import data from './data.js'; const split = => l.split(" ")), maxWords = split.reduce((c, w) => Math.max(c, w.length), 0), table = document.createElement("table"), thead = table.appendChild(document.createElement("thead")).appendChild(document.createElement("tr")), tbody = table.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody")), stringSort = new Intl.Collator().compare; let sortNum = -1; table.setAttribute("id", "sortWords"); thead.append(...Array.from({"length": maxWords}, (_, n) => { const th = document.createElement("th"); th.textContent = "Word " + (n + 1); th.setAttribute("title", "Click to sort by word " + (n + 1)); th.addEventListener("click", () => { if (sortNum !== n) { document.getElementsByClassName("col_selected")[0]?.classList.toggle("col_selected", false); th.classList.toggle("col_selected", true); th.classList.toggle("reverse", false); sortNum = n; tbody.append(...Array.from(tbody.children).sort((a, b) => stringSort(a.children[n]?.textContent ?? "", b.children[n]?.textContent ?? ""))); } else { th.classList.toggle("reverse"); tbody.append(...Array.from(tbody.children).reverse()); } }); return th; })); for (const words of split) { tbody.appendChild(document.createElement("tr")).append( => { const td = document.createElement("td"); td.textContent = word; return td; }), ...Array.from({"length": maxWords - words.length}, () => { const td = document.createElement("td"); td.textContent = "-"; return td; })); } export default table;