import type {Lighting} from './map_tokens.js'; import type {Byte, Uint} from './types.js'; import Fraction from './lib/fraction.js'; import {setAndReturn} from './lib/misc.js'; import {Colour, noColour} from './colours.js'; type Vertex = { w: XWall[]; x: Fraction; y: Fraction; a: Fraction; d: number; } type Collision = { x: Fraction; y: Fraction; w: LightWall[]; } export type LightWall = { id: Uint; x1: Fraction; y1: Fraction; x2: Fraction; y2: Fraction; colour: Colour; scattering: Byte; } type XWall = LightWall & { a1: Fraction; a2: Fraction; cx: Fraction; cy: Fraction; cl: Uint; } const mone = new Fraction(-1n), two = new Fraction(2n), three = new Fraction(3n), four = new Fraction(4n), five = new Fraction(5n), six = new Fraction(6n), seven = new Fraction(7n), angle = (x: Fraction, y: Fraction) => { const m = y.div(x), ycmp = y.cmp(; switch (m.cmp( { case -1: switch (m.cmp(mone)) { case -1: switch (ycmp) { case -1: return three.add(mone.div(m)); case 1: return seven.add(mone.div(m)); } case 0: switch (ycmp) { case -1: return four; case 1: return; } case 1: switch (x.cmp( { case -1: return; case 1: return five.add(m); } } case 0: switch (ycmp) { case -1: return two; case 1: return six; } case 1: switch (ycmp) { case -1: return three.sub(; case 1: return seven.sub(; } default: switch (ycmp) { case -1: return three; case 1: return seven; } } return Fraction.NaN; }, hasDirection = (x: Fraction, y: Fraction, point: XWall[], anti: boolean) => { for (const {x1, y1, a1, a2} of point) { const [a, b] = (!x1.cmp(x) && !y1.cmp(y)) === anti ? [a2, a1] : [a1, a2]; if (a.cmp(b) === 1 && a.cmp(b.add(four)) === -1 || a.cmp(b.sub(four)) === -1) { return true; } } return false; }, isSameWall = (prev: LightWall[], curr: LightWall[], next?: LightWall[]) => { for (const p of prev) { for (const c of curr) { if ( === { if (!next) { return p; } for (const n of next) { if ( === { return p; } } } } } return null; }, iPoint = (x1: Fraction, y1: Fraction, x2: Fraction, y2: Fraction, lightX: Uint, lightY: Uint) => { if (!x1.cmp(x2)) { return [x1, new Fraction(BigInt(lightY))]; } const m = y2.sub(y1).div(x2.sub(x1)), flx = new Fraction(BigInt(lightX)), x3 = flx.sub(y1.sub(new Fraction(BigInt(lightY))).sub(x1.sub(flx).mul(m)).div(m.add(; return [x3, m.mul(x3).add(y1.sub(x1.mul(m)))]; }, closestPoint = (x1: Fraction, y1: Fraction, x2: Fraction, y2: Fraction, lightX: Uint, lightY: Uint): [Fraction, Fraction, number] => { const [x, y] = iPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, lightX, lightY); if (x.cmp(Fraction.min(x1, x2)) === -1 || x.cmp(Fraction.max(x1, x2)) === 1 || y.cmp(Fraction.min(y1, y2)) === -1 || y.cmp(Fraction.max(y1, y2)) === 1) { const a = Math.hypot(+x1 - lightX, +y1 - lightY), b = Math.hypot(+x2 - lightX, +y2 - lightY); return a < b ? [x1, y1, a] : [x2, y2, b]; } return [x, y, Math.hypot(+x - lightX, +y - lightY)]; }; export const intersection = (x1: Fraction, y1: Fraction, x2: Fraction, y2: Fraction, x3: Fraction, y3: Fraction, x4: Fraction, y4: Fraction) => { const dx1 = x1.sub(x2), dy1 = y1.sub(y2), dx2 = x3.sub(x4), dy2 = y3.sub(y4), d = dx2.mul(dy1).sub(dy2.mul(dx1)); if (d.cmp( { const a = x3.mul(y4).sub(y3.mul(x4)), b = x1.mul(y2).sub(y1.mul(x2)); return [dx1.mul(a).sub(dx2.mul(b)).div(d), dy1.mul(a).sub(dy2.mul(b)).div(d)]; } return [Fraction.NaN, Fraction.NaN]; }, makeLight = (l: Lighting, walls: LightWall[], scale: number, lens?: LightWall, depth = 0) => { const [lightX, lightY] = l.getLightPos(), [lx, ly] = l.getCentre(), i = l.lightStages.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0) * scale, flx = new Fraction(BigInt(lightX)), fly = new Fraction(BigInt(lightY)), vertices: Vertex[] = [], points = new Map(), collisions: Collision[] = [], gWalls: XWall[] = [], ret: SVGPolygonElement[] = []; if (depth === 5) { return ret; } if (lens) { const {x1, y1, x2, y2} = lens; walls.push({ "id": 0, x1, y1, "x2": x1.add(x1).sub(x2), "y2": y1.add(y1).sub(y2), "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }, { "id": 0, "x1": x2.add(x2).sub(x1), "y1": y2.add(y2).sub(y1), x2, y2, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }); } for (const wall of walls) { if ( === lens?.id) { continue; } const {id, x1, y1, x2, y2} = wall, dx1 = x1.sub(flx), dx2 = x2.sub(flx), dy1 = y1.sub(fly), dy2 = y2.sub(fly); if (dy1.mul(dx2.sub(dx1)).cmp(dx1.mul(dy2.sub(dy1)))) { const rdx1 = +dx1, rdy1 = +dy1, rdx2 = +dx2, rdy2 = +dy2, a1 = angle(dx1, dy1), a2 = angle(dx2, dy2), p1 = `${+x1},${+y1}`, p2 = `${+x2},${+y2}`, points1 = points.get(p1) ?? setAndReturn(points, p1, []), points2 = points.get(p2) ?? setAndReturn(points, p2, []), [cx, cy, cl] = closestPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, lightX, lightY), wx = Object.assign({cx, cy, cl, a1, a2}, wall); if (!points1.length) { vertices.push({ "w": points1, "x": x1, "y": y1, "a": a1, "d": Math.hypot(rdx1, rdy1) }); } if (!points2.length) { vertices.push({ "w": points2, "x": x2, "y": y2, "a": a2, "d": Math.hypot(rdx2, rdy2) }); }; points1.push(wx); points2.push(wx); if (id) { gWalls.push(wx); } } } if (lens) { walls.splice(walls.length - 2, 2); } gWalls.sort(({cl: acl}, {cl: bcl}) => acl - bcl); let lastAngle = Fraction.NaN; for (const v of Array.from(vertices.values()).sort(({a: aa, d: da}, {a: ab, d: db}) => ab.cmp(aa) || da - db)) { if (!lastAngle.isNaN() && !lastAngle.cmp(v.a)) { continue; } lastAngle = v.a; const {x, y, w} = v, dlx = x.sub(flx), dly = y.sub(fly), cw = hasDirection(x, y, w, true); let ex = x, ey = y, ew = w, ed = Infinity, min = 0; if (lens) { const {x1, y1, x2, y2} = lens, [px, py] = intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, flx, fly, x, y), lpx = flx.sub(px), lpy = fly.sub(py), d = Math.hypot(+lpx, +lpy) - 10e-9; if (px.cmp(Fraction.min(x1, x2)) === -1 || px.cmp(Fraction.max(x1, x2)) === 1 || py.cmp(Fraction.min(y1, y2)) === -1 || py.cmp(Fraction.max(y1, y2)) === 1 || -dlx.sign() !== lpx.sign() || -dly.sign() !== lpy.sign() || d > v.d) { continue; } min = d; } for (const w of gWalls) { if ( > ed) { break; } const {id, x1, y1, x2, y2} = w, [px, py] = intersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, flx, fly, x, y); if (!px.isNaN()) { const lpx = flx.sub(px), lpy = fly.sub(py), distance = Math.hypot(+lpx, +lpy), point = points.get(`${+px},${+py}`), hasPoint = point?.some(({id: wid}) => id === wid); if ((hasPoint ? hasDirection(px, py, point!, !cw) : px.cmp(Fraction.min(x1, x2)) > -1 && px.cmp(Fraction.max(x1, x2)) < 1 && py.cmp(Fraction.min(y1, y2)) > -1 && py.cmp(Fraction.max(y1, y2)) < 1) && distance < ed && distance > min && -dlx.sign() === lpx.sign() && -dly.sign() === lpy.sign()) { ex = px; ey = py; ed = distance; ew = hasPoint ? point! : [w, ...(point ?? [])]; } } } if (cw && ed > v.d) { collisions.push({x, y, w}); } collisions.push({ "x": ex, "y": ey, "w": ew }); if (!cw && ed > v.d) { collisions.push({x, y, w}); } } if (collisions.length < 3) { return ret; } while(isSameWall(collisions[collisions.length - 2].w, collisions[collisions.length - 1].w, collisions[0].w)) { collisions.splice(collisions.length - 1, 1); } let p = ""; for (let j = 0; j < collisions.length; j++) { const {w, x, y} = collisions[j], prev = collisions[j === 0 ? collisions.length - 1 : j - 1], next = collisions[j === collisions.length - 1 ? 0 : j + 1]; if (!isSameWall(prev.w, w, next.w)) { if (prev.y.sub(y).mul(x.sub(next.x)).cmp(y.sub(next.y).mul(prev.x.sub(x)))) { p += `${+x},${+y} `; } const sw = isSameWall(prev.w, w); if (sw) { const {id, colour: {r, g, b, a}, x1, y1, x2, y2, scattering} = sw; if (r || g || b) { const [cx, cy, cd] = closestPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, lightX, lightY); if (cd < i) { const fw = { id, "x1": x, "y1": y, "x2": prev.x, "y2": prev.y, "colour": noColour, "scattering": 0 }, sx = lx + Math.round(scattering * (+cx - lx) / 256), sy = ly + Math.round(scattering * (+cy - ly) / 256); if (a < 255) { const lw = l.wallInteraction(Math.round(sx), Math.round(sy), lightX, lightY, sw.colour, cd / scale, true); if (lw) { ret.push(...makeLight(lw, walls, scale, fw, depth + 1)); } } if (a > 0) { const [cx, cy] = iPoint(x, y, prev.x, prev.y, sx, sy), dcx = +cx.add(cx), dcy = +cy.add(cy), lw = l.wallInteraction(Math.round(dcx - sx), Math.round(dcy - sy), Math.round(dcx - lx), Math.round(dcy - ly), sw.colour, cd / scale); if (lw) { ret.push(...makeLight(lw, walls, scale, fw, depth + 1)); } } } } } } else { collisions.splice(j--, 1); } } ret.push(l.createLightPolygon(p, scale)); return ret; };