import type {Binding} from './bind.js'; import CSS from './css.js'; import {amendNode, bindCustomElement, clearNode} from './dom.js'; import {button, div, input, label, li, slot, table, tbody, th, thead, tr, ul} from './html.js'; import {autoFocus, checkInt, pushAndReturn, stringSort} from './misc.js'; /** * The datatable module adds a custom element for handling tabular data that can be filtered, sorted, and paged. * * This module relies directly on the {@link module:css | CSS}, {@link module:dom | DOM}, {@link module:html | HTML}, {@link module:misc | Misc}, and {@link module:nodes | Nodes} modules. * * @module datatable * @requires module:css * @requires module:dom * @requires module:html * @requires module:misc */ /** */ const style = [new CSS().add(":host>div", { "position": "relative", ">ul": { "position": "absolute", "list-style": "none", "padding": "0.5em", "border": "2px solid #000", "background-color": "#f8f8f8", "margin": 0, " button.t": { "color": "transparent" }, " li:first-child:last-child input[type=radio]": { "display": "none" } } })], colName = (n: number): string => { if (n < 26) { return String.fromCharCode(64 + (n || 26)); } const q = n / 26 | 0, r = n % 26; return (r ? colName(q) : (q !== 1 ? colName(q - 1) : "")) + colName(r); }, unsetSort = {"data-sort": false}, setSort = {"data-sort": "asc"}, setReverse = {"data-sort": "desc"}, setSortPart = {"part": ["asc"]}, setRevPart = {"part": {"asc": false, "desc": true}}, unsetSortPart = {"part": {"asc": false, "desc": false}}, parseNum = (a: string) => parseFloat(a || "-Infinity"), numberSorter = (a: string, b: string) => parseNum(a) - parseNum(b), nullSort = () => 0, isBlankFilter = (s: string) => !s, isNotBlankFilter = (s: string) => !!s, safeFloat = (n: number, def: number) => isNaN(n) ? def : n, makeToggleButton = (c: string, title: string | Binding, initial: boolean, fn: (v: boolean) => void) => button({"part": "toggle", "class": {"t": initial}, title, "onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { fn(!this.classList.toggle("t")); }}, c), dsHasKey = (ds: DOMStringMap, key: K): ds is DOMStringMap & Record => ds[key] !== undefined, lang = { "STARTS_WITH": "Starts With" as string | Binding, "ENDS_WIDTH": "Ends With" as string | Binding, "CASE_SENSITIVITY": "Case Sensitivity" as string | Binding, "REMOVE_BLANK": "Remove Blank" as string | Binding, "ONLY_BLANK": "Only Blank" as string | Binding }, arrow = (up: 0 | 1, fill: string, stroke: string) => `url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 40 20'%3E%3Cpath d='M1,${19 - 18 * up}h38l-19,${(2 * up - 1) * 18}z' fill='${encodeURIComponent(fill)}' stroke='${encodeURIComponent(stroke)}' stroke-linejoin='round' /%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A")`, debounceFilter = (firstRadio: HTMLInputElement, target: DOMStringMap, key: string, value: string) => { if (target === debounceTarget) { clearTimeout(debounceID); } debounceTarget = target; debounceID = setTimeout(() => { target[key] = value;; debounceTarget = null; }, 500); }, numberInput = (dataset: DOMStringMap, minMax: string, firstRadio: HTMLInputElement) => { let value: string, type = dataset["type"], oninput: (this: HTMLInputElement) => void; switch (dataset["type"]) { default: value = dataset[minMax] ?? ""; type = "number"; oninput = function(this: HTMLInputElement) { debounceFilter(firstRadio, dataset, minMax, this.value); }; break; case "datetime": type += "-local"; case "date": case "time": const val = parseInt(dataset[minMax]!); value = isNaN(val) ? "" : new Date(val * 1000).toISOString().split(type === "datetime-local" ? "Z" : "T")[+(type === "time")].replace("Z", ""); oninput = function(this: HTMLInputElement) { const d = this.valueAsNumber / 1000; debounceFilter(firstRadio, dataset, minMax, isNaN(d) ? "" : d + ""); }; } return input({"part": "filter " + minMax, type, value, oninput}); }, maxElems = 32768, focus = (focus: boolean, input: HTMLInputElement) => focus ? autoFocus(input) : input; let debounceTarget: DOMStringMap | null = null, debounceID = -1; /** * The DataTable custom element can be used to easily create filterable, sortable and pageable tables. * * The element registers with the name `data-table` * * This element directly handles the following attributes: * * | Attribute | Type | Description | * |-------------|--------|---------------| * | page | Number | The page of data to show (0 indexed, default: 0). | * | perPage | Number | The number of items to show on a page (default: Infinity). | * * To add headers to the table, add a `thead` element containing a `tr` element. Inside that `tr` element you can add your `th` or `td` header elements. For example: * * ```html * * * * Column 1 * Column 2 * * * * ``` * * The follow data-* attributes have special meaning to header cells and determine how sorting and filtering take place: * * | Attribute | Type | Description | * |--------------------------|-----------|---------------| * | data-disallow-empty | Boolean | When set, disables the ability to filter out empty cells. | * | data-disallow-not-empty | Boolean | When set, disables the ability to filter out non-empty cells. | * | data-empty | Boolean | When set, filters out empty cells. | * | data-filter | String | Filters the cells to those containing the value of the attribute. | * | data-filter-disable | Boolean | When set, disables user filtering. | * | data-is-case-insensitive | Boolean | When set, the text filter is case insensitive. | * | data-is-prefix | Boolean | When set, the text filter is a prefix match. When set with data-is-suffix becomes an exact match filter. | * | data-is-suffix | Boolean | When set, the text filter is a suffix match. When set with data-is-prefix becomes an exact match filter. | * | data-max | Number | For columns of numbers, specifies a maximum value to filter by. | * | data-min | Number | For columns of numbers, specifies a minimum value to filter by. | * | data-not-empty | Boolean | When set, filters out non-empty cells. | * | data-sort | asc, desc | When set, sorts by the column in either asc(ending) of desc(ending) order. | * | data-sort-disable | Boolean | When set, disables user sorting. | * | data-type | string, number, date, time, datetime | When set, will determine how filters and sorting are conducted. | * * To add the table to the table, add successive `tr` elements which contain the cells for the columns. For example: * * ```html * * * Cell 1 * Cell 2 * Cell 3 * * * Cell 4 * Cell 5 * Cell 6 * * * ``` * * The data-value attribute can be specified on a cell to supply a value other than its text content. * * When no header is specified, one is generated with sequentially titled columns. If no header is wanted, add an empty `tr` element in a `thead` element: * * ```html * * * * * * ``` */ export class DataTable extends HTMLElement { #head: HTMLSlotElement; #body: HTMLTableSectionElement; #slots: HTMLSlotElement[] = []; #sorters: ((a: string, b: string) => number)[] = []; #hasEmpty: boolean[] = []; #headers = new Map(); #data = new Map(); #filteredData: [Element, string[]][] = []; #sortedData: [Element, string[]][] = []; #page = 0; #perPage = Infinity; #ownHeaders = false; #lastSorted = -1; #lastOrder = 0; #filter: HTMLDivElement; constructor() { super(); amendNode(this.attachShadow({"mode": "closed", "slotAssignment": "manual"}), [ this.#filter = div({"onkeydown": this}), table({"part": "table"}, [ this.#head = slot({"onclick": this, "oncontextmenu": this}), this.#body = tbody() ]) ]).adoptedStyleSheets = style; this.#parseContent(); const mo = new MutationObserver(mutations => this.#handleMutations(mutations)); mo.observe(this, { "attributeFilter": ["data-sort", "data-filter", "data-is-prefix", "data-is-suffix", "data-min", "data-max", "data-empty", "data-not-empty", "data-is-case-insensitive", "colspan", "data-value", "data-type"], "childList": true, "subtree": true }); mo.observe(this.#head, { "attributeFilter": ["data-sort", "data-filter", "data-is-prefix", "data-is-suffix", "data-min", "data-max", "data-empty", "data-not-empty", "data-is-case-insensitive"], "subtree": true }); } #handleMutations(mutations: MutationRecord[]) { let doParseChildren = false, doFilter = false, doSort = false; for (const mutation of mutations) { switch (mutation.type) { case "childList": doParseChildren = true; break; case "attributes": if (this.#headers.has( as HTMLElement)) { switch (mutation.attributeName) { case "colspan": case "data-value": case "data-type": doParseChildren = true; default: doFilter = true; case "data-sort": doSort = true; } } } } if (doParseChildren) { this.#parseContent(); } else if (doFilter) { this.#filterData(); } else if (doSort) { this.#sortData(); } } handleEvent(e: Event) { switch (e.type) { case "click": return this.#handleClicks(e); case "contextmenu": return this.#handleContext(e as MouseEvent); case "keydown": if ((e as KeyboardEvent).key === "Escape") { ( as HTMLElement).blur(); } } } #handleClicks(e: Event) { const target = this.#getHeaderCell(e); if (!target || dsHasKey(target.dataset, "sortDisable")) { return; } for (const header of this.#headers.keys()) { if (dsHasKey(header.dataset, "sort") && header !== target) { amendNode(header, unsetSort); if (this.#ownHeaders) { amendNode(header, unsetSortPart); } } } switch (target.dataset["sort"]) { case "asc": amendNode(target, setReverse); if (this.#ownHeaders) { amendNode(target, setRevPart); } break; case "desc": amendNode(target, unsetSort); if (this.#ownHeaders) { amendNode(target, unsetSortPart); } break; default: amendNode(target, setSort); if (this.#ownHeaders) { amendNode(target, setSortPart); } } } #handleContext(e: MouseEvent) { const target = this.#getHeaderCell(e); if (!target || dsHasKey(target.dataset, "filterDisable")) { return; } e.preventDefault(); let {clientX, clientY} = e, p: HTMLElement | null = this; while (p) { clientX -= p.offsetLeft; clientY -= p.offsetTop; p = p.offsetParent as HTMLElement | null; } const {dataset} = target, colNum = this.#headers.get(target)!, selected = dsHasKey(dataset, "notEmpty") ? 1 : dsHasKey(dataset, "empty") ? 2 : 0, firstRadio = input({"part": "radio", "type": "radio", "checked": !selected, "name": "data-table-filter", "onclick": () => amendNode(target, {"data-not-empty": false, "data-empty": false})}), list = ul({"part": "filter", "style": {"left": clientX + "px", "top": clientY + "px"}, "onfocusout": function(this: HTMLUListElement, e: FocusEvent) { if (!e.relatedTarget || !list.contains(e.relatedTarget as Node)) { this.remove(); } }}, [ li([ firstRadio, this.#sorters[colNum] === numberSorter ? [ focus(!selected, numberInput(dataset, "min", firstRadio)), " ≤ x ≤ ", numberInput(dataset, "max", firstRadio) ] : [ makeToggleButton("^", lang["STARTS_WITH"], !dsHasKey(dataset, "isPrefix"), v => { amendNode(target, {"data-is-prefix": v});; }), focus(!selected, input({"part": "filter text", "type": "search", "value": dataset["filter"], "oninput": function(this: HTMLInputElement) { debounceFilter(firstRadio, dataset, "filter", this.value); }})), makeToggleButton("$", lang["ENDS_WIDTH"], !dsHasKey(dataset, "isSuffix"), v => { amendNode(target, {"data-is-suffix": v});; }), makeToggleButton("i", lang["CASE_SENSITIVITY"], !dsHasKey(dataset, "isCaseInsensitive"), v => { amendNode(target, {"data-is-case-insensitive": v});; }) ] ]), this.#hasEmpty[colNum] ? [ !dsHasKey(dataset, "disallowNotEmpty") ? li([ focus(selected === 1, input({"type": "radio", "name": "data-table-filter", "id": "filter-remove-blank", "checked": selected === 1, "onclick": () => amendNode(target, {"data-not-empty": true, "data-empty": false})})), label({"for": "filter-remove-blank"}, lang["REMOVE_BLANK"]) ]) : [], !dsHasKey(dataset, "disallowEmpty") ? li([ focus(selected === 2, input({"type": "radio", "name": "data-table-filter", "id": "filter-only-blank", "checked": selected === 2, "onclick": () => amendNode(target, {"data-not-empty": false, "data-empty": true})})), label({"for": "filter-only-blank"}, lang["ONLY_BLANK"]) ]) : [] ] : [] ]); amendNode(this.#filter, list); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, _oldValue: string | null, newValue: string | null) { const value = parseInt(newValue ?? "0"); switch (name) { default: return; case "page": const page = checkInt(value, 0); if (page === this.#page) { return; } this.#page = page; break; case "perPage": const perPage = checkInt(value, 1, Infinity, Infinity); if (perPage === this.#perPage) { return; } this.#perPage = perPage; } this.#pageData(); } static get observedAttributes() { return ["page", "perPage"]; } #getHeaderCell(e: Event) { let target = as HTMLElement; while (!this.#headers.has(target)) { if (target === this || !(target = target.parentElement!)) { return null; } } return target; } #parseContent() { let head: HTMLTableSectionElement | null = null, maxCols = 0; this.#sorters = []; this.#hasEmpty = []; this.#headers.clear(); this.#data.clear(); for (const elem of this.children) { if (elem instanceof HTMLTableRowElement) { const data: string[] = []; for (const child of elem.children) { if (child instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) { if (this.#sorters.length <= data.length) { this.#sorters.push(numberSorter); } if (this.#hasEmpty.length <= data.length) { this.#hasEmpty.push(false); } const cell = dsHasKey(child.dataset, "value") ? child.dataset["value"] : child.innerText, colspan = checkInt(parseInt(child.getAttribute("colspan")!), 1); if (isNaN(parseNum(cell))) { this.#sorters[data.length] = stringSort; } if (!cell) { this.#hasEmpty[data.length] = true; } data.push(cell); for (let i = 1; i < colspan; i++) { if (this.#sorters.length <= data.length) { this.#sorters.push(numberSorter); } data.push(""); this.#hasEmpty[data.length] = true; } } } if (data.length > maxCols) { maxCols = data.length; } this.#data.set(elem, data); } else if (elem instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement && !head && elem.nodeName === "THEAD" && elem.lastChild instanceof HTMLTableRowElement) { head = elem; } } if (!head) { clearNode(this.#head, head = thead(tr(Array.from({"length": maxCols}, (_, n) => th({"part": "header"}, colName(n + 1)))))); this.#ownHeaders = true; } else { this.#head.assign(head); this.#ownHeaders = false; } let count = 0; for (const header of (head.lastChild as HTMLTableRowElement).children) { if (header instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) { this.#headers.set(header, count); if (header.dataset["type"] === "string") { this.#sorters[count] = stringSort; } count += checkInt(parseInt(header.getAttribute("colspan")!), 1); } } this.#filterData(); } #filterData() { this.#lastSorted = -1; this.#lastOrder = 0; const filter: [number, (a: string) => boolean][] = []; for (const [{dataset}, col] of this.#headers) { const hasEmpty = this.#hasEmpty[col]; if (hasEmpty && dsHasKey(dataset, "notEmpty")) { filter.push([col, isNotBlankFilter]); } else if (hasEmpty && dsHasKey(dataset, "empty")) { filter.push([col, isBlankFilter]); } else if (this.#sorters[col] === stringSort) { const isCaseInsensitive = dsHasKey(dataset, "isCaseInsensitive"), filterText = isCaseInsensitive ? (dataset["filter"] ?? "").toLowerCase() : dataset["filter"] ?? "", isPrefix = dsHasKey(dataset, "isPrefix"), isSuffix = dsHasKey(dataset, "isSuffix"); if (filterText) { if (isPrefix) { if (isSuffix) { filter.push([col, isCaseInsensitive ? text => text.toLowerCase() === filterText : text => text === filterText]); } else { filter.push([col, isCaseInsensitive ? text => text.toLowerCase().startsWith(filterText) : text => text.startsWith(filterText)]); } } else if (isSuffix) { filter.push([col, isCaseInsensitive ? text => text.toLowerCase().endsWith(filterText) : text => text.endsWith(filterText)]); } else { filter.push([col, isCaseInsensitive ? text => text.toLowerCase().includes(filterText) : text => text.includes(filterText)]); } } } else { const min = safeFloat(parseFloat(dataset["min"] ?? ""), -Infinity), max = safeFloat(parseFloat(dataset["max"] ?? ""), Infinity); if (min !== -Infinity || max !== Infinity) { filter.push([col, text => { const num = parseFloat(text); return min <= num && num <= max; }]); } } } if (filter.length) { this.#filteredData = []; Loop: for (const row of this.#data) { for (const [col, filterFn] of filter) { if (!filterFn(row[1][col])) { continue Loop; } } this.#filteredData.push(row); } } else { this.#filteredData = Array.from(this.#data.entries()); } this.#sortData(); } #sortData() { let order = 1, col = -1; Loop: for (const [header, num] of this.#headers) { switch (header.dataset["sort"]) { case "desc": order = -1; case "asc": col = num; break Loop; } } if (col >= 0) { if (this.#lastSorted !== col) { const sorter = this.#sorters[col] ?? nullSort; this.#sortedData = this.#filteredData.toSorted(order === 1 ? ([, a], [, b]) => sorter(a[col], b[col]) : ([, a], [, b]) => sorter(b[col], a[col])); } else if (this.#lastOrder !== order) { this.#sortedData.reverse(); } } else { this.#sortedData = this.#filteredData; } this.#lastSorted = col; this.#lastOrder = order; this.#pageData(); } #pageData() { const first = this.#page * this.#perPage || 0, data: Element[][] = Array.from({"length": Math.ceil(Math.min(this.#sortedData.length, this.#perPage) / maxElems)}, () => []); let pos = 0, count = 0, index = 0; for (const row of this.#sortedData) { if (count >= this.#perPage) { break; } if (pos >= first) { data[index].push(row[0]); if (data.length === maxElems) { index++; } count++; } else { pos++; } } if (this.#slots.length > data.length) { for (const e of this.#slots.splice(data.length, this.#slots.length - data.length)) { e.remove(); } } index = 0; for (const elems of data) { const s = this.#slots[index++] ?? this.#body.appendChild(pushAndReturn(this.#slots, slot())); s.assign.apply(s, elems); } this.dispatchEvent(new Event("render")); } /** * This method returns the total number of rows in the table after filtering. * * @return {number} The number of filtered rows. */ get totalRows(): number { return this.#filteredData.length; } /** * This method returns the number of visible rows in the table, that is the number after filtering and paging. * * @return {number} The number of visible rows. */ get pageRows(): number { return this.#slots.length ? (this.#slots.length - 1) * maxElems +!.assignedElements().length : 0; } /** * This method returns the data of the filtered and sorted table. * * @return {string[][]} A two-dimensional array of the data. */ export(title = false): string[][] { const data = => e[1]); if (title) { return this.#getHeaders().concat(data); } return data; } #getHeaders() { const headers: string[] = []; for (const header of this.#headers.keys()) { headers.push(header.dataset["title"] ?? header.innerHTML, ...Array.from({"length": checkInt(parseInt(header.getAttribute("colspan")!), 1) - 1}, () => "")); } return [headers]; } /** * This method returns the data of the visible portion of the table. * * @return {string[][]} A two-dimensional array of the data. */ exportPage(title = false): string[][] { return this.#perPage >= this.#sortedData.length ? this.export(title) : (title ? this.#getHeaders() : []).concat( => slot.assignedElements().map(e => this.#data.get(e)!))); } } export const /** * The setLanguage function sets the language items used by the {@link DataTable | DataTable} class. * * @param {{ STARTS_WITH?: string | Binding; ENDS_WIDTH?: string | Binding; CASE_SENSITIVITY?: string | Binding; REMOVE_BLANK?: string | Binding; ONLY_BLANK?: string | Binding; }} l The languages entries to be changed. */ setLanguage = (l: Partial) => {Object.assign(lang, l)}, /** * The function generates an object which can be used with the {@link module:css | CSS} module to style the headers of a DataTable to include an arrow indicating the direction of sorting. * * @param {string} asc The colour of the Asc sorting arrow. * @param {string} desc The colour of the Desc sorting arrow (defaults to the colour of the Asc arrow). * @param {string} stroke The colour of the stroke of the arrows (defaults to black). */ sortArrow = (asc = "#f00", desc = asc, stroke = "#000") => ({ "data-table": { " th,::part(header)": { "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "right 0px", "background-size": "1em 1em", "padding-right": "1em" }, " th[data-sort=asc],::part(header asc)": { "background-image": arrow(0, asc, stroke) }, " th[data-sort=desc],::part(header desc)": { "background-image": arrow(1, desc, stroke) } } }); /** * {@link dom:DOMBind | DOMBind} that creates a {@link DataTable | DataTable} */ export default bindCustomElement("data-table", DataTable);