import type {Children, PropsObject} from './lib/dom.js'; import {WS} from './lib/conn.js'; import {add, id, ids, render} from './lib/css.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {button, div, h1, input, label, li, span, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import pageLoad from './lib/load.js'; import {NodeArray, node, noSort, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {RPC} from './lib/rpc.js'; type RoomNode = { room: string; [node]: HTMLLIElement; } export type UserNode = { user: string; [node]: HTMLLIElement; } type RoomEntry = { admin: string; users: string[]; status: {game: string}; } type Game = { onAdmin: () => void; onRoomMessage: (data: any) => void; onMessage?: (from: string, data: any) => void; onMessageTo?: (data: any) => void; onUserLeave?: (username: string) => void; userFormatter?: (username: string) => HTMLLIElement; } type Input = HTMLInputElement | HTMLButtonElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLSelectElement; let timeShift = 0; const games = new Map([["", { "onAdmin": () => { const gameList = new NodeArray<{game: string, [node]: HTMLLIElement}>(ul({"id": gameListID}), (a, b) => stringSort(,; for (const game of games.keys()) { if (game) { gameList.push({game, [node]: li(button({"onclick": () => room.adminGame(game)}, game))}); } } clearNode(document.body, [ h1("Choose Game"), gameList[node] ]); }, "onRoomMessage": () => { clearNode(document.body, h1("Waiting for Game")); } }]]), broadcastRoomAdd = -1, broadcastRoomRemove = -2, broadcastAdminNone = -3, broadcastAdmin = -4, broadcastUserJoin = -5, broadcastUserLeave = -6, broadcastMessageAdmin = -7, broadcastMessageUser = -8, broadcastMessageRoom = -9, [usernameID, roomListID, gameListID, errorID, becomeAdminID] = ids(5); add({ "body": { "color": "#fff", "background-color": "#000", "user-select": "none", "margin": 0 }, "h1,input::placeholder": { "text-align": "center" }, [`#${usernameID}`]: { "font-size": "3em", "width": "100%", "box-sizing": "border-box" }, "ul": { "padding": 0, "list-style": "none" }, [`#${roomListID},#${gameListID}`]: { "display": "grid", "grid-gap": "2px", "grid-template-columns": "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(20em, 1fr))", ">li>button": { "text-align": "center", "height": "25vh", "width": "100%", "background-color": "#080", "cursor": "pointer", "border-color": "#0a0", "font-size": "3em", "border-width": "1vmax", "box-sizing": "border-box", ":hover": { "background-color": "#090" } } }, [`#${roomListID}+button`]: { "width": "100%", "height": "25vh", "background-color": "#800", "border-color": "#a00", "font-size": "3em", "border-width": "1vmax", "box-sizing": "border-box", ":hover": { "background-color": "#900" } }, [`#${errorID}`]: { "color": "#f00" }, [`#${becomeAdminID}`]: { "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "left": 0, "background-color": "rgba(63, 0, 0, 0.75)", "cursor": "pointer", "right": 0, "bottom": 0, ">h1": { "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", "justify-content": "center", "height": "100%" } } }); export const addGame = (name: string, game: Game) => games.has(name) || games.set(name, game), room = {} as { admin: () => string; users: () => NodeArray; new: (room: string, user: string) => Promise; join: (room: string, user: string) => Promise; adminGame: (game: string) => void; leave: () => Promise; makeAdmin: () => void; messageAdmin: (data: any) => Promise; messageUser: (to: string, data: any) => Promise; messageRoom: (data: any) => Promise; username: () => string; getTime: () => number; }, addLabel = (name: Children | Input, input: Input | Children, props: PropsObject = {}) => { const iProps = {"id": props["for"] = id()}; return name instanceof HTMLInputElement || name instanceof HTMLButtonElement || name instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || name instanceof HTMLSelectElement ? [amendNode(name, iProps), label(props, input)] : [label(props, name), amendNode(input as Input, iProps)]; }; pageLoad.then(() => WS("/socket")).then(ws => { const rpc = new RPC(ws), users = new NodeArray(ul()), becomeAdmin = div({"id": becomeAdminID, "onclick": () => rpc.request("adminRoom").then(() => { becomeAdmin.remove(); admin = username; games.get(game)?.onAdmin(); })}, h1("Admin not present. Click/Tap here to become Admin for this Room")), rooms = new NodeArray(ul()), usernameInput = input({"type": "text", "id": usernameID, "maxlength": 100, "placeholder": "Spectate or Enter Username Here", "value": window.localStorage.getItem("username") ?? "", "onchange": () => window.localStorage.setItem("username", usernameInput.value)}), error = span({"id": errorID}), roomFormatter = (r: string) => li(button({"onclick": () => room.join(r, usernameInput.value).catch((e: Error) => clearNode(error, e.message))}, r)), start = () => { if (new URLSearchParams("monitor")) { room.join("default", ""); return; } rooms.sort((a, b) => === "default" ? -1 : === "default" ? 1 : stringSort(,; rooms.sort(noSort); amendNode(document.head, render()); clearNode(document.body, [ h1("Game Server"), usernameInput, error, amendNode(rooms[node], {"id": roomListID}), button({"onclick": () => { const roomName = prompt("Please enter new Room name"); if (roomName && roomName.length <= 100) {, usernameInput.value).catch((e: Error) => alert(e.message)); } }}, "New Room") ]); }; let admin = "", username = "", game = ""; Object.freeze(Object.assign(room, { "admin": () => admin, "users": () => users, "new": (room: string, user: string) => { admin = username = ""; users.splice(0, users.length); return rpc.request("addRoom", {room, user}).then(() => {username = admin = user}); }, "join": (room: string, user: string) => { users.splice(0, users.length); game = admin = username = ""; return rpc.request("joinRoom", {room, user}).then(resp => { if (!user) { const {game: g, data} = resp; games.get(game = g)?.onRoomMessage?.(data); } else { const {"admin": a, "users": u, data: {game: g = "", data = {}} = {}} = resp, uf = games.get(game)?.userFormatter ?? li; admin = a; users.push({user, [node]: uf(username = user)}); for (const user of u) { users.push({user, [node]: uf(user)}); } if (!admin) { setTimeout(amendNode, 0, document.body, becomeAdmin); } games.get(game = g)?.onRoomMessage?.(data); } }); }, "adminGame": (g: string) => { const go = games.get(game = g), fmt = go?.userFormatter ?? li; for (const u of users) { u[node].replaceWith(u[node] = fmt(u.user)); } go?.onAdmin() }, "leave": () => { username = admin = game = ""; clearNode(document.body, h1("Leaving...")); rpc.request("leaveRoom").then(start); }, "messageAdmin": (data: any) => rpc.request("message", data), "messageUser": (to: string, data: any) => rpc.request("message", {to, data}), "messageRoom": (data: any) => rpc.request("message", {game, data}), "username": () => username, "getTime": () => Math.round(timeShift + / 1000) })); for (const [id, fn] of [ [broadcastRoomAdd, room => rooms.push({room, [node]: roomFormatter(room)})], [broadcastRoomRemove, room => rooms.filterRemove(r => === room)], [broadcastAdminNone, () => { admin = ""; if (username) { clearNode(document.body, becomeAdmin); } }], [broadcastAdmin, (a: string) => { becomeAdmin.remove(); admin = a; }], [broadcastUserJoin, (user: string) => users.push({user, [node]: (games.get(game)?.userFormatter ?? li)(user)})], [broadcastUserLeave, user => { for (const u of users.filterRemove(u => u.user === user)) { games.get(game)?.onUserLeave?.(u.user); } }], [broadcastMessageAdmin, ({from, data}: {from: string; data: any}) => games.get(game)?.onMessage?.(from, data)], [broadcastMessageUser, (data: any) => games.get(game)?.onMessageTo?.(data)], [broadcastMessageRoom, (d: {game: string; data: any}) => games.get(game =] ] as [number, (data: any) => any][]) { rpc.subscribe(id).when(fn); } return rpc.request("time").then(t => timeShift = t - / 1000).then(() => rpc.request("listRooms").then(r => { for (const room of r) { rooms.push({room, [node]: roomFormatter(room)}); } start(); })); });