import type {Binding} from './lib/bind.js'; import type {DragTransfer} from './lib/drag.js'; import type {FolderRPC} from './rpc.js'; import type {FolderItems, IDName, Uint, WidthHeight} from './types.js'; import {add, at, ids} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, details, div, h1, img, input, li, option, select, span, summary, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {autoFocus, queue, setAndReturn} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeMap, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {dragOver, folderDragging, folders, foldersItem, imageIcon, invertID, itemControl} from './ids.js';; import lang from './language.js'; import {inited, isAdmin} from './rpc.js'; import {invert} from './settings.js'; import {enterKey, labels} from './shared.js'; import {clearRight, copy, folder, newFolder, remove, rename} from './symbols.js'; import {loadingWindow, shell, windows} from './windows.js'; interface ItemConstructor { new (parent: Folder, id: Uint, name: string): Item; } interface FolderConstructor { new (root: Root, parent: Folder | null, name: string, children: FolderItems): Folder; } type FolderSorter = (a: Folder, b: Folder) => number; type ItemSorter = (a: Item, b: Item) => number; type Sorter = (a: Item | Folder, b: Item | Folder) => number; export type FolderDragItem = IDName & WidthHeight; const stringSorter = (a: Item | Folder, b: Item | Folder) => stringSort(,, idSorter = (a: Item, b: Item) => -, sorts = new WeakMap>(), getPaths = (folder: Folder, breadcrumb: string): string[] => [breadcrumb, ...(Array.from(folder.children.values()).filter(c => c instanceof Folder) as Folder[]).flatMap(p => getPaths(p, breadcrumb + + "/")).sort(stringSort)], folderIcon = div({"style": "transform: translateX(-9999px); display: inline-block"}, folder({"style": "width: 2em; height: 2em"})), clearDragOver = ({root: {[node]: n}}: Folder) => { amendNode(n, {"class": {[folderDragging]: false}}); for (const f of [...n.getElementsByClassName(dragOver), n]) { amendNode(f, {"class": {[dragOver]: false}}); } }, [item, folderIconID, foldersFolder, filter] = ids(4); invert.wait(i => amendNode(folderIcon, {"style": {"background-color": i ? "#000" : "#fff"}})); export abstract class Item { id: Uint; name: string; parent: Folder; [node]: HTMLElement; nameElem: HTMLSpanElement; renamer: SVGSymbolElement; copier: SVGSymbolElement; remover: SVGSymbolElement; constructor(parent: Folder, id: Uint, name: string) { = id; = name; this.parent = parent; this[node] = li({"class": foldersItem}, [ this.nameElem = span({"class": item, "onclick": () =>}, name), this.renamer = rename({"title": lang["ITEM_MOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => this.rename()}), this.copier = copy({"title": lang["ITEM_COPY_ADD"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => this.copy()}), this.remover = remove({"title": lang["ITEM_REMOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => this.remove()}) ]); } abstract show(): void; rename() { const self = this, root = self.parent.root, parentPath = this.parent.getPath() + "/", parents = select(getPaths(root.folder, "/").map(p => option(p === parentPath ? {"value": p, "selected": true} : {"value": p}, p))), newName = input({"type": "text", "value":, "onkeypress": enterKey}), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["ITEM_MOVE"]}, [ h1(lang["ITEM_MOVE"]), div([lang["OLD_LOCATION"], `: ${parentPath}${}`]), labels([lang["NEW_LOCATION"], ": "], parents), newName, br(), button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.move(parentPath +, parents.value + newName.value).then(newPath => { root.moveItem(parentPath +, newPath); w.remove(); }).finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": false}))), w); }}, lang["ITEM_MOVE"]) ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(newName); return w; } copy() { const self = this, root = self.parent.root, parentPath = this.parent.getPath() + "/", parents = select(getPaths(root.folder, "/").map(p => option(p === parentPath ? {"value": p, "selected": true} : {"value": p}, p))), newName = input({"type": "text", "value":, "onkeypress": enterKey}), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["ITEM_COPY_ADD"]}, [ h1(lang["ITEM_COPY_ADD"]), div([lang["CURRENT_LOCATION"], `: ${parentPath}${}`]), labels([lang["ITEM_COPY_NEW"], ": "], parents), newName, br(), button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.copy(, parents.value + newName.value).then(copied => { root.copyItem(,, copied.path); w.remove(); }).finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": false}))), w); }}, lang["ITEM_COPY_ADD"]) ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(newName); return w; } remove() { const root = this.parent.root, path = this.getPath(), pathDiv = div(path), b = button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.remove(path).then(() => { root.removeItem(path); w.remove(); }) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}))), w); }}, lang["ITEM_REMOVE"]), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["ITEM_REMOVE"]}, [ h1(lang["ITEM_REMOVE"]), div(lang["ITEM_REMOVE_CONFIRM"]), pathDiv, b ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(b); return w; } getPath() { return this.parent.getPath() + "/" +; } delete() {} filter(terms: string[]) { const name =; let ret = true; for (const term of terms) { if (!name.includes(term)) { ret = false; break; } } amendNode(this[node], {"style": {"display": ret ? undefined : "none"}}); return ret; } } export abstract class DraggableItem extends Item { readonly image = img({"class": imageIcon, "loading": "lazy", "onload": () => { this.#width = this.image.naturalWidth; this.#height = this.image.naturalHeight; }}); #icon: HTMLDivElement = div(this.image); #width: Uint = -1; #height: Uint = -1; #dragKey: string; #dragTransfer: DragTransfer; constructor(parent: Folder, id: Uint, name: string, dt: DragTransfer, showOnMouseOver = false) { super(parent, id, name); this.#dragTransfer = dt; this.#dragKey = dt.register(this); amendNode(this[node].firstChild!, { "draggable": "true", "onmouseover": () => amendNode(document.body, amendNode(this.#icon, {"style": showOnMouseOver ? undefined : {"transform": "translateX(-9999px)"}})), "onmousemove": showOnMouseOver ? (e: MouseEvent) => amendNode(this.#icon, {"style": {"--icon-top": (e.clientY + 5) + "px", "--icon-left": (e.clientX + 5) + "px"}}) : undefined, "onmouseout": () => this.removeIcon(), "ondragstart": this, "ondragend": this }); } get width() { return this.#width } get height() { return this.#height } handleEvent(e: DragEvent) { if (e.type === "dragend") { this.ondragend(e); } else if (e.type === "dragstart") { this.ondragstart(e); } } ondragstart(e: DragEvent) { if (this.#width === -1 || this.#height === -1) { e.preventDefault(); return; } this.#dragTransfer.set(e, this.#dragKey, this.#icon); amendNode(this.#icon.parentNode ? null : document.body, amendNode(this.#icon, {"style": {"transform": "translateX(-9999px)"}})); setTimeout(amendNode, 0, this.parent.root[node], {"class": [folderDragging]}); } ondragend(_e: DragEvent) { if (this.parent instanceof DragFolder) { clearDragOver(this.parent); } } transfer(): FolderDragItem { return this; } delete() { this.removeIcon(); this.#dragTransfer.deregister(this.#dragKey); } removeIcon() { amendNode(this.#icon, {"style": {"transform": undefined}}).remove(); } } export class Folder { parent: Folder | null; name: string; [node]: HTMLElement; children: NodeMap; root: Root; nameElem: HTMLSpanElement; renamer: SVGSymbolElement; newer: SVGSymbolElement; remover: SVGSymbolElement; constructor(root: Root, parent: Folder | null, name: string, children: FolderItems) { this.root = root; this.parent = parent; this.children = new NodeMap(ul({"class": folders}), this.sorter); this.nameElem = span(name); this.renamer = rename({"title": lang["FOLDER_MOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": (e: Event) => this.rename(e)}); this.newer = newFolder({"title": lang["FOLDER_ADD"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": (e: Event) => this.newFolder(e)}); this.remover = remove({"title": lang["FOLDER_REMOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": (e: Event) => this.remove(e)}); if ( = name) { this[node] = li({"class": foldersFolder}, [ details([ summary([ folder({"class": folderIconID}), this.nameElem, this.renamer, this.newer, this.remover ]), this.children ]) ]); } else { this[node] = div(); } for (const name in children.folders) { this.children.set(name, new this.root.newFolder(root, this, name, children.folders[name])); } for (const name in children.items) { this.children.set(name, new this.root.newItem(this, children.items[name], name)); } } get folderSorter() { return stringSorter; } get itemSorter() { return this.parent === null ? idSorter : stringSorter; } get sorter() { const fs = this.folderSorter, is = this.itemSorter, m = sorts.get(fs); if (m) { const fn = m.get(is); if (fn) { return fn; } } const fn = (a: Item | Folder, b: Item | Folder) => a instanceof Folder ? b instanceof Folder ? fs(a, b) : -1 : b instanceof Folder ? 1 : is(a, b); if (m) { m.set(is, fn); } else { sorts.set(fs, new WeakMap([[is, fn]])); } return fn; } rename(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); const root = this.root, oldPath = this.getPath() + "/", parentPath = this.parent ? this.parent.getPath() + "/" : "/", parents = select(getPaths(root.folder, "/").filter(p => !p.startsWith(oldPath)).map(p => option(p === parentPath ? {"value": p, "selected": true} : {"value": p}, p))), newName = input({"type": "text", "value":, "onkeypress": enterKey}), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["FOLDER_MOVE"]}, [ h1(lang["FOLDER_MOVE"]), div([lang["OLD_LOCATION"], `: ${oldPath.slice(0, -1)}`]), labels([lang["NEW_LOCATION"], ": "], parents), newName, br(), button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.moveFolder(oldPath, parents.value + "/" + newName.value).then(newPath => { root.moveFolder(oldPath.slice(0, -1), newPath); w.remove(); }) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}))), w); }}, lang["FOLDER_MOVE"]) ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(newName); return w; } remove(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); const root = this.root, path = this.getPath(), pathDiv = div(path), b = button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.removeFolder(path).then(() => { root.removeFolder(path); w.remove(); }) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}))), w); }}, lang["FOLDER_REMOVE"]), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["FOLDER_REMOVE"]}, [ h1(lang["FOLDER_REMOVE"]), div(lang["FOLDER_REMOVE_CONFIRM"]), pathDiv, b ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(b); return w; } newFolder(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); const root = this.root, path = this.getPath(), folderName = input({"onkeypress": enterKey}), w = windows({"window-icon": root.windowIcon, "window-title": lang["FOLDER_ADD"]}, [ h1(lang["FOLDER_ADD"]), labels([lang["FOLDER_NAME"], `: ${path + "/"}`], folderName), br(), button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); loadingWindow(queue(() => root.rpcFuncs.createFolder(path + "/" + folderName.value).then(folder => { root.addFolder(folder); w.remove(); }) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}))), w); }}, lang["FOLDER_ADD"]) ]); amendNode(shell, w); autoFocus(folderName); return w; } addItem(id: Uint, name: string) { return this.getItem(name) ?? setAndReturn(this.children, name, new this.root.newItem(this, id, name)); } getItem(name: string) { return this.children.get(name) as (Item | undefined); } removeItem(name: string) { const old = this.children.get(name) as Item; if (old) { this.children.delete(name); old.delete(); return; } return -1; } addFolder(name: string) { return name === "" ? this : this.getFolder(name) ?? setAndReturn(this.children, name, new this.root.newFolder(this.root, this, name, {folders: {}, items: {}})); } getFolder(name: string) { return this.children.get(name) as Folder | undefined; } removeFolder(name: string) { const old = this.children.get(name) as Folder | undefined; if (old) { this.children.delete(name); } return old; } getPath() { const breadcrumbs = []; for (let f: Folder | null = this; f; f = f.parent) { breadcrumbs.push(; } return breadcrumbs.reverse().join("/"); } delete() { this.children.clear(); } filter(terms: string[]) { const name =; let ret = true; for (const term of terms) { if (!name.includes(term)) { ret = false; break; } } for (const [, c] of this.children) { if (c.filter(terms)) { ret = true; } } if ( { amendNode(this[node], {"style": {"display": ret ? undefined : "none"}}); } return ret; } } export abstract class DragFolder extends Folder { #dragTransfer: DragTransfer; #dragFolder?: DragTransfer; #dragKey: string; constructor(root: Root, parent: Folder | null, name: string, children: FolderItems, dragTransfer: DragTransfer, dragFolder?: DragTransfer) { super(root, parent, name, children); this.#dragTransfer = dragTransfer; this.#dragKey = (this.#dragFolder = dragFolder)?.register(this) ?? ""; if (name && dragFolder) { amendNode(this.nameElem, {"draggable": "true", "ondragstart": this, "ondragend": this}); } amendNode(this[node], {"ondragover": this, "ondrop": this, "ondragenter": this, "ondragleave": this}); if (parent === null) { amendNode(this[node], {"onmouseover": () => clearDragOver(this)}); } } handleEvent(e: DragEvent) { switch (e.type) { case "dragover": return this.ondragover(e); case "drop": return this.ondrop(e); case "dragenter": return this.ondragenter(e); case "dragleave": return this.ondragleave(e); case "dragstart": if (!folderIcon.parentNode) { amendNode(document.body, folderIcon); } this.#dragFolder?.set(e, this.#dragKey, folderIcon); break; case "dragend": clearDragOver(this); } } ondragover(e: DragEvent) { e.stopPropagation(); if (this.#dragFolder?.is(e)) { const folder = this.#dragFolder.get(e); for (let f: Folder | null = this; f; f = f.parent) { if (f === folder) { e.dataTransfer!.dropEffect = "none"; return; } } e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer!.dropEffect = "move"; } else if ( { e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer!.dropEffect = "move"; } } ondragenter(e: DragEvent) { e.stopPropagation(); if (this.#dragFolder?.is(e)) { const folder = this.#dragFolder.get(e); for (let f: Folder | null = this; f; f = f.parent) { if (f === folder) { return; } } } else if (! { return; } amendNode(this[node], {"class": [dragOver]}); amendNode(this.root[node], {"class": [folderDragging]}); } ondragleave(e: DragEvent) { amendNode(this[node], {"class": {[dragOver]: false}}); e.stopPropagation(); } ondrop(e: DragEvent) { clearDragOver(this); e.stopPropagation(); if ( { const {parent, name} = this.#dragTransfer.get(e); if (parent !== this) { const parentPath = parent.getPath() + "/"; queue(() => this.root.rpcFuncs.move(parentPath + name, this.getPath() + "/" + name).then(newPath => this.root.moveItem(parentPath + name, newPath))); } } else if (this.#dragFolder?.is(e)) { const folder = this.#dragFolder.get(e), parent = folder.parent; if (parent !== this) { for (let f: Folder | null = this; f; f = f.parent) { if (f === folder) { return; } } const oldPath = folder.getPath(); queue(() => this.root.rpcFuncs.moveFolder(oldPath + "/", this.getPath() + "/" + => this.root.moveFolder(oldPath, newPath))); } } } transfer() { return this; } } export class Root { #fileType: Binding; folder!: Folder; rpcFuncs!: FolderRPC; newItem: ItemConstructor; newFolder: FolderConstructor; windowIcon?: string; [node]!: HTMLElement; constructor (rootFolder: FolderItems, fileType: Binding, rpcFuncs: FolderRPC | null, newItem: ItemConstructor, newFolder: FolderConstructor = Folder) { this.newItem = newItem; this.newFolder = newFolder; this.#fileType = fileType; if (rpcFuncs) { this.setRPCFuncs(rpcFuncs);, rootFolder); } } setRoot(rootFolder: FolderItems) { if (this.rpcFuncs) { const f = this.folder = new this.newFolder(this, null, "", rootFolder); clearNode(this[node] ??= this.folder[node], [ span({"style": "margin-right: 0.5em"}, this.#fileType), f.newer, this.filter ? [ labels(input({"class": filter, "placeholder": lang["FILTER"], "oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { const terms = this.value.toLowerCase().split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { if (terms[i].charAt(0) === '"') { while (terms.length > i+1) { if (terms[i].slice(-1) === '"') { break; } terms[i] += " " + terms.splice(i+1, 1)[0]; } terms[i] = terms[i].slice(1, terms[i].slice(-1) === '"' ? -1 : undefined); } } f.filter(terms); }}), clearRight(), {"title": lang["FILTER_CLEAR"], "onclick": function(this: HTMLLabelElement) { const c = this.control as HTMLInputElement; c.value = ""; c.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); }}), br() ] : [], f.children ]); } } setRPCFuncs(rpcFuncs: FolderRPC) { if (!this.rpcFuncs) { this.rpcFuncs = rpcFuncs; rpcFuncs.waitAdded().when(items => { for (const {id, name} of items) { this.addItem(id, name); } }); rpcFuncs.waitMoved().when(({from, to}) => this.moveItem(from, to)); rpcFuncs.waitRemoved().when(item => this.removeItem(item)); rpcFuncs.waitCopied().when(({oldID, newID, path}) => this.copyItem(oldID, newID, path)); rpcFuncs.waitFolderAdded().when(folder => this.addFolder(folder)); rpcFuncs.waitFolderMoved().when(({from, to}) => this.moveFolder(from, to)); rpcFuncs.waitFolderRemoved().when(folder => this.removeFolder(folder)); } } get filter() { return true; } get root() { return this; } resolvePath(path: string): [Folder | null, string] { const breadcrumbs = path.split("/"), sub = breadcrumbs.pop() ?? ""; let folder: Folder = this.folder; for (const b of breadcrumbs) { if (b) { const f = folder.getFolder(b); if (!f) { return [null, sub]; } folder = f; } } return [folder, sub]; } addItem(id: Uint, path: string) { const [folder, name] = this.resolvePath(path); return folder?.addItem(id, name); } getItem(path: string) { const [folder, name] = this.resolvePath(path); return folder?.getItem(name); } moveItem(from: string, to: string) { this.addItem(this.removeItem(from), to); } copyItem(_oldID: Uint, newID: Uint, path: string) { this.addItem(newID, path); } removeItem(path: string) { const [folder, name] = this.resolvePath(path); return folder?.removeItem(name) ?? -1; } addFolder(path: string) { const parts = path.split("/"); let f = this.folder.addFolder(parts.shift()!); for (const p of parts) { f = f.addFolder(p); } return f; } moveFolder(from: string, to: string) { const f = this.removeFolder(from); if (f) { const t = this.addFolder(to); for (const [name, c] of f.children) { c.parent = t; t.children.set(name, c); } return f; } return undefined; } removeFolder(path: string) { const [folder, name] = this.resolvePath(path); return folder?.removeFolder(name); } } inited.then(() => { if (isAdmin) { add({ [`.${folders}`]: { "margin": 0, " details summary": { "list-style": "none", "outline": "none", "cursor": "pointer", "grid-template-columns": "1em auto 1em 1em 1em" }, [` summary>.${folderIconID}`]: { "width": "1em", "height": "1em" }, [` details[open]>summary>.${folderIconID}`]: { "--folder-closed": "none", "--folder-open": "block" } }, "summary::-webkit-details-marker": { "display": "none" }, [`.${item}`]: { "cursor": "pointer" }, [`.${foldersItem}:hover,.${foldersFolder}>details summary:hover`]: { "background-color": "#888" }, [`.${folders} summary,.${foldersItem}`]: { "display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "auto 1em 1em 1em" }, [`.${itemControl}`]: { "background-size": "1em", "background-position": "bottom center", "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "width": "1em", "height": "1em", "display": "inline-block", "margin-right": "0.2em", "cursor": "pointer" }, [`.${imageIcon}`]: { "position": "absolute", "top": "var(--icon-top, 0)", "left": "var(--icon-left, 0)", "max-width": "100px", "max-height": "100px", "z-index": 2 }, [`.${filter}`]: { "float": "right", "text-align": "right", "border-width": "2px 2px 2px 0", "border-color": "#000", "border-style": "inset", "background": "#fff", "outline": "none", "height": "1em", "+br": { "border-width": "1px", "clear": "right" }, ":placeholder-shown": { "padding-left": "calc(1em + 4px)", "border-left-width": "2px", "+label": { "display": "none" } }, "+label": { "float": "right", "display": "inline-block", "font-size": "0.83333333em", "border-width": "2px 0px 2px 2px", "border-color": "#000", "border-style": "inset", "padding": "1px", "background": "#fff", "cursor": "pointer", "height": "1em", " svg": { "width": "1em", "height": "1em" } } }, [`.${dragOver}`]: { "background-color": "#aaa", ">details>summary,>span": { "background-color": "#888" } }, [`.${folderDragging}`]: { " *": { "pointer-events": "none" }, [` .${foldersFolder}`]: { "pointer-events": "auto" }, ">ul:after": { "content": "\" \"", "height": "1em", "display": "block" } } }); at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)", { [`:root.${invertID} .${dragOver}`]: { "background-color": "#555" } }); at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)", { [`:root:not(.${invertID}) .${dragOver}`]: { "background-color": "#555" } }); } });