import type {MenuItems} from './lib/menu.js'; import type {NodeArray} from './lib/nodes.js'; import type {SVGFolder, SVGLayer} from './map.js'; import type {RPCWaits} from './rpc.js'; import type {Byte, Uint, Wall} from './types.js'; import type {WindowElement} from './windows.js'; import {add, ids} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {DragTransfer} from './lib/drag.js'; import {setDragEffect} from './lib/drag.js'; import {keyEvent, mouseDragEvent, mouseMoveEvent} from './lib/events.js'; import {br, div, fieldset, img, input, legend} from './lib/html.js'; import {item, menu, submenu} from './lib/menu.js'; import {checkInt, setAndReturn} from './lib/misc.js'; import {defs, foreignObject, g, path, pattern, rect, svg, svgData, title} from './lib/svg.js'; import {Colour, ColourSetting, dragColour, hex2Colour, makeColourPicker, noColour} from './colours.js'; import {settingsTicker} from './ids.js'; import lang from './language.js'; import {isSVGFolder, layerList, panZoom, root, screen2Grid} from './map.js'; import {doWallAdd, doWallModify, doWallMove, doWallRemove} from './map_fns.js'; import {deselectToken, selected} from './map_tokens.js'; import {combined, inited, isAdmin} from './rpc.js'; import {autosnap} from './settings.js'; import {cloneObject, labels, walls} from './shared.js'; import {addTool, marker, optionsWindow} from './tools.js'; inited.then(() => { if (!isAdmin) { return; } let wallColour = hex2Colour("#000"), active = false, selectedWall = 0, selectedLayer: SVGLayer | null = null, selectedMarker = 0, w: WindowElement | null = null; const [wallID, selectWallID, wallMarkerID, brick] = ids(4), updateCursorState = () => { if (placeWall.checked) { amendNode(root, {"style": {"cursor": "none"}, "class": {[selectWallID]: false}}, marker); startCursorMove(); } else { amendNode(root, {"class": [selectWallID]}); cancelCursorMove(); } }, dragScattering = new DragTransfer("scattering"), selectWall = input({"type": "radio", "name": "wallTool", "class": settingsTicker, "checked": true, "onchange": updateCursorState}), placeWall = input({"type": "radio", "name": "wallTool", "class": settingsTicker, "onchange": () => { updateCursorState(); deselectWall(); }}), scatteringI = input({"type": "range", "min": 0, "max": 255, "value": 0, "ondragover": setDragEffect({"copy": [dragScattering]}), "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => { if ( { scatteringI.value = dragScattering.get(e) + ""; } }}), continuous = input({"type": "checkbox", "class": settingsTicker}), dragKey = dragScattering.register(() => checkInt(parseInt(scatteringI.value), 0, 255, 0)), scatteringDragKey = dragScattering.register(() => walls.get(selectedWall)?.wall.scattering ?? 0), colourDragKey = dragColour.register(() => walls.get(selectedWall)?.wall.colour ?? noColour), snap = input({"type": "checkbox", "class": settingsTicker}), shiftSnap = () =>, [setupShiftSnap, cancelShiftSnap] = keyEvent("Shift", shiftSnap, shiftSnap), [startCursorMove, cancelCursorMove] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => { const [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); amendNode(marker, {"transform": `translate(${x - 10 / panZoom.zoom}, ${y - 10 / panZoom.zoom}) scale(${1/panZoom.zoom})`}); }, () => { amendNode(root, {"style": {"cursor": undefined}}); marker.remove() }), [startWallDelete, cancelWallDelete] = keyEvent("Delete", () => { if (selectedWall) { doWallRemove(selectedWall); deselectWall(); } }), coords = [0, 0], wall = rect({"height": 10, "fill": "#000", "stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 2}), wallMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { const [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); amendNode(wall, {"width": Math.hypot(x - coords[0], y - coords[1]), "transform": `rotate(${Math.atan2(y - coords[1], x - coords[0]) * 180 / Math.PI}, ${coords[0]}, ${coords[1]})`}); }, wallMouseStop = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.isTrusted && selected.layer) { const [x2, y2] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); doWallAdd({"path": selected.layer.path, "wall": {"id": 0, "x1": coords[0], "y1": coords[1], x2, y2, "colour": wallColour, "scattering": checkInt(parseInt(scatteringI.value), 0, 255, 0)}}); } wall.remove(); }, [startWallDraw, cancelWallDraw] = mouseDragEvent(0, wallMouseMove, wallMouseStop), [startWallMove, cancelWallMove] = mouseMoveEvent(wallMouseMove, () => wall.remove()), wallUnderlay = rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%"}), underlayColour = new ColourSetting("underlayColour", new Colour(255, 255, 255, 63)).wait(fill => amendNode(wallUnderlay, {fill})), wallLayer = g(wallUnderlay), wallMap = new Map(), validWallDrag = setDragEffect({"copy": [dragColour, dragScattering]}), wallDrop = (e: DragEvent, id: Uint) => { const wall = walls.get(id); if (wall) { const override: Partial = {"colour": wall.wall.colour}; if ( { override["colour"] = dragColour.get(e); } else if ( { override["scattering"] = dragScattering.get(e); } else { return; } e.preventDefault(); doWallModify(Object.assign(cloneObject(wall.wall), override)); } }, makeLayerContext = (fn: (sl: SVGLayer) => void, disabled = "", folder: SVGFolder = layerList): MenuItems => (folder.children as NodeArray).map(e => < 0 ? [] : isSVGFolder(e) ? submenu([item(, menu(makeLayerContext(fn, disabled, e))]) : item( === disabled ? {"disabled": true} : {"onselect": () => fn(e)},, wallOverlay = div({"style": "position: absolute; height: 10px", "draggable": "true", "ondragstart": (e: DragEvent) => { if (walls.has(selectedWall)) { dragColour.set(e, colourDragKey, iconImg); dragScattering.set(e, scatteringDragKey); } }, "ondragover": validWallDrag, "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => wallDrop(e, selectedWall), "oncontextmenu": (e: MouseEvent) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (selectedLayer) { const wallID = selectedWall; amendNode(document.body, menu({"x": e.clientX, "y": e.clientY}, [ item({"onselect": () => { if (selectedWall === wallID) { const wall = walls.get(wallID); if (wall) { wall.wall["colour"] = wallColour; doWallModify(cloneObject(wall.wall)); } } }}, lang["TOOL_WALL_COLOUR_SET"]), item({"onselect": () => { if (selectedWall === wallID) { const wall = walls.get(wallID); if (wall) { wall.wall["scattering"] = checkInt(parseInt(scatteringI.value), 0, 255, 0); doWallModify(cloneObject(wall.wall)); } } }}, lang["TOOL_WALL_SCATTER_SET"]), submenu([ item(lang["CONTEXT_MOVE_LAYER"]), menu(makeLayerContext((sl: SVGLayer) => { if (selectedWall === wallID) { doWallMove(wallID, sl.path); } }, ]), item({"onselect": () => { if (selectedWall === wallID) { doWallRemove(wallID); deselectWall(); } }}, lang["CONTEXT_DELETE"]) ])); } }}), fWallOverlay = foreignObject({"height": 10}, wallOverlay), setOverlay = (x1: Uint, y1: Uint, x2: Uint, y2: Uint) => { const width = Math.round(Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)); amendNode(wallOverlay, {"style": {"width": width + "px"}}); amendNode(root, [ amendNode(fWallOverlay, {width, "x": x1, "y": y1 - 5, "transform": `rotate(${Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI}, ${x1}, ${y1})`}), amendNode(draggableMarker1, {"transform": `translate(${x1 - 10}, ${y1 - 10})`}), amendNode(draggableMarker2, {"transform": `translate(${x2 - 10}, ${y2 - 10})`}) ]); }, genWalls = () => { clearNode(wallLayer, wallUnderlay); wallMap.clear(); let hasSelected = false; for (const {layer, wall} of walls.values()) { if (!layer.hidden && !layer.locked) { const {id, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, scattering} = wall; if (id === selectedWall) { setOverlay(x1, y1, x2, y2); hasSelected = true; } amendNode(wallLayer, setAndReturn(wallMap, id, rect({"x": x1, "y": y1 - 5, "width": Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2), "class": wallID, "transform": `rotate(${Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI}, ${x1}, ${y1})`, "fill": colour, "stroke": colour.toHexString(), "ondragover": validWallDrag, "ondrop": (e: DragEvent) => wallDrop(e, id), "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (selectWall.checked && wall && e.button === 0) { setOverlay(x1, y1, x2, y2); selectedWall = id; selectedLayer = layer; startWallDelete(); startWallEscape(); e.stopPropagation(); } }}, title([lang["TOOL_WALL_LAYER"], `: ${layer.path}\n`, lang["TOOL_WALL_COLOUR"], `: ${colour}\n`, lang["TOOL_WALL_SCATTER"], `: ${scattering}`])))); } } if (!hasSelected) { deselectWall(); } }, [startEscape, cancelEscape] = keyEvent("Escape", () => { cancelWallDraw(); cancelMarkerDrag(); cancelWallMove(); }), icon = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 90 60"}, [ title(lang["TOOL_WALL"]), defs(pattern({"id": brick, "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": 30, "height": 30}, path({"d": "M15,30 V15 H0 V0 H30 V15 H15 M0,30 H30", "fill": "none", "style": "stroke: currentColor", "stroke-width": 3}))), path({"d": "M60,15 V0.5 H0.5 V59.5 H89.5 V15 Z", "fill": `url(#${brick})`, "style": "stroke: currentColor", "stroke-width": 2}) ]), iconStr = svgData(icon), iconImg = img({"src": iconStr}), [draggableMarker1, draggableMarker2] = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, n: Uint) => path({"d": "M8,0 h4 v8 h8 v4 h-8 v8 h-4 v-8 h-8 v-4 h8 z", "class": wallMarkerID, "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button === 0) { selectedMarker = n; startMarkerDrag(); e.stopPropagation(); } }})), [startMarkerDrag, cancelMarkerDrag] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => { const wall = walls.get(selectedWall); if (wall) { const {x1, y1, x2, y2} = wall.wall, wallRect = wallMap.get(selectedWall)!, [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked), [ax1, ay1] = selectedMarker === 0 ? [x, y] : [x1, y1], [ax2, ay2] = selectedMarker === 1 ? [x, y] : [x2, y2]; amendNode(wallRect, {"x": ax1, "y": ay1 - 5, "width": Math.hypot(ax1 - ax2, ay1 - ay2), "transform": `rotate(${Math.atan2(ay2 - ay1, ax2 - ax1) * 180 / Math.PI}, ${ax1}, ${ay1})`}); amendNode(selectedMarker ? draggableMarker2 : draggableMarker1, {"transform": `translate(${x - 10}, ${y - 10})`}); } else { deselectWall(); } }, (e: MouseEvent) => { const wall = walls.get(selectedWall); if (wall) { const {x1, y1, x2, y2} = wall.wall, wallRect = wallMap.get(selectedWall)!; if (e.isTrusted) { const {colour, scattering} = wall.wall, [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked), [ax1, ay1] = selectedMarker === 0 ? [x, y] : [x1, y1], [ax2, ay2] = selectedMarker === 1 ? [x, y] : [x2, y2]; amendNode(selectedMarker ? draggableMarker2 : draggableMarker1, {"transform": `translate(${x - 10}, ${y - 10})`}); doWallModify({"id": selectedWall, "x1": ax1, "y1": ay1, "x2": ax2, "y2": ay2, colour, scattering}); } else { amendNode(wallRect, {"x": x1, "y": y1 - 5, "width": Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2), "transform": `rotate(${Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI}, ${x1}, ${y1})`}); amendNode(draggableMarker1, {"transform": `translate(${x1 - 10}, ${y1 - 10})`}), amendNode(draggableMarker2, {"transform": `translate(${x2 - 10}, ${y2 - 10})`}) } } }), deselectWall = () => { selectedWall = 0; selectedLayer = null; fWallOverlay.remove(); draggableMarker1.remove(); draggableMarker2.remove(); cancelMarkerDrag(); cancelWallDelete(); cancelWallEscape(); }, [startWallEscape, cancelWallEscape] = keyEvent("Escape", deselectWall), gw = () => { if (active) { setTimeout(genWalls); } }; add({ [`.${wallID}`]: { "height": "10px", "stroke-width": 2 }, [`.${selectWallID} .${wallID}`]: { "cursor": "pointer" }, [`.${wallMarkerID}`]: { "fill": "#000", "stroke": "#fff", "cursor": "move" } }); addTool({ "name": lang["TOOL_WALL"], "id": "tool_wall", icon, "options": div([ fieldset([ legend(lang["TOOL_WALL_MODE"]), labels(selectWall, [lang["TOOL_WALL_SELECT"], ": "]), br(), labels(placeWall, [lang["TOOL_WALL_PLACE"], ": "]) ]), labels(snap, [lang["TOOL_WALL_SNAP"], ": "]), br(), labels(continuous, [lang["TOOL_WALL_CONTINUOUS"], ": "]), br(), labels([lang["TOOL_WALL_COLOUR"], ": "], makeColourPicker(optionsWindow, lang["TOOL_WALL_COLOUR"], () => wallColour, (c: Colour) => amendNode(wall, {"fill": wallColour = c, "stroke": c.toHexString()}), iconStr)), br(), labels([lang["TOOL_WALL_SCATTER"], ": "], scatteringI, {"draggable": "true", "ondragstart": (e: DragEvent) => dragScattering.set(e, dragKey, iconImg)}), br(), labels([lang["TOOL_WALL_UNDERLAY"], ": "], makeColourPicker(optionsWindow, lang["TOOL_WALL_UNDERLAY"], () => underlayColour.value, (c: Colour) => underlayColour.set(c), iconStr)) ]), "mapMouse0": (e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) { return true; } if (placeWall.checked) { if (continuous.checked) { if (wall.parentNode) { wallMouseStop(e); } startWallMove(); } else { startWallDraw(); } const [x, y] = screen2Grid(e.clientX, e.clientY, snap.checked); amendNode(root, amendNode(wall, {"width": 0, "x": coords[0] = x, "y": (coords[1] = y) - 5, "transform": undefined})); } else { deselectWall(); } return false; }, "mapMouse2": () => { cancelWallMove(); return false; }, "mapMouseOver": () => { updateCursorState(); return false; }, "set": () => { active = true; deselectToken(); amendNode(snap, {"checked": autosnap.value}); genWalls(); amendNode(root, {"style": {"cursor": placeWall.checked ? "none" : undefined}}, [ wallLayer, placeWall.checked ? marker : [] ]); setupShiftSnap(); startEscape(); }, "unset": () => { active = false; cancelShiftSnap(); cancelCursorMove(); cancelWallDraw(); cancelWallMove(); cancelEscape(); wallLayer.remove(); if (w) { w.remove(); w = null; } deselectWall(); } }); for (const wait of ["waitWallAdded", "waitWallRemoved", "waitWallModified", "waitWallMoved", "waitLayerMove", "waitLayerRemove", "waitLayerShift", "waitLayerShow", "waitLayerHide", "waitLayerLock", "waitLayerUnlock"] as (keyof RPCWaits)[]) { (combined as Omit)[wait]().when(gw); } });