import type {Data} from './data.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, div, h1, input, label, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr} from './lib/html.js'; import pageLoad from './lib/load.js'; import {circle, defs, g, line, path, pattern, rect, svg, svgData, text, use} from './lib/svg.js'; import {desktop, shell, windows} from './lib/windows.js'; import {alarms, data, lines, reasons, users} from './data.js'; let minuteWidth = 20, nextLabelID = 0; const userFilter = Array.from({"length": users.length}, () => true), lineHighlight = Array.from({"length": lines.length}, () => false), thresholds: [number, string][] = [ [30, "#0f0"], [80, "#ff0"], [240, "#fa0"], [Infinity, "#f00"] ], ml = div({"id": "mouseLine"}), mlt = div({"id": "mouseLine2"}), mt = div({"style": {"background-color": "#fff", "border": "1px solid #000", "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "z-index": 10}}), timeline = div({"class": "sticky"}), s = shell(desktop(timeline)), pad = (n: number) => (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n, formatTime = (time: number) => { const d = new Date(time * 1000); return `${d.getFullYear()}-${pad(d.getMonth()+1)}-${d.getDate()} ${pad(d.getHours())}:${pad(d.getMinutes())}:${pad(d.getSeconds())}`; }, formatDuration = (duration: number) => `${Math.floor(duration / 3600)}:${pad(Math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60))}:${pad(duration % 60)}`, addLabel = (name: string, input: HTMLInputElement): [HTMLLabelElement, HTMLInputElement] => { const id = "ID_" + nextLabelID++; return [label({"for": id}, name), amendNode(input, {id})]; }, stringSort = new Intl.Collator().compare, ss = (a: [string, number], b: [string, number]) => stringSort(a[0], b[0]), settingsButton = svg({"viewBox": "0 0 20 20", "onclick": () => { s.addWindow(settingsWindow); settingsWindow.focus(); }}, [ defs(path({"id": "spoke", "d": "M1,7 v2 a1,1 0,0,1 -2,0 v-2 z", "fill": "#aaa"})), g({"transform": "translate(10, 10)"}, [ circle({"r": 5.5, "fill": "none", "stroke": "#aaa", "stroke-width": 4.5}), Array.from({"length": 12}, (_, n) => n * 30).map(r => use({"href": "#spoke", "transform": `rotate(${r})`})) ]) ]), settings = th({"rowspan": 2}, div(settingsButton)), settingsWindow = windows({"window-icon": svgData(settingsButton).replaceAll("aaa", "000"), "window-title": "Settings", "tabindex": -1, "onkeydown": (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === "Escape") { settingsWindow.close(); } }}, [ h1("Settings"), addLabel("Timeline Scale (pixels per minute): ", input({"type": "number", "min": 1, "value": minuteWidth, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) {minuteWidth = parseInt(this.value);}})), br(), addLabel("Floating Logtime: ", input({"type": "checkbox", "checked": true, "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement) {amendNode(timeline, {"class": this.checked ? "sticky" : undefined});}})), br(), br(), table([ thead(tr([ th(div({"style": {"text-decoration": "underline"}}, "Toggle Users:")), th(div({"style": {"text-decoration": "underline"}}, "Highlight Lines:")) ])), tbody(tr([ td((, n) => [user, n]) as [string, number][]).sort(ss).map(([user, n]) => [ addLabel(`${user}: `, input({"type": "checkbox", "checked": true, "onclick": function(this: HTMLInputElement) {userFilter[n] = this.checked}})), br() ])), td((, n) => [line, n]) as [string, number][]).sort(ss).map(([line, n]) => [ addLabel(`${line}: `, input({"type": "checkbox", "onclick": function(this: HTMLInputElement) {lineHighlight[n] = this.checked}})), br() ])) ])) ]), button({"onclick": () => buildTimeline(data)}, "Rebuild") ]), buildTimeline = (data: Data) => { const rows = new Map(), tb = tbody(), loggedRows: Data[] = [], mm = (e: MouseEvent) => { const offset = e.offsetX + ( instanceof HTMLDivElement ? : 0); amendNode(ml, {"style": {"left": settings.offsetWidth + offset + "px"}}); amendNode(mlt, {"style": {"left": offset + "px"}}); clearNode(mt, {"style": {"left": settings.offsetWidth + offset}}, formatTime(earliest + 60 * (offset + 2) / minuteWidth)); }, hours: SVGTextElement[] = []; let earliest = Infinity, latest = -Infinity, maxRows = 0; for (const row of data) { const [user, start, stop, logged] = row; if (!userFilter[user]) { continue; } let d: Data[], set = false, cc: [number, number], dd: [number, number][]; if (!rows.has(user)) { const h = th(div(users[user])), t = td({"onmousemove": mm}); rows.set(user, [h, t, d = [], cc = [-1, 0], dd = []]); amendNode(tb, tr([h, t])); } else { [, , d, cc, dd] = rows.get(user)!; } if (start > cc[0]) { if (cc[0] > -1) { dd.push([cc[0], start]); } cc[1] += stop - start; cc[0] = stop; } else if (stop > cc[0]) { cc[1] += stop - cc[0]; cc[0] = stop; } DLoop: for (const r of d) { for (const [, cstart, cstop] of r) { if (start < cstop && stop > cstart) { continue DLoop; } } set = true; r.push(row); break; } if (!set) { d.push([row]) } set = false; if (logged > 0) { LLoop: for (const r of loggedRows) { for (const [, cstop,, cstart] of r) { if (logged < cstop && start > cstart) { continue LLoop; } } set = true; r.push(row); break; } if (!set) { loggedRows.push([row]); } if (logged < earliest) { earliest = logged; } } if (start < earliest) { earliest = start; } if (stop > latest) { latest = stop; } } earliest = Math.floor(earliest / 60) * 60; latest = Math.ceil(latest / 60) * 60; for (const [, [t, cell, d, [, cc], dd]] of rows) { let rnum = 0, calls = 0, secs = 0; for (const [start, end] of dd) { amendNode(cell, div({"class": "wait", "title": `Down Time: ${formatDuration(end - start)}`, "style": {"left": (minuteWidth * (start - earliest) / 60 - 2) + "px", "width": (minuteWidth * (end - start) / 60 + 1) + "px"}})); } for (const row of d) { for (const [, start, stop,, line, reason, alarm] of row) { amendNode(cell, div({"class": {"h": lineHighlight[line]}, "title": `${formatTime(start)} ⟶ ${formatTime(stop)}\nCall Time: ${formatDuration(stop - start)}${alarm ? `\n${alarms[alarm]}` : ""}\n${reasons[reason]}`, "style": {"width": (minuteWidth * (stop - start) / 60 + 1) + "px", "left": (minuteWidth * (start - earliest) / 60 - 2) + "px", "--row": rnum}})); calls++; secs += stop - start; } rnum++; } amendNode(t, {"title": `Total Calls: ${calls}\nTotal Call Time: ${formatDuration(secs)}\nNon-concurrent Call Time: ${formatDuration(cc)}`}); maxRows = Math.max(d.length, maxRows); } amendNode(ml, {"style": {"--h": maxRows * rows.size + loggedRows.length}}); amendNode(document.body, {"style": {"--rows": maxRows}}); for (let hour = Math.ceil(earliest / 3600) * 3600; hour <= latest; hour += 3600) { const d = new Date(hour * 1000); hours.push(text({"x": (minuteWidth * (hour - earliest) / 60), "y": 15}, `${pad(d.getHours())}:00`)); } amendNode(mt, {"style": {"left": "-1000px"}}); clearNode(timeline, table([ thead({"style": {"--rows": loggedRows.length}}, [ tr([settings, td({"style": {"width": (minuteWidth * (latest - earliest) / 60) + "px"}}, [ svg({"width": minuteWidth * (latest - earliest) / 60, "height": 20, "viewBox": `0 0 ${minuteWidth * (latest - earliest) / 60} 20`}, [ defs(pattern({"id": "ticks", "patternUnits": "userSpaceOnUse", "width": 60 * minuteWidth, "height": 20, "x": -(earliest % 3600) / 60 * minuteWidth - 2}, [ line({"y2": 20, "stroke": "#000"}), line({"x1": minuteWidth * 15, "x2": minuteWidth * 15, "y2": 10, "stroke": "#000"}), line({"x1": minuteWidth * 30, "x2": minuteWidth * 30, "y2": 10, "stroke": "#000"}), line({"x1": minuteWidth * 45, "x2": minuteWidth * 45, "y2": 10, "stroke": "#000"}) ])), rect({"width": "100%", "height": "100%", "fill": "url(#ticks)"}), hours ]), mt ])]), tr(td({"onmousemove": mm}, [ mlt,, n) =>[user, start,, logged, line,, alarm]) => div({"class": {"h": lineHighlight[line]}, "title": `${users[user]}\n${formatTime(logged)} ⟶ ${formatTime(start)}\nWait Time: ${formatDuration(start - logged)}${alarm ? `\n${alarms[alarm]}` : ""}`, "style": {"width": (minuteWidth * (start - logged) / 60 + 1) + "px", "left": (minuteWidth * (logged - earliest) / 60 - 2) + "px" , "--row": n, "color": thresholds.find(([max]) => max > (start - logged))![1]}}))) ])) ]), tb ])); }; data.sort(([, a], [, b]) => a - b); pageLoad.then(() => { clearNode(document.body, [ s, ml ]); buildTimeline(data); });