => void, disabled = "", folder: SVGFolder = layerList): MenuItems => (folder.children as NodeArray).map(e => < 0 ? [] as MenuItems : isSVGFolder(e) ? submenu([item(, menu(makeLayerContext(fn, disabled, e))]) : item( === disabled ? {"disabled": true} : {"onselect": () => fn(e)},, [setupTokenDrag, cancelTokenDrag] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => { let {x, y, width, height, rotation} = tokenMousePos; const [bdx, bdy] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY), dx = bdx - tokenMousePos.mouseX, dy = bdy - tokenMousePos.mouseY, sq = mapData.gridSize, selectedToken = selected.token, snap = (selectedToken?.snap ?? false) != e.shiftKey; if (!selectedToken) { return; } switch (tokenDragMode) { case 0: x += dx; y += dy; if (snap) { [x, y] = snapTokenToGrid(x, y, width, height); } if (measureTokenMove.value) { measureDistance(x + (width >> 1), y + (height >> 1)); } break; case 1: rotation = mod(Math.round(-128 * Math.atan2(panZoom.zoom * (x + width / 2) + panZoom.x - (panZoom.zoom - 1) * mapData.width / 2 - e.clientX, panZoom.zoom * (y + height / 2) + panZoom.y - (panZoom.zoom - 1) * mapData.height / 2 - e.clientY) / Math.PI), 256); if (snap) { const deg = 256 / (mapData.gridType === 1 || mapData.gridType === 2 ? 12 : 8); rotation = Math.round(rotation / deg) * deg % 256; } amendNode(outline, {"class": outlineRotationClass(rotation)}); break; default: { const r = -360 * rotation / 256, {x: aDx, y: aDy} = new DOMPoint(dx, dy).matrixTransform(new DOMMatrix().rotateSelf(r)), fr = new DOMMatrix().translateSelf(x + width / 2, y + height / 2).rotateSelf(-r).translateSelf(-(x + width / 2), -(y + height / 2)), dirX = [2, 5, 7].includes(tokenDragMode) ? -1 : [4, 6, 9].includes(tokenDragMode) ? 1 : 0, dirY = [2, 3, 4].includes(tokenDragMode) ? -1 : [7, 8, 9].includes(tokenDragMode) ? 1 : 0, min = snap ? sq : 10; let mDx = aDx * dirX, mDy = aDy * dirY; if (dirX !== 0 && mDy < mDx * height / width || dirY === 0) { mDy = mDx * height / width; } else { mDx = mDy * width / height; } if (dirX !== 0 && width + mDx < min) { mDx = min - width; mDy = min * height / width - height; } if (dirY !== 0 && height + mDy < min) { mDx = min * width / height - width; mDy = min - height; } mDx *= dirX; mDy *= dirY; if (snap) { mDx = Math.round(mDx / sq) * sq; mDy = Math.round(mDy / sq) * sq; } if (dirX === -1) { x += mDx; width -= mDx; } else if (dirX === 1) { width += mDx; } if (dirY === -1) { y += mDy; height -= mDy; } else if (dirY === 1) { height += mDy; } if (snap) { [x, y] = snapTokenToGrid(x, y, width = Math.max(Math.round(width / sq) * sq, sq), height = Math.max(Math.round(height / sq) * sq, sq)); } const {x: cx, y: cy} = new DOMPoint(x + width/2, y + height/2).matrixTransform(fr), {x: nx, y: ny} = new DOMPoint(x, y).matrixTransform(fr).matrixTransform(new DOMMatrix().translateSelf(cx, cy).rotateSelf(r).translateSelf(-cx, -cy)); x = nx; y = ny; }} selectedToken.x = Math.round(x); selectedToken.y = Math.round(y); selectedToken.width = Math.round(width); selectedToken.height = Math.round(height); selectedToken.rotation = Math.round(rotation); selectedToken.updateNode(); amendNode(outline, {"style": {"--outline-width": width + "px", "--outline-height": height + "px"}, "transform": selectedToken.transformString(false)}); }, () => { if (!selected.token) { return; } amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": undefined}}); tokenDragMode = -1; const {token} = selected, ts: TokenSet = { "id":, "x": Math.round(token.x), "y": Math.round(token.y), "rotation": Math.round(token.rotation), "width": Math.round(token.width), "height": Math.round(token.height) }; let changed = false; for (const k of ["x", "y", "rotation", "width", "height"] as const) { if (tokenMousePos[k] !== ts[k]) { token[k] = tokenMousePos[k]; changed = true; } else { delete ts[k]; } } if (changed) { doTokenSet(ts); } stopMeasurement(); }), mapOnDragOver = setDragEffect({ "link": [dragCharacter, dragImage], "copy": [dragImageFiles] }), mapOnDrop = (e: DragEvent) => { if (!selected.layer) { return; } if ( { const [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY), {layer} = selected; uploadImages(dragImageFiles.asForm(e, "asset")).then(images => { for (const image of images) { img({"src": imageIDtoURL(, "onload": function(this: HTMLImageElement) { const {width, height} = this; if (selected.layer === layer && width > 0 && height > 0) { const token = {"id": 0, "src":, x, y, "width": width || mapData.gridSize, "height": height || mapData.gridSize, "patternWidth": 0, "patternHeight": 0, "stroke": noColour, "strokeWidth": 0, "rotation": 0, "flip": false, "flop": false, "tokenData": {}, "tokenType": 0, "snap": autosnap.value, "lightColours": [], "lightStages": [], "lightTimings": []}; if (token.snap) { [token.x, token.y] = snapTokenToGrid(token.x, token.y, token.width, token.height); } doTokenAdd(layer.path, token); } }}); } }).catch(handleError); return; } const token = {"id": 0, "src": 0, "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "patternWidth": 0, "patternHeight": 0, "stroke": noColour, "strokeWidth": 0, "rotation": 0, "flip": false, "flop": false, "tokenData": {}, "tokenType": 0, "snap": autosnap.value, "lightColours": [], "lightStages": [], "lightTimings": []}; if ( { const {id, width, height} = dragCharacter.get(e), char = characterData.get(id); if (char) { Object.assign(token, getCharacterToken(char) ?? {"src": parseInt(char["store-image-icon"].data), width, height}); } } else if ( { const {id, width, height} = dragImage.get(e); token.src = id; token.width = width || mapData.gridSize; token.height = height || mapData.gridSize; } else { return; } [token.x, token.y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY); if (token.snap) { [token.x, token.y] = snapTokenToGrid(token.x, token.y, token.width, token.height); } doTokenAdd(selected.layer.path, token); }, allTokens = function* (folder: SVGFolder = layerList): Iterable { for (const e of (folder.children as (SVGFolder | SVGLayer)[])) { yield* e.locked ? [] : isSVGLayer(e) ? e.tokens : allTokens(e); } }, pasteCoords = [0, 0], mapMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { moved = true; amendNode(root, {"style": {"left": (panZoom.x += e.clientX - mX) + "px", "top": (panZoom.y += e.clientY - mY) + "px"}}); mX = e.clientX; mY = e.clientY; }, [startMouseDrag0] = mouseDragEvent(0, mapMove, (e: MouseEvent) => { if (!moved && !e.ctrlKey) { deselectToken(); updateCursor(e); } amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": undefined}}); }), [startMouseDrag1] = mouseDragEvent(1, mapMove, () => amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": undefined}})), moveMap = (e: MouseEvent, initFn: () => void) => { amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": "grabbing"}}); mX = e.clientX; mY = e.clientY; moved = false; initFn(); return false; }, keyRepeats = [-1, -1, -1, -1], keyMoveToken = (n: Uint, dir: string, shift: (tk: Token, dx: Uint, dy: Uint, shiftKey?: boolean) => void) => keyEvent([`Arrow${dir}`, `Shift+Arrow${dir}`], (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const {token} = selected; if (token && !token.snap) { keyRepeats[n] = setInterval(() => { shift(token, 1, 1, e.shiftKey); token.x = Math.min(Math.max(0, token.x), mapData.width - token.width); token.y = Math.min(Math.max(0, token.y), mapData.height - token.height); token.updateNode(); amendNode(outline, {"transform": token.transformString(false)}); }, 5); } }, (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (keyRepeats[n] !== -1) { clearInterval(keyRepeats[n]); keyRepeats[n] = -1; if (lastToken && keyRepeats.every(d => d === -1)) { const {id, x, y, rotation} = lastToken; lastToken.x = tokenMousePos.x; lastToken.y = tokenMousePos.y; lastToken.rotation = tokenMousePos.rotation; doTokenSet({id, x, y, rotation}); } } else { const {gridSize, gridType, width, height} = mapData, {token} = selected; if (e.isTrusted && token) { shift(token, gridType === 1 ? Math.round(1.5 * gridSize / SQRT3) : gridType === 2 ? gridSize >> 1 : gridSize, gridType === 2 ? Math.round(1.5 * gridSize / SQRT3) : gridType === 1 ? gridSize >> 1 : gridSize, e.shiftKey); token.x = Math.min(Math.max(0, token.x), width - token.width); token.y = Math.min(Math.max(0, token.y), height - token.height); if (lastToken) { const {id, x, y, rotation} = lastToken; lastToken.x = tokenMousePos.x; lastToken.y = tokenMousePos.y; lastToken.rotation = tokenMousePos.rotation; doTokenSet({id, x, y, rotation}); } } } }), doTokenRotation = (tk: Token, dir = 1) => tk.rotation = mod(tk.snap ? Math.round(tk.rotation + dir * 256 / (mapData.gridType === 0 ? 8 : 12)) : tk.rotation + dir, 256), updateCursor = ({target, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey}: {target: EventTarget | null, clientX: number, clientY: number, ctrlKey: boolean}) => amendNode(document.body, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": !ctrlKey && (overOutline = (target as HTMLElement)?.parentNode === outline) ? undefined : !ctrlKey && (selected.layer?.tokens as SVGToken[])?.some(t =>, clientY)) ? "pointer" : "grab"}}), psuedoUpdateCursor = (target: EventTarget | null, ctrlKey: boolean) => updateCursor({target, "clientX": mouseX, "clientY": mouseY, ctrlKey}), [startMapMouseMove, cancelMapMouseMove] = mouseMoveEvent(updateCursor), ctrlOverride = (e: KeyboardEvent) => psuedoUpdateCursor(overOutline ? outline.firstChild : null, e.ctrlKey), [startControlOverride, cancelControlOverride] = keyEvent("Control", ctrlOverride, ctrlOverride), keys = [ keyEvent("Ctrl+c", () => copiedToken = cloneObject(selected.token)), keyEvent("Ctrl+x", () => doTokenRemove((copiedToken = cloneObject(selected.token!)).id)), keyEvent("Escape", (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (tokenDragMode == -1) { deselectToken(); psuedoUpdateCursor(root, e.ctrlKey); return; } amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": undefined}}); tokenDragMode = -1; const {token} = selected, {x, y, width, height, rotation} = tokenMousePos; if (token) { token.x = x; token.y = y; token.width = width; token.rotation = rotation; token.height = height; token.updateNode(); amendNode(outline, {"style": {"--outline-width": width + "px", "--outline-height": height + "px"}, "class": outlineRotationClass(rotation), "transform": token.transformString(false)}); } stopMeasurement(); cancelTokenDrag(); }), keyEvent("Delete", () => doTokenRemove(selected.token!.id)), registerKeyEvent("tokenEdit", lang["CONTEXT_EDIT_TOKEN"], '', () => { const {token} = selected; if (token instanceof SVGToken && tokens.has( { tokenEdit(, lang["CONTEXT_EDIT_TOKEN"], token.tokenData, false); } }), registerKeyEvent("tokenLight", lang["CONTEXT_SET_LIGHTING"], '', () => { const {token} = selected; if (token && tokens.has( { setLighting(token); } }), ...([ ["Up", (tk: Token, dy: Uint) => tk.y -= dy], ["Down", (tk: Token, dy: Uint) => tk.y += dy], ["Left", (tk: Token, _: Uint, dx: Uint, shift = false) => shift ? doTokenRotation(tk, -1) : tk.x -= dx], ["Right", (tk: Token, _: Uint, dx: Uint, shift = false) => shift ? doTokenRotation(tk) : tk.x += dx] ] as const).map(([dir, fn], n) => keyMoveToken(n, dir, fn)) ], dragLightingOver = setDragEffect({"copy": [dragLighting]}), setLighting = (currToken: Token) => { type Timing = { [node]: HTMLTableCellElement; value: Uint; } type Stage = { [node]: HTMLTableRowElement; value: Uint; colours: NodeArray; } type ColourCell = { [node]: HTMLTableCellElement; value: Colour; } const {lightColours, lightStages, lightTimings} = currToken, makeChange = () => ({"id":, "lightColours": => => c.value)), "lightStages": => s.value), "lightTimings": => t.value)}), dragKey = dragLighting.register(makeChange), lColours = cloneObject(lightColours), lStages = lightStages.length ? cloneObject(lightStages) : [0], lTimings = lightTimings.length ? cloneObject(lightTimings) : [0], w = windows({"window-icon": lightOnOffStr, "window-title": lang["CONTEXT_SET_LIGHTING"], "resizable": true, "style": "--window-width: 50%; --window-height: 50%"}), timingHeader = th({"colspan": lTimings.length}, lang["LIGHTING_TIMING"]), stagesHeader = th({"rowspan": lStages.length + 1, "style": "min-width:1em; writing-mode: vertical-rl; transform: scale(-1, -1)"}, lang["LIGHTING_STAGES"]), addTiming = (t = 0) => { const o = { [node]: th([ input({"type": "number", "value": t, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { o.value = checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0); }}), remove({"title": lang["LIGHTING_REMOVE_TIMING"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => { const pos = timings.findIndex(t =>, o)); timings.splice(pos, 1); lTimings.pop(); for (const s of stages) { s.colours.splice(pos, 1); } amendNode(timingHeader, {"colspan": timings.length}); }}) ]), value: t }; return o; }, addColour = (n = -1, m = -1) => { const o: ColourCell = { [node]: td(), value: lColours[n]?.[m] ?? noColour }; amendNode(o[node], makeColourPicker(w, lang["LIGHTING_SET_COLOUR"], () => o.value, c => o.value = c)); return o; }, addStage = (s = 0, n = -1) => { const p = tr(td([ input({"type": "number", "value": s, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { o.value = checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0); }}), remove({"title": lang["LIGHTING_REMOVE_STAGE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => { stages.filterRemove(t => t === o); amendNode(stagesHeader, {"rowspan": stages.length + 1}); }}) ])), o = { [node]: p, value: s, colours: new NodeArray(p,, m) => addColour(n, m))) }; return o; }, timings = new NodeArray(amendNode(tr(), td({"colspan": 2})),, stages = new NodeArray(tbody(tr(stagesHeader)),; amendNode(shell, amendNode(w, {"onremove": () => dragLighting.deregister(dragKey), "ondragover": dragLightingOver, "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => { if ( { const {id, lightColours, lightStages, lightTimings} = dragLighting.get(e); if (id !== { lColours.splice(0, lColours.length, ...lightColours); lStages.splice(0, lStages.length, ...lightStages); lTimings.splice(0, lTimings.length, ...lightTimings); timings.splice(0, timings.length,; stages.splice(0, stages.length,; amendNode(timingHeader, {"colspan": timings.length}); amendNode(stagesHeader, {"rowspan": stages.length + 1}); } } }}, [ h1([ div({"draggable": "true", "style": "display: inline-block; cursor: grab", "ondragstart": (e: DragEvent) => dragLighting.set(e, dragKey)}, lightGrid({"title": lang["LIGHTING_DRAG"], "width": "1em", "height": "1em"})), lang["CONTEXT_SET_LIGHTING"] ]), button({"onclick": () => amendNode(stagesHeader, {"rowspan": stages.push(addStage()) + 1})}, lang["LIGHTING_ADD_STAGE"]), button({"onclick": () => { amendNode(timingHeader, {"colspan": timings.push(addTiming())}); lTimings.push(0); for (const s of stages) { s.colours.push(addColour()); } }}, lang["LIGHTING_ADD_TIMING"]), table([ thead([ tr([ td({"colspan": 2}), timingHeader ]), timings ]), stages ]), button({"onclick": () => { if (tokens.has( { doTokenSet(makeChange()); } w.close(); }}, lang["SAVE"]) ])); }, cycleTokens = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const {layer, token} = selected; if (layer) { const pos = layer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === token), next = ? (pos + 1) % layer.tokens.length : pos < 0 ? -1 : pos - 1) as SVGToken | SVGDrawing | SVGShape | undefined; if (next && next !== token) { selectToken(next); } e.preventDefault(); } }, [startCycleTokensForwards, stopCycleTokensForwards] = registerKeyEvent("nextToken", lang["TOKEN_NEXT"], "Tab", cycleTokens), [startCycleTokensBackwards, stopCycleTokensBackwards] = registerKeyEvent("prevToken", lang["TOKEN_PREV"], "Shift+Tab", cycleTokens), outlineID = id(); add({ [`#${mapID}`]: { "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor)", "overflow": "visible" }, [`#${outlineID}`]: { "outline": "none", "clip-path": "initial !important", " rect": { "stroke-width": "calc(1px / var(--zoom, 1))", "stroke": "#000", "width": "calc(10px / var(--zoom, 1))", "height": "calc(10px / var(--zoom, 1))", "fill": "#f00", ":nth-child(1)": { "width": "var(--outline-width)", "height": "var(--outline-height)", "fill": "transparent", "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, move)" }, ":nth-child(2)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) / 2 - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(-20px / var(--zoom, 1))", "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, cell)" }, ":nth-child(3)": { "x": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(4)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) / 2 - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(5)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(6)": { "x": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(var(--outline-height) / 2 - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(7)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(var(--outline-height) / 2 - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(8)": { "x": "calc(-5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(var(--outline-height) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(9)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) / 2 - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(var(--outline-height) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))" }, ":nth-child(10)": { "x": "calc(var(--outline-width) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))", "y": "calc(var(--outline-height) - 5px / var(--zoom, 1))" } } }, [`.${cursors[0]} :is(rect:nth-child(3), rect:nth-child(10)), .${cursors[1]} :is(rect:nth-child(6), rect:nth-child(7)), .${cursors[2]} :is(rect:nth-child(5), rect:nth-child(8)), .${cursors[3]} :is(rect:nth-child(4), rect:nth-child(9))`]: { "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, nwse-resize)" }, [`.${cursors[0]} :is(rect:nth-child(4), rect:nth-child(9)), .${cursors[1]} :is(rect:nth-child(3), rect:nth-child(10)), .${cursors[2]} :is(rect:nth-child(6), rect:nth-child(7)), .${cursors[3]} :is(rect:nth-child(5), rect:nth-child(8))`]: { "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, ns-resize)" }, [`.${cursors[0]} :is(rect:nth-child(5), rect:nth-child(8)), .${cursors[1]} :is(rect:nth-child(4), rect:nth-child(9)), .${cursors[2]} :is(rect:nth-child(3), rect:nth-child(10)), .${cursors[3]} :is(rect:nth-child(6), rect:nth-child(7))`]: { "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, nesw-resize)" }, [`.${cursors[0]} :is(rect:nth-child(6), rect:nth-child(7)), .${cursors[1]} :is(rect:nth-child(5), rect:nth-child(8)), .${cursors[2]} :is(rect:nth-child(4), rect:nth-child(9)), .${cursors[3]} :is(rect:nth-child(3), rect:nth-child(10))`]: { "cursor": "var(--outline-cursor, ew-resize)" }, [`.${hiddenLayer}`]: { "opacity": "var(--hiddenLayerOpacity, 0.5)", [`.${selectedLayerID}`]: { "opacity": "var(--hiddenLayerSelectedOpacity, 0.5)" } }, [`.${adminHideLight} #${layerLight}`]: { "display": "none" } }); amendNode(outline, {"id": outlineID, "style": "display: none", "onwheel": toolTokenWheel}, Array.from({length: 10}, (_, n) => rect({"onmouseover": toolTokenMouseOver, "onmousedown": function(this: SVGRectElement, e: MouseEvent) {, e, n); }}))), tokenSelectedReceive(() => { if (selected.token) { for (const [fn] of keys) { fn(); } } else { for (const [, fn] of keys) { fn(); } } lastToken = selected.token; }); keyEvent("Ctrl+z", undo.undo)[0](); keyEvent(["Ctrl+r", "Ctrl+y", "Ctrl+Shift+Z"], undo.redo)[0](); keyEvent("Ctrl+v", () => { if (copiedToken && selected.layer) { const {snap, width, height} = copiedToken, [x, y] = snap ? snapTokenToGrid(pasteCoords[0] - (width >> 1), pasteCoords[1] - (height >> 1), width, height) : [pasteCoords[0] - (width >> 1), pasteCoords[1] - (height >> 1)], tk: Token = Object.assign(cloneObject(copiedToken), {"id": 0, "x": Math.min(Math.max(0, x), mapData.width - width), "y": Math.min(Math.max(0, y), mapData.height - height)}); doTokenAdd(selected.layer.path, tk); } })[0](); mapLoadReceive(mapID => rpc.getMapData(mapID).then(mapData => { deselectToken(); selected.layer = null; const oldBase = base; oldBase.replaceWith(base = mapView(mapData)); amendNode(root, {"ondragover": mapOnDragOver, "ondrop": mapOnDrop}, amendNode(outline, {"style": "display: none"})); pasteCoords[0] = 0; pasteCoords[1] = 0; mapLoadedSend(true); })); defaultTool.mapMouse0 = function (this: SVGElement, e: MouseEvent) { [pasteCoords[0], pasteCoords[1]] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY); const {layer} = selected; if ((!e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey)) { let newToken: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing | null = null; for (const t of (e.ctrlKey ? allTokens() : layer?.tokens ?? []) as Iterable) { if (, e.clientY)) { newToken = t; } } if (newToken) { selectToken(newToken); psuedoUpdateCursor(outline.firstChild, e.ctrlKey); return false; } } if (!e.ctrlKey && ("--outline-cursor") === "pointer" || && ( as ChildNode).parentNode === outline)) { return false; } return moveMap(e, startMouseDrag0); } defaultTool.mapMouse1 = (e: MouseEvent) => moveMap(e, startMouseDrag1); defaultTool.mapMouseOver = () => { startMapMouseMove(); startControlOverride(); return false; }; defaultTool.tokenMouse0 = (e: MouseEvent, n: Uint) => { if ((!e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) && selected.token) { e.stopPropagation(); if (n === 0 && e.shiftKey) { const {layer, token} = selected; if (layer) { let newToken: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing | null = null; for (const tk of (e.ctrlKey ? allTokens() : layer.tokens) as Iterable) { if (tk === token) { if (newToken) { break; } } else if (, e.clientY)) { newToken = tk; } } if (newToken) { selectToken(newToken); } } } else { setupTokenDrag(); tokenDragMode = n; amendNode(root, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": ["move", "cell", "nwse-resize", "ns-resize", "nesw-resize", "ew-resize"][tokenDragMode < 2 ? tokenDragMode : (3.5 - Math.abs(5.5 - tokenDragMode) + ((selected.token.rotation + 143) >> 5)) % 4 + 2]}}); [tokenMousePos.mouseX, tokenMousePos.mouseY] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY); if (n === 0 && measureTokenMove.value) { const {token} = selected; startMeasurement(token.x + (token.width >> 1), token.y + (token.height >> 1)); } } } return false; }; defaultTool.tokenMouse2 = (e: MouseEvent) => { e.stopPropagation(); const {layer: currLayer, token: currToken} = selected; if (currLayer && currToken) { const tokenPos = currLayer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === currToken); amendNode(document.body, menu({"x": e.clientX, "y": e.clientY}, [ tokenContext(), isTokenImage(currToken) ? [ item({"onselect": () => currToken instanceof SVGToken && tokens.has( && tokenEdit(, lang["CONTEXT_EDIT_TOKEN"], currToken.tokenData, false)}, lang["CONTEXT_EDIT_TOKEN"]), item({"onselect": () => { if (currToken instanceof SVGToken && tokens.has( { doTokenSet({"id":, "flip": !currToken.flip}); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_FLIP"]), item({"onselect": () => { if (currToken instanceof SVGToken && tokens.has( { doTokenSet({"id":, "flop": !currToken.flop}); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_FLOP"]), item({"onselect": () => { if (currToken instanceof SVGToken && tokens.has( { if (!currToken.isPattern) { doTokenSet({"id":, "patternWidth": currToken.width, "patternHeight": currToken.height}); } else { doTokenSet({"id":, "patternWidth": 0, "patternHeight": 0}); } } }}, currToken.isPattern ? lang["CONTEXT_SET_IMAGE"] : lang["CONTEXT_SET_PATTERN"]) ] : [], item({"onselect": () => { const snap = currToken.snap, {x, y, width, height, rotation} = currToken; if (tokens.has( { if (!snap) { const [newX, newY] = snapTokenToGrid(x, y, width, height), newRotation = Math.round(rotation / 32) * 32 % 256; doTokenSet({"id":, "x": newX, "y": newY, "rotation": newRotation, "snap": !snap}); } else { doTokenSet({"id":, "snap": !snap}); } } }}, currToken.snap ? lang["CONTEXT_UNSNAP"] : lang["CONTEXT_SNAP"]), item({"onselect": () => { if (tokens.has( { setLighting(currToken); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_SET_LIGHTING"]), tokenPos < currLayer.tokens.length - 1 ? [ item({"onselect": () => { const currLayer = tokens.get(; if (currLayer && tokens.has( { doTokenMoveLayerPos(, currLayer.path, currLayer.tokens.length - 1); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_TOP"]), item({"onselect": () => { const currLayer = tokens.get(; if (currLayer && tokens.has( { doTokenMoveLayerPos(, currLayer.path, currLayer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === currToken) + 1); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_UP"]) ] : [], tokenPos > 0 ? [ item({"onselect": () => { const currLayer = tokens.get(; if (currLayer && tokens.has( { doTokenMoveLayerPos(, currLayer.path, currLayer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === currToken) - 1); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_DOWN"]), item({"onselect": () => { const currLayer = tokens.get(; if (currLayer && tokens.has( { doTokenMoveLayerPos(, currLayer.path, 0); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_BOTTOM"]) ] : [], submenu([ item(lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_LAYER"]), menu(makeLayerContext((sl: SVGLayer) => { if (tokens.has( { doTokenMoveLayerPos(, sl.path, sl.tokens.length); } }, ]), item({"onselect": () => doTokenRemove(}, lang["CONTEXT_DELETE"]) ])); } return false; }; defaultTool.mapMouse2 = (e: MouseEvent) => { const pos = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY); showSignal(pos); if (e.ctrlKey) { if (e.altKey) { rpc.setMapStart(pos); [mapData.startX, mapData.startY] = pos; } rpc.signalMovePosition(pos); } else { rpc.signalPosition(pos); } return false; }; defaultTool.set = () => { startCycleTokensForwards(); startCycleTokensBackwards(); } defaultTool.unset = () => { stopCycleTokensForwards(); stopCycleTokensBackwards(); cancelMapMouseMove(); cancelControlOverride(); amendNode(document.body, {"style": {"--outline-cursor": undefined}}); }; rpc.waitMapChange().when(d => doMapChange(d, false)); rpc.waitMapLightChange().when(c => doSetLightColour(c, false)); rpc.waitLayerShow().when(path => waitLayerShow[1](doShowHideLayer(path, true, false))); rpc.waitLayerHide().when(path => waitLayerHide[1](doShowHideLayer(path, false, false))); rpc.waitLayerShow().when(path => waitLayerLock[1](doLockUnlockLayer(path, true, false))); rpc.waitLayerHide().when(path => waitLayerUnlock[1](doLockUnlockLayer(path, false, false))); rpc.waitLayerAdd().when(name => waitAdded[1]([{id: 1, "name": doLayerAdd(name, false)}])); rpc.waitLayerFolderAdd().when(path => waitFolderAdded[1](doLayerFolderAdd(path, false))); rpc.waitLayerMove().when(({from, to, position}) => { doLayerMove(from, to, position, false); waitLayerPositionChange[1]({from, to, position}); }); rpc.waitLayerRename().when(lr => { doLayerRename(lr["path"], lr["name"], false); waitLayerRename[1](lr); }); rpc.waitLayerRemove().when(path => { checkSelectedLayer(path); const layer = getLayer(path); if (!layer) { handleError("Invalid layer remove"); return; } (isSVGFolder(layer) ? waitFolderRemoved : waitRemoved)[1](path); removeLayer(path); undo.clear(); }); rpc.waitTokenAdd().when(({path, token, pos}) => doTokenAdd(path, token, false, pos)(; rpc.waitTokenMoveLayerPos().when(({id, to, newPos}) => doTokenMoveLayerPos(id, to, newPos, false)); rpc.waitTokenSet().when(t => doTokenSet(t, false)); rpc.waitTokenSetMulti().when(t => doTokenSetMulti(t, false)); rpc.waitTokenRemove().when(tid => doTokenRemove(tid, false)); rpc.waitLayerShift().when(({path, dx, dy}) => doLayerShift(path, dx, dy, false)); rpc.waitWallAdded().when(w => doWallAdd(w, false)); rpc.waitWallRemoved().when(wid => doWallRemove(wid, false)); rpc.waitWallModified().when(w => doWallModify(w, false)); rpc.waitWallMoved().when(({id, path}) => doWallMove(id, path, false)); rpc.waitMapDataSet().when(({key, data}) => { if (key) { doMapDataSet(key, data, false); } }); rpc.waitMapDataRemove().when(key => doMapDataRemove(key, false)); rpc.waitMaskAdd().when(m => doMaskAdd(m, false)); rpc.waitMaskRemove().when(i => doMaskRemove(i, false)); rpc.waitMaskSet().when(ms => doMaskSet(ms, false)); rpc.waitGridDistanceChange().when(updateLight); hiddenLayerOpacity.wait(v => amendNode(document.body, {"style": {"--hiddenLayerOpacity": Math.max(Math.min(v, 255), 0) / 255}})); hiddenLayerSelectedOpacity.wait(v => amendNode(document.body, {"style": {"--hiddenLayerSelectedOpacity": Math.max(Math.min(v, 255), 0) / 255}})); };