import type {Parsers, Tokeniser} from '../lib/bbcode.js'; import type {FolderItems, FromTo, IDName, KeystoreData, Uint} from '../types.js'; import type {WindowElement} from '../windows.js'; import {isOpenTag, process} from '../lib/bbcode.js'; import {none} from '../lib/bbcode_tags.js'; import bind from '../lib/bind.js'; import {add, id, render} from '../lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from '../lib/dom.js'; import {DragTransfer, setDragEffect} from '../lib/drag.js'; import {br, button, div, input, link, span, textarea, title} from '../lib/html.js'; import {Subscription} from '../lib/inter.js'; import {isInt} from '../lib/misc.js'; import {ns as svgNS} from '../lib/svg.js'; import {Obj} from '../lib/typeguard.js'; import {DragFolder, DraggableItem, Folder, Root} from '../folders.js'; import {psuedoLink, settingsTicker} from '../ids.js'; import mainLang, {makeLangPack} from '../language.js'; import {bbcodeDrag, parseBBCode, register, registerTag} from '../messaging.js'; import {addPlugin, getSettings, pluginName} from '../plugins.js'; import {handleError, isAdmin, rpc} from '../rpc.js'; import {cloneObject, labels} from '../shared.js'; import {shareStr} from '../symbols.js'; import {isBool, isStr} from '../types.js'; import {shell, windows} from '../windows.js'; type Page = { share: boolean; contents: string; } const lang = makeLangPack({ "ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY": "Cannot remove a non-empty folder", "ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER": "Invalid Folder", "ERROR_INVALID_ITEM": "Invalid Item", "ERROR_INVALID_PATH": "Invalid Path", "MENU_TITLE": "Notes", "NAME_EXISTS": "Note Exists", "NAME_EXISTS_LONG": "A note with that name already exists", "NAME_INVALID": "Invalid Name", "NAME_INVALID_LONG": "Note names cannot contains the '/' (slash) character", "NOTE": "Note", "NOTE_EDIT": "Edit Note", "NOTE_POPOUT": "Open in New Window", "NOTE_SAVE": "Save Note", "NOTE_SHARE": "Allow Note Sharing", "NOTES_NEW": "New Note", "NOTES_NEW_LONG": "Enter new note name", "SHARE": "Share" }), icon = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 84 96" width="84" height="96" %3E%3Crect x="60" y="6" width="24" height="90" fill="%23888" rx="10" /%3E%3Crect x="1" y="6" width="80" height="90" stroke="%23000" fill="%23fff" rx="10" /%3E%3Cg id="h"%3E%3Ccircle cx="16" cy="11" r="2" fill="%23333" /%3E%3Cellipse cx="15" cy="6" rx="3" ry="5" stroke="%23aaa" stroke-width="2" fill="none" stroke-dasharray="0 5 15" /%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cuse href="%23h" x="10" /%3E%3Cuse href="%23h" x="20" /%3E%3Cuse href="%23h" x="30" /%3E%3Cuse href="%23h" x="40" /%3E%3Cuse href="%23h" x="50" /%3E%3Cpath d="M11,25 h60 M11,40 h60 M11,55 h60 M11,70 h30" stroke="%23000" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`; register("plugin-notes", [icon, lang["NOTE"]]); if (isAdmin) { class NoteItem extends DraggableItem { static #editors = new Set(); #window: WindowElement | null = null; #popWindow: Window | null = null; #share: (() => void) | null = null; #bbcodeID: string; #changes = false; constructor(parent: Folder, id: Uint, name: string) { super(parent, id, name, dragNote); amendNode(this.image, {"src": icon}); notes.set(id, this); this.#bbcodeID = bbcodeDrag.register(() => (text: string) => `[note=${id}]${text ||}[/note]`); amendNode(this.nameElem, {"onauxclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 1) { if (this.#popWindow) { this.#popWindow.focus(); } else { this.#popout(); } } }}); } static checkEditors() { for (const e of NoteItem.#editors) { if (e.#changes) { return true; } } return false; } #sure(e: Event) { if (this.#changes) { e.preventDefault(); this.#window?.confirm(mainLang["ARE_YOU_SURE"], mainLang["UNSAVED_CHANGES"], icon).then(t => { if (t) { this.#changes = false; this.#window?.remove(); } }); } } #popout() { (this.#changes ? this.#window?.confirm(mainLang["ARE_YOU_SURE"], mainLang["UNSAVED_CHANGES"], icon) ?? Promise.resolve(true) : Promise.resolve(true)).then(t => { if (t) { this.#changes = false; const wp ="", "", ""); if (wp) { (this.#popWindow = wp).addEventListener("unload", () => this.#popWindow = null); wp.document.head.append(title(, render(), link({"rel": "shortcut icon", "sizes": "any", "href": icon})); wp.document.body.classList.add(pluginNotesClass); wp.document.body.append(parseBBCode(pages.get( || "")); this.#window?.remove(); } } }); } show() { if (this.#window) { this.#window.focus(); } else if (this.#popWindow) { this.#popWindow.focus(); } else { const data = div({"class": pluginNotesClass}, parseBBCode(pages.get( || "")); amendNode(shell, this.#window = windows({"window-title":, "window-icon": icon, "hide-minimise": false, "resizable": true, "style": "--window-width: 50%; --window-height: 50%", "onclose": (e: Event) => this.#sure(e), "onremove": () => { this.#window = null; this.#share = null; NoteItem.#editors.delete(this); }}, data)); this.#window.addControlButton(popOutIcon, () => this.#popout(), lang["NOTE_POPOUT"]); this.#window.addControlButton(editIcon, () => { if (!NoteItem.#editors.has(this)) { NoteItem.#editors.add(this); const page = pages.get( || {"user": false, "data": {"contents": "", "share": false}}, changes = bind(""), onchange = () => changes.value = (this.#changes = contents.value !== || share.checked !== ? "*" : "", contents = textarea({"ondragover": setDragEffect({"link": [bbcodeDrag]}), "oninput": onchange, "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => { if ( { const {selectionStart, selectionEnd} = contents, fn = bbcodeDrag.get(e); if (fn) { contents.setRangeText(fn(contents.value.slice(Math.min(selectionStart, selectionEnd), Math.max(selectionStart, selectionEnd)))); } } }},, share = input({"type": "checkbox", "class": settingsTicker, "checked":, onchange}); clearNode(this.#window, {"window-title": bind`${lang["NOTE_EDIT"]}${changes}: ${}`, "class": pluginNotesEdit}, [ labels([lang["NOTE"], ": "], contents), br(), labels(share, [lang["NOTE_SHARE"], ": "]), br(), button({"onclick": () => { = {"contents": contents.value, "share": share.checked}; pages.set(, page); rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {[""]: page}, []); clearNode(data, parseBBCode(contents.value)); onchange(); this.#setShareButton(); }}, lang["NOTE_SAVE"]) ]); } else { if (this.#changes) { this.#window?.confirm(mainLang["ARE_YOU_SURE"], mainLang["UNSAVED_CHANGES"], icon).then(t => { if (t) { this.#changes = false; clearNode(this.#window, {"window-title":, "class": undefined}, data); NoteItem.#editors.delete(this); } }); } else { clearNode(this.#window, {"window-title":, "class": undefined}, data); NoteItem.#editors.delete(this); } } }, lang["NOTE_EDIT"]); this.#setShareButton(); } } ondragstart(e: DragEvent) { super.ondragstart(e); if (!e.defaultPrevented) { bbcodeDrag.set(e, this.#bbcodeID); } } delete() { this.#window?.remove(); this.#popWindow?.close(); bbcodeDrag.deregister(this.#bbcodeID); } #setShareButton() { if (!pages.has( || !pages.get(!.data.share) { this.#share?.(); this.#share = null; } else { this.#share ??= this.#window!.addControlButton(shareStr, () => { const page = pages.get(; if (page) { rpc.broadcastWindow("plugin-notes",,; } }, lang["SHARE"]); } } filter(terms: string[]) { const text = pages.get( || ""; return super.filter(terms.every(term => text.includes(term)) ? [] : terms); } } amendNode(window, {"onbeforeunload": (e: Event) => { if (NoteItem.checkEditors()) { e.preventDefault(); } }}); class NoteFolder extends DragFolder { constructor(root: Root, parent: Folder | null, name: string, children: FolderItems) { super(root, parent, name, children, dragNote, dragNoteFolder); } removeItem(name: string) { const id = super.removeItem(name); notes.delete(id); return id; } } let lastID = 0; const dragNote = new DragTransfer("pluginnote"), dragNoteFolder = new DragTransfer("pluginnotefolder"), importName = pluginName(import.meta), editIcon = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 70 70" fill="none" stroke="%23000"%3E%3Cpolyline points="51,7 58,0 69,11 62,18 51,7 7,52 18,63 62,18" stroke-width="2" /%3E%3Cpath d="M7,52 L1,68 L18,63 M53,12 L14,51 M57,16 L18,55" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`, popOutIcon = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 15 15"%3E%3Cpath d="M7,1 H1 V14 H14 V8 M9,1 h5 v5 m0,-5 l-6,6" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`, pages = new Map>(), notes = new Map(), defaultSettings = {"user": false, "data": {"folders": {}, "items": {}}} as KeystoreData, isFolderItems = (data: any): data is FolderItems => { if (!(data instanceof Object) || !(data["folders"] instanceof Object) || !(data["items"] instanceof Object)) { return false; } for (const i in data["items"]) { if (!isInt(data["items"][i], 0)) { return false; } } for (const f in data["folders"]) { if (!isFolderItems(data["folders"][f])) { return false; } } return true; }, isPage = Obj({"share": isBool, "contents": isStr}), isKeystoreDataPage = Obj({"user": isBool, "data": isPage}), checkSettings = (data: any) => { if (!(data instanceof Object) || !(data[""] instanceof Object) || data[""].user !== false || !isFolderItems(data[""].data)) { return defaultSettings } for (const k in data) { if (k !== "") { const id = parseInt(k); if (!isNaN(id) && data[k] instanceof Object && !data[k].user && isPage(data[k].data)) { pages.set(id, data[k]); if (id > lastID) { lastID = id; } } } } return data[""] as KeystoreData; }, waitAdded = Subscription.bind(1), waitMoved = Subscription.bind(1), waitRemoved = Subscription.bind(1), waitFolderAdded = Subscription.bind(1), waitFolderMoved = Subscription.bind(1), waitFolderRemoved = Subscription.bind(1), unusedWait = new Subscription(() => {}), folders = checkSettings(getSettings(importName)), getFolder = (path: string, currPath = [FolderItems | null, string] => { const parts = path.split("/"), name = parts.pop() ?? ""; for (const p of parts) { if (p) { if (!(currPath = currPath.folders[p])) { return [null, name]; } } } return [currPath, name]; }, cleanPath = (path: string) => { const parts = path.split("/"); path = ""; for (const p of parts) { if (p) { path += `/${p}`; } } return path; }, root = new Root(, lang["MENU_TITLE"], { "list": () => Promise.resolve(, "createFolder": path => { const [currPath, folder] = getFolder(path); if (!currPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } else if (currPath.folders[folder]) { handleError(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); return Promise.reject(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); } currPath.folders[folder] = {"folders": {}, "items": {}}; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders}, []); return Promise.resolve(path) }, "move": (from, to) => { const [fromPath, fromItem] = getFolder(from), [toPath, toItem] = getFolder(to); if (!fromPath || !toPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } const id = fromPath.items[fromItem]; if (id === undefined) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_ITEM"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_ITEM"]); } if (toPath.items[toItem]) { handleError(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); return Promise.reject(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); } delete fromPath.items[fromItem]; toPath.items[toItem] = id; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders}, []); return Promise.resolve(to) }, "moveFolder": (from, to) => { from = cleanPath(from); to = cleanPath(to); if (to.startsWith(from)) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } const [fromPath, fromFolder] = getFolder(from), [toPath, toFolder] = getFolder(to); if (!fromPath || !toPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } if (!fromPath.folders[fromFolder]) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER"]); } if (toPath.folders[toFolder]) { handleError(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); return Promise.reject(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); } toPath.folders[toFolder] = fromPath.folders[fromFolder]; delete fromPath.folders[fromFolder]; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders}, []); return Promise.resolve(to) }, "remove": path => { const [currPath, item] = getFolder(path); if (!currPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } const id = currPath.items[item]; if (id === undefined) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_ITEM"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_ITEM"]); } pages.delete(id); delete currPath.items[item]; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders}, [id + ""]); return Promise.resolve(); }, "removeFolder": path => { const [currPath, folder] = getFolder(cleanPath(path)); if (!currPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } const f = currPath.folders[folder]; if (!f) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER"]); } else if (Object.keys(f.folders).length !== 0 || Object.keys(f.items).length !== 0) { handleError(lang["ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY"]); } delete currPath.folders[folder]; rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders}, []); return Promise.resolve() }, "copy": (id, path) => { const [currPath, item] = getFolder(path); if (!currPath) { handleError(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); return Promise.reject(lang["ERROR_INVALID_PATH"]); } else if (currPath.items[item]) { handleError(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); return Promise.reject(lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); } const newID = ++lastID, newPage = cloneObject(pages.get(id)!); currPath.items[item] = newID; pages.set(newID, newPage); rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders, [newID + ""]: newPage}, []); return Promise.resolve({"id": newID, path}) }, "waitAdded": () => waitAdded[0], "waitMoved": () => waitMoved[0], "waitRemoved": () => waitRemoved[0], "waitCopied": () => unusedWait, "waitFolderAdded": () => waitFolderAdded[0], "waitFolderMoved": () => waitFolderMoved[0], "waitFolderRemoved": () => waitFolderRemoved[0] }, NoteItem, NoteFolder), compareFolderItems = (a: FolderItems, b: FolderItems, path: string, changes: Record) => { for (const f in a.folders) { const fp = path + f + "/"; if (!b.folders[f]) { changes[fp] = -1; } else { compareFolderItems(a.folders[f], b.folders[f], fp, changes); } } for (const f in b.folders) { if (!a.folders[f]) { changes[path + f + "/"] = 0; } } for (const i in a.items) { if (!b.items[i]) { changes[path + i] = -a.items[i]; } else if (a.items[i] !== b.items[i]) { changes[""] = 1; } } for (const i in b.items) { if (!a.items[i]) { changes[path + i] = b.items[i]; } else if (a.items[i] !== b.items[i]) { changes[""] = 1; } } }, pluginNotesID = id(), pluginNotesClass = id(), pluginNotesEdit = id(); add({ [`#${pluginNotesID}`]: { " ul": { "padding-left": "1em", "list-style": "none" }, ">div>ul": { "padding": 0 } }, [`.${pluginNotesEdit} textarea`]: { "width": "calc(100% - 10em)", "height": "calc(100% - 5em)" }, [`.${pluginNotesClass}`]: { "user-select": "text", "white-space": "pre-wrap", "font-family": "'Andale Mono',monospace" } }); root.windowIcon = icon; addPlugin("notes", { "menuItem": { "fn": [lang["MENU_TITLE"], div({"id": pluginNotesID}, [ button({"onclick": () => shell.prompt(lang["NOTES_NEW"], [lang["NOTES_NEW_LONG"], ": "], "").then(name => { if (name) { if (name.includes("/")) { shell.alert(lang["NAME_INVALID"], lang["NAME_INVALID_LONG"]); } else if (root.getItem(`/${name}`)) { shell.alert(lang["NAME_EXISTS"], lang["NAME_EXISTS_LONG"]); } else { const data = {"user": false, "data": {"contents": "", "share": false}}; root.addItem(++lastID, name); pages.set([name] = lastID, data); rpc.pluginSetting(importName, {"": folders, [lastID]: data}, []); } } })}, lang["NOTES_NEW"]), root ]), true, icon] } }); rpc.waitPluginSetting().when(({id, setting, removing}) => { if (id !== importName) { return; } for (const sid of removing) { const id = parseInt(sid); if (!isNaN(id)) { pages.delete(id); } } for (const key in setting) { if (key === "") { if (!isFolderItems(setting[""].data)) { continue; } const changes: Record = {}; compareFolderItems(, setting[""].data, "/", changes); const ck = Object.keys(changes); let full = false; if (changes[""] || ck.length > 2) { full = true; } else if (ck.length === 1) { if (changes[ck[0]] < 0) { if (ck[0].endsWith("/")) { waitFolderRemoved[1](ck[0]); } else { waitRemoved[1](ck[0]); } } else { if (ck[0].endsWith("/")) { waitFolderAdded[1](ck[0]); } else { waitAdded[1]([{"id": changes[ck[0]], "name": ck[0]}]); } } } else if (ck.length === 2) { if (ck[0].endsWith("/") === ck[1].endsWith("/")) { if (ck[0].endsWith("/")) { const c = {}; if (changes[ck[0]] < 0) { compareFolderItems(getFolder(ck[0])[0]!, getFolder(ck[1], setting[""].data)[0]!, "/", c); } else { compareFolderItems(getFolder(ck[0], setting[""].data)[0]!, getFolder(ck[1])[0]!, "/", c); } if (Object.keys(c).length === 0) { if (changes[ck[0]] < 0) { waitFolderMoved[1]({"from": ck[0], "to": ck[1]}); } else { waitFolderMoved[1]({"from": ck[1], "to": ck[0]}); } } else { full = true; } } else { if (changes[ck[0]] + changes[ck[1]] === 0) { if (changes[ck[0]] < 0) { waitMoved[1]({"from": ck[0], "to": ck[1]}); } else { waitMoved[1]({"from": ck[1], "to": ck[0]}); } } else { full = true; } } } else { full = true; } } if (full) { root.setRoot(setting[""].data); } = setting[""].data; } else { const id = parseInt(key), data = setting[key]; if (!isNaN(id) && isKeystoreDataPage(data)) { pages.set(id, data); } } } }); registerTag("note", (n: Node, t: Tokeniser, p: Parsers) => { const tk =; if (tk && isOpenTag(tk) && tk.attr) { const id = parseInt(tk.attr); if (!isNaN(id)) { amendNode(n, process(span({"class": psuedoLink, "onclick": () => notes.get(id)?.show()}), t, p, tk.tagName)); } } }); } else { registerTag("note", none); }