interface ToString { toString(): string; } type Value = string | number | ToString; interface Def { [key: string]: Value | Def; } type IDs = U['length'] extends N ? U : IDs; export default class CSS extends CSSStyleSheet { #idPrefix: string; #id: number; constructor(prefix = "", idStart = 0) { super(); this.#idPrefix = idRE.test(prefix) ? prefix : "_"; this.#id = idStart; } #compileRule(selector: string, def: Def) { const rules: string[] = []; let data = ""; for (const key in def) { const v = def[key]; if (isDef(v)) { rules.push(...this.#compileRule(join(selector, key), v)); } else { data += `${key}:${v};`; } } if (data) { rules.unshift(selector + "{" + data + "}"); } return rules; } add(selector: string, def: Def) { if (selector.trim()) { for (const rule of this.#compileRule(selector, def)) { this.insertRule(rule, this.cssRules.length); } } return this; } at(at: string, defs?: Record) { if (at.trim()) { if (defs) { let data = ""; for (const def in defs) { for (const rule of this.#compileRule(def, defs[def])) { data += rule; } } this.insertRule(at + "{" + data + "}", this.cssRules.length); } else { this.insertRule(at, this.cssRules.length); } } return this; } id() { return this.#idPrefix + this.#id++; } ids(length: N) { return Array.from({length}, () => as IDs; } toString() { let r = ""; for (const rule of this.cssRules) { r += rule.cssText; } return r; } render() { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.textContent = this + ""; return style; } } const split = (selector: string) => { const stack: string[] = [], parts: string[] = []; let pos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < selector.length; i++) { const c = selector.charAt(i); if (c === '"' || c === "'") { for (i++; i < selector.length; i++) { const d = selector.charAt(i); if (d === "\\") { i++; } else if (d === c) { break; } } } else if (c === "," && !stack.length) { parts.push(selector.slice(pos, i)); pos = i + 1; } else if (c === { stack.pop(); } else if (c === "[") { stack.push("]"); } else if (c === "(") { stack.push(")"); } } parts.push(selector.slice(pos, selector.length)); return parts; }, join = (selector: string, add: string) => { const addParts = split(add); let out = ""; for (const part of split(selector)) { for (const addPart of addParts) { out += (out.length ? "," : "") + part + addPart; } } return out; }, isDef = (v: Value | Def): v is Def => Object.getPrototypeOf(v) === Object.prototype, idRE = /^\-?[_a-z\240-\377][_a-z0-9\-\240-\377]*$/i, defaultCSS = new CSS(); export const add = (selector: string, def: Def) => defaultCSS.add(selector, def), at = (at: string, defs?: Record) =>, defs), id = () =>, ids = (n: N) => defaultCSS.ids(n) as IDs, render = () => defaultCSS.render(), mixin = (base: Def, add: Def) => { for (const key in add) { const v = add[key]; if (isDef(v)) { const w = base[key] ?? (base[key] = {}); if (isDef(w)) { mixin(w, v); } } else { base[key] = v; } } return base; };