import {add, ids} from './lib/css.js'; import {clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, div, h1, h2, input, li, span, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {NodeArray, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {addGame, addLabel, room} from './room.js'; type QuestionMessage = { round: number; num: number; question: string; answers: string[]; endTime?: number; } type AnswerMessage = { round: number; num: number; question: string; correct_answer: string; } type EndOfRoundMessage = { round: number; scores: Record; } type Score = { name: string; score: number; [node]: HTMLLIElement; } type Message = QuestionMessage | AnswerMessage | EndOfRoundMessage; type Difficulty = "easy" | "medium" | "hard"; type Type = "multiple" | "boolean"; type QuestionFilter = { amount: number; category?: number; difficulty?: Difficulty; type?: Type; autoReset?: boolean; } type Question = { category: string; type: Type; difficulty: Difficulty; question: string; correct_answer: string; incorrect_answers: string[]; } type QuestionData = [0, 0 | 1 | 2, number, string, 0 | 1] | [1, 0 | 1 | 2, number, string, string, ...string[]]; let imported: Promise | null = null; const types = ["boolean", "multiple"] as Type[], difficulties = ["easy", "medium", "hard"] as Difficulty[], booleans = ["False", "True"], iCats: string[] = [], [quizOptionsID, quizQuestionID, quizScoresID, countdownID] = ids(4); add({ [`#${quizOptionsID}`]: { "text-align": "center", ">label": { "display": "inline-block", "width": "9em", "text-align": "right", "font-size": "1.5em" }, ">input": { "box-sizing": "border-box", "width": "calc(100% - 10em)", "text-align": "center", "font-size": "2em", "[type=checkbox]": { "min-height": "1.5em" } }, " ul": { "display": "grid", "grid-gap": "2px", "grid-template-columns": "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(20em, 1fr))", " input": { "display": "none" } }, " li": { "label, input:checked:active:hover+label": { "font-size": "2em", "box-sizing": "border-box", "min-height": "3em", "height": "100%", "text-align": "center", "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "justify-content": "center", "border": "1vmax outset #00a", "background-color": "#009" }, " input:checked+label, input:not(checked):active:hover+label": { "background-color": "#090", "border-color": "#0a0", "border-style": "inset" } }, " button": { "box-sizing": "border-box", "width": "100%", "height": "4em", "background-color": "#900", "border-width": "1vmax", "border-color": "#a00", "font-size": "2em", "color": "#fff" } }, [`#${quizQuestionID}`]: { "li input": { "display": "none" }, "h1,h2": { "text-align": "center", "font-size": "3em" }, " label": { "background-color": "#008", "border": "1vmax outset #00a", "height": "2em", "width": "100%", "text-align": "center", "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "justify-content": "center", "font-size": "3em", ":hover": { "background-color": "#228" } }, "input": { ":active+label:hover": { "border-style": "inset" }, ":checked+label": { "background-color": "#080", "border": "1vmax inset #0a0" } } }, [`#${quizQuestionID} button, #${quizScoresID} button`]: { "width": "100%", "height": "3em", "font-size": "2em", "background-color": "#800", "border-color": "#900", "border-width": "1vmax", "color": "#fff" }, [`#${countdownID}`]: { "text-align": "center", "font-size": "3em" }, [`#${quizScoresID} li span`]: { "display": "inline-block", "width": "50%", "font-size": "2em" } }); class OTDB { #questions: Set; categories: ReadonlyMap; constructor(data: QuestionData[]) { this.#questions = new Set(); while (data.length) { this.#questions.add(data.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length), 1)[0]); } const c = new Map(); for (const cat of iCats) { c.set(cat, c.size); } this.categories = c; } getQuestions(filter: QuestionFilter = {"amount": 1}): Promise { if (filter.amount > 50) { filter.amount = 50; } const qs: Question[] = [], fdifficulty = filter.difficulty === undefined ? -1 : difficulties.indexOf(filter.difficulty), ftyp = filter.type === undefined ? -1 : types.indexOf(filter.type); for (const q of this.#questions) { const [typ, difficulty, category, question, answer, ...a] = q; if ((filter.category !== undefined && filter.category !== category) && (fdifficulty >= 0 && (fdifficulty !== difficulty)) && (ftyp >= 0 && (ftyp !== typ))) { continue; } this.#questions.delete(q); if (qs.push({ "type": types[typ], "difficulty": difficulties[difficulty], "category": iCats[category], "question": atob(question), "correct_answer": typ === 0 ? booleans[1 - (answer as 0 | 1)] : answer as string, "incorrect_answers": typ === 0 ? [booleans[answer as 0 | 1]] : }) === filter.amount) { break; } } if (qs.length !== filter.amount && filter.autoReset) { delete filter["autoReset"]; return this.reset().then(() => this.getQuestions(filter)); } return Promise.resolve(qs); } reset() { return imported!.then(data => { this.#questions = new Set(Array.from({"length": data.length}, () => data.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length), 1)[0])); }); } } const otdb = () => (imported ?? (imported = import("data/otdb.js").then(({qs, cats}) => { for (const cat of cats) { iCats.push(atob(cat)); } return qs; }))) .then(qs => new OTDB(qs.concat())), game = "Quiz", showAnswerCountdown = 10, countDown = (endTime: number, fn?: () => void) => { const time = div({"id": countdownID}), setTime = () => { const remaining = endTime - room.getTime(); if (remaining <= 0) { clearInterval(si); clearNode(time, "0"); fn?.(); } else { clearNode(time, remaining + ""); } }, si = setInterval(setTime, 1000); setTime(); return time; }, answers = new Map(), isEndOfRoundMessage = (data: Message): data is EndOfRoundMessage => (data as EndOfRoundMessage).scores !== undefined, isAnswerMessage = (data: Message): data is AnswerMessage => (data as AnswerMessage).correct_answer !== undefined, scoreSort = (a: Score, b: Score) => (a.score - b.score) || stringSort(,; addGame(game, { "onAdmin": () => { clearNode(document.body, h1("Creating OpenTrivia Database Connection")); otdb().then(o => { let round = 0; const roundStart = () => { const timer = input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "value": 0}), cats = new Set(), numberQs = input({"type": "number", "min": 1, "max": 50, "value": 10}), playerScores = new Map(); clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizOptionsID}, [ h1(`Round ${++round}`), addLabel("Timer (s): ", timer), br(), addLabel("Number of Questions: ", numberQs), br(), h2("Categories"), ul(Array.from(o.categories.entries()).sort((a, b) => stringSort(a[0], b[0])).map(([cat, id]) => li(addLabel(input({"type": "checkbox", "onclick": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { cats[this.checked ? "add" : "delete"](id); }}), cat)))), button({"onclick": () => { let num = 0; const t = parseInt(timer.value) || 0, n = parseInt(numberQs.value) || 10, qs: Question[] = [], cs = Array.from(cats), getQs = () => { const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * cs.length); o.getQuestions({"amount": 1, "category": cs.length === 0 ? undefined : cs[i]}).then(questions => { if (questions.length === 0) { cs.splice(i, 1); return cs.length === 0 ? o.reset().then(getQs) : getQs(); } qs.push(...questions); return qs.length === n ? start() : getQs(); }); }, start = () => { const sqs: Question[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { sqs.push(qs.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * qs.length))[0]); } qs.push(...sqs); runQ(); }, runQ = () => { answers.clear(); const {question, correct_answer, incorrect_answers} = qs.pop()!, answerList = [correct_answer].concat(incorrect_answers).sort(stringSort), username = room.username(), endTime = t ? room.getTime() + t : 0, sendAnswer = () => { room.messageRoom({round, num, question, correct_answer}); for (const [u, a] of answers) { playerScores.set(u, (playerScores.get(u) || 0) + (a === correct_answer ? 1 : 0)); } clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizQuestionID}, [ h1(`Round ${round} - Question ${num}`), h2(question), h2(correct_answer), countDown(room.getTime() + showAnswerCountdown, num === n ? endRound : runQ) ])); }; num++; room.messageRoom({round, num, question, "answers": answerList, endTime}); clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizQuestionID}, [ h1(`Round ${round} - Question ${num}`), h2(question), div(ul( => li(addLabel(input({"type": "radio", "name": "answers", "onclick": () => answers.set(username, answer)}), answer))))), endTime ? countDown(endTime, sendAnswer) : button({"onclick": sendAnswer}, "End Question") ])); }, endRound = () => { const scores: Record = {}, scoreArr = new NodeArray(ul(), scoreSort); for (const [name, score] of playerScores) { scores[name] = score; scoreArr.push({name, score, [node]: li([span(name), span(score + "")])}); } room.messageRoom({round, "scores": scores}); clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizScoresID}, [ h1(`Round ${round}`), scoreArr[node], button({"onclick": roundStart}, "Next Round") ])); }; clearNode(document.body, h1("Loading Questions...")); getQs(); }}, "Start") ])); }; roundStart(); }).catch(alert); }, "onMessage": (from: string, data: string) => answers.set(from, data), "onRoomMessage": (data: Message) => { if (isEndOfRoundMessage(data)) { const scores = new NodeArray(ul(), scoreSort); for (const name in data.scores) { const score = data.scores[name]; scores.push({name, score, [node]: li([span(name), span(score + "")])}); } clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizScoresID}, [ h1(`Round ${data.round}`), scores[node] ])); } else if (isAnswerMessage(data)) { clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizQuestionID}, [ h1(`Round ${data.round} - Question ${data.num}`), h2(data.question), h2(data.correct_answer), countDown(room.getTime() + showAnswerCountdown) ])); } else { const isSpectator = room.username() === "", answer = div(ul( => li(addLabel(input({"type": "radio", "name": "answers", "onclick": isSpectator ? undefined : () => room.messageAdmin(answer)}), answer))))); clearNode(document.body, div({"id": quizQuestionID}, [ h1(`Round ${data.round} - Question ${data.num}`), h2(data.question), answer, data.endTime ? countDown(data.endTime, () => answer.remove()) : [] ])); } } });