import type {ToString} from './global.js'; import {amendNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {button, div, h2, h3, li, table, tbody, td, tr, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {families, people} from './gedcom.js'; import {link, load, nameOf, relations, wrapper} from './global.js'; type Connection = [number, number]; const makeRoute = (connMap: Map, pid: number) => { const route: number[] = []; while (pid > 0) { route.push(pid); pid = connMap.get(pid)![0]; } return route.reverse(); }, findConn = (from: number, to: number): [number, number[], number[]] => { const connMap = new Map([[from, [0, 0]], [to, [0, 0]]]), todo: Connection[] = [[from, 1], [to, 2]]; while (todo.length > 0) { const person = todo.shift()!, [pid, side] = person, childOf = people[pid][5]; for (const parent of families[childOf].slice(0, 2)) { if (parent) { const existing = connMap.get(parent); if (existing) { if (existing[1] !== side) { return [parent, makeRoute(connMap, side === 1 ? pid : existing[0]), makeRoute(connMap, side === 1 ? existing[0] : pid)]; } } else { connMap.set(parent, person); todo.push([parent, side]); } } } } return [0, [], []]; }, ordinals: Record = { "one": "st", "two": "nd", "few": "rd", "other": "th" }, times = ["Once", "Twice", "Thrice"], plurals = new Intl.PluralRules("en-GB", {"type": "ordinal"}), getRelationship = (first: number[], second: number[], commonGender: number) => { const up = first.length, down = second.length, half = up > 0 && down > 0 && people[first[up-1]][5] != people[second[down-1]][5] ? "Half-" : ""; switch (up) { case 0: switch (down) { case 0: return "Clone"; case 1: return relations[0][commonGender]; default: const greats = down - 2; return greats > 3 ? `${greats} x Great-Grand-` : "Great-".repeat(greats) + `Grand-${relations[0][commonGender]}`; } case 1: switch (down) { case 0: return relations[3][people[first[0]][4]]; case 1: return `${half}${relations[1][people[first[0]][4]]}`; default: const greats = down - 2; return `${half}${(greats > 3 ? `${greats} x Great-Grand-` : "Great-".repeat(greats))}${relations[4][people[first[0]][4]]}`; } default: const greats = up - 2; switch (down) { case 0: return (greats > 3 ? `${greats} x Great-Grand-` : "Great-".repeat(greats) + "Grand-") + relations[3][people[first[0]][4]]; case 1: return `${half}${(greats > 3 ? `${greats} x Great-` : "Great-".repeat(greats))}${relations[5][people[first[0]][4]]}`; default: const small = Math.min(up, down) - 1, diff = Math.abs(up - down); return `${half}${small}${ordinals[]} ${half}Cousin${diff > 0 ? `, ${times[diff - 1] || `${diff} Times`} Removed` : ""}`; } } }; export default (attrs: Record) => { const from = parseInt(attrs["from"] + ""), to = parseInt(attrs["to"] + ""); if (from <= 0 || to <= 0 || !people[from] || !people[to]) { return wrapper({"title": "Family Tree", "class": "ged2web_error"}, "Error: Unknown ID"); } const [common, first, second] = findConn(from, to), aname = nameOf(from), bname = nameOf(to); return wrapper({"title": "Relationship Calculator", "class": "ged2web_fhcalc"}, common === 0 ? h2(`No direct relationship between ${aname} and ${bname}`) : div([ div({"id": "ged2web_title"}, [ h2(`${aname} is the ${getRelationship(first, second, people[common][4])} of ${bname}`), button({"onclick": () => load("fhcalc", {"from": to, "to": from})}, "Swap") ]), table({"id": "relationship"}, tbody([ tr([aname, bname].map(name => td(h3(`Route from ${name}`)))), tr([first, second].map(list => td(ul( => li(`${nameOf(id)}, who is the ${relations[3][people[id][4]]} of…`)))))), tr(td({"colspan": 2}, [ div(nameOf(common)), h3("Common Ancestor"), amendNode(link("tree", {"id": common, "highlight": first.concat(second).join(".")}), "Show in Tree") ])) ])) ])); }