import type {WaitGroup} from './lib/inter.js'; import type {SVGLayer} from './map.js'; import type {Byte, Coords, GridDetails, Int, KeystoreData, Mask, Token, TokenDrawing, TokenImage, TokenShape, Uint} from './types.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {Pipe} from './lib/inter.js'; import {setAndReturn} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, node} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {animate, defs, ellipse, g, image, mask, path, pattern, polygon, radialGradient, rect, stop} from './lib/svg.js'; import {imageIDtoURL} from './asset_urls.js'; import {Colour, noColour} from './colours.js'; import {cursors, gridPattern, lighting, mapMask} from './ids.js'; import {timeShift} from './rpc.js'; import {characterData, cloneObject} from './shared.js'; type MaskNode = Mask & { [node]: SVGRectElement | SVGEllipseElement | SVGPolygonElement; } export class Lighting { x: Int; y: Int; #lightX: Int; #lightY: Int; lightColours: Colour[][]; lightStages: Uint[]; lightTimings: Uint[]; constructor(x: Int, y: Int, lightX: Int, lightY: Int, lightColours: Colour[][], lightStages: Uint[], lightTimings: Uint[]) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.#lightX = lightX; this.#lightY = lightY; this.lightColours = lightColours; this.lightStages = lightStages; this.lightTimings = lightTimings; } getCentre(): [Int, Int] { return [this.x, this.y]; } getLightPos(): [Int, Int] { return [this.#lightX, this.#lightY]; } wallInteraction(x: Int, y: Int, lightX: Int, lightY: Int, wallColour: Colour, cp: number, refraction = false): Lighting | null { const newColours: Colour[][] = [], newStages: Uint[] = [], {r, g, b, a} = wallColour, ma = refraction ? 1 - (a / 255) : a / 255; let hasColour = false, total = 0; for (let n = 0; n < this.lightStages.length; n++) { const s = this.lightStages[n], cs = this.lightColours[n] ?? []; if (total + s <= cp) { newStages.push(s); newColours.push(cs); } else { if (total > cp) { newStages.push(Math.round(s * ma)); } else { newStages.push(Math.round(cp - total + (total + s - cp) * ma)); } const nc = []; for (const {r: lr, g: lg, b: lb, a: la} of cs) { const c = new Colour(Math.round(Math.sqrt(r * lr) * ma), Math.round(Math.sqrt(g * lg) * ma), Math.round(Math.sqrt(b * lb) * ma), Math.round(255 * (1 - ((1 - la / 255) * ma)))); if (c.a && (c.r || c.g || c.b)) { hasColour = true; } nc.push(c); } newColours.push(nc); } total += s; } return hasColour ? new Lighting(x, y, lightX, lightY, newColours, newStages, this.lightTimings) : null; } createLightPolygon(points: string, scale: number) { const p = polygon({points}); definitions.addLighting(p, this, scale); return p; } } abstract class SVGTransform extends Lighting { abstract [node]: SVGGraphicsElement; id: Uint; rotation: Byte = 0; flip: boolean = false; flop: boolean = false; width: Uint; height: Uint; snap: boolean; tokenData: Record; tokenType: Uint; constructor(token: Token) { super(token.x, token.y, 0, 0, token.lightColours, token.lightStages, token.lightTimings); =; this.width = token.width; this.height = token.height; this.rotation = token.rotation; this.snap = token.snap; this.tokenData = token.tokenData; this.tokenType = token.tokenType ?? 0; } at(x: Int, y: Int) { const {x: rx, y: ry} = new DOMPoint(x, y).matrixTransform(this[node].getScreenCTM()!.inverse()); return rx >= 0 && rx < this.width && ry >= 0 && ry < this.height; } transformString(scale = true) { let ret = ""; const s = scale && (this.flip || this.flop); if (this.x !== 0 || this.y !== 0 || s) { ret += `translate(${this.x + (scale && this.flop ? this.width : 0)}, ${this.y + (scale && this.flip ? this.height : 0)}) `; } if (s) { ret += `scale(${this.flop ? -1 : 1}, ${this.flip ? -1 : 1}) `; } if (this.rotation !== 0) { ret += `rotate(${(scale && this.flop ? -1 : 1) * (scale && this.flip ? -1 : 1) * 360 * this.rotation / 256}, ${this.width / 2}, ${this.height / 2})`; } return ret; } getData(key: string) { if (this.tokenData[key]) { return this.tokenData[key]["data"]; } else if (this.tokenData["store-character-id"]) { const char = characterData.get(this.tokenData["store-character-id"]["data"]); if (char && char[key]) { return char[key]["data"]; } } return null; } hasLight() { return !!(this.lightStages.length && this.lightTimings.length); } getCentre(): [Int, Int] { return [this.x + (this.width >> 1), this.y + (this.height >> 1)]; } getLightPos() { return this.getCentre(); } cleanup() {} uncleanup() {} } export class SVGToken extends SVGTransform { [node]: SVGGraphicsElement; src: Uint; patternWidth: Uint; patternHeight: Uint; constructor(token: TokenImage, wg?: WaitGroup) { super(token); wg?.add(); this.src = token.src; this.flip = token.flip; this.flop = token.flop; this.patternWidth = token.patternWidth; this.patternHeight = token.patternWidth; this[node] = image(Object.assign({"class": "mapToken", "href": imageIDtoURL(token.src), "preserveAspectRatio": "none", "width": token.patternWidth > 0 ? token.patternWidth : token.width, "height": token.patternHeight > 0 ? token.patternHeight : token.height, "transform": this.transformString()}, wg ? {"onload": () => wg.done(), "onerror": () => wg.error()} : {})); if (token.patternWidth > 0) { setTimeout(() => this.updateNode()); } } get isPattern() { return this.patternWidth > 0; } cleanup() { if (this.isPattern) { definitions.remove(this[node].getAttribute("fill")!.slice(5, -1)); } } uncleanup() { if (this.isPattern) { amendNode(this[node], {"fill": `url(#${definitions.add(this)})`}); } } updateSource(source: Uint) { amendNode(this[node] instanceof SVGRectElement ? definitions.list.get(this[node].getAttribute("fill")!.slice(5, -1))!.firstChild! : this[node], {"href": `images/${this.src = source}`}); } updateNode() { if (this[node] instanceof SVGRectElement && !this.isPattern) { definitions.remove(this[node].getAttribute("fill")!.slice(5, -1)); this[node].replaceWith(this[node] = image({"href": imageIDtoURL(this.src), "preserveAspectRatio": "none"})); } else if (this[node] instanceof SVGImageElement && this.isPattern) { this[node].replaceWith(this[node] = rect({"class": "mapPattern", "fill": `url(#${definitions.add(this)})`})); } amendNode(this[node], {"width": this.width, "height": this.height, "transform": this.transformString()}); } } export class SVGShape extends SVGTransform { [node]: SVGGraphicsElement; fill: Colour; stroke: Colour; strokeWidth: Uint; isEllipse: boolean; constructor(token: TokenShape) { super(token); this.fill = token.fill; this.stroke = token.stroke; this.strokeWidth = token.strokeWidth; this.isEllipse = token.isEllipse ?? false; const rx = token.width / 2, ry = token.height / 2; this[node] = amendNode(token.isEllipse ? ellipse({"cx": rx, "cy": ry, rx, ry}) : rect({"width": token.width, "height": token.height}), {"class": "mapShape", "fill": token.fill, "stroke": token.stroke, "stroke-width": token.strokeWidth, "transform": this.transformString()}); } get isPattern() { return false; } updateNode() { if (this.isEllipse) { const rx = this.width / 2, ry = this.height / 2; amendNode(this[node], {"cx": rx, "cy": ry, rx, ry, "transform": this.transformString()}); } else { amendNode(this[node], {"width": this.width, "height": this.height, "transform": this.transformString()}); } } } export class SVGDrawing extends SVGTransform { [node]: SVGGraphicsElement; fill: Colour; stroke: Colour; strokeWidth: Uint; points: Coords[]; #oWidth: Uint; #oHeight: Uint; isEllipse = false; constructor(token: TokenDrawing) { super(token); this.fill = token.fill; this.stroke = token.stroke; this.strokeWidth = token.strokeWidth; this.points = token.points; let oWidth: Uint = 0, oHeight: Uint = 0; for (const c of token.points) { if (c.x > oWidth) { oWidth = c.x; } if (c.y > oHeight) { oHeight = c.y; } } this.#oWidth = oWidth; this.#oHeight = oHeight; const xr = token.width / oWidth, yr = token.height / oHeight; this[node] = path({"class": "mapDrawing", "d": `M${ => `${c.x * xr},${c.y * yr}`).join(" L")}${token.fill.a === 0 ? "" : " Z"}`, "fill": token.fill, "stroke": token.stroke, "stroke-width": token.strokeWidth, "transform": this.transformString()}); } get isPattern() { return false; } updateNode() { const xr = this.width / this.#oWidth, yr = this.height / this.#oHeight; amendNode(this[node], {"d": `M${ => `${c.x * xr},${c.y * yr}`).join(" L")}${this.fill.a === 0 ? "" : " Z"}`, "transform": this.transformString()}); } } const loadTime = / 1000; export const [tokenSelected, tokenSelectedReceive] = new Pipe().bind(3), tokens = new Map(), selected = { "layer": null as SVGLayer | null, "token": null as SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing | null }, outline = g(), outlineRotationClass = (rotation: Uint) => cursors[((rotation + 143) >> 5) % 4], deselectToken = () => { selected.token = null; amendNode(outline, {"style": {"display": "none"}}); tokenSelected(); }, masks = (() => { const base = rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill": "#000"}), masks = new NodeArray(g()), baseNode = mask({"id": mapMask}, [base, masks]); let baseOpaque = false; return { get [node]() {return baseNode;}, get baseOpaque() {return baseOpaque;}, get masks() {return cloneObject(masks);}, index(i: Uint) { return masks[i]; }, at(x: Uint, y: Uint) { let selected: Int = -1, selectedMask: Mask | null = null; for (const [n, m] of masks.entries()) { switch (m[0]) { case 0: case 1: { const [, i, j, w, h] = m; if (i <= x && x <= i + w && j <= y && y <= j + h) { selected = n; selectedMask = m; } }; break; case 2: case 3: { const [, cx, cy, rx, ry] = m, rx2 = rx * rx, ry2 = ry * ry; if (ry2 * Math.pow(x - cx, 2) + rx2 * Math.pow(y - cy, 2) <= rx2 * ry2) { selected = n; selectedMask = m; } }; break; case 4: case 5: { const points = m.reduce((res, _, i) => { if (i % 2 === 1) { res.push([m[i], m[i+1]]); } return res; }, [] as [Uint, Uint][]); let last = points[points.length-1], inside = false; for (const point of points) { if (y > Math.min(point[1], last[1]) && y <= Math.max(point[1], last[1]) && x <= (y - point[1]) * (last[0] - point[0]) / (last[1] - point[1]) + point[0]) { inside = !inside; } last = point; } if (inside) { selected = n; selectedMask = m; } } } } return [selectedMask, selected] as const; }, add(m: Mask) { const fill = m[0] & 1 ? "#000" : "#fff"; let shape: SVGRectElement | SVGEllipseElement | SVGPolygonElement; switch (m[0]) { case 0: case 1: shape = rect({"x": m[1], "y": m[2], "width": m[3], "height": m[4], fill}); break; case 2: case 3: shape = ellipse({"cx": m[1], "cy": m[2], "rx": m[3], "ry": m[4], fill}); break; case 4: case 5: shape = polygon({"points": m.reduce((res, _, i) => i % 2 === 1 ? `${res} ${m[i]},${m[i+1]}` : res, ""), fill}); break; default: return -1; } return masks.push(Object.assign(m, {[node]: shape})) - 1; }, remove(index: Uint) { masks.splice(index, 1); }, set(bO: boolean, maskList: Mask[]) { amendNode(base, {"fill": (baseOpaque = bO) ? "#fff" : "#000"}); masks.splice(0, masks.length); for (const mask of maskList) { this.add(mask); } } } })(), SQRT3 = Math.sqrt(3), definitions = (() => { let nextLightID = 0, lightPolyGroup = g(), lightGradGroup = g(); const list = new Map(), lightRect = rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%"}), lightingGroup = g({"id": lighting}, [lightRect, lightPolyGroup]), base = defs([masks, lightingGroup, lightGradGroup]), lightGroups = new Map([["", [lightPolyGroup, lightGradGroup]]]); return { get [node]() {return base;}, get list() {return list;}, add(t: SVGToken) { let i = 0; while (list.has(`Pattern_${i}`)) { i++; } const id = `Pattern_${i}`; amendNode(base, setAndReturn(list, id, pattern({id, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": t.patternWidth, "height": t.patternHeight}, image({"href": imageIDtoURL(t.src), "width": t.patternWidth, "height": t.patternHeight, "preserveAspectRatio": "none"})))); return id; }, remove(id: string) { base.removeChild(list.get(id)!).firstChild as SVGImageElement; list.delete(id); }, setGrid({gridSize, gridColour, gridStroke, gridType}: GridDetails) { list.get("grid")?.remove(); switch (gridType) { case 1: { const h = 2 * gridSize / SQRT3, maxH = 3 * gridSize / SQRT3; amendNode(base, setAndReturn(list, "grid", pattern({"id": gridPattern, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": gridSize, "height": maxH}, path({"d": `M${gridSize / 2},${maxH} V${h} l${gridSize / 2},-${h / 4} V${h / 4} L${gridSize / 2},0 L0,${h / 4} v${h / 2} L${gridSize / 2},${h}`, "stroke": gridColour, "stroke-width": gridStroke, "fill": "transparent"})))); }; break; case 2: { const w = 2 * gridSize / SQRT3, maxW = 3 * gridSize / SQRT3; amendNode(base, setAndReturn(list, "grid", pattern({"id": gridPattern, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": maxW, "height": gridSize}, path({"d": `M${maxW},${gridSize / 2} H${w} l-${w / 4},${gridSize / 2} H${w / 4} L0,${gridSize / 2} L${w / 4},0 h${w / 2} L${w},${gridSize/2}`, "stroke": gridColour, "stroke-width": gridStroke, "fill": "transparent"})))); }; break; default: amendNode(base, setAndReturn(list, "grid", pattern({"id": gridPattern, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": gridSize, "height": gridSize}, path({"d": `M0,${gridSize} V0 H${gridSize}`, "stroke": gridColour, "stroke-width": gridStroke, "fill": "transparent"})))); } }, setLight(c: Colour) { amendNode(lightRect, {"fill": c}); }, addLighting(p: SVGPolygonElement, l: Lighting, scale: number) { const {lightTimings, lightStages, lightColours} = l; if (lightTimings.length && lightStages.length) { let pos = 0, times = 0; const id = `LG_${nextLightID++}`, [cx, cy] = l.getLightPos(), dur = lightTimings.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0), keyTimes = "0;" + => (times += t) / dur).join(";"), r = lightStages.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0), begin = timeShift - loadTime + "s", rg = radialGradient({id, "r": r * scale, cx, cy, "gradientUnits": "userSpaceOnUse"}, [, n) => { const s = stop({"offset": (100 * pos / r) + "%", "stop-color": lightTimings.length !== 1 ? undefined : lightColours[n]?.[0] ?? noColour}, lightTimings.length !== 1 ? animate({"attributeName": "stop-color", begin, keyTimes, "dur": dur + "ms", "repeatCount": "indefinite", "values":, m) => lightColours[n]?.[m] ?? noColour).join(";") + ";" + lightColours[n]?.[0] ?? noColour}) : []); pos += stage; return s; }) ]); amendNode(lightGradGroup, amendNode(rg, amendNode(rg.lastChild?.cloneNode(true), {"offset": "100%", "stop-opacity": 0}))); amendNode(lightPolyGroup, amendNode(p, {"fill": `url(#${id})`})); return rg; } return null; }, clearLighting() { clearNode(lightingGroup, [lightRect, lightPolyGroup = g()]); for (const [, [, gg]] of lightGroups) { gg.remove(); } lightGroups.clear(); lightGroups.set("", [lightPolyGroup, lightGradGroup = base.appendChild(g())]); nextLightID = 0; }, setLightGroup(name: string) { [lightPolyGroup, lightGradGroup] = lightGroups.get(name) ?? setAndReturn(lightGroups, name, [lightingGroup.appendChild(g()), base.appendChild(g())]); }, clearLightGroup(name: string) { const lgs = lightGroups.get(name); if (lgs) { clearNode(lgs[0]); clearNode(lgs[1]); } }, clear() { this.clearLighting(); for (const d of list.values()) { d.remove(); } list.clear(); } } })();