import parseBBCode from './lib/bbcode.js'; import {all} from './lib/bbcode_tags.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, datalist, div, h1, input, li, option, span, textarea, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {NodeMap, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {footer, header, registerPage, setPage} from './pages.js'; import {ready, rpc} from './rpc.js'; import {labels} from './shared.js'; const contents = div(); ready.then(() => rpc.listTreatments().then(treatments => { class Treatment { id: number; #name: string; #nameSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #group: string; price: number; description: string; duration: number; [node]: HTMLLIElement; constructor(id = -1, name = "", group = "", price = 0, description = "", duration = 1) { = id; this[node] = li([ this.#nameSpan = span(this.#name = name), button({"onclick": () => {}}, "Book"), button({"onclick": () => setTreatment(this)}, "Edit"), button({"onclick": () => { if (confirm("Are you sure you wish to remove this treatment?")) { rpc.removeTreatment( => removeTreatmentFromGroup(this)); } }}, "Remove") ]); this.#group = group; this.price = price; this.description = description; this.duration = duration; } get name() { return this.#name; } set name(n: string) { clearNode(this.#nameSpan, this.#name = n); } get group() { return this.#group; } set group(g: string) { if (this.#group !== g) { removeTreatmentFromGroup(this); getGroup(this.#group = g).mp.set(, this); } } } type Group = { group: string; mp: NodeMap; [node]: HTMLLIElement; } const treatmentSort = (a: Treatment, b: Treatment) => stringSort(,, groups = new NodeMap(ul(), (a, b) => stringSort(,, groupList = new NodeMap(datalist({"id": "groupNames"})), treatmentTitle = h1(), treatmentName = input({"type": "text"}), treatmentGroup = input({"type": "text", "list": "groupNames"}), treatmentPrice = input({"type": "number", "step": "0.01", "min": 0}), treatmentDescription = textarea(), treatmentDuration = input({"type": "number", "step": 1, "min": 1, "value": 1}), submitTreatment = button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { if (!treatmentName.value) { alert("Need a Name"); } else if (!treatmentGroup.value) { alert("Need a Group"); } else if (!treatmentPrice.value) { alert("Need a Price"); } else if (!treatmentDescription.value) { alert("Need a Description"); } else if (!treatmentDuration.value) { alert("Need a Duration"); } else { const price = Math.floor(parseFloat(treatmentPrice.value) * 100), duration = parseInt(treatmentDuration.value); amendNode(submitTreatment, {"disabled": true}); ( === -1 ? rpc.addTreatment(treatmentName.value, treatmentGroup.value, price, treatmentDescription.value, duration).then(id => addTreatment(currTreatment = new Treatment(id, treatmentName.value, treatmentGroup.value, price, treatmentDescription.value, duration))) : rpc.setTreatment(, treatmentName.value, treatmentGroup.value, price, treatmentDescription.value, duration).then(() => { = treatmentName.value; = treatmentGroup.value; currTreatment.price = price; currTreatment.description = treatmentDescription.value; currTreatment.duration = duration; })) .then(() => setPage("treatments")) .catch(err => alert("Error: " + err)) .finally(() => amendNode(submitTreatment, {"disabled": false})); } }}), setTreatment = (treatment: Treatment) => { treatmentName.value =; treatmentGroup.value =; treatmentPrice.value = (treatment.price / 100) + ""; treatmentDescription.value = treatment.description; treatmentDuration.value = treatment.duration + ""; currTreatment = treatment; const title = === -1 ? "Create Treatment" : "Edit Treatment"; clearNode(treatmentTitle, title); clearNode(submitTreatment, title); setPage("setTreatment"); }, getGroup = (group: string) => { let g = groups.get(group); if (!g) { const mp = new NodeMap(ul(), treatmentSort); groupList.set(group, {"id": group, [node]: option({"value": group})}); groups.set(group, g = { mp, group, [node]: li([ group, mp[node] ]) }); } return g; }, removeTreatmentFromGroup = (t: Treatment) => { const group = groups.get(; if (group) {; if (! { groups.delete(; groupList.delete(; } } }, addTreatment = (treatment: Treatment) => getGroup(, treatment); let currTreatment: Treatment; for (const {id, name, group, price, description, duration} of treatments) { addTreatment(new Treatment(id, name, group, price, description, duration)); } amendNode(contents, [ button({"onclick": () => setTreatment(new Treatment())}, "New Treatment"), groups[node] ]); registerPage("setTreatment", "", div([ treatmentTitle, labels("Treatment Name: ", treatmentName), br(), groupList[node], labels("Treatment Group: ", treatmentGroup), br(), labels("Treatment Price (£): ", treatmentPrice), br(), labels("Treatment Description: ", treatmentDescription), button({"onclick": () => { const wp ="", "", ""); if (wp) { wp.document.documentElement.innerHTML = `${header}
${footer}`; const tester = wp.document.getElementById("TREATMENTTESTER"); if (tester) { tester.replaceWith(parseBBCode(all, treatmentDescription.value)); } else { wp.close(); alert("Invalid Header or Footer"); } } else { alert("Preview popup failed"); } }}, "Preview"), br(), labels("Treatment Duration (m): ", treatmentDuration), br(), submitTreatment ]), () => { if ( !== treatmentName.value || !== treatmentGroup.value || currTreatment.price !== parseFloat(treatmentPrice.value) * 100 || currTreatment.description !== treatmentDescription.value || currTreatment.duration !== parseInt(treatmentDuration.value)) { if (!confirm("There are unsaved changes, are you sure you wish to change page?")) { return false; } } return true; }); })); registerPage("treatments", "Edit Treatments", contents);