import type {ToString} from './global.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {button, datalist, div, h2, input, label, li, option, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import {checkInt} from './lib/misc.js'; import pagination from './lib/pagination.js'; import {families, people} from './gedcom.js'; import {link, load, modParams2URL, nameOf, relations, wrapper} from './global.js'; const indexes: number[][] = Array.from({length: 26}, () => []), stringSort = new Intl.Collator().compare, sortIDs = (a: number, b: number) => { const [paf = "", pas = ""] = people[a], [pbf = "", pbs = ""] = people[b]; return pas !== pbs ? stringSort(pas, pbs) : paf !== pbf ? stringSort(paf, pbf) : b - a; }, person2HTML = (id: number, rel: number) => id === 0 ? [] : div([ amendNode(link("tree", {id}), nameOf(id)), " (" + relations[rel][people[id][4]] + ")" ]), perPage = 20, paginationEnd = 3, paginationSurround = 3, buttons: [number, HTMLButtonElement][] = [], index2HTML = (base: HTMLDivElement, index: number[], params: Record, page = 0) => { const max = Math.min((page + 1) * perPage, index.length), list = ul({"class": "results"}), pParams = {"href": (page: number) => modParams2URL("list", Object.assign(params, {"p": page})), "end": paginationEnd, "surround": paginationSurround, page, "total": Math.ceil(index.length / perPage) - 1}; for (let i = page * perPage; i < max; i++) { const me = index[i], [,,,,, childOf, ...spouseOf] = people[me], [father, mother, ...siblings] = families[childOf], spouseOfFams = => families[s]), c = button({"onclick": () => { if (chosen === me) { chosen = 0; for (const [, button] of buttons) { clearNode(button, "+"); } } else if (chosen === 0) { chosen = me; for (const [id, button] of buttons) { clearNode(button, id === me ? "-" : "="); } } else { load("fhcalc", {from: chosen, to: me}); } }}, chosen === 0 ? "+" : chosen === me ? "-" : "="); buttons.push([me, c]); amendNode(list, li([ div([ amendNode(link("tree", {"id": me}), nameOf(me)), c ]), div([ person2HTML(father, 0), person2HTML(mother, 0), siblings.filter(id => id !== me).map(id => person2HTML(id, 1)),[husband, wife, ...children]) => [ person2HTML(husband !== me ? husband : wife, 2), children.filter(id => id !== me).map(id => person2HTML(id, 3)) ]) ]) ])); } amendNode(base, [ pagination(pParams), list, pagination(pParams) ]); }, searchCache = new Map(), treeNames = datalist({"id": "treeNames"}); let chosen = 0; for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { let fl = (people[i][1] ?? "").charCodeAt(0); if (fl >= 97) { fl -= 32; } if (fl >= 65 && fl <=90) { indexes[fl - 65].push(i); } } for (const index of indexes) { index.sort(sortIDs); for (const id of index) { const [fname, lname] = people[id]; if (fname && lname) { amendNode(treeNames, option({"value": `${fname} ${lname}`})); } } } export default (attrs: Record) => { if (!treeNames.parentNode) { amendNode(document.body, treeNames); } const l = (attrs["l"] ?? "") + "", q = (attrs["q"] ?? "") + "", d = div(), page = checkInt(parseInt(attrs["p"] + ""), 0), search = () => load("list", {"q": s.value}), s = input({"type": "text", "list": "treeNames", "onkeypress": (e: KeyboardEvent) => e.key === "Enter" && search()}); let title = "List"; if (q) { s.value = q; title = "Search"; const terms = s.value.toUpperCase().split(" ").sort(), jterms = terms.join(" "); let index: number[] = []; if (searchCache.has(jterms)) { index = searchCache.get(jterms)!; } else { for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { const name = `${people[i][0] || ""} ${people[i][1] || ""}`.toUpperCase(); if (terms.every(term => name.includes(term))) { index.push(i); } } searchCache.set(jterms, index); } index2HTML(d, index.sort(sortIDs), {q}, page) } else if (l) { const cc = l.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); if (cc >= 65 && cc <= 90) { title = `List - ${l}`; index2HTML(d, indexes[cc-65], {l}, page) } } return wrapper({title, "class": "ged2web_list"}, [ div({"id": "ged2web_title"}, [ h2("Select a Name"), div({"id": "indexes"},, id) => amendNode(link("list", {"l": String.fromCharCode(id+65)}), String.fromCharCode(id+65)))), div({"id": "index_search"}, [ label({"for": "index_search"}, "Search Terms: "), s, button({"onclick": search}, "Search") ]) ]), d ]); }