interface ToString { toString(): string; } interface mElement { (element: T, properties: Record<`on${string}`, EventListenerObject | EventArray | Function>): T; (element: T, properties?: Props, children?: Children): T; (element: T, children?: Children): T; (element?: T | null, properties?: Props | Children, children?: Children): T; } type ClassObj = Record; type StyleObj = Record | CSSStyleDeclaration; type EventArray = [Exclude | Bind, AddEventListenerOptions, boolean]; type PropValue = ToString | string[] | DOMTokenList | Function | EventArray | EventListenerObject | StyleObj | ClassObj | undefined; export type PropsObject = Record; export type Props = PropsObject | NamedNodeMap; export type Children = string | Node | Children[] | NodeList | HTMLCollection | Binder; export interface DOMBind { (properties?: Props, children?: Children): T; (children?: Children): T; } interface FocusElement { focus(): void; } interface TextContent { textContent: string | null; } interface BindFn { (t: T): Bind; (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...bindings: (Bind | ToString)[]): Binder; } interface NodeAttributes extends Node { readonly classList: DOMTokenList; readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration; getAttributeNode(qualifiedName: string): Attr | null; removeAttribute(qualifiedName: string): void; setAttribute(qualifiedName: string, value: string): void; toggleAttribute(qualifiedName: string, force?: boolean): boolean; } const childrenArr = (children: Children, res: (Node | string)[] = []) => { if (children instanceof Binder) { res.push(children[setNode](new Text(children+""))); } else if (typeof children === "string") { res.push(children); } else if (Array.isArray(children)) { for (const c of children) { childrenArr(c, res); } } else if (children instanceof Node) { res.push(children); } else if (children instanceof NodeList || children instanceof HTMLCollection) { for (const c of Array.from(children)) { res.push(c); } } return res; }, isEventListenerObject = (prop: PropValue): prop is EventListenerObject => prop instanceof Object && (prop as EventListenerObject).handleEvent instanceof Function, isEventListenerOrEventListenerObject = (prop: PropValue): prop is EventListenerOrEventListenerObject => prop instanceof Function || (isEventListenerObject(prop) && !(prop instanceof Bind)) || prop instanceof Bind && isEventListenerOrEventListenerObject(prop.value), isEventObject = (prop: PropValue): prop is (EventArray | EventListenerOrEventListenerObject) => isEventListenerOrEventListenerObject(prop) || (prop instanceof Array && prop.length === 3 && isEventListenerOrEventListenerObject(prop[0]) && prop[1] instanceof Object && typeof prop[2] === "boolean"), isClassObj = (prop: ToString | StyleObj | ClassObj): prop is ClassObj => prop instanceof Object && !(prop instanceof Binder), isStyleObj = (prop: ToString | StyleObj): prop is StyleObj => prop instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration || (prop instanceof Object && !(prop instanceof Binder)), isChildren = (properties: Props | Children): properties is Children => typeof properties === "string" || properties instanceof Array || properties instanceof NodeList || properties instanceof HTMLCollection || properties instanceof Node || properties instanceof Binder, isNodeAttributes = (n: EventTarget): n is NodeAttributes => !!(n as NodeAttributes).style && !!(n as NodeAttributes).classList && !!(n as NodeAttributes).getAttributeNode && !!(n as NodeAttributes).removeAttribute && !!(n as NodeAttributes).setAttribute && !!(n as NodeAttributes).toggleAttribute, setNode = Symbol("setNode"), update = Symbol("update"), remove = Symbol("remove"); abstract class Binder { #set = new Set>(); [setNode](n: T) { this.#set.add(new WeakRef(n)); return n; } [update]() { const text = this+""; for (const wr of this.#set) { const ref = wr.deref(); if (ref) { if (ref instanceof Binder) { ref[update](); } else { ref.textContent = text; } } else { this.#set.delete(wr); } } } [remove](b: Binder) { for (const wr of this.#set) { const ref = wr.deref(); if (!ref || ref === b) { this.#set.delete(wr); } } } abstract toString(): string; } class TemplateBind extends Binder { #strings: TemplateStringsArray; #bindings: (Bind | ToString)[]; constructor(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...bindings: (Bind | ToString)[]) { super(); this.#strings = strings; this.#bindings = bindings; for (const b of bindings) { if (b instanceof Binder) { b[setNode](this); } } } toString() { let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.#strings.length; i++) { str += this.#strings[i] + (this.#bindings[i] ?? ""); } return str; } } export class Bind extends Binder { #value: T; constructor(v: T) { super(); this.#value = v; if (v instanceof Binder) { v[setNode](this); } } get value() { return this.#value instanceof Bind ? this.#value.value : this.#value; } set value(v: T) { if (this.#value !== v) { if (this.#value instanceof Binder) { this.#value[remove](this); } this.#value = v; if (v instanceof Binder) { v[setNode](this); } } this[update](); } handleEvent(e: Event) { const v = this.value; if (v instanceof Function) {, e); } else if (isEventListenerObject(v)) { v.handleEvent(e); } } toString() { return this.value.toString(); } } export const amendNode: mElement = (node?: EventTarget | null, properties?: Props | Children, children?: Children) => { if (properties && isChildren(properties)) { children = properties; } else if (properties instanceof NamedNodeMap && node instanceof Element) { for (const prop of properties) { node.setAttributeNode(prop.cloneNode() as Attr); } } else if (node && typeof properties === "object") { const isNode = isNodeAttributes(node); for (const k in properties) { const prop = properties[k as keyof Props]; if (isEventObject(prop) && k.startsWith("on")) { const arr = prop instanceof Array; node[arr && prop[2] ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener"](k.slice(2), arr ? prop[0] : prop, arr ? prop[1] : false); } else if (isNode) { if (typeof prop === "boolean") { node.toggleAttribute(k, prop); } else if (prop === undefined) { node.removeAttribute(k); } else if (prop instanceof Array || prop instanceof DOMTokenList) { if (k === "class" && prop.length) { for (let c of prop) { const f = c.slice(0, 1), m = f !== '!' && (f !== '~' || undefined); node.classList.toggle(m ? c : c.slice(1), m); } } } else if (k === "class" && isClassObj(prop)) { for (const k in prop) { node.classList.toggle(k, prop[k] ?? undefined); } } else if (k === "style" && isStyleObj(prop)) { for (const [k, p] of prop instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration ? Array.from(prop, k => [k, prop.getPropertyValue(k)]) : Object.entries(prop)) { if (p === undefined) {; } else {, p.toString()); } } } else { node.setAttribute(k, prop as string); if (prop instanceof Binder) { const p = node.getAttributeNode(k); if (p) { prop[setNode](p); } } } } } } if (node instanceof Node) { if (typeof children === "string" && !node.firstChild) { node.textContent = children; } else if (children) { if (children instanceof Node) { node.appendChild(children); } else if (node instanceof Element || node instanceof DocumentFragment) { node.append(...childrenArr(children)); } else { node.appendChild(createDocumentFragment(children)); } } } return node; }, bindElement = (ns: string, value: string) => Object.defineProperty((props?: Props | Children, children?: Children) => amendNode(document.createElementNS(ns, value) as T, props, children), "name", {value}), eventOnce = 1, eventCapture = 2, eventPassive = 4, eventRemove = 8, event = (fn: Function | Exclude | Bind, options: number, signal?: AbortSignal): EventArray => [fn as EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, {"once": !!(options&eventOnce), "capture": !!(options&eventCapture), "passive": !!(options&eventPassive), signal}, !!(options&eventRemove)], createDocumentFragment = (children?: Children) => { const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (typeof children === "string") { df.textContent = children; } else if (children instanceof Node) { df.append(children); } else if (children !== undefined) { df.append(...childrenArr(children)); } return df; }, clearNode: mElement = (node?: Node, properties?: Props | Children, children?: Children) => { if (!node) { return node; } if (properties && isChildren(properties)) { properties = void (children = properties); } if (typeof children === "string") { children = void (node.textContent = children); } else if (children && node instanceof Element) { children = void node.replaceChildren(...childrenArr(children)); } else { while (node.lastChild !== null) { node.lastChild.remove(); } } return amendNode(node, properties, children); }, autoFocus = (node: T, inputSelect = true) => { window.setTimeout(() => { node.focus(); if ((node instanceof HTMLInputElement || node instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) && inputSelect) {; } }, 0); return node; }, bind = ((v: T | TemplateStringsArray, first?: Bind | ToString, ...bindings: (Bind | ToString)[]) => { if (v instanceof Array && first) { return new TemplateBind(v, first, ...bindings); } return new Bind(v as T); }) as BindFn;