form - form.go

// Package form provides an easy to use way to parse form values from an HTTP
// request into a struct
package form // import ""

import (

var interType = reflect.TypeOf((*formParser)(nil)).Elem()

type processorDetails struct {
	Post, Required bool
	Index          []int

type typeMap map[string]processorDetails

var (
	tmMu     sync.RWMutex
	typeMaps = make(map[reflect.Type]typeMap)

func getTypeMap(t reflect.Type) typeMap {
	tm, ok := typeMaps[t]
	if ok {
		return tm
	tm = createTypeMap(t)
	return tm

func basicTypeProcessor(t reflect.Type, tag reflect.StructTag) processor {
	switch t.Kind() {
	case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
		return newInum(tag, t.Bits())
	case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint:
		return newUnum(tag, t.Bits())
	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
		return newFloat(tag, t.Bits())
	case reflect.String:
		return newString(tag)
	case reflect.Bool:
		return boolean{}
	return nil

func createTypeMap(t reflect.Type) typeMap {
	tm, ok := typeMaps[t]
	if ok {
		return tm
	tm = make(typeMap)
	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
		f := t.Field(i)
		if f.PkgPath != "" {
		name := f.Name
		var required, post bool
		if n := f.Tag.Get("form"); n == "-" {
		} else if n != "" {
			p := strings.IndexByte(n, ',')
			if p >= 0 {
				if p > 0 {
					name = n[:p]
				rest := n[p:]
				required = strings.Contains(rest, ",required,") || strings.HasSuffix(rest, ",required")
				post = strings.Contains(rest, ",post,") || strings.HasSuffix(rest, ",post")
			} else {
				name = n
		var p processor
		if f.Type.Implements(interType) {
			p = inter(false)
		} else if reflect.PtrTo(f.Type).Implements(interType) {
			p = inter(true)
		} else if k := f.Type.Kind(); k == reflect.Slice || k == reflect.Ptr {
			et := f.Type.Elem()
			s := basicTypeProcessor(et, f.Tag)
			if s == nil {
			if k == reflect.Slice {
				p = slice{
					processor: s,
					typ:       reflect.SliceOf(et),
			} else {
				p = pointer{
					processor: s,
					typ:       et,
		} else if k == reflect.Struct && f.Anonymous {
			for n, p := range createTypeMap(f.Type) {
				if _, ok := tm[n]; !ok {
					tm[n] = processorDetails{
						processor: p.processor,
						Required:  p.Required,
						Post:      p.Post,
						Index:     append(append(make([]int, 0, len(p.Index)+1), i), p.Index...),
		} else {
			p = basicTypeProcessor(f.Type, f.Tag)
			if p == nil {
		tm[name] = processorDetails{
			processor: p,
			Required:  required,
			Post:      post,
			Index:     []int{i},
	typeMaps[t] = tm
	return tm

// Process parses the form data from the request into the passed value, which
// must be a pointer to a struct.
// Form keys are assumed to be the field names unless a 'form' tag is provided
// with an alternate name, for example, in the following struct, the int is
// parse with key 'A' and the bool is parsed with key 'C'.
// type Example struct {
//	A int
//	B bool `form:"C"`
// }
// Two options can be added to the form tag to modify the processing. The
// 'post' option forces the processer to parse a value from the PostForm field
// of the Request, and the 'required' option will have an error thrown if the
// key in not set.
// Number types can also have minimums and maximums checked during processing
// by setting the 'min' and 'max' tags accordingly.
// In a similar vein, string types can utilise the 'regex' tag to set a
// regular expression to be matched against.
// Anonymous structs are traversed, but will not override more local fields.
// Slices of basic types can be processed, and errors returned from any such
// processing will be of the Errors type, which each indexed entry
// corresponding to the index of the processed data.
// Pointers to basic types can also be processed, with the type being allocated
// even if an error occurs.
// Lastly, a custom data processor can be specified by attaching a method to
// the field type with the following specification:
// ParseForm([]string) error
func Process(r *http.Request, fv interface{}) error {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(fv)
	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		return ErrNeedPointer
	for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		v = v.Elem()
	if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return ErrNeedStruct
	tm := getTypeMap(v.Type())
	if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		return err
	var errors ErrorMap
	for key, pd := range tm {
		var (
			val []string
			ok  bool
		if pd.Post {
			val, ok = r.PostForm[key]
		} else {
			val, ok = r.Form[key]
		if ok {
			if err := pd.processor.process(v.FieldByIndex(pd.Index), val); err != nil {
				if errors == nil {
					errors = make(ErrorMap)
				errors[key] = err
		} else if pd.Required {
			if errors == nil {
				errors = make(ErrorMap)
			errors[key] = ErrRequiredMissing
	if len(errors) > 0 {
		return errors
	return nil