import type {Phrase, Phraser, PhraserFn, Token, TokenFn, Tokeniser} from './lib/parser.js'; import type {TypeGuardOf} from './lib/typeguard.js'; import parseBBCode from './lib/bbcode.js'; import {all as allBBCodeTags} from './lib/bbcode_tags.js'; import {HTTPRequest} from './lib/conn.js'; import {add} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {a, body, br, button, div, fieldset, h1, head, html, img, input, label, legend, li, pre, script, span, title, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import pageLoad from './lib/load.js'; import parseMarkdown from './lib/markdown.js'; import {text2DOM} from './lib/misc.js'; import {NodeArray, NodeMap, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import parser, {processToEnd} from './lib/parser.js'; import {And, Arr, Bool, Null, Obj, Or, Part, Str, Tuple, Val} from './lib/typeguard.js'; const hash = window.location.hash.slice(1), titleText = document.title, withMime = (data: BlobPart, mime: string) => window.location.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {"type": mime})), htmlDoctype = "\n", decodeText = (data: Uint8Array) => new TextDecoder().decode(data), favicon = () => document.getElementsByTagName("link")[0]!.cloneNode(), processToHTML = (data: Uint8Array, fn: (contents: string) => DocumentFragment) => { const dom = fn(decodeText(data)), firstChild = dom.children[0], htmlElement = dom.children.length === 1 ? firstChild instanceof HTMLHtmlElement ? firstChild : firstChild instanceof HTMLBodyElement ? html(firstChild) : html(body(dom)) : html(body(dom)), htmlChildren = Array.from(htmlElement.children), bodyElement = htmlChildren.find(e => e instanceof HTMLBodyElement) as HTMLBodyElement | null ?? null, headElement = htmlChildren.find(e => e instanceof HTMLHeadElement) as HTMLHeadElement | null ?? htmlElement.insertBefore(head(), bodyElement), headChildren = Array.from(headElement.children); if (!headChildren.some(e => e instanceof HTMLTitleElement)) { amendNode(headElement, title(bodyElement?.firstChild instanceof HTMLHeadingElement ? bodyElement.firstChild.textContent ?? titleText : titleText)); } if (!headChildren.some(e => e instanceof HTMLLinkElement && e.getAttribute("rel") === "shortcut icon")) { amendNode(headElement, favicon()); } processDOM(htmlElement); }, processDOM = (htmlElement: HTMLHtmlElement) => { if (config.embed) { document.replaceChild(htmlElement, document.documentElement); } else { withMime(htmlDoctype + htmlElement.outerHTML, "text/html;charset=utf-8"); } }, makeTable = (data: string[][], firstRowIsTitle: boolean) => { type Children = string | Element | Children[]; type DOMBind = (child?: Children, params?: Record) => T; const max = Math.max( => r.length)), titles = firstRowIsTitle ? data.shift() ?? [] : [], appendChildren = (elem: Element, child: Children) => { if (child instanceof Array) { for (const c of child) { appendChildren(elem, c); } } else { elem.append(child); } }, amendNode = (elem: E, child?: Children, params?: Record): E => { for (const [param, val] of Object.entries(params ?? {})) { if (val instanceof Function) { elem.addEventListener(param.slice(2) as keyof ElementEventMap, val as EventListener); } else { elem.setAttribute(param, val); } } if (child) { if (typeof child === "string") { elem.textContent = child; } else { appendChildren(elem, child); } } return elem; }, [a, button, input, label, li, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr, ul] = "a button input label li table tbody td th thead tr ul".split(" ").map(e => (child?: Children, params?: Record) => amendNode(document.createElement(e), child, params)) as [DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind, DOMBind], colName = (n: number): string => { if (n < 26) { return String.fromCharCode(64 + (n || 26)); } const q = n / 26 | 0, r = n % 26; return (r ? colName(q) : (q !== 1 ? colName(q - 1) : "")) + colName(r); }, stringSort = new Intl.Collator().compare, numberSort = (a: string, b: string) => parseFloat(a || "-Infinity") - parseFloat(b || "-Infinity"), sorters = Array.from({"length": max}, (_, n) => data.every(row => row.length < n || !isNaN(parseFloat(row[n] || "0"))) ? numberSort : stringSort), dataMap = new Map(), tbodyElement = tbody( => { const rowElm = tr( => td(cell)).concat(Array.from({"length": max - row.length}, _ => td()))); dataMap.set(rowElm, row); return rowElm; })), filterLists = new Map(), isBlankFilter = (s: string) => !s, isNotBlankFilter = (s: string) => !!s, filters = new Map boolean>(), runFilters = () => { document.body.classList.toggle("b", true); for (const [elm, data] of dataMap.entries()) { amendNode(elm, [], {"class": Array.from(filters.entries()).every(([n, fn]) => fn(data[n] ?? "")) ? "": "H"}); } }, makeToggleButton = (c: string, title: string, fn: (v: boolean) => void) => button(c, {"class": "t", title, "onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { fn(!this.classList.toggle("t")); }}), regexpSpecials = "\\/.*+?|()[]{}".split(""), makeFilterDiv = (n: number) => { let pre = false, post = false, text = "", caseInsensitive = false, re = new RegExp(""), min = -Infinity, max = Infinity; const textFilter = (s: string) => re.test(s), setTextFilter = () => { l.checked = true; re = new RegExp((pre ? "^" : "") + regexpSpecials.reduce((text, c) => text.replaceAll(c, "\\" + c), text) + (post ? "$" : ""), caseInsensitive ? "i" : ""); filters.set(n, textFilter); runFilters(); }, numberFilter = (s: string) => { const n = parseFloat(s); return min <= n && n <= max || min === -Infinity && max === Infinity; }, setNumberFilter = () => { l.checked = true; filters.set(n, numberFilter); runFilters(); }, l = input([], {"type": "radio", "name": "F_"+n, "checked": "", "onclick": sorters[n] === stringSort ? setTextFilter : setNumberFilter}), f = document.body.appendChild(ul([ li([ l, sorters[n] === stringSort ? [ makeToggleButton("^", "Starts With", v => { pre = v; setTextFilter(); }), input("", {"type": "text", "oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { text = this.value; setTextFilter(); }}), makeToggleButton("$", "Ends With", v => { post = v; setTextFilter(); }), makeToggleButton("i", "Case Sensitivity", v => { caseInsensitive = v; setTextFilter(); }) ] : [ input("", {"oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { min = parseFloat(this.value); if (isNaN(min)) { min = -Infinity; } setNumberFilter(); }}), " ≤ x ≤ ", input("", {"oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { max = parseFloat(this.value); if (isNaN(max)) { max = Infinity; } setNumberFilter(); }}) ] ]), li([ input([], {"type": "radio", "name": "F_"+n, "id": `F_${n}_1`, "onclick": () => { filters.set(n, isNotBlankFilter); runFilters(); }}), label("Remove Blank", {"for": `F_${n}_1`}) ]), li([ input([], {"type": "radio", "name": "F_"+n, "id": `F_${n}_2`, "onclick": () => { filters.set(n, isBlankFilter); runFilters(); }}), label("Only Blank", {"for": `F_${n}_2`}) ]) ], {"class": "F", "tabindex": "-1", "onkeydown": (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === "Escape") { (document.activeElement as HTMLElement | null)?.blur(); } }})); filterLists.set(n, f); return f; }, encodeRow = (row: string[]) => => `"${cell.replaceAll('"', '""')}"`).join(exportChar); let sorted = -1, exportChar = ","; amendNode(document.body, [ button("Reset Table", {"class": "B", "onclick": () => { sorted = -1; document.body.classList.remove("b"); document.getElementsByClassName("s")[0]?.removeAttribute("class"); filterLists.clear(); filters.clear(); amendNode(tbodyElement, Array.from(dataMap.keys()).map(row => amendNode(row, [], {"class": ""}))); }}), table([ thead(Array.from({"length": max}, (_, n) => th(titles[n] ?? colName(n + 1), {"onclick": function (this: Element) { const classes = this.classList; document.body.classList.toggle("b", true); if (n !== sorted) { document.getElementsByClassName("s")[0]?.removeAttribute("class"); classes.add("s"); sorted = n; amendNode(tbodyElement, Array.from(dataMap.entries()).sort((a, b) => sorters[n](a[1][n] ?? "", b[1][n] ?? "")).map(([e]) => e)); } else { classes.toggle("r"); amendNode(tbodyElement, Array.from(tbodyElement.children).reverse()); } }, "oncontextmenu": (e: MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); amendNode(filterLists.get(n) ?? makeFilterDiv(n), [], {"style": `left:${e.clientX}px;top:${e.clientY}px`}).focus(); }}))), tbodyElement ]), label("CSV", {"for": "C"}), input("", {"id": "C", "type": "radio", "checked": "", "name": "E", "onclick": () => exportChar = ","}), label("TSV", {"for": "T"}), input("", {"id": "T", "type": "radio", "name": "E", "onclick": () => exportChar = "\t"}), button("Export Table", {"onclick": () => a("", {"href": URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([(titles.length ? encodeRow(titles) + "\n" : "") + Array.from(tbodyElement.children).filter(e => dataMap.has(e)).map(row => encodeRow(dataMap.get(row)!)).join("\n")], {"type": "text/csv;charset=utf-8"})), "download": "table.csv"}).click()}) ]); }, sm = "\"", parseTable = (contents: Uint8Array, delim: string, firstRowIsTitle = false) => { const tokenCell = 1, tokenNL = 2, tokenRow = 3, skipChar = (tk: Tokeniser) => { if ( === "\n") { return tk.return(tokenNL, parseCell); } tk.get(); return parseCell(tk); }, parseCell = (tk: Tokeniser): [Token, TokenFn] => { if (!tk.peek()) { return tk.done(); } if (tk.accept(sm)) { while (true) { switch (tk.exceptRun(sm)) { default: return tk.return(tokenCell); case sm:; if (!tk.accept(sm)) { return tk.return(tokenCell, skipChar); } } } } tk.exceptRun(delim+"\n"); return tk.return(tokenCell, skipChar); }, skipNL = (p: Phraser) => {; p.get(); return parseRow(p); }, parseRow = (p: Phraser): [Phrase, PhraserFn] => { if (p.exceptRun(tokenNL) < 0) { return p.return(tokenRow); } return p.return(tokenRow, skipNL); }, arrow = (up: 0 | 1) => `url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 40 20'%3E%3Cpath d='M1,${19 - 18 * up} h38 l-19,${(2 * up - 1) * 18} z' fill='%23f00' stroke='%23000' stroke-linejoin='round' /%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A")`; processDOM(html([ head([ title("Table"), add({ "table": { "background-color": "#f8f8f8", "color": "#000", "border-collapse": "collapse", "margin-bottom": "1em" }, "th": { "padding": "0.5em 1.5em", "background-color": "#ddd", "cursor": "pointer", "user-select": "none", ":hover": { "text-decoration": "underline" }, ".s": { "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "right 0px bottom 0.5em", "background-size": "1em 1em", "background-image": arrow(1) }, ".r": { "background-image": arrow(0) } }, "th,td": { "border": "1px solid #000" }, "body:not(.b) button.B": { "visibility": "hidden" }, ".F": { "position": "absolute", "list-style": "none", "padding": "0.5em", "outline": "none", "border": "2px solid #000", "background-color": "#f8f8f8", ":not(:focus-within)": { "transform": "scale(0)", " *": { "display": "none" } } }, ".H": { "display": "none" }, ".t": { "color": "transparent" } }).render(), favicon(), script({"type": "module"}, `(${makeTable.toString()})(${JSON.stringify(Array.from(processToEnd(parser(decodeText(contents).trimEnd(), parseCell, parseRow))).map(row => => cell.type !== tokenNL).map(cell =>[0] === sm ?, -1).replace(sm+sm, sm) :}, ${firstRowIsTitle})`) ]), body(config.embed ? [] : [ a({"href": window.location + ""}, "Link to this Table"), br() ]) ])); }, isStr = Str(), isBool = Bool(), isNull = Null(), optTG = Part(Obj({ "markdownHTML": Or(isNull, Arr(Tuple(isStr, ...isStr))), "embed": Or(isNull, isBool) })), configTG = And(optTG, Obj({ "allowUnsigned": isBool, "keys": Arr(And(optTG, Obj({ "name": isStr, "hash": Or(Val("SHA-256"), Val("SHA-384"), Val("SHA-512")), "key": Obj({ "alg": isStr, "crv": isStr, "ext": isBool, "key_ops": Tuple(Val("verify")), "kty": isStr, "x": isStr, "y": isStr }) }))) })), configJSON = "config.json", loadConfig = () => HTTPRequest(configJSON, {"response": "json", "checker": configTG}).catch(() => ({"allowUnsigned": false, "keys": []} as TypeGuardOf)), config: Omit, "keys"> = { "allowUnsigned": false, "markdownHTML": [ ["a", "name"], ["details"], ["fieldset"], ["legend"], ["summary"] ] }; if (hash === "CONFIG") { pageLoad.then(() => Promise.all([ HTTPRequest(configJSON, {"method": "OPTIONS", "response": "xh"}).catch(() => null), loadConfig() ])) .then(([xh, config]) => { type TagItem = { [node]: HTMLLIElement; tag: string; params: ParamItem[]; } type ParamItem = { [node]: HTMLLIElement; param: string; } type KeyItem = { [node]: HTMLFieldSetElement; config: TypeGuardOf & {name: string}; } let labelID = 0; const hasPost = !!xh?.getResponseHeader("Allow")?.toUpperCase().split(/, */).includes("POST"), addHTMLParam = (param = "") => { const pi = { [node]: li(input({"value": param, "oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { pi.param = this.value; }})), param }; return pi; }, addMarkdownHTMLItem = (removeFn: () => void, tag: string, ...params: string[]): TagItem => { const paramsList = new NodeArray(ul(), params.sort(stringSort).map(addHTMLParam)); return { [node]: li([ button({"title": "Remove this Markdown HTML Element", "onclick": removeFn}, "X"), label(tag), paramsList, button({"title": "Add HTML Attribute", "onclick": () => paramsList.push(addHTMLParam())}, "+"), button({"title": "Remove Last HTML Attribute", "onclick": () => paramsList.pop()}, "-") ]), tag: tag, params: paramsList }; }, password = input({"type": "password", "id": "password"}), getConfigJSON = () => JSON.stringify(config), createConfigOptions = (config: TypeGuardOf) => { labelID++; const markdownHTML: NodeMap = Object.assign(new NodeMap(ul(), (a, b) => stringSort(a.tag, b.tag), (config.markdownHTML ?? []).map(([tag, ...params]) => [tag, addMarkdownHTMLItem(() => markdownHTML.delete(tag), tag, ...params)])), { "toJSON": () => Array.from(markdownHTML.values()).map(v => [v.tag, ...(new Set( => p.param).filter(p => p)))]) }), defaultEmpty = input({"type": "radio", "id": "empty_"+labelID, "name": "markdown_"+labelID, "checked": markdownHTML.size === 0, "onclick": () => config.markdownHTML = markdownHTML as any}); if (markdownHTML.size) { config.markdownHTML = markdownHTML as any; } return fieldset([ legend("name" in config ? [ `Key: ${}`, button({"title": "Remove this Key", "onclick": () => keys.delete( as string)}, "X") ]: "Base Config"), "allowUnsigned" in config ? [ label({"for": "allowUnsigned"}, "Allow Unsigned Fragments"), span(input({"type": "checkbox", "id": "allowUnsigned", "checked": config.allowUnsigned, "onclick": function (this: HTMLInputElement) { config.allowUnsigned = this.checked; }})) ] : [], label({"for": "embed_"+labelID}, "Embed Content"), span(input({"id": "embed_"+labelID, "type": "checkbox", "checked": config.embed, "onclick": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { config.embed = this.checked; }})), label("Allowed Markdown HTML Tags"), markdownHTML, span(button({"title": "Add Allowed Markdown HTML Element", "onclick": () => { const tag = prompt("Enter HTML Tag name"); if (tag) { if (markdownHTML.has(tag)) { alert("Tag already exists"); } else {; markdownHTML.set(tag, addMarkdownHTMLItem(() => markdownHTML.delete(tag), tag)); } } }}, "+")), label({"for": "empty_"+labelID}, "Allow no HTML elements"), span(defaultEmpty), label({"for": "all_"+labelID}, "Allow all HTML elements"), span(input({"type": "radio", "id": "all_"+labelID, "name": "markdown_"+labelID, "checked": config.markdownHTML === null, "onclick": () => config.markdownHTML = null})), label({"for": "safe_"+labelID}, "name" in config ? "Use Base Config Setting" : "Allow safe HTML elements"), span(input({"type": "radio", "id": "safe_"+labelID, "name": "markdown_"+labelID, "checked": config.markdownHTML === undefined, "onclick": () => delete config.markdownHTML})) ]); }, keys = Object.assign(new NodeMap(div(), (a, b) => stringSort(,, => [, { [node]: createConfigOptions(key), config: key }])), { "toJSON": () => Array.from(keys.values()).map(v => v.config) }); config.keys = keys as any; amendNode(document.head, add({ "label": { "text-align": "right", ":after": { "content": `":"` } }, "fieldset": { "display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "max-content 1fr", "gap": "0 1em" }, "ul": { "list-style": "none", "margin": 0, ":empty": { "display": "none" }, ":not(:empty)~": { "label,span>input": { "display": "none" } }, ">li>ul": { "display": "inline-block", "padding": 0, ">li": { "display": "inline-block" } } } }).render()); amendNode(document.body, [ h1("Fragment"), createConfigOptions(config), keys[node], button({"onclick": () => { const name = prompt("Enter a name for the key."); if (name) { if (keys.has(name)) { alert("Name already exists"); } else { const al = { name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-384", hash: "SHA-256" }; window.crypto.subtle.generateKey(al, true, ["sign", "verify"]).then(key => { window.crypto.subtle.exportKey("pkcs8", key.privateKey).then(k => a({"download": name + ".pem", "href": URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(["-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(k))).match(/.{1,64}/g)!.join("\n") + "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"], {"type": "text/plain"}))}).click()); window.crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key.publicKey).then(k => { const c = { name, "embed": config.embed, "hash": al.hash, "key": k }; keys.set(name, { [node]: createConfigOptions(c), "config": c }); }); }); } } }}, "Add Key"), br(), hasPost ? [ label({"for": "password"}, "Password for Saving"), password, button({"onclick": () => HTTPRequest(configJSON, { "method": "POST", "password": password.value, "data": getConfigJSON() }) .then(() => alert("Saved")) .catch(alert)}, "Save"), br() ] : [], button({"onclick": () => prompt("Copy this to your config file:", getConfigJSON())}, "Export Config") ]); }); } else { pageLoad.then(() => hash ? fetch("data:application/octet-stream;base64," + hash) : Promise.reject("No Fragment")) .then(data => data.blob()) .then(b => DecompressionStream("deflate-raw")).getReader()) .then(async reader => { let data = new Uint8Array(0); while (true) { const {value} = await; if (!value) { return data; } const newData = new Uint8Array(data.length + value.length); newData.set(data); newData.set(value, data.length); data = newData; } }) .then(data => { const c = loadConfig().then(c => Object.assign(config, c)); switch (String.fromCharCode(data[0])) { case 'P': case 'S': case 'H': case 'M': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'T': case 'U': case 'X': if (!window.isSecureContext) { return Promise.reject("Cannot handle signed data in insecure mode"); } const signatureLen =! << 8 |!, signedData = data.slice(0, -signatureLen - 2), signature = data.slice(-signatureLen - 2, -2); return c.then(c => Promise.any( => window.crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", key.key, {"name": "ECDSA", "namedCurve": key.key.crv}, true, ["verify"]) .then(ck => window.crypto.subtle.verify({"name": "ECDSA", "hash": key.hash}, ck, signature, signedData)) .then(r => r ? key : Promise.reject("")) ))) .then(c => Object.assign(config, c)) .catch(() => Promise.reject("Unable to verify signature")) .then(() => signedData); } return c.then(() => config.allowUnsigned ? data : Promise.reject("Fragment not signed")); }) .then(data => { const contents = data.slice(1), firstChar = String.fromCharCode(data[0]).toLowerCase(); switch (firstChar) { case 'p': return config.embed ? amendNode(document.body, pre(decodeText(data))) : withMime(contents, "text/plain;charset=utf-8"); case 's': return config.embed ? amendNode(document.body, img({"src": URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {"type": "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"}))})) : withMime(contents, "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"); case 'h': return processToHTML(contents, text2DOM); case 'm': case 'b': return processToHTML(contents, firstChar === 'm' ? data => parseMarkdown(data, {"allowedHTML": config.markdownHTML as [keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, ...string[]][] | null ?? null}) : data => parseBBCode(allBBCodeTags, data)); case 'c': case 'd': return parseTable(contents, ",", firstChar === 'd'); case 't': case 'u': return parseTable(contents, "\t", firstChar === 'u'); case 'x': return withMime(contents, "application/xml;charset=utf-8"); } return Promise.reject("Unknown content type"); }) .catch(err => amendNode(document.body, "Error: " + err)); }