import type {BoundAttr, BoundChild} from './dom.js'; import {amendNode, attr, child, isEventListenerObject} from './dom.js'; import {Pipe} from './inter.js'; import {Callable} from './misc.js'; /** * This modules contains a Function for creating {@link | Attr} and {@link | Text} nodes that update their textContent automatically. * * This module directly imports the {@link module:dom}, and {@link modile:inter} modules. * * @module bind * @requires module:dom * @requires module:inter */ /** */ interface BindingFn extends Binding { (): T; (v: T): T; } interface ReadOnlyBindingFn extends ReadOnlyBinding { (): T; } interface BindFn { (t: T): BindingFn; (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...bindings: any[]): ReadOnlyBindingFn; (fn: (...v: {[K in keyof B]: B[K] extends Binding ? S : B[K]}) => T, ...bindings: B): ReadOnlyBinding; } /** * Objects that implement this type can be used in place of both property values and Children in calls to {@link dom:amendNode and {@link dom:clearNode}, as well as the bound element functions from the {@link module:html} and {@link module:svg} modules. * * When the value on the class is changed, the values of the properties and the child nodes will update accordingly. * * This class implements a function that can take a new value to set the binding value. This function can also be called with no argument to simply get the value of the binding. * * @param {T} [v] The value to set the binding to. * @returns {T} The value the binding is set to. */ export class Binding extends Callable<(v: T) => T> implements BoundAttr, BoundChild { #pipe = new Pipe(); #value: T; #refs = 0; constructor(value: T) { super(function(this: unknown, v: T) { if (v instanceof Event && this instanceof EventTarget && this === v.currentTarget) { const value = self.#value; if (value instanceof Function) { return, v); } else if (isEventListenerObject(value)) { return value.handleEvent(v); } return; } if (arguments.length && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(self), "value")?.set) { self.value = v; } return self.#value; }); const self = this; this.#value = value; } get value() { return this.#value; } set value(v: T) { this.#set(v); } #set(v: T) { this.#pipe.send(this.#value = v); } [attr](n: Node, name: string) { const fn = (n: Node, v: T) => amendNode(n, {[name]: v}); fn(n, this.#value); return this.#handleRef(n, fn, n => !!n.parentNode); } get [child]() { return this.#handleRef(new Text(this.#value + ""), (n, v) => n.textContent = v + "", n => !!n.parentNode); } #handleRef>(r: U, update: (ref: U, value: T) => void, isActive: (ref: U) => boolean) { let ref: U | null = r; this.#refs++; const wref = new WeakRef(r), fn = (v: T) => { const r = ref ?? wref.deref(); if (!r) { this.#pipe.remove(fn); this.#refs--; return; } ref = isActive(r) ? r : null; update(r, v); }; this.#pipe.receive(fn); return r; } /** This method returns a new Binding that transforms the result of the template according to the specified function. */ transform(fn: (v: T) => U): ReadOnlyBinding { return this.#handleRef(new ReadOnlyBinding(fn(this.#value)), (n, v) => n.#set(fn(v)), n => n.#refs > 0); } /** This method runs the provided callback whenever the value changes, passing the function the current value. */ onChange(fn: (v: T) => U) { const bFn = (v: T) => fn(v); this.#pipe.receive(bFn); return () => this.#pipe.remove(bFn); } toString() { return this.#value + ""; } toJSON() { return this.#value; } static template(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: any[]) { return Binding.#multiple(values => { let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { str += strings[i] + (values[i] ?? ""); } return str; }, values); } static #multiple(fn: (b: {[K in keyof B]: B[K] extends Binding ? U : B[K]}) => T, values: B) { let ref: Binding | null = new ReadOnlyBinding(fn( => v instanceof Binding ? v.#value : v) as any)); const wref = new WeakRef(ref), cancel = Pipe.any(vals => { const r = ref ?? wref.deref(); if (!r) { for (const b of values) { if (b instanceof Binding) { b.#refs--; } } cancel(); return; } ref = r.#refs ? r : null; r.#set(fn(vals as any)); }, => v instanceof Binding ? [v.#pipe, v.#value] : v) as {[K in keyof B]: B[K] extends Binding ? [Pipe, U] : B[K]}); for (const b of values) { if (b instanceof Binding) { b.#refs++; } } return ref as ReadOnlyBindingFn; } static multiple(fn: (...v: {[K in keyof B]: B[K] extends Binding ? U : B[K]}) => T, ...bindings: B) { return Binding.#multiple(values => fn(...values as any), bindings); } } class ReadOnlyBinding extends Binding { get value() { return super.value; } } /** * This function can be used as a normal function, binding a single value, as a template tag function, or as a constructor for a MultiBinding. * * When used normally, this function takes a single starting value and returns a {@link Binding} class with that value set. * * @typeParam T * @param {T} v Value to be bound so it can be changed when assigned to an element attribute or child. * * @return {Binding} Bound value. * * When used as a tag function, this function will return a readonly {@link Binding} that is bound to all Bind expressions used within the template. * * @param {TemplateStringsArray} v The strings portions of a temple. * @param {...(Binding | unknown)} args The non-string portions of a temple, which can include Bindings to watch. * * @return {ReadonlyBinding} The Binding that will update when one of the passed Bindings is updated. * * When used to create a MultiBinding, it takes, as the first argument, the function which will combine the values of the passed bindings, and the remaining arguments will be the Bindings or static value. * * @typeParam T * @typeParam {unknown[]} A * @typeParam {(Binding | unknown>} B * @param {(b: ...A) => T} fn The function to transform the values. * @param {...B} bindings The bindings or static values to be watched and passed to the fn. * * @return {ReadonlyBinding} The binding that is the result of the fn function, which will be updated when one of the passed Bindings changes. * * All returned types can be used as attributes or children in {@link dom:amendNode} and {@link dom:clearNode} calls. */ export default ((v: T | TemplateStringsArray | ((v: unknown, ...vs: unknown[]) => unknown), ...bindings: unknown[]) => { if (bindings.length) { if (v instanceof Array) { return Binding.template(v, ...bindings); } if (v instanceof Function) { return Binding.multiple(v, ...bindings); } } return new Binding(v); }) as BindFn;