import type {Uint} from '../types.js'; import {HTTPRequest} from '../lib/conn.js'; import {add, id} from '../lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from '../lib/dom.js'; import {button, div, h2, img, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr} from '../lib/html.js'; import {NodeArray, node} from '../lib/nodes.js'; import {ns as svgNS} from '../lib/svg.js'; import {mapLoadReceive} from '../adminMap.js'; import {imageIDtoURL} from '../asset_urls.js'; import {language, makeLangPack} from '../language.js'; import {SVGToken, tokens} from '../map_tokens.js'; import {addPlugin} from '../plugins.js'; import {isAdmin} from '../rpc.js'; type assetSize = { id: Uint; size: Uint; [node]: HTMLTableRowElement; } if (isAdmin) { const lang = makeLangPack({ "GENERATE_STATISTICS": "Generate Statistics", "ID": "ID", "IMAGE": "Image", "MAP": "Map ID", "MENU_TITLE": "Statistics", "NO_MAP": "No map loaded", "SIZE": "Size", "TOTAL_SIZE": "Total Size" }), sortID = (a: assetSize, b: assetSize) => -, sortSize = (a: assetSize, b: assetSize) => b.size - a.size, output = div(), tb = new NodeArray(tbody()), head = thead(tr([ th({"onclick": () => tb.sort(sortID)}, lang["ID"]), th(lang["IMAGE"]), th({"onclick": () => tb.sort(sortSize)}, lang["SIZE"]) ])), formatNumber = new Intl.NumberFormat(language.value, {"style": "unit", "unit": "byte", "unitDisplay": "narrow"}), statisticsTable = id(); add(`#${statisticsTable}`, { " img": { "width": "100%", "height": "100%" }, " th:not(:nth-child(2)):hover": { "cursor": "pointer" } }); let mapID = 0; mapLoadReceive(id => mapID = id); addPlugin("stats", { "menuItem": { "fn": [lang["MENU_TITLE"], div([ button({"onclick": () => { tb.splice(0, tb.length); const entries = performance?.getEntries() ?? [], done = new Set(), sizes = new Map(), preAddress = window.location.origin + "/images/", total = div(); for (const e of entries) { if (e instanceof PerformanceResourceTiming && { const id = parseInt(; if (id && !sizes.has(id)) { sizes.set(id, e.decodedBodySize); } } } let totalSize = 0; for (const [, {token: tk}] of tokens) { if (tk instanceof SVGToken) { const id = tk.src; if (done.has(id)) { continue; } done.add(id); if (sizes.has(id)) { const size = sizes.get(id)!; totalSize += size; tb.push({ id, size, [node]: tr([ td(id + ""), td(img({"src": imageIDtoURL(id)})), td(formatNumber.format(size)) ]) }); } else { const sizeTD = td(), o = { id, size: 0, [node]: tr([ td(id + ""), td(img({"src": imageIDtoURL(id)})), sizeTD ]) }; HTTPRequest(imageIDtoURL(id), {"method": "head", "response": "xh"}).then(xh => { const size = parseInt(xh.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") || "0"); clearNode(sizeTD, formatNumber.format(o.size = size)); clearNode(total, formatNumber.format(totalSize += size)); tb.sort(); }); tb.push(o); } } } clearNode(output, [ h2([lang["MAP"], `: ${mapID}`]), amendNode(total, [lang["TOTAL_SIZE"], `: ${formatNumber.format(totalSize)}`]), table({"id": statisticsTable}, [ head, tb ]) ]); }}, lang["GENERATE_STATISTICS"]), output ]), true, `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="${svgNS}" viewBox="0 0 100 100"%3E%3Crect x="12" y="60" width="20" height="39" rx="3" fill="%23f00" /%3E%3Crect x="42" y="40" width="20" height="59" rx="3" fill="%230f0" /%3E%3Crect x="72" y="20" width="20" height="79" rx="3" fill="%2300f" /%3E%3Cpath d="M4,4 V96 H96" stroke="%23888" fill="none" stroke-width="8" stroke-linecap="round" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`] } }); }