import type {Colour} from '../colours.js'; import type {RPCWaits} from '../rpc.js'; import type {Uint} from '../types.js'; import {id} from '../lib/css.js'; import {amendNode} from '../lib/dom.js'; import {keyEvent, mouseDragEvent, mouseMoveEvent} from '../lib/events.js'; import {br, div, fieldset, input, legend, option, select} from '../lib/html.js'; import {checkInt, isInt, mod} from '../lib/misc.js'; import {circle, g, path, rect, svg, title, use} from '../lib/svg.js'; import {hex2Colour} from '../colours.js'; import {settingsTicker} from '../ids.js'; import {registerKeyEvent} from '../keys.js'; import mainLang, {makeLangPack} from '../language.js'; import {mapData, root, screen2Grid} from '../map.js'; import {doTokenAdd} from '../map_fns.js'; import {selected, tokenSelectedReceive} from '../map_tokens.js'; import {combined, isAdmin, rpc} from '../rpc.js'; import {autosnap} from '../settings.js'; import {labels, mapLoadedReceive} from '../shared.js'; import {addTool, ignore} from '../tools.js'; const effectParams = {"stroke": "#f00", "fill": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "style": "clip-path: none; pointer-events: none;"}, circleCircle = circle(), circleEffect = g(effectParams, circleCircle), conePath = path(), coneEffect = g(effectParams, conePath), cubeRect = rect(), cubeEffect = g(effectParams, cubeRect), lineRect = rect(), lineEffect = g(effectParams, lineRect), wallRect = rect(), wallEffect = g(effectParams, wallRect), effectList = [circleEffect, coneEffect, cubeEffect, lineEffect, wallEffect], rotations = new Map([[coneEffect, conePath], [cubeEffect, cubeRect], [lineEffect, lineRect], [wallEffect, wallRect]]), setSize = (size: Uint, width: Uint) => { const {gridSize, gridDistance} = mapData, s = gridSize * size / (gridDistance || 1), sh = s >> 1, w = gridSize * width / (gridDistance || 1); amendNode(circleCircle, {"r": s}); amendNode(conePath, {"d": `M0,0 L${s},-${sh} q${s * 0.425},${sh} 0,${s} z`}); amendNode(cubeRect, {"x": -sh, "y": -sh, "width": s, "height": s}); amendNode(lineRect, {"x": 0, "y": -w/2, "width": s, "height": w}); amendNode(wallRect, {"x": -sh, "y": -w/2, "width": s, "height": w}); }, types: [Colour, Colour][] = ["#ff0000", "#ddddff", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#ffff00", "#996622", "#000000"].map((c, n) => [hex2Colour(c), hex2Colour(c, n === 8 ? 255 : 128)]); let size = 20, width = 5; if (isAdmin) { let selectedEffect = circleEffect, over = false, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = 0, damageType = 0, send = false, rotate = false; const lang = makeLangPack({ "ADD_SPELL": "Add Spell to Map", "DAMAGE_TYPE": "Damage Type", "SPELL_SIZE": "Spell Size", "SPELL_TYPE": "Spell Shape", "SPELL_TYPE_CIRCLE": "Circle Spell", "SPELL_TYPE_CONE": "Cone Spell", "SPELL_TYPE_CUBE": "Cube Spell", "SPELL_TYPE_LINE": "Line Spell", "SPELL_TYPE_WALL": "Wall Spell", "SPELL_WIDTH": "Spell Width", "TITLE": "Spell Effects", "TYPE_0": "Fire", "TYPE_1": "Ice", "TYPE_2": "Acid", "TYPE_3": "Water", "TYPE_4": "Steam", "TYPE_5": "Necrotic", "TYPE_6": "Lightning", "TYPE_7": "Earth", "TYPE_8": "Darkness" }), sparkID = id(), setEffect = (effect: SVGGElement) => { rotation = 0; if (selectedEffect !== effect && selectedEffect.parentNode) { selectedEffect.replaceWith(effect); } selectedEffect = effect; if (selectedEffect === coneEffect || selectedEffect === lineEffect) { setTokenCentre(); } amendNode(options, {"style": {"--spell-display": selectedEffect === lineEffect || selectedEffect === wallEffect ? "block" : ""}}); }, sendEffect = () => rpc.broadcast({"type": "plugin-spells", "data": [effectList.indexOf(selectedEffect) ?? 0, size, width, x, y, rotation, damageType]}), cancelEffect = () => rpc.broadcast({"type": "plugin-spells", "data": null}), setTokenCentre = () => { const {token} = selected; if (token) { amendNode(selectedEffect, {"transform": `translate(${x = Math.round(token.x + token.width / 2)}, ${y = Math.round(token.y + token.height / 2)})`}); if (!selectedEffect.parentNode) { amendNode(root, selectedEffect); } } else { coneEffect.remove(); lineEffect.remove(); } }, snap = input({"type": "checkbox", "checked": autosnap.value, "class": settingsTicker}), shiftSnap = () =>, [setupShiftSnap, cancelShiftSnap] = keyEvent("Shift", shiftSnap, shiftSnap), [setupRotate, cancelRotate] = mouseDragEvent(0, undefined, () => rotate = false), [setupMouseUp, cancelMouseUp] = mouseDragEvent(2, undefined, () => { send = false; cancelEffect(); }), [setupMouseMove, cancelMouseMove] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => { if (rotate || selectedEffect === coneEffect || selectedEffect === lineEffect) { const [px, py] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); amendNode(rotations.get(selectedEffect), {"transform": `rotate(${rotation = mod(Math.round(180 * Math.atan2(py - y, px - x) / Math.PI), 360)})`}); } else { [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); amendNode(selectedEffect, {"transform": `translate(${x}, ${y})`}); } if (send) { sendEffect(); } }, () => over = false), addSpell = () => { if (selectedEffect !== coneEffect && selectedEffect !== lineEffect) { const {layer} = selected; if (layer) { const {gridSize, gridDistance} = mapData, w = (selectedEffect === circleEffect ? 2 : 1) * gridSize * size / gridDistance, h = selectedEffect === wallEffect ? gridSize * width / gridDistance : w; doTokenAdd(layer.path, {"id": 0, "x": x - (w >> 1), "y": y - (h >> 1), "width": w, "height": h, "rotation": mod(Math.floor(256 * rotation / 360), 256), "snap": snap.checked, "fill": types[damageType][1], "stroke": types[damageType][0], "strokeWidth": 1, "tokenType": 1, "isEllipse": selectedEffect === circleEffect, "lightColours": [], "lightStages": [], "lightTimings": [], "tokenData": {}}); } } }, [setupEnter, cancelEnter] = registerKeyEvent("spells-create", lang["ADD_SPELL"], "Enter", addSpell), options = div([ labels([lang["DAMAGE_TYPE"], ": "], select({"onchange": function(this: HTMLSelectElement) { damageType = checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 0, types.length - 1); for (const effect of effectList) { amendNode(effect, {"stroke": types[damageType][0], "fill": types[damageType][1]}); } }}, Array.from({length: types.length}, (_, n) => option({"value": n}, lang["TYPE_"+n as keyof typeof lang])))), fieldset([ legend(lang["SPELL_TYPE"]), ([[circleEffect, "SPELL_TYPE_CIRCLE"], [coneEffect, "SPELL_TYPE_CONE"], [cubeEffect, "SPELL_TYPE_CUBE"], [lineEffect, "SPELL_TYPE_LINE"], [wallEffect, "SPELL_TYPE_WALL"]] as const).map(([e, k], n) => [n > 0 ? br() : [], labels(input({"type": "radio", "name": "plugin-spell-type", "checked": !n, "class": settingsTicker, "onclick": () => setEffect(e)}), [lang[k], ": "])]) ]), labels(snap, `${mainLang["TOOL_MEASURE_SNAP"]}: `), br(), labels([lang["SPELL_SIZE"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 1, "value": size, "onchange": function (this: HTMLInputElement) { setSize(size = checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 1, 1000, 10), width); }})), div({"style": "display: var(--spell-display, none)"}, labels([lang["SPELL_WIDTH"], ": "], input({"type": "number", "min": 1, "value": width, "onchange": function (this: HTMLInputElement) { setSize(size, width = checkInt(parseInt(this.value), 1, 1000, 10)); }}))) ]), tokenMoved = () => { if (over && (selectedEffect === coneEffect || selectedEffect === lineEffect)) { setTokenCentre() } }; addTool(Object.freeze({ "name": lang["TITLE"], "id": "tool_spells", "icon": svg({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ title(lang["TITLE"]), g({"fill": "currentColor", "stroke": "currentColor"}, [ path({"d": "M60,35 v70 h-20 v-100 h20 v30 h-20 v-30 h20", "fill-rule": "evenodd", "transform": "rotate(-45, 50, 50)"}), path({"d": "M50,10 q0,10 10,10 q-10,0 -10,10 q0,-10 -10,-10 q10,0 10,-10", "id": sparkID}), use({"href": `#${sparkID}`, "transform": "translate(5, 0) scale(1.5)"}), use({"href": `#${sparkID}`, "transform": "translate(-45, 30) scale(1.2)"}), use({"href": `#${sparkID}`, "transform": "translate(-30, -5) scale(0.8)"}) ]) ]), options, "mapMouseOver": function(this: SVGElement, e: MouseEvent) { if (over) { return false; } over = true; if (selectedEffect === coneEffect || selectedEffect === lineEffect) { setTokenCentre(); } else { [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); } amendNode(selectedEffect, {"transform": `translate(${x}, ${y})`}); if (selectedEffect !== coneEffect && selectedEffect !== lineEffect) { amendNode(this, selectedEffect); } setupEnter(); setupMouseMove(); return true; }, "mapMouse0": () => { if (selectedEffect === cubeEffect || selectedEffect === wallEffect) { rotate = true; setupRotate(); return false; } return true; }, "mapMouse2": () => { send = true; sendEffect(); setupMouseUp(); return false; }, "tokenMouse0": function(this: SVGElement, e: MouseEvent) { return !this.previousSibling && e.shiftKey; }, "tokenMouse2": ignore, "set": setupShiftSnap, "unset": () => { if (send) { cancelEffect(); send = false; } cancelMouseMove(); cancelMouseUp(); cancelEnter(); cancelRotate(); selectedEffect?.remove(); cancelShiftSnap(); } })); mapLoadedReceive(() => setSize(size, width)); tokenSelectedReceive(tokenMoved); for (const k of (["waitTokenMoveLayerPos", "waitTokenSet", "waitTokenSetMulti", "waitLayerShift"] as (keyof RPCWaits)[])) { combined[k]().when(() => setTimeout(tokenMoved)); } } else { let lastEffect: SVGGElement | null = null; rpc.waitBroadcast().when(({type, data}) => { if (type !== "plugin-spells") { return; } if (data === null) { lastEffect?.remove(); lastEffect = null; return; } if (!(data instanceof Array) || data.length !== 7) { console.log("plugin spells: broadcast data must be an array with length 7"); return; } const [effect, spellSize, spellWidth, x, y, rotation, damageType] = data, selectedEffect = effectList[effect]; for (const [a, log] of [ [isInt(effect, 0, effectList.length - 1), "invalid type"], [isInt(spellSize, 1, 1000), "invalid size"], [isInt(spellWidth, 1, 1000), "invalid width"], [isInt(x) && isInt(y), "invalid coords"], [isInt(rotation, 0, 360), "invalid rotation"], [isInt(damageType, 0, types.length - 1), "invalid damage type"] ]) { if (!a) { console.log("plugin spells: " + log); return; } } if (lastEffect !== selectedEffect) { lastEffect?.remove(); amendNode(root, selectedEffect); } setSize(size = spellSize, width = spellWidth); amendNode(rotations.get(amendNode(lastEffect = selectedEffect, {"transform": `translate(${x}, ${y})`, "stroke": types[damageType][0], "fill": types[damageType][1]})), {"transform": `rotate(${rotation})`}); }); } combined.waitGridDistanceChange().when(() => setTimeout(setSize, 0, size, width));