import type {Children} from '../lib/dom.js'; import type {WaitGroup} from '../lib/inter.js'; import type {MenuItems} from '../lib/menu.js'; import type {SVGLayer} from '../map.js'; import type {LightWall} from '../map_lighting.js'; import type {SVGDrawing, SVGShape, SVGToken} from '../map_tokens.js'; import type {PluginType, SVGTokenConstructor} from '../plugins.js'; import type {RPCWaits} from '../rpc.js'; import type {Int, KeystoreData, MapData, TokenImage, TokenSet, Uint} from '../types.js'; import bind from '../lib/bind.js'; import {add, ids} from '../lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from '../lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, div, h1, img, input, li, span, table, tbody, td, textarea, th, thead, tr, ul} from '../lib/html.js'; import {item, menu, submenu} from '../lib/menu.js'; import {checkInt, isInt, queue} from '../lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, node, noSort, stringSort} from '../lib/nodes.js'; import {BoolSetting} from '../lib/settings.js'; import {animate, animateMotion, circle, clipPath, defs, ellipse, feColorMatrix, filter, g, line, linearGradient, mask, mpath, ns as svgNS, path, pattern, polygon, radialGradient, rect, stop, svg, symbol, text, use} from '../lib/svg.js'; import {And, Arr, Null, Obj, Or, Take} from '../lib/typeguard.js'; import {selectToken} from '../adminMap.js'; import {imageIDtoURL} from '../asset_urls.js'; import {Colour, ColourSetting, makeColourPicker} from '../colours.js'; import {adminHideLight, itemControl, lighting, settingsTicker, tokenSelector} from '../ids.js'; import {registerKeyEvent} from '../keys.js'; import mainLang, {makeLangPack} from '../language.js'; import {centreOnGrid, getLayer, mapData, walkLayers, wallList} from '../map.js'; import {doMapDataRemove, doMapDataSet, doTokenSet, getToken} from '../map_fns.js'; import {makeLight} from '../map_lighting.js'; import {Lighting, definitions, masks, outline, selected, tokens, tokenSelectedReceive} from '../map_tokens.js'; import {addPlugin, getSettings, pluginName} from '../plugins.js'; import {combined as combinedRPC, isAdmin, rpc} from '../rpc.js'; import {enableAnimation} from '../settings.js'; import {characterData, cloneObject, labels, mapLoadedReceive} from '../shared.js'; import {remove, rename, symbols, visibility} from '../symbols.js'; import {addCharacterDataChecker, addMapDataChecker, addTokenDataChecker, isBool, isStr, isTokenImage, isUint} from '../types.js'; import {shell, windows} from '../windows.js'; type IDInitiative = { id: Uint; initiative: Int; } type InitialTokenData = { "name": KeystoreData | null; "5e-ac": KeystoreData | null; "5e-hp-max": KeystoreData | null; "5e-hp-current": KeystoreData | null; } type InitialToken = Pick & { tokenData: InitialTokenData; } type TokenFields = { "name"?: KeystoreData; "5e-ac"?: KeystoreData; "5e-hp-max"?: KeystoreData; "5e-hp-current"?: KeystoreData; "5e-initiative-mod"?: KeystoreData; "5e-conditions"?: KeystoreData; "5e-player"?: KeystoreData; "5e-darkvision"?: KeystoreData; "store-image-5e-initial-token"?: KeystoreData; "5e-notes"?: KeystoreData | null; } type Token5E = SVGToken & { tokenData: TokenFields; } type Initiative = { token: Token5E; initiative: Uint; hidden: boolean; [node]: HTMLLIElement; } type MapData5E = MapData & { data: { "5e-initiative"?: IDInitiative[]; } } type ShapechangeCat = { "name": string; "images": boolean[]; } type ShapechangeToken = InitialToken & { ["5e-shapechange-name"]: string; } type Settings5E = { "shapechange-categories": KeystoreData; "store-image-shapechanges": KeystoreData; } type SVGToken5EType = SVGToken & { [select](): void; [unselect](): void; [updateData](): void; tokenData: Record & TokenFields; } interface SVGToken5EConstructor { new (token: TokenImage, wg?: WaitGroup): SVGToken5EType; } class PerspectiveLighting extends Lighting { wallInteraction(x: Int, y: Int, lightX: Int, lightY: Int, wallColour: Colour, cp: number, refraction = false): Lighting | null { if (refraction && cp <= this.lightStages[0]) { const {r, g, b, a} = wallColour, l = ((255 - a) / 255) * (r + g + b) / (3 * 255), c = 255 - Math.round((255 - this.lightColours[0][0].r) * l), colour = new Colour(c, c, c); return new PerspectiveLighting(x, y, lightX, lightY, [[colour], [colour]], this.lightStages, this.lightTimings); } return null; } createLightPolygon(points: string) { return polygon({points, "fill": this.lightColours[0][0].toHexString()}); } } let SVGToken5E: SVGToken5EConstructor; const select = Symbol("select"), unselect = Symbol("unselect"), updateData = Symbol("updateData"), lang = makeLangPack({ "ARMOUR_CLASS": "Armour Class", "CONDITION_BANE": "Bane", "CONDITION_BLESSED": "Blessed", "CONDITION_BLINDED": "Blinded", "CONDITION_BLINK": "Blink", "CONDITION_BLUR": "Blur", "CONDITION_BURNING": "Burning", "CONDITION_CHARMED": "Charmed", "CONDITION_CONCENTRATING": "Concentrating", "CONDITION_CONFUSED": "Confused", "CONDITION_DEAD": "Dead", "CONDITION_DEAFENED": "Deafened", "CONDITION_DYING": "Dying", "CONDITION_EXHAUSTED": "Exhausted", "CONDITION_FLYING": "Flying", "CONDITION_FRIGHTENED": "Frightened", "CONDITION_GRAPPLED": "Grappled", "CONDITION_GUIDANCE": "Guidance", "CONDITION_HASTE": "Haste", "CONDITION_HEXED": "Hex", "CONDITION_HIDEOUS_LAUGHTER": "Hideous Laughter", "CONDITION_HUNTERS_MARK": "Hunters' Mark", "CONDITION_INCAPACITATED": "Incapacitated", "CONDITION_INSPIRED": "Inspired", "CONDITION_INVISIBLE": "Invisible", "CONDITION_LEVITATE": "Levitating", "CONDITION_MIRROR_IMAGE": "Mirror Image", "CONDITION_PARALYZED": "Paralyzed", "CONDITION_PETRIFIED": "Petrified", "CONDITION_POISONED": "Poisoned", "CONDITION_PRONE": "Prone", "CONDITION_RAGE": "Rage", "CONDITION_RECKLESS": "Reckless", "CONDITION_RESTRAINED": "Restrained", "CONDITION_SANCTUARY": "Sanctuary", "CONDITION_SLOW": "Slow", "CONDITION_STUNNED": "Stunned", "CONDITION_UNCONSCIOUS": "Unconscious", "CONDITIONS": "Conditions", "DARKVISION": "Darkvision", "DESATURATE_CONDITIONS": "Greyscale Conditions", "HIDE_CONDITIONS": "Hide Token Conditions", "HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR": "Token Highlight Colour", "HP_CURRENT": "Current Hit Points", "HP_CURRENT_ENTER": "Please enter current Hit Points", "HP_MAX": "Maximum Hit Points", "INITIATIVE": "Initiative", "INITIATIVE_ADD": "Add Initiative", "INITIATIVE_ADV": "Advantage", "INITIATIVE_ASC": "Sort Initiative Ascending", "INITIATIVE_CHANGE": "Change Initiative", "INITIATIVE_DESC": "Sort Initiative Descending", "INITIATIVE_ENTER": "Enter initiative", "INITIATIVE_ENTER_LONG": "Please enter the initiative value for this token", "INITIATIVE_MOD": "Initiative Mod", "INITIATIVE_NEXT": "Next", "INITIATIVE_PREV": "Previous", "INITIATIVE_REMOVE": "Remove Initiative", "IS_PLAYER": "Is Player", "KEY_HEALTH": "Health Modification Key (5E)", "KEY_INITIATIVE": "Initiative Key (5E)", "NOTES": "Notes", "SHAPECHANGE": "Shapechange", "SHAPECHANGE_5E": "Shapechange (5E)", "SHAPECHANGE_CHANGE": "Change to Selected Token", "SHAPECHANGE_INITIAL_RESTORE": "Restore Initial Token", "SHAPECHANGE_TITLE": "Shapechange Settings", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_ADD": "Add Token", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY": "Add Category", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_LONG": "Please enter a name for this category of Shapechanges.", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_REMOVE": "Remove Shapechange Category", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_REMOVE_LONG": "Are you sure you wish to Remove this Shapechange Category?", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_RENAME": "Rename Shapechange Category", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_RENAME_LONG": "Please enter a new name for this Shapechange category.", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_NAME": "Enter Name", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_NAME_LONG": "Please enter a name for the selected token.", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_REMOVE": "Remove Shapechange Token", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_REMOVE_LONG": "Are you sure you wish to Remove this Shapechange Token?", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_RENAME": "Rename Shapechange Token", "SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_RENAME_LONG": "Please enter a new name for this token.", "SHOW_AC": "Show Token Armour Class", "SHOW_HP": "Show Token Hit Points", "SHOW_NAMES": "Show Token Names", "TOGGLE_CONDITION": "Toggle Condition", "TOKEN_SELECTED": "Selected", "TOKENS_UNSELECTED": "Unselected" }, { "en-US": { "ARMOUR_CLASS": "Armor Class", "DESATURATE_CONDITIONS": "Grayscale Conditions", "HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR": "Token Highlight Color", "SHOW_AC": "Show Token Armor Class" } }), importName = pluginName(import.meta), [initiativeWindow5E, initiativeList5E, conditionList, hasCondition, hideTokenHP, token5e, tokenHP5e, hideTokenAC, tokenAC5e, hideTokenNames, tokenName5e, hideTokenConditions, tokenConditions5e, hideSelectedHP, hideSelectedAC, hideSelectedNames, hideSelectedConditions, desaturateTokenConditions, desaturateSelectedConditions, tokenSelector5E, shapechangeSettings5E, tokenInitiative, displaySettings5e, perspectives5e, saturate5E, shield5E, hp5E, hpBack5E, blindMask, blurFace, concentratingSpoke, concentratingCog, dyingLine, flyingWing, guidancePoints, huntersMarkMask, levitateBoot, stunnedStar, unconsciousZ, burning, haste, hideousLaughter, poisoned, prone, slow, darksatID, darkvisID, darkvisionID] = ids(48), conditionIDs = ids(37), initAsc = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 2 2"}, polygon({"points": "2,2 0,2 1,0", "fill": "currentColor"})), initDesc = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 2 2"}, polygon({"points": "0,0 2,0 1,2", "fill": "currentColor"})), initNext = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 2 2"}, polygon({"points": "0,0 2,1 0,2", "fill": "currentColor"})), initPrev = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 2 2"}, polygon({"points": "2,0 0,1 2,2", "fill": "currentColor"})), conditions = (Object.keys(lang) as (keyof typeof lang)[]).filter(k => k.startsWith("CONDITION_")), sortAsc = (a: Initiative, b: Initiative) => a.initiative - b.initiative, sortDesc = (a: Initiative, b: Initiative) => b.initiative - a.initiative, isValidToken = (t: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing | null): t is SVGToken5EType => t instanceof SVGToken5E && !t.isPattern && tokens.has(, initiativeList = new NodeArray(ul({"id": initiativeList5E})), saveInitiative = () => { if (initiativeList.length === 0) { doMapDataRemove("5e-initiative"); } else { doMapDataSet("5e-initiative", => ({ "id":, "initiative": i.initiative }))); } }, initiativeWindow = windows({"window-icon": `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 100 100"%3E%3Cpath d="M92.5,7 l-30,30 h30 z" fill="%23000" stroke="%23fff" stroke-linejoin="round" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="none" stroke="%23fff" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="191 1000" stroke-dashoffset="-29" /%3E%3Ccircle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="none" stroke="%23000" stroke-width="10" stroke-dasharray="191 1000" stroke-dashoffset="-30" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`, "window-title": lang["INITIATIVE"], "style": "--window-left: 0px; --window-top: calc(100% - 400px); --window-width: 200px; --window-height: 400px", "window-data": "5e-window-data", "hide-close": true, "hide-maximise": true, "resizable": true}, div({"id": initiativeWindow5E}, [ isAdmin ? div([ button({"title": lang["INITIATIVE_ASC"], "onclick": () => { initiativeList.sort(sortAsc); initiativeList.sort(noSort); saveInitiative(); }}, initAsc), button({"title": lang["INITIATIVE_DESC"], "onclick": () => { initiativeList.sort(sortDesc); initiativeList.sort(noSort); saveInitiative(); }}, initDesc), br(), button({"title": lang["INITIATIVE_PREV"], "onclick": () => { const i = initiativeList.pop(); if (i) { initiativeList.unshift(i); saveInitiative(); } }}, initPrev), button({"title": lang["INITIATIVE_NEXT"], "onclick": () => { const i = initiativeList.shift(); if (i) { initiativeList.push(i); saveInitiative(); } }}, initNext) ]) : [], initiativeList ])), initTokens = new Set(), addToInitiative = (token: SVGToken, initiative: Int, hidden: boolean) => (initTokens.add(, initiativeList.push({ token, hidden, initiative, [node]: li({"style": hidden && !isAdmin ? "display: none" : undefined, "onmouseover": () => { if (token[node].parentNode) { amendNode(highlight, {"width": token.width, "height": token.height, "transform": token.transformString()}); token[node].parentNode!.insertBefore(highlight, token[node]); } }, "onmouseleave": () => highlight.remove()}, [ img({"src": imageIDtoURL(token.src), "onclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { centreOnGrid(token.x + (token.width >> 1), token.y + (token.height >> 1)); if (isAdmin && e.ctrlKey) { selectToken(token); } }}), span(token.getData("name") ?? ""), span(isAdmin ? {"class": tokenInitiative, "onclick": () => { updateInitiative([, null]); saveInitiative(); highlight.remove(); }} : {}, initiative + "") ]) })), updateInitiative = (change?: [Uint, Uint | null]) => { const {"5e-initiative": initiative} =, hiddenLayers = new Set(); initiativeList.splice(0, initiativeList.length); initTokens.clear(); walkLayers((l, isHidden) => { if (isHidden) { hiddenLayers.add(l.path); } }); if (initiative) { for (const i of initiative as IDInitiative[]) { const tk = tokens.get(; if (tk) { const {layer, token} = tk; if (token instanceof SVGToken5E) { let initiative = i.initiative; const isHidden = hiddenLayers.has(layer.path); if (change && change[0] === { const i = change[1]; change = undefined; if (i === null) { continue; } initiative = i; } if (!isHidden || isAdmin) { addToInitiative(token, initiative, isHidden); } } } } } if (change && change[1] !== null) { const {token, layer} = tokens.get(change[0])!; if (token instanceof SVGToken5E) { addToInitiative(token, change[1], hiddenLayers.has(layer.path)); } } if (initiativeList.length === 0) { initiativeWindow.remove(); } else if (!initiativeWindow.parentNode) { amendNode(shell, initiativeWindow); } updatePerspectives(); }, displaySettings = { "SHOW_HP": [new BoolSetting("5e-show-token-hp").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideTokenHP]: !b}})), new BoolSetting("5e-show-selected-hp").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideSelectedHP]: !b}}))], "SHOW_AC": [new BoolSetting("5e-show-token-ac").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideTokenAC]: !b}})), new BoolSetting("5e-show-selected-ac").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideSelectedAC]: !b}}))], "SHOW_NAMES": [new BoolSetting("5e-show-token-names").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideTokenNames]: !b}})), new BoolSetting("5e-show-selected-names").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideSelectedNames]: !b}}))], "HIDE_CONDITIONS": [new BoolSetting("5e-hide-token-conditions").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideTokenConditions]: b}})), new BoolSetting("5e-hide-selected-conditions").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[hideSelectedConditions]: b}}))], "DESATURATE_CONDITIONS": [new BoolSetting("5e-desaturate-token-conditions").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[desaturateTokenConditions]: b}})), new BoolSetting("5e-desaturate-selected-conditions").wait(b => amendNode(document.body, {"class": {[desaturateSelectedConditions]: b}}))] } as Record, highlight = rect({"stroke-width": 20}), highlightColour = new ColourSetting("5e-hightlight-colour", new Colour(255, 255, 0, 127)).wait(c => { const h = c.toHexString(); amendNode(highlight, {"fill": h, "stroke": h, "opacity": c.a / 255}); }), updatePerspectives = (() => { type PerspectiveData = [Int, Int, SVGPolygonElement[], Children, Children]; const perspectives = g({"id": perspectives5e, "fill": "#000"}), black = [[new Colour(0, 0, 0)]], timings = [0], darksat = filter({"id": darksatID}, feColorMatrix({"type": "matrix", "values": "0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0,-0.2125 -0.7154 -0.0721 1 0"})), darkvis = filter({"id": darkvisID}, feColorMatrix({"type": "matrix", "values": "0.5 0 0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0 0 0.5,0 0 0.5 0 0.5,0 0 0 1 0"})), dvcs = g(), dv = clipPath({"id": darkvisionID}), lastPerspectives: PerspectiveData[]= []; masks[node].firstChild?.after(perspectives); amendNode(definitions[node], [ dvcs, dv, darksat, darkvis ]); let nextID = 0, lastScale = 0, lastWalls: LightWall[] = [], oldMapData: MapData | null = null; return () => { if (oldMapData !== mapData) { oldMapData = mapData; return; } nextID = 0; clearNode(perspectives); clearNode(dvcs); clearNode(dv); const tokens: (SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing)[] = []; if (initiativeList[0]?.token.getData("5e-player")) { tokens.push(initiativeList[0].token); } else { walkLayers((l: SVGLayer, hidden: boolean) => { if (!hidden) { for (const t of l.tokens) { if (t.getData("5e-player")) { tokens.push(t); } } } }); } let update = wallList !== lastWalls || tokens.length !== lastPerspectives.length; lastWalls = wallList; if (tokens.length) { const {gridSize, gridDistance, width, height} = mapData, scale = gridSize / (gridDistance || 1), stages = [Math.max(width, height) / scale, 0]; update ||= scale !== lastScale; lastScale = scale; amendNode(perspectives, [ rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill": "#fff"}),, n) => { const [x, y] = t.getCentre(); if (!update) { const [oldX, oldY, oldNode, a, b] = lastPerspectives[n]; if (x === oldX && y === oldY) { amendNode(dvcs, a); amendNode(dv, b); return oldNode; } } const p = makeLight(new PerspectiveLighting(x, y, x, y, black, stages, timings), wallList, scale), r = (t.getData("5e-darkvision") ?? 0) * scale, data: PerspectiveData = [x, y, p, [], []]; lastPerspectives.splice(n, 1, data); if (r) { const id = "DVC-5E_"+nextID++, [cx, cy] = t.getCentre(); amendNode(dvcs, data[3] = clipPath({id}, circle({r, cx, cy}))); amendNode(dv, data[4] = => amendNode(p.cloneNode(), {"clip-path": `url(#${id})`, "fill": undefined}))); } return p; }).flat().sort((a, b) => stringSort(b.getAttribute("fill") ?? "", a.getAttribute("fill") ?? "")) ]); } }; })(), plugin: PluginType = { "settings": { "fn": div([ labels([lang["HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR"], ": "], makeColourPicker(null, lang["HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR"], () => highlightColour.value, (c: Colour) => highlightColour.set(c))), table({"id": displaySettings5e}, [ thead(tr([ td(), th(lang["TOKENS_UNSELECTED"]), th(lang["TOKEN_SELECTED"]) ])), tbody(Object.entries(displaySettings).map(([name, settings]) => tr([ td([lang[name as keyof typeof lang], ": "]), => td(labels(input({"type": "checkbox", "class": settingsTicker, "checked": setting.value, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { setting.set(this.checked); }}), ""))) ]))) ]) ]) }, "tokenClass": { "fn": (c: SVGTokenConstructor) => SVGToken5E = class extends c { #tokenNode: SVGGraphicsElement; #extra: SVGGElement; #hp: SVGGElement; #hpValue: SVGTextElement; #hpBar: SVGUseElement; #hpBack: SVGUseElement; #name: SVGTextElement; #ac: SVGGElement; #acValue: SVGTextElement; #shield: SVGUseElement; #conditions: SVGGElement; declare tokenData: Record & TokenFields; constructor(token: TokenImage, wg?: WaitGroup) { super(token, wg); const maxHP: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-hp-max"), currentHP: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-hp-current"), ac: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-ac"), size = Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 4; this[node] = g([ this.#tokenNode = this[node], this.#extra = g({"class": token5e, "transform": `translate(${this.x}, ${this.y})`, "style": "color: #000"}, [ this.#hp = g({"class": tokenHP5e, "style": currentHP === null || maxHP === null ? "display: none" : undefined}, [ this.#hpBack = use({"href": `#${hpBack5E}`, "width": size, "height": size}), this.#hpBar = use({"href": `#${hp5E}`, "width": size, "height": size, "stroke-dasharray": `${Math.PI * 19 * 0.75 * Math.min(currentHP || 0, maxHP || 0) / (maxHP || 1)} 60`, "style": `color: rgba(${Math.round(255 * Math.min(currentHP || 0, maxHP || 0) / (maxHP || 1))}, 0, 0, 1)`}), this.#hpValue = text({"x": this.width / 8, "y": "1.2em", "text-anchor": "middle", "fill": `rgba(${Math.round(255 * Math.min(currentHP || 0, maxHP || 0) / (maxHP || 1))}, 0, 0, 1)`}, currentHP?.toString() ?? "") ]), this.#name = text({"class": tokenName5e, "style": "user-select: none", "stroke": "#fff", "stroke-width": 1, "fill": "#000", "x": this.width / 2, "y": "1em", "text-anchor": "middle"}, this.getData("name") ?? ""), this.#ac = g({"class": tokenAC5e, "style": ac === null ? "display: none" : undefined}, [ this.#shield = use({"href": `#${shield5E}`, "width": size, "height": size, "x": 3 * this.width / 4}), this.#acValue = text({"x": 7 * this.width / 8, "y": "1.2em", "text-anchor": "middle"}, ac?.toString() ?? "") ]), this.#conditions = g({"class": tokenConditions5e}) ]) ]); setTimeout(() => this.#setTextWidth(), 0); this.#updateConditions(); } #setTextWidth() { const maxNameLength = this.width / 2, nameLength = this.#name.getComputedTextLength(), size = Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 8, textSize = Math.min(16 * (maxNameLength / nameLength), this.height / 8); amendNode(this.#name, {"style": {"font-size": textSize + "px"}, "stroke-width": textSize / 100}); amendNode(this.#acValue, {"style": {"font-size": `${size}px`}}); amendNode(this.#hpValue, {"style": {"font-size": `${size}px`}}); } #swapNodes(fn: () => T): T { const n = this[node]; this[node] = this.#tokenNode; const ret = fn(); this.#tokenNode = this[node]; this[node] = n; return ret; } cleanup() { this.#swapNodes(() => super.cleanup()); } uncleanup() { this.#swapNodes(() => super.uncleanup()); } hasLight() { return super.hasLight() || this.getData("5e-player"); } at(x: Int, y: Int) { return this.#swapNodes(() =>, y)); } [select]() { outline.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", this.#extra); } [unselect]() { if (!this.isPattern) { amendNode(this[node], this.#extra); } } updateSource(source: Uint) { this.#swapNodes(() => super.updateSource(source)); } updateNode() { const wasPattern = this.#tokenNode instanceof SVGRectElement; this.#swapNodes(() => super.updateNode()); if (this.isPattern) { if (!wasPattern) { this.#extra.remove(); } } else if (wasPattern) { if (selected.token === this) { outline.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", this.#extra); } this[node].replaceWith(this[node] = g([this.#tokenNode, this.#extra])); } amendNode(this.#tokenNode, {"width": this.width, "height": this.height, "transform": this.transformString()}); amendNode(this.#extra, {"transform": `translate(${this.x}, ${this.y})`}); amendNode(this.#shield, {"x": 3 * this.width / 4, "width": this.width / 4, "height": Math.min(this.height, this.width) / 4}); amendNode(this.#hpBack, {"width": this.width / 4, "height": Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 4}); amendNode(this.#hpBar, {"width": this.width / 4, "height": Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 4}); amendNode(this.#name, {"x": this.width / 2, "style": {"font-size": undefined}}); amendNode(this.#hpValue, {"x": this.width / 8}); amendNode(this.#acValue, {"x": 7 * this.width / 8}); this.#setTextWidth(); this.#updateConditions(); } [updateData]() { const maxHP: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-hp-max"), currentHP: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-hp-current"), ac: Uint | null = this.getData("5e-ac"), name = this.getData("name") || ""; if (ac === null) { amendNode(this.#ac, {"style": "display: none"}); } else { amendNode(this.#ac, {"style": undefined}); clearNode(this.#acValue, ac + ""); } if (currentHP === null || maxHP === null) { amendNode(this.#hp, {"style": "display: none"}); } else { amendNode(this.#hp, {"style": undefined}); clearNode(this.#hpValue, {"fill": `rgba(${Math.round(255 * Math.min(currentHP || 0, maxHP || 0) / (maxHP || 1))}, 0, 0, 1)`}, currentHP + ""); amendNode(this.#hpBar, {"stroke-dasharray": `${Math.PI * 19 * 0.75 * Math.min(currentHP || 0, maxHP || 0) / (maxHP || 1)} 60`}); } if (this.#name.innerHTML !== name) { clearNode(this.#name, {"style": {"font-size": undefined}}, name); this.#setTextWidth(); } this.#updateConditions(); } #updateConditions() { clearNode(this.#conditions); const myConditions: boolean[] = this.getData("5e-conditions") ?? 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30,6 h18 q0.5,-10 -10,-10 q-30,-4 -28,-10 q1,-15 -0,-30 q-12,-1 -26,0 q-1,22 0,44", "fill": "#840"})])), path({"d": "M0,100 v-30 l20,-5 h60 l20,5 v30 z", "fill": "#0a0"}), use({"href": `#${levitateBoot}`, "transform": "translate(10,0) scale(0.9)"}), use({"href": `#${levitateBoot}`}), path({"d": "M15,90 q-2,-2.5 5,-5 q-2,-2.5 5,-5 c3,0 40,2 58,5 q5,2.5 -5,5 q5,2.5 -5,5 c-15,2 -55,-5 -58,-5", "fill": "#040"})]), // Levitate symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 70 90"}, [rect({"x": 5, "y": 5, "width": 60, "height": 80, "fill": "#4df", "stroke": "#640", "stroke-width": 10, "rx": 1}), path({"d": "M10,50 v10 L60,15 v-5 h-5 z", "fill": "#8ff"})]), // Mirror Image symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 73 81"}, path({"d": "M10,32 a1,1 0,0,0 40,40 a1,1 0,0,0 -3,-3 a1,1 0,0,1 -34,-34 a1,1 0,0,0 -3,-3 z M60,77 l-20,-30 h-20 l-10,-35 a8,8 90,1,1 8,5 l7,24.5 h18 l18.5,28 l7,-4 l3,4 z", "fill": "#00a", "stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 1})), // Paralyzed symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 90"}, [path({"d": "M5,90 a60,60 0,0,1 90,0 z", "fill": "red", "stroke": "#000"}), path({"d": "M50,20 c20,0 20,10 20,30 c-2,15 -5,20 -18,30 q-2,1 -4,0 c-13,-10 -16,-15 -18,-30 c0,-20 0,-30 20,-30", "fill": "#fc8", "stroke": "#000"}), path({"d": "M35,45 a10,10 0,0,1 10,0 a10,10 0,0,1 -10,0 M55,45 a10,10 0,0,1 10,0 a10,10 0,0,1 -10,0", "fill": "red", "stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 0.3}), path({"d": "M40,65 c5,0 5,-5 10,-3 c5,-2 5,3 10,3 q-10,-0.5 -20,0 M41,65 q10,0.5 18,0 c-4,4 -14,4 -18,0", "fill": "#080"}), g({"stroke-width": 8, "stroke-linecap": "round", "fill": "none"}, [path({"d": "M30,40 c-15,-5 -10,20 -25,10 M70,40 c15,-5 10,20 25,10", "stroke": "#040"}), path({"d": "M33,32 c-15,-10 -10,5 -25,-10 M67,32 c15,-10 10,5, 25,-10", "stroke": "#060"}), path({"d": "M38,25 c-5,-10 -10,5 -15,-20 M 62,25 c5,-10 10,5, 15,-20", "stroke": "#080"}), path({"d": "M50,22 v-18", "stroke": "#0a0"})])]), // Petrified symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 6.2 9.3"}, [defs(linearGradient({"id": poisoned}, [stop({"offset": "0%", "stop-color": "#040"}), stop({"offset": "100%", "stop-color": "#0e0"})])), path({"d": "M3.1,0.2 q-6,8 0,9 q6,-1 0,-9 Z", "stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 0.2, "fill": `url(#${poisoned})`})]), // Poisoned symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 60"}, [defs(pattern({"id": prone, "width": 100, "height": 60, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse"}, [rect({"width": 100, "height": 60, "fill": "#cca"}), path({"d": "M100,60 h-53 l25,-60 h20 z", "fill": "#888"}), circle({"cx": 15, "cy": 20, "r": 13, "fill": "#840"}), path({"d": "M85,59 h15 v-20 h-15 z M0,59 h50 v-15 h-50 z M0,25 l28,-10 l-5,20 h-10 z", "fill": "#fc8"})])), g({"stroke": "#000", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "fill": `url(#${prone})`}, [path({"d": "M40,33.5 l-3,14.5 h-3.5 l-2,8 h9 q4,0 5,-4 l5,-20.5 z M90,59 a1,1 0,0,0 0,-12 h-20 l10,-23 c10,-8 0,-20 -5,-18 l-40,5 q-5,0 -6,5 l-8,33 h-15 a1,1 0,0,0 0,10 h20 q5,0 6,-5 l5,-20 l27,-5 l-10,25 q0,5 5,5 z M64,29 l-4,1 l-8,20 q-1,4 2,4 z"}), circle({"cx": 15, "cy": 20, "r": 12})])]), // Prone symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, g({"stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 1, "fill": "#fff"}, [circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 50, "r": 49, "fill": "#a00"}), circle({"cx": 30, "cy": 40, "r": 8}), circle({"cx": 70, "cy": 40, "r": 8}), path({"d": "M22,25 l17,8 M61,33 l17,-8 M20,80 a3,2 0,0,1 60,0 z M30,80 v-15 M40,80 v-20 M50,80 v-20 M60,80 v-20 M70,80 v-15", "stroke-width": 3})])), // Rage symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 90"}, g({"stroke": "#000", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-linecap": "round"}, [path({"d": "M94,84 l-5,5 l-5,-5 l2,-2 l-75,-75 l0,-6", "fill": "#840"}), path({"d": "M94,84 l5,-5 l-5,-5 l-2,2 l-75,-75 l-6,0", "fill": "#c84"}), path({"d": "M7,20 h-5 q5,30 30,25 l-6,-15 z", "fill": "#aad"}), path({"d": "M20,10 q-10,10 -15,10 q10,20 25,20 q-2,-8 5,-15 l1,-1", "fill": "#88b"}), path({"d": "M20,10 l5,-5 l15,15 l-5,5", "fill": "#aad"}), path({"d": "M2,88 a1,1 0,1,1 3,-5 l13,-15 l-5,-5 l3,-3 l7,7", "fill": "#f80"}), path({"d": "M2,88 a1,1 0,1,0 5,-3 l15,-13 l5,5 l3,-3 l-7,-7", "fill": "#fa0"}), path({"d": "M1.75,87.80 l0.4,0.4"}), path({"d": "M26,70 l55,-50 l5,-16", "fill": "#88f"}), path({"d": "M86,4 l-5,16 l-55,50 l-3,-3", "fill": "#bbf"}), path({"d": "M86,4 l-16,5 l-50,55 l3,3", "fill": "#669"})])), // Reckless symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 37 37"}, g({"stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 0.5, "fill": "#ccc", "stroke-linecap": "round", "fill-rule": "evenodd"}, [path({"d": "M2,28 a1,1 0,0,0 5,5 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -5,-5 z m1,1 a1,1 0,0,0 3,3 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -3,-3 z m10,-12 a1,1 0,0,0 5,5 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -5,-5 z m1,1 a1,1 0,0,0 3,3 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -3,-3 z m10,-12 a1,1 0,0,0 5,5 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -5,-5 z m1,1 a1,1 0,0,0 3,3 l4,-4 a1,1 0,0,0 -3,-3 z"}), path({"d": "M7.5,26.5 l8,-8 a1,1 0,0,1 1,1 l-8,8 a1,1 0,0,1 -1,-1 z m11,-11 l8,-8 a1,1 0,0,1 1,1 l-8,8 a1,1 0,0,1 -1,-1 z"})])), // Restrained symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 47 72"}, [g({"stroke": "#000", "fill": "none"}, [path({"d": "M2.5,41.5 l21,-21 l21,21", "stroke-width": 6.5}), path({"d": "M23.5,0.25 v21 M14.5,7 h18", "stroke-width": 3}), path({"d": "M23.5,21 l20,20 v30 h-40 v-30 z", "fill": "#efa"}), path({"d": "M23.5,1 v20 M15.5,7 h16", "stroke": "#fc4", "stroke-width": 1}), path({"d": "M3.5,41 l20,-20 l20,20", "stroke": "#e42", "stroke-width": 5}), circle({"cx": 23.5, "cy": 40, "r": 8, "fill": "#88f", "stroke-width": 0.5})]), path({"d": "M13.5,70.5 v-10 a10,10 0,0,1 20,0 v10 z", "fill": "#642"})]), // Sanctuary symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 65"}, [defs(pattern({"id": slow, "x": 15, "y": 12.5, "width": 22, "height": 12, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse"}, [rect({"width": 22, "height": 12, "fill": "#420"}), path({"d": "M0,0 l3,6 h8 l3,-6 h8 l1,2 m0,8 l-1,2 h-8 l-3,-6 m-8,0 l-3,6", "fill": "transparent", "stroke": "#210", "stroke-linecap": "square"})])), path({"d": "M26,43 q-3,-10 -10,-20 q-30,0 0,-20 c30,-10 0,15 20,35 M30,43 q-5,20 0,20 q2.5,0.5 5,0 q5,0 5,-20 M80,43 q5,20 0,20 q-2.5,0.5 -5,0 q-5,0 -5,-20 M80,43 c40,-35 0,-10 -2,-3", "fill": "#080", "stroke": "#000", "stroke-linejoin": "round"}), path({"d": "M25,43 c20,-30 40,-30 60,0 c-20,5 -40,5 -60,0 Z", "fill": `url(#${slow})`, "stroke": "#210", "stroke-linejoin": "round"}), circle({"cx": 20, "cy": 10, "r": 2.5, "fill": "#000"})]), // Slow symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, g({"stroke": "#000"}, [circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 50, "r": 49, "fill": "#fc8"}), path({"id": stunnedStar, "d": "M30,40 l3,8.5 h9 l-7,5.5 l2.5,8 l-7.5,-5 l-7.5,5 l2.5,-8.5 l-7,-5.5 h9 z", "fill": "#ff0"}), use({"href": `#${stunnedStar}`, "transform": "translate(40, 0) scale(0.5)", "stroke-width": 1.5}), path({"d": "M50,80 l-1,-8 l16,2 l-2,-16 l16,2 l-1,-8", "fill": "none", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round"})])), // Stunned symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [defs(path({"id": unconsciousZ, "d": "M3,2 h20 v3 l-15,20 h15 l1,-3 h1 l-1,5 h-20 v-3 l15,-20 h-15 l-1,3 h-1 z", "stroke-width": 1, "stroke": "#000", "fill": "#fff"})), use({"href": `#${unconsciousZ}`, "transform": "scale(1.2) translate(55, 0)"}), use({"href": `#${unconsciousZ}`, "transform": "translate(45, 30)"}), use({"href": `#${unconsciousZ}`, "transform": "scale(0.8) translate(35, 70)"}), use({"href": `#${unconsciousZ}`, "transform": "scale(0.6) translate(25, 130)"})]) // Unconscious ].map((c, n) => amendNode(c, {"id": conditionIDs[n]})) ]); if (isAdmin) { const isNull = Null(), checkSettings = (() => { const tg = Obj({ "shapechange-categories": Obj({ "user": isBool, "data": Arr(Obj({ "name": isStr, "images": Arr(isBool) })) }), "store-image-shapechanges": Obj({ "user": isBool, "data": Arr(And(Take(isTokenImage, "src", "width", "height", "flip", "flop"), Obj({ "tokenData": Obj({ "name":Or(Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isStr}), isNull), "5e-ac":Or(Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isUint}), isNull), "5e-hp-max":Or(Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isUint}), isNull), "5e-hp-current":Or(Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isUint}), isNull) }), "5e-shapechange-name": isStr }))) }) }); return (v: unknown): Settings5E | null => { if (!tg(v)) { return null; } const numTokens = v["store-image-shapechanges"].data.length; for (const c of v["shapechange-categories"].data) { if (c.images.length > numTokens) { c.images.splice(numTokens); } while (c.images.length < numTokens) { c.images.push(false); } } return v; }; })(), settings: Settings5E = checkSettings(getSettings(importName) as Settings5E) ?? { "shapechange-categories": {"user": false, "data": []}, "store-image-shapechanges": {"user": false, "data": []} }, initChange = (token: SVGToken) => { shell.prompt(lang["INITIATIVE_ENTER"], lang["INITIATIVE_ENTER_LONG"], "0").then(initiative => { if (isValidToken(token) && initiative !== null) { const init = parseInt(initiative); if (isInt(init, -20, 40)) { updateInitiative([, init]); saveInitiative(); } } }); }, initRemove = (token: SVGToken) => { if (isValidToken(token)) { updateInitiative([, null]); saveInitiative(); } }, initAdd = (token: SVGToken, initMod: null | number, initAdv: boolean) => (initMod !== null ? Promise.resolve(Math.floor((initAdv ? Math.max(Math.random(), Math.random()) : Math.random()) * 20) + 1 + initMod) : shell.prompt(lang["INITIATIVE_ENTER"], lang["INITIATIVE_ENTER_LONG"], "0").then(initiative => { if (!initiative) { throw new Error("invalid initiative"); } return parseInt(initiative); })).then(initiative => { if (isValidToken(token) && isInt(initiative, -20, 40)) { updateInitiative([, initiative]); saveInitiative(); } }).catch(() => {}), shapechangeCats = settings["shapechange-categories"] => ({"name": c["name"], "images": c["images"].slice()})), shapechangeTokens = settings["store-image-shapechanges"], isKeyStoreDataStr = Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isStr}), isKeyStoreDataUint = Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isUint}), asInitialToken = (t: Omit): InitialToken => { const tokenData: InitialTokenData = { "name": null, "5e-ac": null, "5e-hp-max": null, "5e-hp-current": null }, {name, "5e-ac": ac, "5e-hp-max": hpMax, "5e-hp-current": hpCurrent} = t.tokenData; if (isKeyStoreDataStr(name)) { tokenData["name"] = cloneObject(name); } if (isKeyStoreDataUint(ac)) { tokenData["5e-ac"] = cloneObject(ac); } if (isKeyStoreDataUint(hpMax)) { tokenData["5e-hp-max"] = cloneObject(hpMax); } if (isKeyStoreDataUint(hpCurrent)) { tokenData["5e-hp-max"] = cloneObject(hpCurrent); } return {"src": t["src"], "width": t["width"], "height": t["height"], "flip": t["flip"], "flop": t["flop"], tokenData}; }, setShapechange = (t: SVGToken5EType, n?: InitialToken) => { const tk: TokenSet = {"id":, "tokenData": {}, "removeTokenData": []}; if (!n) { if (!t.tokenData["store-image-5e-initial-token"]) { return; } n = t.tokenData["store-image-5e-initial-token"].data; tk.removeTokenData!.push("store-image-5e-initial-token"); } else if (!t.tokenData["store-image-5e-initial-token"]) { tk.tokenData!["store-image-5e-initial-token"] = {"user": false, "data": asInitialToken(t)}; } tk.src = n.src; tk.width = n.width; tk.height = n.height; tk.flip = n.flip; tk.flop = n.flop; for (const k in tk.tokenData) { const v = tk.tokenData[k]; if (v) { tk.tokenData![k] = cloneObject(v); } else { tk.removeTokenData!.push(k); } } doTokenSet(tk); t.updateNode(); if (initTokens.has( { updateInitiative(); } }, addCat = (c: ShapechangeCat, pos = shapechangeCats.length - 1) => { const name = span(, t = th([ name, rename({"title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_RENAME"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_RENAME"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_RENAME_LONG"], => { if (newName && !== newName) { clearNode(name, = newName); } })}), remove({"title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_REMOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.confirm(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_REMOVE"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_REMOVE_LONG"], "").then(rm => { if (rm) { shapechangeCats[pos].name = ""; for (const row of tickers) { row[pos].remove(); } t.remove(); } })}) ]); return t; }, addTicker = (row: Uint, col: Uint, state = false) => { const t = td([ labels(input({"class": settingsTicker, "type": "checkbox", "checked": state, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { shapechangeCats[col]["images"][row] = this.checked; }}), "") ]); tickers[row].push(t); return t; }, addToken = (t: ShapechangeToken, row: Uint) => { tickers.push([]); const name = span(t["5e-shapechange-name"]), r = tr([ th([ div({"class": [tokenSelector, tokenSelector5E], "style": "width: 100px; height: 100px"}, [ button({"title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_CHANGE"], "style": `background-image: url(${imageIDtoURL(t["src"])})`, "onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { const gt = getToken(); if (gt) { const token = asInitialToken(gt); shell.confirm(mainLang["TOKEN_REPLACE"], mainLang["TOKEN_REPLACE_CONFIRM"]).then(replace => { if (replace) { Object.assign(t, token); amendNode(this, {"style": {"background-image": imageIDtoURL(t.src)}}); } }); } else { shell.alert(mainLang["TOKEN_SELECT"], mainLang["TOKEN_NONE_SELECTED"]); } }}) ]), br(), name, rename({"title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_RENAME"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_RENAME"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_RENAME_LONG"], t["5e-shapechange-name"]).then(newName => { if (newName && t["5e-shapechange-name"] !== newName) { clearNode(name, t["5e-shapechange-name"] = newName); } })}), remove({"title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_REMOVE"], "class": itemControl, "onclick": () => shell.confirm(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_REMOVE"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_REMOVE_LONG"]).then(rm => { if (rm) { rows[row].remove(); shapechangeTokens[row]["5e-shapechange-name"] = ""; } })}) ]),, col) => addTicker(row, col, c["images"][row])) ]); rows.push(r); return r; }, cats = tr([ td(), ]), rows: HTMLTableRowElement[] = [], tickers: HTMLTableCellElement[][] = [], ticks = tbody(, shapechangeSettings = windows({"window-icon": `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 2 2"%3E%3Crect width="2" height="2" fill="%23f00"%3E%3Canimate attributeName="rx" values="0;0;1;1;0" dur="16s" repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0;0.375;0.5;0.875;1" /%3E%3Canimate attributeName="fill" values="%23f00;%23f00;%2300f;%2300f;%23f00" dur="16s" repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0;0.375;0.5;0.875;1" /%3E%3C/rect%3E%3C/svg%3E`, "window-title": lang["SHAPECHANGE_TITLE"], "window-data": "shapechange-5e", "resizable": true}, div([ h1(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TITLE"]), button({"onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY_LONG"]).then(cat => { if (cat) { const c = { "name": cat, "images": Array.from({"length": shapechangeTokens.length}, () => false) }, p = shapechangeCats.push(c) - 1; amendNode(cats, addCat(c)); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { amendNode(rows[i], addTicker(i, p)); } } })}, lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_CATEGORY"]), button({"onclick": () => { const t = getToken(); if (t) { const token = asInitialToken(t); shell.prompt(lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_NAME"], lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_NAME_LONG"], selected?.token?.getData("name")).then(name => { if (name) { const t = Object.assign(token, {"5e-shapechange-name": name}) as ShapechangeToken; amendNode(ticks, addToken(t, shapechangeTokens.length)); shapechangeTokens.push(t); for (const cat of shapechangeCats) { cat["images"].push(false); } } }); } else { shell.alert(mainLang["TOKEN_SELECT"], mainLang["TOKEN_NONE_SELECTED"]); } }}, lang["SHAPECHANGE_TOKEN_ADD"]), table({"id": shapechangeSettings5E}, [ thead(cats), ticks ]), button({"onclick": () => { const cats: ShapechangeCat[] = [], tokens: ShapechangeToken[] = [], valid: boolean[] = []; for (const t of shapechangeTokens) { if (t["5e-shapechange-name"]) { valid.push(true); tokens.push(cloneObject(t)); } else { valid.push(false); } } for (const cat of shapechangeCats) { if (cat["name"]) { const t: boolean[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) { if (valid[i]) { t.push(cat["images"][i]); } } cats.push({"name": cat["name"], "images": t}); } } settings["shapechange-categories"] = {"user": false, "data": cats}; settings["store-image-shapechanges"] = {"user": false, "data": tokens}; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, settings, []); }}, mainLang["SAVE"]) ])), [setupHealthButton, cancelHealthButton] = registerKeyEvent("5e-health-key", lang["KEY_HEALTH"], 'h', undefined, () => { const {token} = selected; if (token instanceof SVGToken5E) { const currHP = token.getData("5e-hp-current"); if (currHP !== null) { shell.prompt(lang["HP_CURRENT"], lang["HP_CURRENT_ENTER"], currHP).then(hp => { if (hp !== null && isValidToken(token)) { const newHP = Math.max(0, parseInt(hp) + (hp.startsWith("+") || hp.startsWith("-") ? currHP : 0)); if (!isNaN(newHP)) { doTokenSet({"id":, "tokenData": {"5e-hp-current": {"user": false, "data": Math.max(0, (parseInt(hp) || 0) + (hp.startsWith("+") || hp.startsWith("-") ? currHP : 0))}}}); } } }); } } }), [setupInitiativeButton, cancelInitiativeButton] = registerKeyEvent("5e-initiative-key", lang["KEY_INITIATIVE"], 'i', undefined, () => { const {token} = selected; if (token instanceof SVGToken5E) { if (["5e-initiative"] && (mapData as MapData5E).data["5e-initiative"]!.some(ii => === { initChange(token); } else { initAdd(token, token.getData("5e-initiative-mod"), token.getData("5e-initiative-adv") ?? false); } } }), setCondition = (token: SVGToken | SVGShape | SVGDrawing | null, n: Uint) => { if (isValidToken(token)) { const data = token.getData("5e-conditions")?.slice() ?? Array.from({"length": conditions.length}, _ => false); data[n] = !data[n]; doTokenSet({"id":, "tokenData": {"5e-conditions": {"user": true, data}}}); } }, conditionKeys =, n) => registerKeyEvent("5e-" + condition, bind`${lang["TOGGLE_CONDITION"]}: ${lang[condition]}`, '', undefined, () => setCondition(selected.token, n))); add(`.${adminHideLight} #${perspectives5e}`, { "display": "none" }); amendNode(plugin["settings"]!.fn, button({"onclick": () => amendNode(shell, shapechangeSettings)}, lang["SHAPECHANGE_5E"])); plugin["characterEdit"] = { "fn": (n: Node, id: Uint, data: Record & TokenFields, isCharacter: boolean, changes: Record & TokenFields, removes: Set) => { const getData = !isCharacter && data["store-character-id"] && characterData.has(data["store-character-id"]["data"]) ? (() => { const cd = characterData.get(data["store-character-id"]["data"])!; return (key: string) => data[key] ?? cd[key] ?? {}; })() : (key: string) => data[key] ?? {}; amendNode(n, [ labels([lang["INITIATIVE_MOD"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": -20, "max": 20, "step": 1, "value": getData("5e-initiative-mod")["data"] ?? "", "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { if (this.value === "") { removes.add("5e-initiative-mod"); } else { removes.delete("5e-initiative-mod"); changes["5e-initiative-mod"] = {"user": false, "data": checkInt(parseInt(this.value), -20, 20, 0)}; } }})), labels([lang["INITIATIVE_ADV"], ": "], input({"type": "checkbox", "checked": getData("5e-initiative-adv")["data"] ?? false, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-initiative-adv"] = {"user": false, "data": this.checked}; }})), br(), labels([lang["ARMOUR_CLASS"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "max": 50, "step": 1, "value": getData("5e-ac")["data"] ?? 10, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-ac"] = {"user": false, "data": checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0, 50, 0)}; }})), br(), labels([lang["HP_CURRENT"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "step": 1, "value": getData("5e-hp-current")["data"] ?? 10, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-hp-current"] = {"user": false, "data": checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0, Infinity, 0)}; }})), br(), labels([lang["HP_MAX"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "step": 1, "value": getData("5e-hp-max")["data"] ?? 10, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-hp-max"] = {"user": false, "data": checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0, Infinity, 0)}; }})), br(), labels(input({"type": "checkbox", "class": settingsTicker, "checked": getData("5e-player")["data"], "onchange": function (this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-player"] = {"user": true, "data": this.checked}; }}), [lang["IS_PLAYER"], ": "]), br(), labels([lang["DARKVISION"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "step": 1, "value": getData("5e-darkvision")["data"] ?? 0, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { changes["5e-darkvision"] = {"user": true, "data": checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0, Infinity, 0)}; }})), br(), labels([lang["NOTES"], ": "], textarea({"rows": 10, "cols": 30, "style": "resize: none", "onchange": function(this: HTMLTextAreaElement) { changes["5e-notes"] = {"user": false, "data": this.value}; }}, getData("5e-notes")["data"] ?? "")) ]); return () => { let ui = false, up = false; if (!isCharacter) { (tokens.get(id)!.token as SVGToken5EType)[updateData](); ui = !!changes["name"] && initTokens.has(id); up = !!changes["5e-player"]; } else { for (const [, {token}] of tokens) { if (token instanceof SVGToken5E && token.tokenData["store-character-id"]?.data === id) { token[updateData](); if (initTokens.has( { ui = true; } if (changes["5e-player"] || changes["5e-darkvision"]) { up = true; } } } } if (ui) { updateInitiative(); } else if (up) { updatePerspectives(); } }; } }; plugin["tokenContext"] = { "fn": () => { const {token} = selected; if (!(token instanceof SVGToken5E)) { return []; } const initMod: number | null = token.getData("5e-initiative-mod"), tokenConditions: boolean[] = token.getData("5e-conditions") ?? [], {"shapechange-categories": {"data": shapechangeCats}, "store-image-shapechanges": {"data": shapechangeTokens}} = settings, ctxList: MenuItems = []; if (["5e-initiative"] && (mapData as MapData5E).data["5e-initiative"]!.some(ii => === { ctxList.push( item({"onselect": () => isValidToken(token) && initChange(token)}, lang["INITIATIVE_CHANGE"]), item({"onselect": () => isValidToken(token) && initRemove(token)}, lang["INITIATIVE_REMOVE"]) ); } else { ctxList.push(item({"onselect": () => isValidToken(token) && initAdd(token, initMod, token.getData("5e-initiative-adv") ?? false)}, lang["INITIATIVE_ADD"])); } ctxList.push(submenu([ item(lang["CONDITIONS"]), menu({"class": conditionList},, n) => [c, n] as const).sort(([a], [b]) => stringSort(lang[a] + "", lang[b] + "")).map(([c, n]) => item({"onselect": () => setCondition(token, n), "class": {[hasCondition]: !!tokenConditions[n]}}, lang[c]))) ])); if (shapechangeCats && shapechangeCats.length) { ctxList.push(submenu([ item(lang["SHAPECHANGE"]), menu([ token.tokenData["store-image-5e-initial-token"] ? item({"onselect": () => { if (isValidToken(token)) { setShapechange(token); } }}, lang["SHAPECHANGE_INITIAL_RESTORE"]) : [], => submenu([ item(, menu(, n) => { if (b) { const newToken = shapechangeTokens[n]; return item({"onselect": () => { if (isValidToken(token)) { setShapechange(token, newToken); } }}, newToken["5e-shapechange-name"]); } return []; })) ])) ]) ])); } return ctxList; } }; rpc.waitPluginSetting().when(setting => { if (setting["id"] === importName) { const setting5e = checkSettings(setting["setting"]); if (setting5e) { settings["shapechange-categories"] = setting5e["shapechange-categories"]; settings["store-image-shapechanges"] = setting5e["store-image-shapechanges"]; } } }); tokenSelectedReceive((() => { let lastSelectedToken: SVGToken5EType | null = null; return () => { lastSelectedToken?.[unselect](); const {token} = selected; if (token instanceof SVGToken5E && !token.isPattern) { setupHealthButton(); setupInitiativeButton(); for (const [fn] of conditionKeys) { fn(); } lastSelectedToken = token; token[select](); } else { cancelHealthButton(); cancelInitiativeButton(); for (const [, fn] of conditionKeys) { fn(); } } } })()); } else { add(`#${displaySettings5e}`, { " thead, td:last-child": { "display": "none" } }); } addPlugin("5e", plugin); mapLoadedReceive(() => { initiativeWindow.remove(); queue(async () => { for (const [, tk] of tokens) { if (tk instanceof SVGToken5E) { tk[updateData](); } } clearNode(getLayer("/Light")!.l, [ use({"href": `#${lighting}`, "style": "mix-blend-mode: saturation", "filter": `url(#${darksatID})`, "clip-path": `url(#${darkvisionID})`}), g({"style": "mix-blend-mode: multiply"}, [ use({"href": `#${lighting}`}), use({"href": `#${lighting}`, "filter": `url(#${darkvisID})`, "clip-path": `url(#${darkvisionID})`}) ]) ]); updateInitiative(); }); }); combinedRPC.waitTokenSet().when(ts => { const {tokenData, removeTokenData} = ts; if (tokenData && (tokenData["5e-initiative"] || tokenData["name"] !== undefined) || removeTokenData && (removeTokenData.includes("5e-initiative") || removeTokenData.includes("name"))) { setTimeout(() => { if (initTokens.has( { updateInitiative(); } (tokens.get(!.token as SVGToken5EType)[updateData](); }, 0); return; } if (tokenData) { for (const key in tokenData) { switch (key) { case "5e-ac": case "5e-hp-max": case "5e-hp-current": case "5e-conditions": setTimeout(() => (tokens.get(!.token as SVGToken5EType)[updateData](), 0); return; } } } if (removeTokenData) { for (const key of removeTokenData) { switch (key) { case "5e-ac": case "5e-hp-max": case "5e-hp-current": case "5e-conditions": setTimeout(() => (tokens.get(!.token as SVGToken5EType)[updateData](), 0); return; } } } }); combinedRPC.waitMapDataSet().when(changed => { if (changed.key === "5e-initiative") { setTimeout(updateInitiative, 0); } }); combinedRPC.waitMapDataRemove().when(removed => { if (removed === "5e-initiative") { initiativeWindow.remove(); } }); combinedRPC.waitTokenRemove().when(id => setTimeout(initTokens.has(id) ? updateInitiative : updatePerspectives)); combinedRPC.waitTokenAdd().when(({token: {id}}) => setTimeout(initTokens.has(id) ? updateInitiative : updatePerspectives)); combinedRPC.waitTokenMoveLayerPos().when(({id}) => setTimeout(initTokens.has(id) ? updateInitiative : updatePerspectives)); combinedRPC.waitTokenSet().when(({id}) => setTimeout(initTokens.has(id) ? updateInitiative : updatePerspectives)); combinedRPC.waitTokenSetMulti().when(tks => { for (const {id} of tks) { if (initTokens.has(id)) { setTimeout(updateInitiative); return; } } setTimeout(updatePerspectives); }); for (const k of (["waitLayerShow", "waitLayerHide", "waitLayerRemove"] as (keyof RPCWaits)[])) { combinedRPC[k]().when(() => setTimeout(updateInitiative)); } for (const k of (["waitLayerShift", "waitLayerMove", "waitWallAdded", "waitWallRemoved", "waitWallModified", "waitWallMoved"] as (keyof RPCWaits)[])) { combinedRPC[k]().when(() => setTimeout(updatePerspectives)); } rpc.waitCharacterDataChange().when(({id}) => setTimeout(() => { let ui = false; for (const [, {token}] of tokens) { if (token instanceof SVGToken5E && token.tokenData["store-character-id"]?.data === id) { token[updateData](); if (!ui && initTokens.has( { setTimeout(updateInitiative); ui = true; } } } })); addMapDataChecker((data: Record) => { for (const key in data) { let err = ""; if (key === "5e-initiative") { const val = data[key] as IDInitiative[]; if (!(val instanceof Array)) { err = "Map Data value of 5e-initiative needs to be an array"; } else { for (const i of val) { if (!(i instanceof Object)) { err = "Map Data value of 5e-initiative needs to be an array of Objects"; break; } if (!isInt(, 0)) { err = "Map Data value of needs to be a Uint"; break; } if (!isInt(i.initiative)) { err = "Map Data value of 5e-initiative needs to be an Int"; break; } } } } if (err) { delete data[key]; console.log(new TypeError(err)); } } }); addCharacterDataChecker((data: Record) => { for (const key in data) { const val = data[key].data; let err = ""; switch (key) { case "name": if (typeof val !== "string") { err = "Character Data 'name' must be a string"; } break; case "5e-ac": if (!isInt(val, 0, 50)) { err = "Character Data '5e-ac' must be a Uint <= 50"; } break; case "5e-hp-max": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Character Data '5e-hp-max' must be a Uint"; } break; case "5e-hp-current": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Character Data '5e-hp-current' must be a Uint"; } break; case "5e-initiative-adv": if (typeof val !== "boolean") { err = "Token Data '5e-initiative-adv' must be a boolean"; } break; case "5e-initiative-mod": if (!isInt(val, -20, 20)) { err = "Character Data '5e-initiative-mod' must be an Int between -20 and 20"; } break; case "5e-notes": if (typeof val !== "string") { err = "Character Data '5e-notes' must be a string"; } break; case "5e-player": if (typeof val !== "boolean") { err = "Token Data '5e-player' must be a boolean"; } break; case "5e-darkvision": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Token Data '5e-darkvision' must be a Uint"; } break; } if (err) { delete data[key]; console.log(new TypeError(err)); } } }); addTokenDataChecker((data: Record) => { for (const key in data) { const val = data[key].data; let err = ""; switch (key) { case "name": if (typeof val !== "string") { err = "Token Data 'name' must be a string"; } break; case "5e-ac": if (!isInt(val, 0, 50)) { err = "Token Data '5e-ac' must be a Uint <= 50"; } break; case "5e-hp-max": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Token Data '5e-hp-max' must be a Uint"; } break; case "5e-hp-current": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Token Data '5e-hp-current' must be a Uint"; } break; case "5e-initiative-adv": if (typeof val !== "boolean") { err = "Token Data '5e-initiative-adv' must be a boolean"; } break; case "5e-initiative-mod": if (!isInt(val, -20, 20)) { err = "Token Data '5e-initiative-mod' must be an Int between -20 and 20"; } break; case "5e-conditions": if (!(val instanceof Array) || val.length !== conditions.length || !val.every(b => typeof b === "boolean")) { err = "Token Data '5e-conditions' must be a boolean array of correct length"; } break; case "5e-player": if (typeof val !== "boolean") { err = "Token Data '5e-player' must be a boolean"; } break; case "5e-darkvision": if (!isInt(val, 0)) { err = "Token Data '5e-darkvision' must be a Uint"; } break; case "store-image-5e-initial-token": if (typeof val !== "object") { err = "Token Data 'store-image-5e-initial-token' must be an object"; } else if (!isInt(val["src"], 0)) { err = "Token Data 'store-image-5e-initial-token' src must be a Uint"; } else if (!isInt(val["width"], 0) || !isInt(val["height"], 0)) { err = "Token Data 'store-image-5e-initial-token' width & height must be Uints"; } else if (typeof val["flip"] !== "boolean" || typeof val["flop"] !== "boolean") { err = "Token Data 'store-image-5e-initial-token' flip & flop must be boolean"; } break; case "5e-notes": if (typeof val !== "string") { err = "Token Data '5e-notes' must be a string"; } break; } if (err) { delete data[key]; console.log(new TypeError(err)); } } });