import type {ToString} from './global.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode, createDocumentFragment} from './lib/dom.js'; import {div} from './lib/html.js'; import {families, people} from './gedcom.js'; import {nameOf, wrapper} from './global.js'; const rowStart = 100, colStart = 50, rowGap = 150, boxWidth = 150, boxPadding = 50, colGap = boxWidth + boxPadding, classes = ["U", "M", "F"].map(s => `sex_${s}`); class Tree { container = div(); chosen: number; highlight: Set; expanded: Set; rows: PersonBox[][] = []; constructor(id: number, highlight: number[]) { this.chosen = id; this.highlight = new Set(highlight); this.expanded = new Set(highlight); this.draw(); } draw(focus = 0, offsetX = 0) { let top = this.chosen, r = 0, focusX = 0; while (true) { const famc = people[top][5], [father, mother] = families[famc]; if (this.expanded.has(father)) { top = father; } else if (this.expanded.has(mother)) { top = mother; } else { if (famc) { new Person(this, father, 0, true); } else { const p = new Person(this, 0, 0); p.spouses = [new Spouse(this, p, [0, 0, top], 0)]; } break; } } const elms = createDocumentFragment(); for (const row of this.rows) { for (const p of row) { const top = rowStart + r * rowGap, left = colStart + p.col * colGap; if (focus && === focus) { focusX = left; } if (p instanceof Person) { if (r > 0) { amendNode(elms, div({"class": "downLeft", "style": {"top": `${top - 50}px`, "left": `${left + boxWidth / 2}px`, "width": 0, "height": "50px"}})); } if (p.spouses.length > 0) { amendNode(elms, div({"class": "spouseLine", "style": {"top": `${top}px`, "left": `${left}px`, "width": `${(p.spouses[p.spouses.length-1].col - p.col) * colGap}px`}})); } } else if (p instanceof Spouse && p.children.length > 0) { if (p.col <= p.children[0].col) { amendNode(elms, div({"class": "downRight", "style": {"top": `${top}px`, "left": `${left - boxPadding / 2}px`}})); } else { amendNode(elms, div({"class": "downLeft", "style": {"top": `${top}px`, "left": `${left - boxWidth + boxPadding / 2}px`, "width": `${boxWidth - boxPadding}px`}})); } if (p.children.length > 1) { amendNode(elms, div({"class": "downLeft", "style": {"top": `${top + rowGap - 50}px`, "left": `${colStart + p.children[0].col * colGap + boxWidth / 2}px`, "width": `${(p.children[p.children.length-1].col - p.children[0].col) * colGap}px`, "height": 0}})); } } const id =, [,, dob, dod, gender,, ...fams] = people[], isSpouse = p instanceof Spouse; amendNode(elms, div({"class": {"person": true, [classes[gender]]: true, "highlight": this.highlight.has(id), "chosen": this.chosen ===}, "style": {"top": `${rowStart + r * rowGap}px`, "left": `${colStart + p.col * colGap}px`}}, [ > 0 && !== this.chosen && (p instanceof Person && fams.length > 0 || isSpouse) ? div({"class": !this.expanded.has( || isSpouse ? "expand" : "collapse", "onclick": this.expand.bind(this,, isSpouse)}) : [], div({"class": "name"}, nameOf(, dob ? div({"class": "dob"}, dob) : [], dod ? div({"class": "dod"}, dod) : [] ])); } r++; } clearNode(this.container, elms); if (focus) { window.scroll({"left": focusX + offsetX}); } } addPerson(row: number, p: PersonBox) { const r = this.rows[row], prev = r?.[r?.length-1]; if (!r) { this.rows.push([p]); return 0; } r.push( = p); return prev.col + 1; } expand(id: number, isSpouse: boolean, e: Event) { if (isSpouse) { this.chosen = id; } else if (this.expanded.has(id)) { this.expanded.delete(id); } else { this.expanded.add(id); } this.rows = []; this.draw(id, window.scrollX - (( as HTMLDivElement).offsetParent as HTMLDivElement).offsetLeft); } } abstract class PersonBox { id: number; col: number; next?: PersonBox; constructor(tree: Tree, id: number, row: number) { = id; this.col = tree.addPerson(row, this); } abstract shift(num: number): void } class Person extends PersonBox { spouses: Spouse[] = []; constructor(tree: Tree, id: number, row: number, forced = false) { super(tree, id, row); if (tree.expanded.has(id) || tree.chosen === id || forced) { const [,,,,,, ...spouses] = people[id]; if (spouses.length > 0) { for (const fams of spouses) { this.spouses.push(new Spouse(tree, this, families[fams], row)); } this.col = this.spouses[0].col - 1; } } } shift(num: number) { this.col += num; if ( && <= this.col) { - + 1); } } } class Spouse extends PersonBox { children: Person[] = []; constructor(tree: Tree, spouse: Person, fams: [number, number, ...number[]], row: number) { super(tree, fams[0] === ? fams[1] : fams[0], row); const [,, ...children] = fams, crow = row + 1; if (children.length > 0) { for (const child of children) { this.children.push(new Person(tree, child, crow)); } for (let i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = this.children[i]; if (child.col < this.col-1 && { child.col = - 1; } } if (this.col < this.children[0].col) { this.col = this.children[0].col; } this.shift(0); } } shift(num: number) { this.col += num; if (this.children.length !== 0) { while (this.children[this.children.length-1].col < this.col - 1) { this.children[0].shift(this.col - this.children[this.children.length-1].col - 1); } } if ( && <= this.col) { - + 1); } } } export default (attrs: Record) => { const highlightStr = attrs["highlight"] + "", id = parseInt(attrs["id"] + ""); if (id <= 0 || people[id] === undefined) { return wrapper({"title": "Family Tree", "class": "ged2web_error"}, "Error: Unknown ID"); } return wrapper({"title": `Family Tree - ${nameOf(id)}`, "class": "ged2web_tree"}, new Tree(id, ((highlightStr as string) || "").split(".").map(id => parseInt(id)).filter(id => id > 0)).container); }