httpdir - dir.go

// Package httpdir provides an in-memory implementation of http.FileSystem
package httpdir // import ""

import (

// Convenient FileMode constants
const (
	ModeDir  fs.FileMode = fs.ModeDir | 0o755
	ModeFile fs.FileMode = 0o644

// Default is the Dir used by the top-level functions
var Default = New(time.Now())

// Mkdir is a convenience function for Default.Mkdir
func Mkdir(name string, modTime time.Time, index bool) error {
	return Default.Mkdir(name, modTime, index)

// Create is a convenience function for Default.Create
func Create(name string, n Node) error {
	return Default.Create(name, n)

// Remove is a convenience function for Default.Remove
func Remove(name string) error {
	return Default.Remove(name)

// Dir is the start of a simple in-memory filesystem tree
type Dir struct {
	d dir

// New creates a new, initialised, Dir
func New(t time.Time) Dir {
	return Dir{
			modTime:  t,
			contents: make(map[string]Node),

// Open returns the file, or directory, specified by the given name.
// This method is the implementation of http.FileSystem and isn't intended to
// be used by clients of this package.
func (d Dir) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
	n, err := d.get(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return n.Open()

func (d Dir) get(name string) (namedNode, error) {
	name = path.Clean(name)
	if len(name) > 0 && name[0] == '/' {
		name = name[1:]
	n := namedNode{"", d.d}
	if len(name) > 0 {
		for _, part := range strings.Split(name, "/") {
			nd, ok := n.Node.(dir)
			if !ok {
				return namedNode{}, fs.ErrInvalid
			dn, ok := nd.contents[part]
			if !ok {
				return namedNode{}, fs.ErrNotExist
			n = namedNode{part, dn}
	return n, nil

// Mkdir creates the named directory, and any parent directories required.
// modTime is the modification time of the directory, used in caching
// mechanisms.
// index specifies whether or not the directory allows a directory listing.
// NB: if the directory contains an index.html file, then that will be
// displayed instead, regardless the value of index.
// All directories created will be given the specified modification time and
// index bool.
// Directories already existing will not be modified.
func (d Dir) Mkdir(name string, modTime time.Time, index bool) error {
	_, err := d.makePath(path.Clean(name), modTime, index)
	return err

func (d Dir) makePath(name string, modTime time.Time, index bool) (dir, error) {
	if len(name) > 0 && name[0] == '/' {
		name = name[1:]
	td := d.d
	for _, part := range strings.Split(name, "/") {
		if part == "" {
		n, ok := td.contents[part]
		if ok {
			switch f := n.(type) {
			case dir:
				td = f
				return dir{}, fs.ErrInvalid
		} else {
			nd := dir{
			td.contents[part] = nd
			td = nd
	return td, nil

// Create places a Node into the directory tree.
// Any non-existent directories will be created automatically, setting the
// modTime to that of the Node and the index to false.
// If you want to specify alternate modTime/index values for the directories,
// then you should create them first with Mkdir
func (d Dir) Create(name string, n Node) error {
	dname, fname := path.Split(name)
	dn, err := d.makePath(dname, n.ModTime(), false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	if _, ok := dn.contents[fname]; ok {
		return fs.ErrExist
	dn.contents[fname] = n
	return nil

// Remove will remove a node from the tree.
// It will remove files and any directories, whether they are empty or not.
// Caution: httpdir does no internal locking, so you should provide your own if
// you intend to call this method.
func (d Dir) Remove(name string) error {
	dname, fname := path.Split(name)
	nn, err := d.get(dname)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if nd, ok := nn.Node.(dir); ok {
		return nd.Remove(fname)
	return fs.ErrInvalid

// Node represents a data file in the tree
type Node interface {
	Size() int64
	Mode() fs.FileMode
	ModTime() time.Time
	Open() (File, error)

type namedNode struct {
	name string

func (n namedNode) Name() string {

func (n namedNode) IsDir() bool {
	return n.Mode().IsDir()

func (n namedNode) Sys() interface{} {
	return n.Node

func (n namedNode) Open() (http.File, error) {
	f, err := n.Node.Open()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return wrapped{n, f}, nil

// File represents an opened data Node
type File interface {
	Readdir(int) ([]fs.FileInfo, error)

type wrapped struct {

func (w wrapped) Stat() (fs.FileInfo, error) {
	return w.FileInfo, nil