import type {Binding} from './lib/bind.js'; import type {WindowData, WindowElement} from './windows.js'; import bind from './lib/bind.js'; import {add, at, ids, render} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode, event, eventPassive} from './lib/dom.js'; import {mouseDragEvent} from './lib/events.js'; import {div, img, input, label, span} from './lib/html.js'; import {mod} from './lib/misc.js'; import {BoolSetting, IntSetting, JSONSetting, StringSetting} from './lib/settings.js'; import loadMap from './adminMap.js'; import help from './help.js'; import {invertID, psuedoLink} from './ids.js'; import {registerKeyEvent} from './keys.js'; import lang from './language.js'; import loadUserMap from './map.js'; import pluginInit, {menuItems} from './plugins.js'; import {handleError, inited, isAdmin, rpc} from './rpc.js'; import {hideMenu, invert, panelOnTop, tabIcons} from './settings.js'; import {labels, menuItems as mI} from './shared.js'; import {popout, symbols} from './symbols.js'; import {checkWindowData, desktop, getWindowData, shell, windows} from './windows.js'; import './assets.js'; import './characterList.js'; import './layerList.js'; import './mapList.js'; import './musicPacks.js'; import './tools_draw.js'; import './tools_mask.js'; import './tools_measure.js'; import './tools_move.js'; import './tools_multiplace.js'; import './tools_wall.js'; clearNode(document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0], lang["TITLE"]); const [panelsID, tabsID, panelContainerID, panelOnTopID, tabLabelsID, panelHiderID, panelGrabberID, popoutID, menuHideID, tabIconsID] = ids(10), lastTab = new StringSetting("lastTab"), tabs = (() => { type savedWindow = { out: boolean; data: WindowData; } let n = 0, moved = false; const panelShow = new BoolSetting("panelShow"), windowSettings = new JSONSetting>("windowData", {}, (v: any): v is Record => { if (!(v instanceof Object)) { return false; } for (const key in v) { const kv = v[key]; if (typeof kv !== "object" || typeof kv.out !== "boolean" || !checkWindowData( { return false; } } return true; }), panelDrag = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.clientX > 0) { panelWidth.set(document.body.clientWidth - e.clientX); moved = true; } }, [setupPanelDrag0] = mouseDragEvent(0, panelDrag), [setupPanelDrag1] = mouseDragEvent(1, panelDrag), c = input({"id": panelHiderID, "type": "checkbox", "checked": panelShow.value, "onchange": () => panelShow.set(c.checked)}), t = div({"id": tabLabelsID}), p = div({"id": panelContainerID}), m = label({"title": lang["PANEL_GRABBER"], "for": panelHiderID, "class": hideMenu.value ? menuHideID : undefined, "id": panelGrabberID, "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (!c.checked) { if (e.button === 0) { setupPanelDrag0(); } else if (e.button === 1) { setupPanelDrag1(); } moved = false; } }, "onclick": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (moved) { e.preventDefault(); } }}), tc = div({"id": tabsID}, [t, p]), h = div({"id": panelsID}, [ m, tc ]), panelWidth = new IntSetting("panelWidth", 300, 0).wait(w => amendNode(h, {"style": `--panel-width: ${w}px`})), windowData: Record = windowSettings.value, updateWindowData = () =>, updateWindowDims = function (this: WindowElement) { windowData[this.getAttribute("window-title") || ""] = { "out": true, "data": getWindowData(this) }; updateWindowData(); }, tabs: [string, HTMLLabelElement][] = [], selectFirst = () => { for (const [, t] of tabs) { if ("display") !== "none") { (t.control ?? t).click(); return; } } }; hideMenu.wait(v => amendNode(m, {"class": {[menuHideID]: v}})); registerKeyEvent("helpKey", lang["KEY_HELP"], "F1", (e: KeyboardEvent) => { help(); e.preventDefault(); })[0](); registerKeyEvent("togglePanel", lang["KEY_PANEL_TOGGLE"], "F9", (e: KeyboardEvent) => { panelShow.set(c.checked = !c.checked); e.preventDefault(); })[0](); return Object.freeze({ "add": ([title, base, pop, popIcon]: [Binding, HTMLDivElement, boolean, string]) => { amendNode(p, base); const pos = n++, popper = pop ? popout({"class": popoutID, "title": bind`${lang["POPOUT"]} ${title}`, "onclick": (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); const replaced = div(); base.replaceWith(replaced); if (windowData[title+""]) { windowData[title+""]["out"] = true; } else { windowData[title+""] = {"out": true, "data": [20, 20, 0, 0]}; } updateWindowData(); const [x, y, width, height] = windowData[title+""].data, w = windows({"window-icon": popIcon, "window-title": title, "resizable": "true", "style": {"min-width": "45px", "--window-left": x + "px", "--window-top": y + "px", "--window-width": width === 0 ? undefined : width + "px", "--window-height": height === 0 ? undefined : height + "px"}, "onremove": () => { replaced.replaceWith(base); amendNode(l, {"style": {"display": undefined}}); windowData[title+""]["out"] = false; updateWindowData(); base.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("popin", {"cancelable": false})); }, "onmoved": updateWindowDims, "onresized": updateWindowDims}, base); amendNode(shell, w); amendNode(l, {"style": {"display": "none"}}); if (i.checked) { selectFirst() } base.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("popout", {"cancelable": false, "detail": w})); }}) : null, [l, i] = labels([ img({"src": popIcon}), span(title), popper ? popper : [] ], tc.insertBefore(input({"name": "tabSelector", "type": "radio"}), t), {title, "tabindex": -1, "onkeyup": (e: KeyboardEvent) => { e.stopPropagation(); let a = pos, n = 1; switch (e.key) { case "ArrowLeft": n = -1; case "ArrowRight": do { a = mod(a + n, tabs.length); } while (a !== pos && tabs[a]![1].style.getPropertyValue("display") === "none"); break; case "Enter":; default: return; } tabs[a]![1].focus(); }, "onclick": () => lastTab.set(title+"")}); amendNode(t, l); tabs.push([title+"", l]); if (popper && windowData[title+""] && windowData[title+""]["out"]) { setTimeout(() => popper.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"))); } return base; }, css() { const a = Array.from({"length": n}, (_, n) => n+1); add({ [ => `#${tabsID}>input:nth-child(${n}):checked~#${panelContainerID}>div:nth-child(${n})`).join(",")]: { "display": "block" }, [ => `#${tabsID}>input:nth-child(${n}):checked~#${tabLabelsID}>label:nth-child(${n})`).join(",")]: { "border-bottom-color": "var(--c)", "z-index": 2, "background": "var(--c) !important", "cursor": "default !important", ":before": { "box-shadow": "2px 2px 0 var(--c)" }, ":after": { "box-shadow": "-2px 2px 0 var(--c)" } } }); }, setTab(title: string) { for (const [t, tab] of tabs) { if (t === title &&"display") !== "none") { (tab.control ?? tab).click(); return; } } selectFirst(); }, html() {return [c, h];} }); })(), inverted = { "background-color": "#000", "color": "#fff", [` body, windows-window, #${panelsID}`]: { "background-color": "#000", "color": "#fff", "border-color": "#fff" }, [` a, .${psuedoLink}`]: { "color": "#f00" }, " windows-window::part(title)": { "color": "#000" }, [` #${tabLabelsID}`]: { ":after": { "border-color": "#fff" }, ">label": { "--c": "#000", "background": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #777 30%, #111 100%)", "box-shadow": "0 3px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), inset 0 1px 0 #000", "text-shadow": "0 1px #000", "border-color": "#fff", ":hover,:focus": { "background": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #f22 5%, #a77 40%, #111 100%)" }, ":before,:after": { "border-color": "#fff" }, ":before": { "box-shadow": "2px 2px 0 #2e2e2e" }, ":after": { "box-shadow": "-2px 2px 0 #2e2e2e" } } }, " menu-menu": { "background-color": "#222", "color": "#fff" }, " menu-submenu[open]>menu-item, menu-item:focus": { "background-color": "#000" }, " menu-item[disabled],menu-submenu[disabled]": { "color": "#888" } }; 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at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)", { [`:root.${invertID}`]: inverted }); at("@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)", { [`:root:not(.${invertID})`]: inverted }); clearNode(document.body, [symbols, shell]); invert.wait(v => amendNode(document.documentElement, {"class": {[invertID]: v}})); tabIcons.wait(b => amendNode(document.documentElement, {"class": {[tabIconsID]: b}})); panelOnTop.wait(p => amendNode(document.documentElement, {"class": {[panelOnTopID]: p}})); inited.then(() => { const mIs = [...mI].sort(([a], [b]) => a - b), settings = isAdmin ? mIs.pop()![1] : null; mI.splice(0, mI.length); Object.freeze(mI); return pluginInit().then(() => { amendNode(document.body, {"oncontextmenu": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (!( instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) { e.preventDefault(); } }}); for (const [, fn] of mIs) { const data = fn(); if (data) { tabs.add(data); } } for (const mi of menuItems()) { tabs.add(mi); } (isAdmin ? loadMap : loadUserMap)(desktop.appendChild(div())); if (settings) { tabs.add(settings()!); } tabs.css(); amendNode(document.head, render()); amendNode(desktop, tabs.html()); setTimeout(() => tabs.setTab(lastTab.value)); shell.realignWindows(); amendNode(window, {"onresize": event(() => shell.realignWindows(), eventPassive)}); rpc.ready(); }); }).catch(handleError);