import {Subscription} from './inter.js'; /** * The rpc module implements a JSON RPC class. * * This module directly imports the {@link module:inter} module. * * @module rpc * @requires module:inter */ /** */ type MessageData = { id: number; result?: any; error?: RPCError; } type handler = [(data: any) => void, (data: Error) => void]; /** * This unexported type is the interface used by {@link RPC} to send and receive data. This is implemented by {@link conn:WSConn | WSConn}. */ interface Conn { close: () => void; send: (data: string) => void; when: (sFn: (data: {data: string}) => void, eFn: (error: Error) => void) => void; } const noop = () => {}, noops = [noop, noop], newSet = (m: Map>, id: number) => { const s = new Set(); m.set(id, s); return s; }, makeHandler = (sFn: (data: T) => void, eFn: (data: any) => void, typeCheck?: (data: any) => data is T): handler => [(a: any) => { try { if (!typeCheck || typeCheck(a)) { sFn(a); } else { eFn(new TypeError("invalid type")); } } catch(e) { eFn(e); } }, eFn]; /** This class is the error type for RPC, and contains a `code` number, `message` string, and a data field for any addition information of the error. */ export class RPCError implements Error { code: number; message: string; data?: any; constructor(code: number, message: string, data?: any) { this.code = code; this.message = message; = data; Object.freeze(this); } get name() { return "RPCError"; } toString() { return this.message; } } class Queue extends Array { #send: (msg: string) => void; constructor(send: (msg: string) => void) { super(); this.#send = send; } close() { for (const msg of this) { this.#send(msg); } } send(data: string) { this.push(data); } when() {} } export class RPC { #c?: Conn | null; #id: number = 0; #r = new Map(); #a = new Map>(); #sFn?: (data: {data: any}) => void; #eFn?: (error: Error) => void; /** * Creates an RPC object with a [Conn](#rpc_conn) * * @param {Conn} [conn] An interface that is used to do the network communication. If conn is not provided the requests will be queued until one is provided via reconnect. */ constructor(conn?: Conn) { this.#connInit(conn); } #connInit(conn?: Conn) { (this.#c = conn ?? new Queue((msg: string) => this.#c?.send(msg))).when(this.#sFn ??= ({data}) => { const message = JSON.parse(data) as MessageData, id = typeof === "string" ? parseInt( :, e = message.error, i = +!!e, m = e ? new RPCError(e.code, e.message, : message.result as RPCError; if (id >= 0) { (this.#r.get(id) ?? noops)[i](m); this.#r.delete(id); } else { for (const r of this.#a.get(id) ?? []) { r[i](m); } } }, this.#eFn ??= err => { this.close(); for (const [, r] of this.#r) { r[1](err); } for (const [, s] of this.#a) { for (const r of s) { r[1](err); } } }); } /** * Reuses the RPC object with a new {@link Conn}. * * @param {Conn} conn An interface that is used to do the network communication. */ reconnect(conn?: Conn) { const c = this.#c; this.#connInit(conn); c?.close(); } request(method: string, typeCheck?: (a: unknown) => a is T): Promise; request(method: string, params: any, typeCheck?: (a: unknown) => a is T): Promise; /** * The request method calls the remote procedure named by the `method` param, and sends any `params` data, JSON encoded, to it. * * The typeCheck function can be specified to check that the data returned matches the format expected. * * It is recommended to use a checker function, and the {@link module:typeguard} module can aid with that. * * @typeParam {any} T * @param {string} method The method name to be called. * @param {Exclude | ((a: unknown) => a is T)} [paramsOrTypeCheck] Either the params to be sent to the specified method, or a typecheck function. * @param {(a: unknown) => a is T} [typeCheck] A typecheck function, if one was supplied to the second param. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that will resolve with the returned data from the remote procedure call. */ request(method: string, paramsOrTypeCheck?: Exclude | ((a: unknown) => a is T), typeCheck?: (a: unknown) => a is T): Promise { const c = this.#c; return c ? new Promise((sFn, eFn) => { typeCheck ??= paramsOrTypeCheck instanceof Function ? paramsOrTypeCheck : undefined; const id = this.#id++; this.#r.set(id, makeHandler(sFn, eFn, typeCheck)); c.send(JSON.stringify({ id, method, "params": paramsOrTypeCheck instanceof Function ? undefined : paramsOrTypeCheck })); }) : Promise.reject("RPC Closed"); } /** * The await method will wait for a message with a matching ID, which must be negative, and resolve the promise with the data that message contains. * * The typeCheck function can be specified to check that the data returned matches the format expected. * * It is recommended to use a checker function, and the {@link module:typeguard} module can aid with that. * * @param {number} id The ID to wait for. * @param {(a: unknown) => a is T} [typeCheck] An optional typecheck function. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that will resolve with the returned data. */ await(id: number, typeCheck?: (a: unknown) => a is T): Promise { const h: handler = [noop, noop], a = this.#a, s = a.get(id) ?? newSet(a, id), p = new Promise((sFn, eFn) => { [h[0], h[1]] = makeHandler(sFn, eFn, typeCheck); s.add(h); }); p.finally(() => s.delete(h)).catch(() => {}); return p; } /** * The subscribe method will wait for a message with a matching ID, which must be negative, and resolve the {@link inter:Subscription} with the data that message contains for each message with that ID. * * The typeCheck function can be specified to check that the data returned matches the format expected. * * It is recommended to use a checker function, and the {@link module:typeguard} module can aid with that. * * @param {number} id The ID to wait for. * @param {(a: unknown) => a is T} [typeCheck] An optional typecheck function. * * @return {Subscription} A Subscription that will resolve whenever data is received. */ subscribe(id: number, typeCheck?: (a: unknown) => a is T): Subscription { return new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { const h = makeHandler(sFn, eFn, typeCheck), a = this.#a, s = a.get(id) ?? newSet(a, id); s.add(h); cFn(() => s.delete(h)); }); } /** Closes the RPC connection. */ close() { const c = this.#c; this.#c = null; c?.close(); } }