import {Subscription} from './inter.js'; /** * The conn module contains some convenience wrappers around {@link | XMLHttpRequest} and {@link | WebSocket}. * * This module directly imports the {@link module:inter} module. * * @module conn * @requires module:inter */ /** This object modifies an HTTPRequest. */ export type Properties = { /** Can change the request method. */ method?: string; /** Allows the setting of a Basic Authorization username. */ user?: string; /** Allows the settings of a Basic Authorization password. */ password?: string; /** An object to allow the setting or arbitrary headers. */ headers?: object; /** Sets the Content-Type of the request. */ type?: string; /** * This determines the expected return type of the promise. One of `text`, `xml`, `json`, `blob`, `arraybuffer`, `document`, or `xh`. The default is `text` and `xh` simply returns the {@link | XMLHttpRequest} object as a response. Response type `json` will parse the retrieved text as JSON and return the parsed object. */ response?: "" | "text" | "xml" | "json" | "blob" | "arraybuffer" | "document" | "xh"; /** * This function is used to check whether parsed JSON matches the expected data structure. * * It is recommended to use a checker function when receiving data, and the {@link module:typeguard | TypeGuard} module can aid with that. * */ checker?: (data: unknown) => boolean; /** This sets an event handler to monitor any upload progress. */ onuploadprogress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void; /** This sets an event handler to monitor any download process. */ ondownloadprogress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void; /** * This is an {@link | XMLHttpRequestBodyInit} and is send as the body of the request. */ data?: XMLHttpRequestBodyInit; /** * An {@link | AbortSignal} to be used to cancel any request. */ signal?: AbortSignal; } interface requestReturn { (url: string, props?: Exclude & {"response"?: "text" | ""}): Promise; (url: string, props: Exclude & {"response": "xml" | "document"}): Promise; (url: string, props: Exclude & {"response": "blob"}): Promise; (url: string, props: Exclude & {"response": "arraybuffer"}): Promise; (url: string, props: Exclude & {"response": "xh"}): Promise; (url: string, props: Properties & {"response": "json", "checker"?: (data: unknown) => data is T}): Promise; } const once = {"once": true}, base = new URL(window.location+""); export const /** * In its simplest incarnation, this function takes a URL and returns a {@link | Promise} which will return the string response from that URL. However, the passed {@link Properties} object can modify both how the request is sent and the response interpreted. * * @typeParam T * @param {string} url The URL to request. * @param {Properties} [props] An optional object containing properties to modify the request. * * @return {Promise} A promise resolving to a type that depends on the options passed. */ HTTPRequest: requestReturn = (url: string, props: Properties = {}): Promise => new Promise((successFn, errorFn) => { const xh = new XMLHttpRequest();["method"] ?? "GET", url); if (props.hasOwnProperty("headers") && typeof props["headers"] === "object") { for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(props["headers"])) { xh.setRequestHeader(header, value); } } if (props["type"] !== undefined) { xh.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", props["type"]); } if (props["user"] || props["password"]) { xh.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(`${props["user"] ?? ""}:${props["password"] ?? ""}`)); } xh.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => { if (xh.readyState === 4) { if (xh.status >= 200 && xh.status < 300) { if (props["response"] === "json" && props["checker"] && !props.checker(xh.response)) { errorFn(new TypeError("received JSON does not match expected format")); } else { successFn(props["response"] === "xh" ? xh : xh.response); } } else { errorFn(new Error(xh.response)); } } }); if (props["onuploadprogress"]) { xh.upload.addEventListener("progress", props["onuploadprogress"]); } if (props["ondownloadprogress"]) { xh.addEventListener("progress", props["ondownloadprogress"]); } switch (props["response"]) { case "text": xh.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); break; case "xml": xh.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); xh.responseType = "document"; break; case "json": xh.overrideMimeType("application/json"); case "document": case "blob": case "arraybuffer": xh.responseType = props["response"]; } if (props["signal"]) { const signal = props["signal"]; signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { xh.abort(); errorFn(signal.reason instanceof Error ? signal.reason : new Error(signal.reason)); }, once); } xh.send(props["data"] ?? null); }), /** * This function takes a url and returns a {@link | Promise} which will resolve with an initiated {@link WSConn} on a successful connection. * * @param {string} url An absolute or relative URL to connect to. * * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves to a WSConn. */ WS = (url: string) => new Promise((successFn, errorFn) => { const ws = new WSConn(url); ws.addEventListener("open", () => { ws.removeEventListener("error", errorFn); successFn(ws); }, once); ws.addEventListener("error", errorFn, once); }); /** * WSConn extends the {@link | WebSocket} class, allowing for the passed URL to be relative to the current URL. * * In addition, it adds the {@link WSConn/when} method. */ export class WSConn extends WebSocket { /** * The constructor is nearly identical to usage of the parent class except that the url param need not be absolute. * * @param {string} url URL to connect to, can be absolute or relative. * @param {string | string[]} [protocols] Either a single, or array of, [sub-]protocols. */ constructor(url: string, protocols?: string | string[]) { super(new URL(url, base), protocols); } /** * This method acts like the {@link module:inter/Subscription.when | when} method of the {@link inter:Subscription | Subscription} class from the {@link module:inter | inter} module, taking an optional success function, which will receive a MessageEvent object, and an optional error function, which will receive an error. The method returns a {@link inter/Subscription} object with the success and error functions set to those provided. * * @typeParam {any} T = Success type * @typeParam {any} U = Error type * @param {(data: MessageEvent) => T} [ssFn] Function to be called when a message arrives. * @param {(data: Error) => U} [eeFn] Function to be called when an error occurs. * * @return {Subscription} A {@link inter:Subscription | Subscription} object. */ when(ssFn?: (data: MessageEvent) => T, eeFn?: (data: Error) => U): Subscription { return new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { const w = this, ac = new AbortController(), o = {"signal": ac.signal}; w.addEventListener("message", sFn, o); w.addEventListener("error", (e: Event) => eFn((e as ErrorEvent).error), o); w.addEventListener("close", (e: CloseEvent) => { const err = new Error(e.reason); = "CloseError"; eFn(err); ac.abort(); }, o); cFn(() => ac.abort()); }).when(ssFn, eeFn); } } base.protocol = base.protocol === "https" ? "wss" : "ws";