import type {Parsers, Tokeniser} from './lib/bbcode.js'; import type {IDName, Int, MusicPack, MusicTrack, Uint} from './types.js'; import type {WindowElement} from './windows.js'; import {isOpenTag, process} from './lib/bbcode.js'; import {none} from './lib/bbcode_tags.js'; import {add, ids} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode, event, eventOnce} from './lib/dom.js'; import {DragTransfer, setDragEffect} from './lib/drag.js'; import {audio, br, button, div, h1, img, input, li, span, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {checkInt} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, NodeMap, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {animate, ns as svgNS, path, rect, svg, title} from './lib/svg.js'; import {audioAssetName, dragAudio, dragAudioFiles, uploadAudio} from './assets.js'; import {audioIDtoURL} from './asset_urls.js'; import {foldersItem, itemControl, psuedoLink} from './ids.js'; import lang from './language.js'; import {bbcodeDrag, registerTag} from './messaging.js'; import {handleError, inited, isAdmin, rpc, timeShift} from './rpc.js'; import {musicSort} from './settings.js'; import {loading, menuItems} from './shared.js'; import {copy, playStatus, remove, rename, stop} from './symbols.js'; import {shell, windows} from './windows.js'; type MusicTrackName = MusicTrack & { name?: string; } class Track { id: Uint; volume: Uint; repeat: Int; audioElement: HTMLAudioElement | null = null; #repeatWait: Int = -1; #parent: Pack; constructor(parent: Pack, track: MusicTrack) { =; this.volume = track.volume; this.repeat = track.repeat; this.#parent = parent; } setVolume(volume: Uint) { this.volume = volume; this.updateVolume(); } setRepeat(repeat: Int) { this.repeat = repeat; this.waitPlay(); } play() { if (this.audioElement) { this.waitPlay(); return; } this.audioElement = audio({"src": audioIDtoURL(, "onloadeddata": event(() => { this.updateVolume(); this.waitPlay(); }, eventOnce), "onended": () => this.waitPlay()}); } updateVolume() { if (this.audioElement) { this.audioElement.volume = this.volume * this.#parent.volume / 65025 } } waitPlay() { if (this.audioElement) { if (this.#repeatWait !== -1) { clearTimeout(this.#repeatWait); this.#repeatWait = -1; } const tnow = now(), length = this.audioElement.duration; if (this.repeat === -1) { if (tnow < this.#parent.playTime + length) { this.audioElement.currentTime = tnow - this.#parent.playTime;; } else { this.stop(); this.#parent.checkPlayState(); } } else { const cycle = length + this.repeat, p = (tnow - this.#parent.playTime) % cycle; if (p < length) { this.audioElement.currentTime = p;; } else { this.audioElement.pause(); this.#repeatWait = setTimeout(() => { this.audioElement?.play(); this.#repeatWait = -1; }, (cycle - p) * 1000); } } } } stop() { if (this.audioElement) { this.audioElement.pause(); this.audioElement = null; if (this.#repeatWait !== -1) { clearTimeout(this.#repeatWait); this.#repeatWait = -1; } } } remove() { const pos = this.#parent.tracks.findIndex(t => t === this); this.#parent.tracks.splice(pos, 1); this.stop(); return pos; } } class Pack { tracks: Track[]; volume: Uint; playTime: Uint; currentTime: Uint = 0; constructor(pack: MusicPack) { this.tracks = []; for (const track of pack.tracks) { this.tracks.push(new Track(this, track)); } this.volume = pack.volume; this.playTime = pack.playTime; if (this.playTime) { setTimeout(() =>; } } setVolume(volume: Uint) { this.volume = volume; this.updateVolume(); } play(playTime: Uint) { if (playTime) { this.playTime = playTime; for (const t of this.tracks) {; } } else { this.stop(); } } pause() { this.stop(); } stop() { this.playTime = 0; for (const t of this.tracks) { t.stop(); } } checkPlayState() { if (this.playTime) { for (const t of this.tracks) { if (t.audioElement !== null) { return; } } this.stop(); } } updateVolume() { for (const t of this.tracks) { t.updateVolume(); } } remove() { for (const t of this.tracks) { t.stop(); } } } const audioEnabled = () => new Promise(enabled => audio({"src": "data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRiwAAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAIARKwAABCxAgAEABAAZGF0YQgAAAAAAAAAAAD//w=="}).play().then(enabled).catch(() => amendNode(document.body, div({"style": "position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); cursor: pointer; z-index: 2", "onclick": function(this: HTMLDivElement) {this.remove(); enabled()}}, div({"style": "display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%; font-size: 3em; color: #fff"}, lang["MUSIC_ENABLE"]))))), musicIcon = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 100 100"%3E%3Cdefs%3E%3Cmask id="recordMask"%3E%3Cpath d="M0,10 L50,50 0,90 M100,10 L50,50 100,90" fill="%23fff" /%3E%3C/mask%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Cg fill="none" stroke="%23fff"%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="30" stroke="%23000" stroke-width="40" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="20" stroke="%23111" stroke-width="5" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="10" stroke="%23a00" stroke-width="15" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="49.5" stroke-width="1" /%3E%3Cg stroke-width="0.25" mask="url(%23recordMask)"%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="45" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="42" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="39" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="36" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="33" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="30" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="27" /%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E`, newPack = (id: Uint, name = "", tracks: MusicTrack[] = [], volume = 255) => ({id, name, tracks, volume, "playTime": 0, "playing": false}), commonWaits = (packs: Map) => { rpc.waitMusicPackVolume().when(pv => packs.get(; rpc.waitMusicPackPlay().when(pp => packs.get(; rpc.waitMusicPackStop().when(id => packs.get(id)?.stop()); rpc.waitMusicPackTrackRemove().when(mr => packs.get([mr.track]?.remove()); rpc.waitMusicPackTrackVolume().when(mv => packs.get([mv.track]?.setVolume(mv.volume)); rpc.waitMusicPackTrackRepeat().when(mr => packs.get([mr.track]?.setRepeat(mr.repeat)); }, now = () => timeShift + / 1000; export const dragMusicPack = new DragTransfer("musicpack"); export let open = (_id: Uint) => {}; inited.then(() => { if (!isAdmin) { audioEnabled().then(rpc.musicPackList).then(list => { const packs = new Map(); for (const pack of list) { packs.set(, new Pack(pack)); } rpc.waitMusicPackAdd().when(({id}) => packs.set(id, new Pack(newPack(id)))); rpc.waitMusicPackRemove().when(id => { const p = packs.get(id); if (p) { p.remove(); packs.delete(id) } }); rpc.waitMusicPackCopy().when(({id, newID}) => { const p = packs.get(id); if (p) { const tracks: MusicTrack[] = []; for (const track in p.tracks) { tracks.push({"id": p.tracks[track].id, "volume": p.tracks[track].volume, "repeat": p.tracks[track].repeat}); } packs.set(newID, new Pack({"id": newID, "name": "", tracks, "volume": p.volume, "playTime": 0})); } }); rpc.waitMusicPackTrackAdd().when(mt => { const p = packs.get(; if (p) { for (const id of mt.tracks) { p.tracks.push(new Track(p, {id, "volume": 255, "repeat": 0})); } } }); commonWaits(packs); }); registerTag("musicpack", none); } else { registerTag("musicpack", (n: Node, t: Tokeniser, p: Parsers) => { const tk =; if (tk && isOpenTag(tk) && tk.attr) { const id = parseInt(tk.attr); if (!isNaN(id)) { amendNode(n, process(span({"class": psuedoLink, "onclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 0) { open(id); } }}), t, p, tk.tagName)); } } }); menuItems.push([3, () => [ lang["TAB_MUSIC_PACKS"], (() => { const base = div(loading()), dragIcon = img({"class": "imageIcon", "src": musicIcon}), [musicPackList, musicTrackList] = ids(2); add({ [`#${musicPackList},.${musicTrackList}`]: { "margin": 0, "padding-left": 0, "list-style": "none" }, [`#${musicPackList}>li`]: { ">span": { "cursor": "pointer" }, "display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "1em auto 1em 1em 1em" }, [`.${musicTrackList} li`]: { ">svg": { "margin-right": 0, "margin-left": "0.5em" }, "display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "auto 10em 5em 2em" } }); audioEnabled().then(rpc.musicPackList).then(list => { class AdminTrack extends Track { [node]: HTMLLIElement; #nameNode: HTMLSpanElement; #volumeNode: HTMLInputElement; #repeatNode: HTMLInputElement; cleanup: () => void; constructor(parent: AdminPack, track: MusicTrackName) { super(parent, track); this[node] = li([ this.#nameNode = span( ?? [lang["MUSIC_TRACK"], " ", + ""]), this.#volumeNode = input({"type": "range", "max": 255, "value": this.volume = track.volume, "onchange": () => { rpc.musicPackTrackVolume(, parent.tracks.findIndex(t => t === this), this.volume = checkInt(parseInt(this.#volumeNode.value), 0, 255, 255)); this.updateVolume(); }}), this.#repeatNode = input({"type": "number", "min": -1, "value": this.repeat = track.repeat, "onchange": () => rpc.musicPackTrackRepeat(, parent.tracks.findIndex(t => t === this), this.repeat = checkInt(parseInt(this.#repeatNode.value), -1))}), remove({"class": itemControl, "title": lang["MUSIC_TRACK_REMOVE"], "onclick": () => parent.window.confirm(lang["MUSIC_TRACK_REMOVE"], lang["MUSIC_TRACK_REMOVE_LONG"]).then(d => { if (d) { rpc.musicPackTrackRemove(, this.remove()); } })}) ]); this.cleanup = ? () => {} : audioAssetName(, (name: string) => clearNode(this.#nameNode, name)); } setVolume(volume: Uint) { super.setVolume(volume); this.#volumeNode.value = volume + ""; } setRepeat(repeat: Int) { super.setRepeat(repeat); this.#repeatNode.value = repeat + ""; } remove() { this.cleanup(); return super.remove(); } } class AdminPack extends Pack { tracks: NodeArray; id: Uint; name: string; [node]: HTMLLIElement; #nameNode: HTMLSpanElement; #titleNode: HTMLElement; #volumeNode: HTMLInputElement; #toPlay = animate(toPlayOptions); #toPause = animate(toPauseOptions); #playPauseNode: SVGPathElement; #playPauseTitle: SVGTitleElement; #playStatus: SVGSVGElement; #pauseTime: Uint = 0; window: WindowElement; #dragKey: string; #bbcodeKey: string; constructor(id: Uint, pack: MusicPack) { super(pack); = id; =; this.tracks = new NodeArray(ul({"class": musicTrackList})); for (const track of pack.tracks) { this.tracks.push(new AdminTrack(this, track)); } this.#playPauseTitle = title(this.playTime === 0 ? lang["MUSIC_PLAY"] : lang["MUSIC_PAUSE"]); this.#dragKey = dragMusicPack.register(this); this.#bbcodeKey = bbcodeDrag.register(() => (t: string) => `[musicpack=${}]${t ||}[/musicpack]`); const ondragstart = (e: DragEvent) => { dragMusicPack.set(e, this.#dragKey, dragIcon); bbcodeDrag.set(e, this.#bbcodeKey); }; this.window = windows({"window-icon": musicIcon, "window-title": lang["MUSIC_WINDOW_TITLE"], "hide-minimise": false, "ondragover": (e: DragEvent) => { if (this.currentTime === 0) { dragCheck(e); } }, "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => { if ( { const {id, name} = dragAudio.get(e); this.tracks.push(new AdminTrack(this, {id, "volume": 255, "repeat": 0, name})); rpc.musicPackTrackAdd(, [id]); } else if ( { uploadAudio(dragAudioFiles.asForm(e, "asset"), this.window).then(audio => { const ids: Uint[] = []; for (const {id, name} of audio) { this.tracks.push(new AdminTrack(this, {id, "volume": 255, "repeat": 0, name})); ids.push(id); } rpc.musicPackTrackAdd(, ids); }).catch(handleError); } }}, [ this.#titleNode = h1({"draggable": "true", ondragstart},, svg({"style": "width: 2em", "viewBox": "0 0 90 90"}, [ this.#playPauseTitle, this.#playPauseNode = path({"d": this.playTime === 0 ? playIcon : pauseIcon, "fill": "currentColor", "stroke": "none", "fill-rule": "evenodd"}, [this.#toPlay, this.#toPause]), rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill-opacity": 0, "onclick": () => { if (this.playTime) { this.pause(true); } else { - this.#pauseTime, true); } }}) ]), stop({"style": "width: 2em; height: 2em", "title": lang["MUSIC_STOP"], "onclick": () => this.stop(true)}), br(), this.#volumeNode = input({"type": "range", "max": 255, "value": pack.volume, "onchange": () => { rpc.musicPackSetVolume(, this.volume = checkInt(parseInt(this.#volumeNode.value), 0, 255, 255)); this.updateVolume(); }}), this.tracks[node], div({"style": "text-align: center"}, lang["MUSIC_DROP"]) ]); this[node] = li({"class": foldersItem, "draggable": "true", ondragstart}, [ this.#playStatus = playStatus({"style": "width: 1em; height: 1em; visibility: hidden"}), this.#nameNode = span({"onclick": () => shell.addWindow(this.window), "onauxclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 1) { if (this.playTime) { this.stop(true); } else { - this.#pauseTime, true); } } }},, rename({"title": lang["MUSIC_RENAME"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["MUSIC_RENAME"], lang["MUSIC_RENAME_LONG"], => { if (name && name !== { rpc.musicPackRename(, name).then(name => { if (name !== { this.setName(name); musicList.sort(); } }); } })}), copy({"title": lang["MUSIC_COPY"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["MUSIC_COPY"], lang["MUSIC_COPY_LONG"], => { if (name) { rpc.musicPackCopy(, name).then(({id, name}) => musicList.set(id, new AdminPack(id, newPack(id, name, => ({"id":, "volume": t.volume, "repeat": t.repeat})), this.volume)))); } })}), remove({"title": lang["MUSIC_REMOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.confirm(lang["MUSIC_REMOVE"], lang["MUSIC_REMOVE_LONG"]).then(remove => { if (remove) { this.remove(); rpc.musicPackRemove(; } })}) ]); } transfer(): IDName { return {"id":, "name":}; } setName(name: string) { clearNode(this.#titleNode, name); clearNode(this.#nameNode, = name); musicList.sort(); } setVolume(volume: Uint) { super.setVolume(volume); this.#volumeNode.value = volume + ""; } play(playTime: Uint, sendRPC = false) {; if (document.body.contains(this.#toPause)) { this.#toPause.beginElement(); } else { amendNode(this.#playPauseNode, {"d": pauseIcon}); } amendNode(this.#playStatus, {"style": {"visibility": undefined}}); clearNode(this.#playPauseTitle, lang["MUSIC_PAUSE"]); if (sendRPC) { rpc.musicPackPlay(, Math.round(playTime)).then(playTime => this.playTime = playTime); } musicList.sort(); } pause(sendRPC = false) { const pauseTime = now() - this.playTime; this.stop(sendRPC); this.#pauseTime = pauseTime; } stop(sendRPC = false) { super.stop(); this.#pauseTime = 0; if (document.body.contains(this.#toPlay)) { this.#toPlay.beginElement(); } else { amendNode(this.#playPauseNode, {"d": playIcon}); } amendNode(this.#playStatus, {"style": {"visibility": "hidden"}}); clearNode(this.#playPauseTitle, lang["MUSIC_PLAY"]); if (sendRPC) { rpc.musicPackStop(; } musicList.sort(); } remove() { super.remove(); this.window.remove(); for (const t of this.tracks) { t.cleanup(); } musicList.delete(; dragMusicPack.deregister(this.#dragKey); bbcodeDrag.deregister(this.#bbcodeKey); } } const musicStringSortFn = (a: AdminPack, b: AdminPack) => stringSort(,, musicActiveSortFn = (a: AdminPack, b: AdminPack) => (b.playTime - a.playTime) || musicStringSortFn(a, b), musicList = new NodeMap(ul({"id": musicPackList})), playIcon = "M75,15 c-15,-15 -45,-15 -60,0 c-15,15 -15,45 0,60 c15,15 45,15 60,0 c15,-15 15,-45 0,-60 z M35,25 v40 l30,-20 l0,0 z", pauseIcon = "M35,15 c0,0 -20,0 -20,0 c0,0 0,60 0,60 c0,0 20,0 20,0 c0,0 0,-60 0,-60 z M55,15 v60 l20,0 l0,-60 z", toPlayOptions = {"attributeName": "d", "to": playIcon, "dur": "0.2s", "begin": "click", "fill": "freeze"}, toPauseOptions = {"attributeName": "d", "to": pauseIcon, "dur": "0.2s", "begin": "click", "fill": "freeze"}, dragCheck = setDragEffect({ "link": [dragAudio], "copy": [dragAudioFiles] }); musicSort.wait(v => musicList.sort(v ? musicActiveSortFn : musicStringSortFn)); for (const pack of list) { musicList.set(, new AdminPack(, pack)); } clearNode(base, [ button({"onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["MUSIC_ADD"], lang["MUSIC_ADD_NAME"]).then(name => { if (name) { rpc.musicPackAdd(name).then(({id, name}) => musicList.set(id, new AdminPack(id, newPack(id, name)))); } })}, lang["MUSIC_ADD"]), musicList[node] ]); rpc.waitMusicPackAdd().when(({id, name}) => musicList.set(id, new AdminPack(id, newPack(id, name)))); rpc.waitMusicPackRename().when(ft => musicList.get(; rpc.waitMusicPackRemove().when(id => { const pack = musicList.get(id); if (pack) { pack.remove(); musicList.delete(id); } }); rpc.waitMusicPackCopy().when(({id, name}) => { const pack = musicList.get(id); if (pack) { musicList.set(id, new AdminPack(id, newPack(id, name, => ({"id":, "volume": t.volume, "repeat": t.repeat})), pack.volume))); } }); rpc.waitMusicPackTrackAdd().when(mt => { const pack = musicList.get(; if (pack) { for (const id of mt.tracks) { pack.tracks.push(new AdminTrack(pack, {id, "volume": 255, "repeat": 0})); } } }); commonWaits(musicList); open = (id: Uint) => { const pack = musicList.get(id); if (pack) { shell.addWindow(pack.window) } }; }); return base; })(), true, musicIcon ]]); } });