import type {LightWall} from './map_lighting.js'; import type {SVGDrawing, SVGShape} from './map_tokens.js'; import type {Int, LayerFolder, LayerTokens, MapData, MapDetails, Token, TokenDrawing, TokenImage, TokenSet, Uint, Wall} from './types.js'; import {add, at, ids} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {mouseDragEvent} from './lib/events.js'; import Fraction from './lib/fraction.js'; import {div, progress} from './lib/html.js'; import {WaitGroup} from './lib/inter.js'; import {checkInt, queue} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, node} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {animate, circle, g, rect, svg, use} from './lib/svg.js'; import {Colour, noColour} from './colours.js'; import {gridPattern, hiddenLayer, hideZoomSlider, invertID, layerGrid, layerLight, lighting, mapID, mapMask, zooming, zoomSliderID} from './ids.js'; import {registerKeyEvent} from './keys.js'; import lang from './language.js'; import {intersection, makeLight} from './map_lighting.js'; import {Lighting, SQRT3, SVGToken, definitions, masks, tokens} from './map_tokens.js'; import {addLights, addWalls, drawingClass, handleWalls, shapeClass, tokenClass} from './plugins.js'; import {combined, inited, isAdmin, isUser, rpc} from './rpc.js'; import {enableAnimation, scrollAmount, zoomSlider} from './settings.js'; import {characterData, cloneObject, mapLoadedReceive, mapLoadedSend, walls} from './shared.js'; import {defaultTool, toolMapMouseDown, toolMapMouseOver, toolMapWheel} from './tools.js'; import {isUint} from './types.js'; import {desktop} from './windows.js'; export type SVGLayer = LayerTokens & { [node]: SVGElement; l: SVGElement; path: string; tokens: NodeArray; } export type SVGFolder = LayerFolder & { [node]: SVGElement; l: SVGElement; path: string; children: NodeArray; } export let root = svg(), layerList: SVGFolder, mapData: MapData, wallList: LightWall[] = []; const idNames: Record = { "": 0, "Grid": -1, "Light": -2 }, processLayers = (wg: WaitGroup | undefined, layer: LayerTokens | LayerFolder, path = ""): SVGFolder | SVGLayer => { path += "/" +; const l = g(isAdmin && layer.hidden ? {"class": hiddenLayer} : undefined); if (isLayerFolder(layer)) { const children = new NodeArray(l); for (const c of layer.children) { children.push(processLayers(wg, c, path)); } return Object.assign(layer, {[node]: isUser && layer.hidden ? g() : l, l, children, path}); } const tokens = new NodeArray(l); if ( !== "Grid" && !== "Light") { for (const t of layer.tokens) { tokens.push(isTokenImage(t) ? new tokenClass(t, wg) : isTokenDrawing(t) ? new drawingClass(t) : new shapeClass(t)); } } else { amendNode(l, {"id": === "Grid" ? layerGrid : layerLight}); layer.walls = []; } return Object.assign(layer, {id: idNames[] ?? 1, [node]: isUser && layer.hidden ? g() : l, l, path, tokens}); }, isLayerFolder = (ld: LayerTokens | LayerFolder): ld is LayerFolder => (ld as LayerFolder).children !== undefined, walkFolders = (folder: SVGFolder, fn: (e: SVGLayer | SVGFolder) => boolean): boolean => (folder.children as NodeArray).some(e => fn(e) || (isSVGFolder(e) && walkFolders(e, fn))), lightList: Lighting[] = [], [mapBase, mapLoading] = ids(3); export const splitAfterLastSlash = (path: string) => { const pos = path.lastIndexOf("/"); return [path.slice(0, pos), path.slice(pos+1)]; }, walkLayers = (fn: (e: SVGLayer, hidden: boolean) => void, folder: SVGFolder = layerList, hidden = false) => { for (const e of (folder.children as (SVGFolder | SVGLayer)[])) { if (isSVGLayer(e)) { fn(e, hidden || e.hidden); } else { walkLayers(fn, e, hidden || e.hidden); } } }, isSVGFolder = (c: SVGFolder | SVGLayer): c is SVGFolder => (c as SVGFolder).children !== undefined, isSVGLayer = (c: SVGFolder | SVGLayer): c is SVGLayer => (c as SVGLayer).tokens !== undefined, getLayer = (path: string, layer: SVGFolder | SVGLayer = layerList) => path.split("/").filter(b => b).every(p => { if (isSVGFolder(layer)) { const a = (layer.children as NodeArray).filter(c => === p).pop(); if (a) { layer = a; return true; } } return false; }) ? layer : null, getParentLayer = (path: string): [SVGFolder | null, SVGFolder | SVGLayer | null] => { const [parentStr, name] = splitAfterLastSlash(path), parent = getLayer(parentStr); return parent && isSVGFolder(parent) ? [parent, getLayer(name, parent)] : [null, null]; }, setLayerVisibility = (path: string, visibility: boolean) => { const layer = getLayer(path); if (isUser) { if (layer) { if (visibility) { if (layer[node] !== layer.l) { layer[node].replaceWith(layer[node] = layer.l!); } } else { if (layer[node] === layer.l) { layer.l.replaceWith(layer[node] = g()) } } layer.hidden = !visibility; } } else { layer?.[node].classList.toggle(hiddenLayer, layer.hidden = !visibility); } updateLight(); }, addLayerFolder = (path: string) => (layerList.children.push(processLayers(undefined, {"id": 0, "name": splitAfterLastSlash(path)[1], "hidden": false, "locked": false, "children": [], "folders": {}, "items": {}})), path), renameLayer = (path: string, name: string) => { const l = getLayer(path)!; l.path = `${splitAfterLastSlash(path)[0]}/${name}`; return = name; }, removeLayer = (path: string) => { const [fromParent, layer] = getParentLayer(path); (fromParent!.children as NodeArray).filterRemove(e =>, layer)); updateLight(); }, addLayer = (name: string) => (layerList.children.push(processLayers(undefined, {name, "id": 0, "hidden": false, "locked": false, "tokens": [], "walls": []})), name), moveLayer = (from: string, to: string, pos: Uint) => { const [parentStr, nameStr] = splitAfterLastSlash(from), fromParent = getLayer(parentStr)!, toParent = getLayer(to) as SVGFolder; if (isSVGFolder(fromParent)) { const l = (fromParent.children as NodeArray).filterRemove(e => === nameStr).pop(); l.path = to + "/" +; toParent.children.splice(pos, 0, l); } updateLight(); }, setMapDetails = (details: MapDetails) => { Object.assign(mapData, details); amendNode(root, {"width": details["width"], "height": details["height"]}); definitions.setGrid(details); updateLight(); }, setLightColour = (c: Colour) => definitions.setLight(mapData.lightColour = c), isTokenImage = (t: Token): t is TokenImage => (t as TokenImage).src !== undefined, isTokenDrawing = (t: Token): t is TokenDrawing => (t as TokenDrawing).points !== undefined, normaliseWall = (w: Wall) => { if (w.x1 > w.x2 || w.x1 === w.x2 && w.y1 > w.y2) { [w.x1, w.x2, w.y1, w.y2] = [w.x2, w.x1, w.y2, w.y1]; } return w; }, updateLight = () => { const {gridSize, gridDistance, width, height} = mapData, fWidth = new Fraction(BigInt(width)), fHeight = new Fraction(BigInt(height)), walls: LightWall[] = [ { "id": -1, "x1":, "y1":, "x2": fWidth, "y2":, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }, { "id": -2, "x1": fWidth, "y1":, "x2": fWidth, "y2": fHeight, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }, { "id": -3, "x1":, "y1": fHeight, "x2": fWidth, "y2": fHeight, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }, { "id": -4, "x1":, "y1":, "x2":, "y2": fHeight, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 } ], lights: Lighting[] = [], processWalls = (ws: Wall[]) => { for (const {id, x1: nx1, y1: ny1, x2: nx2, y2: ny2, colour, scattering} of ws) { const l = walls.length, x1 = new Fraction(BigInt(nx1)), y1 = new Fraction(BigInt(ny1)), x2 = new Fraction(BigInt(nx2)), y2 = new Fraction(BigInt(ny2)), points: [Fraction, Fraction][] = [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]; for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const {id: wid, x1: x3, y1: y3, x2: x4, y2: y4, colour: wc, scattering: ws} = walls[i], [ix, iy] = intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); if (ix.cmp(Fraction.min(x1, x2)) === 1 && ix.cmp(Fraction.min(x3, x4)) === 1 && ix.cmp(Fraction.max(x1, x2)) === -1 && ix.cmp(Fraction.max(x3, x4)) === -1 && iy.cmp(Fraction.min(y1, y2)) === 1 && iy.cmp(Fraction.min(y3, y4)) === 1 && iy.cmp(Fraction.max(y1, y2)) === -1 && iy.cmp(Fraction.max(y3, y4)) === -1) { walls[i].x2 = ix; walls[i].y2 = iy; walls.push({"id": wid, "x1": ix, "y1": iy, "x2": x4, "y2": y4, "colour": wc, "scattering": ws}); points.push([ix, iy]); /* } else if (ix.isNaN()) { const dx = x2.sub(x1), dy = y2.sub(y1), minXW1 = Fraction.min(x1, x2), minXW2 = Fraction.min(x3, x4), maxXW1 = Fraction.max(x1, x2), maxXW2 = Fraction.max(x3, x4), minYW1 = Fraction.min(y1, y2), minYW2 = Fraction.min(y3, y4), maxYW1 = Fraction.max(y1, y2), maxYW2 = Fraction.max(y3, y4); if ((!dx && !x2.cmp(x3) || !dx.mul(y1).sub(dy.mul(x1)).cmp(dx.mul(y3).sub(dy.mul(x4)))) && maxXW1 > minXW2 && minXW1 < maxXW2 && maxYW1 > minYW2 && minYW1 < maxYW2) { const m = dy.sign() === dx.sign(), ox1 = Fraction.max(minXW1, minXW2), oy1 = Fraction[m ? "max" : "min"](minYW1, minYW2), ox2 = Fraction.min(maxXW1, maxXW2), oy2 = Fraction[m ? "min" : "max"](maxYW1, maxYW2); walls.push({"id": oid--, "x1": ox1, "y1": oy1, "x2": ox2, "y2": oy2, "colour": new Colour(Math.max(colour.r, wc.r), Math.max(colour.g, wc.g), Math.max(colour.b, wc.b), Math.max(colour.a, wc.a)), "scattering": Math.max(ws, scattering)}); // split original wall // record splits for current wall } */ } } points.sort(([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) => x1.cmp(x2) || y1.cmp(y2)); for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { const [x1, y1] = points[i-1], [x2, y2] = points[i]; walls.push({id, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, scattering}); } } }, processLights = (ls: Lighting[]) => { for (const tk of ls) { if (tk.lightTimings.length && tk.lightStages.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) { if (tk.lightTimings.length > 1 && !enableAnimation.value) { const [x, y] = tk.getCentre(), [lx, ly] = tk.getLightPos(); lights.push(new Lighting(x, y, lx, ly, => [cs[0] ?? noColour]), tk.lightStages, [0])); } else { lights.push(tk); } } } }; let oid = -5; walkLayers((l: SVGLayer, hidden: boolean) => { if (!hidden) { processWalls((addWalls( as Wall[]).map(w => ( = oid--, w)).concat(...l.walls)); processLights(addLights(; } }); processWalls((addWalls("") as Wall[]).map(w => ( = oid--, w))); processLights(addLights("")); let wallsChanged = walls.length !== wallList.length, lid = 0; for (let i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) { const w = walls[i]; if (!wallsChanged) { const x = wallList[i]; wallsChanged = !!w.x1.cmp(x.x1) || !!w.x2.cmp(x.x2) || !!w.y1.cmp(x.y1) || !!w.y2.cmp(x.y2) || w.scattering !== x.scattering || w.colour.toString() !== x.colour.toString(); } Object.freeze(w); } if (wallsChanged) { definitions.clearLighting(); } for (; lid < lights.length; lid++) { const light = lights[lid]; if (!wallsChanged && lightList.length > lid) { const oldLight = lightList[lid], cL = light.getCentre(), cO = oldLight.getCentre(), lpL = light.getLightPos(), lpO = oldLight.getLightPos(); let lightChanged = cL[0] !== cO[0] || cL[1] !== cO[1] || lpL[0] !== lpO[0] || lpL[1] !== lpO[1] || light.lightStages.length !== oldLight.lightStages.length || light.lightTimings.length !== oldLight.lightTimings.length; if (!lightChanged) { for (let j = 0; !lightChanged && j < light.lightStages.length; j++) { lightChanged = light.lightStages[j] !== oldLight.lightStages[j]; } } if (!lightChanged) { for (let j = 0; !lightChanged && j < light.lightTimings.length; j++) { lightChanged = light.lightTimings[j] !== oldLight.lightTimings[j]; } } if (!lightChanged) { for (let j = 0; !lightChanged && j < light.lightColours.length; j++) { for (let k = 0; !lightChanged && k < light.lightColours[0].length; k++) { lightChanged = light.lightColours[j][k].toString() !== oldLight.lightColours[j][k].toString(); } } } if (!lightChanged) { continue; } definitions.clearLightGroup("L" + lid); } definitions.setLightGroup("L" + lid); makeLight(light, walls, gridSize / (gridDistance || 1)); const [cx, cy] = light.getCentre(), [lx, ly] = light.getLightPos(); lightList.splice(lid, 1, new Lighting(cx, cy, lx, ly, cloneObject(light.lightColours), cloneObject(light.lightStages), cloneObject(light.lightTimings))); } for (; lid < lightList.length; lid++) { definitions.clearLightGroup("L" + lid); } if (lightList.length > lights.length) { lightList.splice(lights.length, lightList.length - lights.length); } if (wallsChanged) { wallList = walls; handleWalls(walls); } }, showSignal = (() => { const signalAnim1 = animate({"attributeName": "r", "values": "4;46", "dur": "1s"}), signalAnim2 = animate({"attributeName": "r", "values": "4;46", "dur": "1s"}), signal = g([ circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 50, "stroke": "#f00", "stroke-width": 8, "fill": "none"}, signalAnim1), circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 50, "stroke": "#00f", "stroke-width": 4, "fill": "none"}, signalAnim2) ]); return (pos: [Uint, Uint]) => { amendNode(root, amendNode(signal, {"transform": `translate(${pos[0] - 50}, ${pos[1] - 50})`})); signalAnim1.beginElement(); signalAnim2.beginElement(); }; })(), panZoom = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "zoom": 1}, screen2Grid = (() => { const points: readonly [number, number][] = [ [0, 1/6], [0, 2/6], [0, 3/6], [0, 5/6], [1/4, 1/12], [1/4, 7/12], [1/2, 0], [1/2, 1/3], [1/2, 2/3], [1/2, 5/6], [1/2, 1], [3/4, 1/12], [3/4, 7/12], [1, 1/6], [1, 2/6], [1, 3/6], [1, 5/6] ]; return (mx: Uint, my: Uint, snap = false): [Int, Int] => { const {width, height, gridType, gridSize} = mapData, {x, y, zoom} = panZoom, sx = (mx + ((zoom - 1) * width / 2) - x) / zoom, sy = (my + ((zoom - 1) * height / 2) - y) / zoom; if (snap) { switch (gridType) { case 1: case 2: { const o = 2 * Math.round(1.5 * gridSize / SQRT3), w = gridType === 1 ? gridSize : o, h = gridType === 2 ? gridSize : o, px = sx / w, py = sy / h, dx = px % 1, dy = py % 1, first = gridType - 1, second = 1 - first; let nearestPoint: [number, number] = [0, 0], nearest = Infinity; for (const point of points) { const d = Math.hypot(point[first] - dx, point[second] - dy); if (d < nearest) { nearest = d; nearestPoint = point; } } return [Math.round((Math.floor(px) + nearestPoint[first]) * w), Math.round((Math.floor(py) + nearestPoint[second]) * h)]; } default: const size = gridSize >> 1; return [size * Math.round(sx / size), size * Math.round(sy / size)]; } } return [Math.round(sx), Math.round(sy)]; }; })(), zoom = (() => { const zoomMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { const v = Math.max(10, Math.min(110, e.clientY)); amendNode(zoomerControl, {"cy": v}); zoom(Math.pow(1.4, (60 - v) / 10) / panZoom.zoom, window.innerWidth >> 1, window.innerHeight >> 1, false); }, [setupZoomDrag] = mouseDragEvent(0, zoomMove, () => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[zooming]: false}})), zoomWheel = (e: WheelEvent) => zoom(Math.sign(e.deltaY) * 0.95, window.innerWidth >> 1, window.innerHeight >> 1), zoomerControl = circle({"cx": 10, "cy": 60, "r": 10, "stroke": "#000", "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 0) { setupZoomDrag(); amendNode(document.body, {"class": [zooming]}); } }, "onwheel": zoomWheel}), l4 = Math.log(1.4); inited.then(() => amendNode(desktop, svg({"id": zoomSliderID, "viewBox": "0 0 20 120"}, [ rect({"width": 20, "height": 120, "rx": 10, "stroke": "#000", "onclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 0) { zoomMove(e); } }, "onwheel": zoomWheel}), zoomerControl ]))); zoomSlider.wait(enabled => amendNode(desktop, {"class": {[hideZoomSlider]: enabled}})); mapLoadedReceive(() => amendNode(zoomerControl, {"cy": "60"})); return (delta: number, x: number, y: number, moveControl = true) => { const width = checkInt(parseInt(root.getAttribute("width") || "0"), 0) / 2, height = checkInt(parseInt(root.getAttribute("height") || "0"), 0) / 2, oldZoom = panZoom.zoom; if (delta < 0) { panZoom.zoom /= -delta; } else if (delta > 0) { panZoom.zoom *= delta; } panZoom.x += x - (panZoom.zoom * ((x + (oldZoom - 1) * width) - panZoom.x) / oldZoom + panZoom.x - (panZoom.zoom - 1) * width); panZoom.y += y - (panZoom.zoom * ((y + (oldZoom - 1) * height) - panZoom.y) / oldZoom + panZoom.y - (panZoom.zoom - 1) * height); amendNode(root, {"transform": `scale(${panZoom.zoom})` ,"style": {"left": panZoom.x + "px", "top": panZoom.y + "px", "--zoom": panZoom.zoom}}); if (moveControl) { amendNode(zoomerControl, {"cy": Math.max(10, 120 - Math.min(110, 60 + 10 * Math.log(panZoom.zoom) / l4))}); } }; })(), centreOnGrid = (x: Uint, y: Uint) => { const {width, height} = mapData, iw = window.innerWidth, ih = window.innerHeight, {zoom} = panZoom; panZoom.x = Math.min(Math.max((iw - width) / 2 - (x - width / 2) * zoom, iw - width * (zoom + 1) / 2), width * (zoom - 1) / 2); panZoom.y = Math.min(Math.max((ih - height) / 2 - (y - height / 2) * zoom, ih - height * (zoom + 1) / 2), height * (zoom - 1) / 2); amendNode(root, {"style": {"left": panZoom.x + "px", "top": panZoom.y + "px"}}) }, mapView = (mD: MapData, loadChars = false) => { wallList = []; lightList.splice(0, lightList.length); mapData = mD; tokens.clear(); walls.clear(); masks.set(mapData.baseOpaque, mapData.masks); definitions.clear(); const wg = new WaitGroup(), {width, height, lightColour, startX, startY} = mapData, items = div(), percent = progress(), loader = div({"id": mapLoading}, div([lang["LOADING_MAP"], ": ", percent, items])), n = g(), children = new NodeArray(n); for (const c of mapData.children) { children.push(processLayers(wg, c)); } layerList = { "id": 0, "name": "", "hidden": false, "locked": false, [node]: n, l: n, children, "folders": {}, "items": {}, "path": "/" }; root = svg({"id": mapID, width, height}, [definitions, n, rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill": "#000", "style": isAdmin ? {"fill-opacity": "var(--maskOpacity, 1)"} : undefined, "mask": `url(#${mapMask})`})]); wg.onComplete(() => setTimeout(() => loader.remove(), isAdmin ? 0 : 1000)); definitions.setGrid(mapData); amendNode((getLayer("/Grid") as SVGLayer).l, rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill": `url(#${gridPattern})`})); amendNode((getLayer("/Light") as SVGLayer).l, use({"href": `#${lighting}`, "style": "mix-blend-mode: multiply"})); definitions.setLight(lightColour); walkFolders(layerList, l => { if (!isLayerFolder(l)) { for (const t of l.tokens) { tokens.set(, { layer: l, token: t }); if (isTokenImage(t) && t.tokenData) { const cID = t.tokenData["store-character-id"]; if (loadChars && cID && typeof === "number" && !characterData.has( { const c =; characterData.set(c, {}); wg.add(); queue(() => rpc.characterGet(c).then(d => characterData.set(c, d)).finally(() => wg.done())); } } } for (const w of l.walls) { walls.set(, { layer: l, wall: w }); } } return false; }); wg.onUpdate(({waits, done, errors}) => { const d = done + errors; clearNode(items, `${d} / ${waits}`); amendNode(percent, {"max": waits, "value": d}); }); wg.add(); wg.done(); updateLight(); panZoom.zoom = 1; centreOnGrid(startX, startY); return div({"id": mapBase, "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) =>, e), "onwheel": (e: WheelEvent) =>, e), "onmouseover": (e: MouseEvent) =>, e)}, [root, loader]); }; add({ [`#${mapBase}`]: { "height": "100%" }, [`#${mapID}`]: { "background-color": "#fff", "outline": "none", "position": "absolute", ">g": { "clip-path": "view-box" } }, [`#${layerLight}.hiddenLayer,#${layerGrid}.hiddenLayer`]: { "display": "none" }, [`#${lighting}>*`]: { "mix-blend-mode": "screen" }, [`#${mapLoading}`]: { "background-color": "#fff", "position": "fixed", "top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0, ">div": { "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "justify-content": "center", "flex-wrap": "wrap", "height": "100%" }, " progress": { "margin": "0 1em" } }, [`.${hideZoomSlider} #${zoomSliderID}`]: { "display": "none" }, [`#${zoomSliderID}`]: { "z-index": "10", "position": "absolute", "top": "3px", "left": "3px", "width": "20px", "height": "120px", "fill": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)", " :is(rect, circle)": { "transition": "fill 0.5s" }, " rect": { "cursor": "pointer" }, " circle": { "cursor": "ns-resize" } }, [`#${zoomSliderID}:hover, .${zooming} #${zoomSliderID}`]: { " rect": { "fill": "#fff" }, " circle": { "fill": "#f00" } } }); at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)", { [`:root.${invertID} #${mapLoading}`]: { "background-color": "#000" } }); at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)", { [`:root.:not(${invertID}) #${mapLoading}`]: { "background-color": "#000" } }); defaultTool.mapMouseWheel = (e: WheelEvent) => { if (e.ctrlKey) { zoom(Math.sign(e.deltaY) * 0.95, e.clientX, e.clientY); } else { const amount = scrollAmount.value || 100; amendNode(root, {"style": {"left": (panZoom.x += Math.sign(e.shiftKey ? e.deltaY : e.deltaX) * -amount) + "px", "top": (panZoom.y += (e.shiftKey ? 0 : Math.sign(e.deltaY)) * -amount) + "px"}}); } return false; }; enableAnimation.wait(() => mapData && updateLight()); inited.then(() => { rpc.waitMapStartChange().when(pos => ([mapData.startX, mapData.startY] = pos)); rpc.waitSignalPosition().when(showSignal); combined.waitGridDistanceChange().when(v => { mapData.gridDistance = v; updateLight(); }); combined.waitGridDiagonalChange().when(v => mapData.gridDiagonal = v); }); registerKeyEvent("centreMap", lang["KEY_CENTRE_MAP"], 'c', () => centreOnGrid(mapData.startX, mapData.startY))[0](); export default (base: HTMLElement) => { rpc.waitCurrentUserMapData().when(mapData => { const oldBase = base; oldBase.replaceWith(base = mapView(mapData, true)); mapLoadedSend(false); }); let sliding = -1, mX = 0, mY = 0; const startMapMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { amendNode(root, {"style": {"left": `${panZoom.x += e.clientX - mX}px`, "top": `${panZoom.y += e.clientY - mY}px`}}); mX = e.clientX; mY = e.clientY; }, stopMapMove = () => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[dragging]: false}}), [startMapMove0] = mouseDragEvent(0, startMapMove, stopMapMove), [startMapMove1] = mouseDragEvent(1, startMapMove, stopMapMove), initMapMove = (e: MouseEvent, initFn: () => void) => { mX = e.clientX; mY = e.clientY; amendNode(document.body, {"class": [dragging]}); initFn(); return false; }, updateToken = (token: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing, ts: TokenSet) => { const hasLight = token.hasLight(); for (const k in ts) { switch (k) { case "id": break; case "src": if (token instanceof SVGToken && ts["src"]) { token.updateSource(ts["src"]); } break; case "tokenData": const tokenData = ts[k]; for (const k in tokenData) { token["tokenData"][k] = tokenData[k]; } break; case "removeTokenData": const removeTokenData = ts[k]!; for (const k of removeTokenData) { delete token["tokenData"][k]; } break; default: (token as Record)[k] = ts[k as keyof TokenSet] } } token.updateNode(); return hasLight || token.hasLight(); }, [dragging, slidingID, animations] = ids(3); enableAnimation.wait(e => amendNode(document.documentElement, {"class": {[animations]: e}})); add(`#${mapID}`, { "overflow": "hidden", "cursor": "grab" }); add(`.${dragging} #${mapID}`, { "cursor": "grabbing" }); add(`.${animations} .${slidingID} #${mapID}`, { "transition-property": "left, top", "transition-duration": "1s", "transition-timing-function": "ease" }); defaultTool.mapMouse0 = e => initMapMove(e, startMapMove0); defaultTool.mapMouse1 = e => initMapMove(e, startMapMove1); defaultTool.mapMouse2 = e => { const pos = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY); showSignal(pos); rpc.signalPosition(pos); return false; }; rpc.waitSignalMovePosition().when(pos => { if (sliding === -1) { amendNode(document.body, {"class": [slidingID]}); } else { clearTimeout(sliding); } sliding = setTimeout(() => { amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[sliding]: false}}); sliding = -1; }, 1000); centreOnGrid(pos[0], pos[1]); showSignal(pos); }); rpc.waitMapChange().when(setMapDetails); rpc.waitMapLightChange().when(setLightColour); rpc.waitLayerShow().when(path => setLayerVisibility(path, true)); rpc.waitLayerHide().when(path => setLayerVisibility(path, false)); rpc.waitLayerAdd().when(addLayer); rpc.waitLayerFolderAdd().when(addLayerFolder); rpc.waitLayerMove().when(({from, to, position}) => moveLayer(from, to, position)); rpc.waitLayerRename().when(({path, name}) => renameLayer(path, name)); rpc.waitLayerRemove().when(removeLayer); rpc.waitTokenAdd().when(tk => { const layer = getLayer(tk.path); if (layer && isSVGLayer(layer)) { delete (tk as Record)["path"]; let token: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing; if (isTokenImage(tk.token)) { token = new tokenClass(tk.token); const cID = tk.token.tokenData["store-character-id"]; if (cID && isUint( { const id =; rpc.characterGet(id).then(d => characterData.set(id, d)); } } else if (isTokenDrawing(tk.token)) { token = new drawingClass(tk.token); } else { token = new shapeClass(tk.token); } if (tk.pos === undefined) { layer.tokens.push(token); } else { layer.tokens.splice(tk.pos, 0, token); } tokens.set(, {layer, token}); if (token.hasLight()) { updateLight(); } } }); rpc.waitTokenMoveLayerPos().when(({id, to, newPos}) => { const tk = tokens.get(id) ?? {"layer": null, "token": null}, {layer, token} = tk, newParent = getLayer(to); if (layer && token && newParent && isSVGLayer(newParent)) { if (newPos > newParent.tokens.length) { newPos = newParent.tokens.length; } newParent.tokens.splice(newPos, 0, layer.tokens.splice(layer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === token), 1)[0]); tk.layer = newParent; if (token.hasLight()) { updateLight(); } } }); rpc.waitTokenSet().when(ts => { const {token} = tokens.get( ?? {"token": null}; if (token && updateToken(token, ts)) { updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitTokenSetMulti().when(ts => { let ul = false; for (const t of ts) { const {token} = tokens.get( ?? {"token": null}; if (token && updateToken(token, t)) { ul = true; } } if (ul) { updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitTokenRemove().when(tk => { const {layer, token} = tokens.get(tk)!; layer.tokens.splice(layer.tokens.findIndex(t => t === token), 1)[0]; if (token instanceof SVGToken) { token.cleanup(); } if (token.hasLight()) { updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitLayerShift().when(({path, dx, dy}) => { const layer = getLayer(path); if (layer && isSVGLayer(layer)) { for (const t of layer.tokens) { t.x += dx; t.y += dy; t.updateNode(); }; for (const w of layer.walls) { w.x1 += dx; w.y1 += dy; w.x2 += dx; w.y2 += dy; }; updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitWallAdded().when(({path, wall}) => { const layer = getLayer(path); if (layer && isSVGLayer(layer)) { layer.walls.push(normaliseWall(wall)); updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitWallRemoved().when(wp => { const {layer, wall} = walls.get(wp)!; layer.walls.splice(layer.walls.findIndex(w => w === wall), 1); updateLight(); }); rpc.waitWallModified().when(w => { const wall = walls.get(; if (wall) { Object.assign(wall.wall, w); updateLight(); } }); rpc.waitWallMoved().when(({id, path}) => { const wall = walls.get(id), layer = getLayer(path); if (wall && layer && isSVGLayer(layer)) { wall.layer.walls.splice(wall.layer.walls.findIndex(w => w === wall.wall)); layer.walls.push(wall.wall); wall.layer = layer; } }); rpc.waitMapDataSet().when(kd => { if (kd.key) {[kd.key] =; } }); rpc.waitMapDataRemove().when(key => delete[key]); rpc.waitMaskAdd().when(masks.add); rpc.waitMaskRemove().when(masks.remove); rpc.waitMaskSet().when(({baseOpaque, masks: ms}) => masks.set(baseOpaque, ms)); rpc.waitGridDistanceChange().when(updateLight); };