import type {Binding} from './bind.js'; import type {Children} from './dom.js'; import CSS from './css.js'; import {amendNode, bindCustomElement, clearNode, event, eventCapture, toggle} from './dom.js'; import {button, div, img, input, slot, span} from './html.js'; import {autoFocus} from './misc.js'; import {ns as svgNS} from './svg.js'; /** * The windows module adds custom elements to implement a windowing system. * * This module directly imports the {@link module:css}, {@link module:dom}, {@link module:html}, {@link module:misc} and {@link module:svg} modules. * * @module windows * @requires module:css * @requires module:dom * @requires module:html * @requires module:misc * @requires module:svg */ const resizeWindow = (w: WindowElement, direction: number, e: MouseEvent) => { const shell = w.parentNode; if (dragging || !(shell instanceof ShellElement) || e.button !== 0) { return; } dragging = true; amendNode(shell, {"style": {"user-select": "none"}}); const originalLeft = w.offsetLeft, originalTop = w.offsetTop, originalWidth = w.offsetWidth, originalHeight = w.offsetHeight, grabX = e.clientX, grabY = e.clientY, ac = new AbortController(), {signal} = ac; amendNode(shell, {"onmousemove": event((e: MouseEvent) => { const dx = e.clientX - grabX, dy = e.clientY - grabY; switch (direction) { case 0: case 1: case 2: { const height = originalHeight - dy; if (height > (parseInt("min-height") || "") || 100)) { amendNode(w, {"style": {"--window-top": `${originalTop + dy}px`, "--window-height": `${height}px`}}); } } break; case 4: case 5: case 6: { const height = originalHeight + dy; if (height > (parseInt("min-height") || "") || 100)) { amendNode(w, {"style": {"--window-height": `${height}px`}}); } } } switch (direction) { case 2: case 3: case 4: { const width = originalWidth + dx; if (width > (parseInt("min-width") || "") || 100)) { amendNode(w, {"style": {"--window-width": `${width}px`}}); } } break; case 0: case 7: case 6: { const width = originalWidth - dx; if (width > (parseInt("min-width") || "") || 100)) { amendNode(w, {"style": {"--window-left": `${originalLeft + dx}px`, "--window-width": `${width}px`}}); } } } }, 0, signal), "onmouseup": event((e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button !== 0) { return; } amendNode(shell, {"style": {"user-select": undefined}}); ac.abort(); dragging = false; w.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("resized")); }, 0, signal)}); }, moveWindow = (w: WindowElement, e: MouseEvent) => { if ( instanceof HTMLButtonElement) { return; } const shell = w.parentNode; if (dragging || !(shell instanceof ShellElement) || e.button !== 0) { return; } dragging = true; amendNode(shell, {"style": {"user-select": "none"}}); const grabX = e.clientX - w.offsetLeft, grabY = e.clientY - w.offsetTop, ac = new AbortController(), {signal} = ac; amendNode(shell, {"onmousemove": event((e: MouseEvent) => { const snap = parseInt(shell.getAttribute("snap") || "0"), {offsetLeft: x1, offsetTop: y1, offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: height} = w, x2 = x1 + width, y2 = y1 + height, x3 = e.clientX - grabX, y3 = e.clientY - grabY, x4 = x3 + width, y4 = y3 + height; let mx = 0, my = 0; if (snap > 0) { if (x1 >= 0 && x3 < 0 && x3 >= -snap) { mx = -x3; } else if (x2 <= shell.offsetWidth && x4 > shell.offsetWidth && x4 <= shell.offsetWidth + snap) { mx = shell.offsetWidth - x4; } if (y1 >= 0 && y3 < 0 && y3 >= -snap) { my = -y3; } else if (y2 <= shell.offsetHeight && y4 > shell.offsetHeight && y4 <= shell.offsetHeight + snap) { my = shell.offsetHeight - y4; } for (const e of shell.childNodes) { if (e instanceof WindowElement && e !== w) { const x5 = e.offsetLeft, y5 = e.offsetTop, x6 = x5 + e.offsetWidth, y6 = y5 + e.offsetHeight; if (y3 <= y6 && y4 >= y5) { if (x2 <= x5 && x4 >= x5 && x4 <= x5 + snap) { mx = x5 - x4; } else if (x1 >= x6 && x3 <= x6 && x3 >= x6 - snap) { mx = x6 - x3; } } if (x3 <= x6 && x4 >= x5) { if (y2 <= y5 && y4 >= y5 && y4 <= y5 + snap) { my = y5 - y4; } else if (y1 >= y6 && y3 <= y6 && y3 >= y6 - snap) { my = y6 - y3; } } } } } amendNode(w, {"style": {"--window-left": (x3 + mx) + "px", "--window-top": (y3 + my) + "px"}}); }, 0, signal), "onmouseup": event((e: MouseEvent) => { if (e.button !== 0) { return; } amendNode(shell, {"style": {"user-select": undefined}}); ac.abort(); dragging = false; w.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("moved")); }, 0, signal)}); }, lang = { "CANCEL": "Cancel" as string | Binding, "CLOSE": "Close" as string | Binding, "MAXIMISE": "Maximise" as string | Binding, "MINIMISE": "Minimise" as string | Binding, "OK": "Ok" as string | Binding, "RESTORE": "Restore" as string | Binding }, shellStyle = [new CSS().add({ ":host": { "display": "block", "position": "relative", "overflow": "hidden", "width": "var(--shell-width, 100%)", "height": "var(--shell-height, 100%)" }, "::slotted(windows-window)": { "--taskmanager-on": "none" }, "::slotted(windows-window:last-of-type)": { "--overlay-on": "none" // hack until exportpart is supported } })], desktopStyle = [new CSS().add(":host", { "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0 })], windowStyle = [new CSS().add(":host", { "position": "absolute", "display": "block", "background-color": "#fff", "color": "#000", "border": "1px solid #000", "width": "var(--window-width, auto)", "height": "var(--window-height, auto)", "min-width": "100px", "min-height": "100px", "top": "var(--window-top, 0)", "left": "var(--window-left, 0)", "list-style": "none", "padding": 0, "z-index": 0, "([maximised])": { "left": 0, "right": 0, "top": 0, "bottom": 0, "width": "auto", "height": "auto", ">div:nth-child(2)>div>button:nth-of-type(2)": { "background-image": `url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox="0 0 15 13" xmlns="${svgNS}"%3E%3Cpath d="M1,5 h8 v-1 h-8 v8 h8 v-8 m-3,0 v-3 h8 v8 h-5 m5,-7 h-8" stroke="%23000" fill="none" /%3E%3C/svg%3E')` } }, "([resizable])": { "border-width": 0, ">div": { ":nth-child(1)": { "display": "block" }, ":nth-child(3)": { "overflow": "auto", "position": "absolute", "bottom": 0, "left": 0, "right": 0, "top": "calc(1em + 6px)" }, ":nth-child(4)": { "top": "var(calc(--window-resize), -2px)", "left": "var(calc(--window-resize), -2px)", "bottom": "var(calc(--window-resize), -2px)", "right": "var(calc(--window-resize), -2px)" } } }, ">div": { ":nth-child(1)>div": { "position": "absolute", "border-color": "currentColor", "border-style": "solid", "border-width": 0, "z-index": -1, ":nth-child(1)": { "top": "-2px", "left": "-2px", "width": "10px", "height": "10px", "cursor": "nwse-resize", "border-left-width": "3px", "border-top-width": "3px" }, ":nth-child(2)": { "top": "-2px", "left": "8px", "right": "8px", "border-top-width": "3px", "cursor": "ns-resize" }, ":nth-child(3)": { "top": "-2px", "right": "-2px", "width": "10px", "height": "10px", "border-top-width": "3px", "border-right-width": "3px", "cursor": "nesw-resize" }, ":nth-child(4)": { "top": "8px", "right": "-2px", "bottom": "8px", "border-right-width": "3px", "cursor": "ew-resize" }, ":nth-child(5)": { "bottom": "-2px", "right": "-2px", "width": "10px", "height": "10px", "border-right-width": "3px", "border-bottom-width": "3px", "cursor": "nwse-resize" }, ":nth-child(6)": { "bottom": "-2px", "left": "8px", "right": "8px", "border-bottom-width": "3px", "cursor": "ns-resize" }, ":nth-child(7)": { "bottom": "-2px", "left": "-2px", "width": "10px", "height": "10px", "border-left-width": "3px", "border-bottom-width": "3px", "cursor": "nesw-resize" }, ":nth-child(8)": { "top": "8px", "left": "-2px", "bottom": "8px", "border-left-width": "3px", "cursor": "ew-resize" } }, ":nth-child(2)": { "white-space": "nowrap", "height": "calc(1em + 6px)", "background-color": "#aaa", "overflow": "hidden", "user-select": "none", "display": "flex", "align-items": "center", ">span": { "margin-right": "calc(3em + 24px)" }, ">img": { "height": "1em", "pointer-events": "none" }, ">div": { "position": "absolute", "right": 0, "top": 0, ">button": { ":nth-of-type(1)": { "background-image": `url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="${svgNS}"%3E%3Cpath d="M1,1 L9,9 M9,1 L1,9" stroke="black" /%3E%3C/svg%3E')` }, ":nth-of-type(2)": { "background-image": `url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="${svgNS}"%3E%3Cpath d="M9,3 h-8 v-1 h8 v-1 h-8 v8 h8 v-8" stroke="black" fill="none" /%3E%3C/svg%3E')` }, ":nth-of-type(3)": { "display": "var(--taskmanager-on, block)", "background-image": `url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="${svgNS}"%3E%3Cline x1="1" y1="9" x2="9" y2="9" stroke="black" /%3E%3C/svg%3E')` } } }, " button": { "padding": 0, "border-width": "2px", "float": "right", "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "background-position": "center", "background-color": "#eee", "background-size": "1em 1em", "width": "calc(1em + 8px)", "height": "calc(1em + 8px)" } }, ":nth-child(3)": { "user-select": "contain", ":not(.hasChild)+div:nth-child(5)": { "pointer-events": "none" } }, ":nth-child(4)": { "display": "var(--overlay-on, block)", "position": "absolute", "background-color": "RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", "top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0, "pointer-events": "none" } }, "([minimised]),>div:nth-child(1),([hide-titlebar])>div:nth-child(2),([hide-close])>div:nth-child(2)>div>button:nth-of-type(1),([hide-maximise])>div:nth-child(2)>div>button:nth-of-type(2),([hide-minimise])>div:nth-child(2)>div>button:nth-of-type(3),([window-hide])>div:nth-child(2)>div>button:nth-of-type(3)": { "display": "none" } })], desktopObservedAttrs = Object.freeze(["slot"]), windowObservedAttrs = Object.freeze(["maximised", "window-icon", "window-title"]); let focusingWindow: WindowElement | null = null, dragging = false; /** * This unexported class provides some methods for both {@link WindowElement} and {@link ShellElement}. */ abstract class BaseElement extends HTMLElement { /** * The alert method adds an {@link | alert}-like window to the {@link WindowElement} or {@link ShellElement} it was called upon. * * The button text is set to the `OK` field of the language object, which can be set with {@link setLanguage}. * * @param {string | Binding} title Title of the `alert` window. * @param {Children} message Message to be displayed in the window. * @param {string | Binding} [icon] Optional icon. * * @return {Promise} The returned {@link | Promise} will resolve to true if the button is clicked, and false if the dialogue window was closed. */ alert(title: string | Binding, message: Children, icon?: string | Binding): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const w = windows({ "window-hide": true, "window-icon": icon, "window-title": title, "hide-maximise": true, "onremove": () => resolve(false) }, [ div(message), div({"style": "text-align: center"}, autoFocus(button({"onclick": () => { resolve(true); w.remove(); }}, lang["OK"]))) ]); this.addWindow(w) || reject(new Error("invalid target")); }); } /** * The confirm method adds a {@link | confirm}-like window to the {@link WindowElement} or {@link ShellElement} it was called upon. * * The text of the two buttons is set to the `OK` and `CANCEL` fields of the language object, which can be set with {@link setLanguage}. * * @param {string | Binding} title Title of the `alert` window. * @param {Children} message Message to be displayed in the window. * @param {string | Binding} [icon] Optional icon. * * @return {Promise} The returned {@link | Promise} will resolve to true if the `OK` button is clicked, and false if the `CANCEL` button was clicked or the dialogue window was closed. */ confirm(title: string | Binding, message: Children, icon?: string | Binding): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const w = windows({ "window-hide": true, "window-icon": icon, "window-title": title, "hide-maximise": true, "onremove": () => resolve(false) }, [ div(message), div({"style": "text-align: center"}, [ autoFocus(button({"onclick": () => { resolve(true); w.remove(); }}, lang["OK"])), button({"onclick": () => w.remove()}, lang["CANCEL"]) ]) ]); this.addWindow(w) || reject(new Error("invalid target")); }); } /** * The prompt method adds a {@link | prompt}-like window to the {@link WindowElement} or {@link ShellElement} it was called upon. * * The button text is set to the `OK` field of the language object, which can be set with {@link setLanguage}. * * @param {string | Binding} title Title of the `alert` window. * @param {Children} message Message to be displayed in the window. * @param {string} [defaultValue=""] The default value of the input box. * @param {string | Binding} [icon] Optional icon. * * @return {Promise} The returned {@link | Promise} will resolve to the text entered if the `OK` button is clicked, or null if the dialogue window was closed. */ prompt(title: string | Binding, message: Children, defaultValue: string = "", icon?: string | Binding): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ok = () => { resolve(data.value); w.remove(); }, data = autoFocus(input({"value": defaultValue, "onkeydown": (e: KeyboardEvent) => { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": ok(); break; case "Escape": w.remove(); } }})), w = windows({ "window-hide": true, "window-icon": icon, "window-title": title, "hide-maximise": true, "onremove": () => resolve(null) }, [ div(message), data, div({"style": "text-align: center"}, button({"onclick": ok}, lang["OK"])) ]); this.addWindow(w) || reject(new Error("invalid target")); }); } abstract addWindow(w: WindowElement): boolean; } /** * The ShellElement class is a CustomElement that can contain a single {@link DesktopElement} and any number of {@link WindowElement}s. * * This element registers with the name `windows-shell`. * * This element handles the follow attributes. * * | Attribute | Type | Description | * |----------------|--------|---------------| * | --shell-height | Number | Used to specify the internal height of the `Shell`. | * | --shell-width | Number | Used to specify the internal width of the `Shell`. | */ export class ShellElement extends BaseElement { constructor() { super(); if ( !== ShellElement) { return; } amendNode(this.attachShadow({"mode": "closed"}), [ slot({"name": "desktop"}), div(slot()) ]).adoptedStyleSheets = shellStyle; } /** * Adds a {@link WindowElement} to the Shell and focuses it. * * @param {WindowElement} w The WindowElement to add. * * @return {true} Returns true. */ addWindow(w: WindowElement): true { if (w.parentNode !== this) { amendNode(this, w); } else if (w.nextElementSibling) { w.focus(); } return true; } /** * Repositions all {@link WindowElements} within the Shell to make sure they are all visible. */ realignWindows() { const {offsetWidth: tw, offsetHeight: th} = this; for (const e of this.childNodes) { if (e instanceof WindowElement) { const {offsetLeft: x, offsetTop: y, offsetWidth: w, offsetHeight: h} = e; if (x + w > tw) { amendNode(e, {"style": {"--window-left": Math.max(tw - w, 0) + "px"}}); } else if (x < 0) { amendNode(e, {"style": {"--window-left": "0px"}}); } if (y + h > th) { amendNode(e, {"style": {"--window-top": Math.max(th - h) + "px"}}); } else if (y < 0) { amendNode(e, {"style": {"--window-top": "0px"}}); } } } } } /** * This class creates a desktop-like space with a {@link ShellElement}. */ export class DesktopElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); setTimeout(amendNode, 0, this, {"slot": "desktop"}); amendNode(this.attachShadow({"mode": "closed"}), slot({"slot": "desktop"})).adoptedStyleSheets = desktopStyle; } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, _: string, newValue: string) { if (name === "slot" && newValue !== "desktop") { amendNode(this, {"slot": "desktop"}); } } static get observedAttributes() { return desktopObservedAttrs; } } /** * The WindowElement class is a CustomElement that can be added to a {@link ShellElement} to provide a window-like interface to the contents of the element. * * The {@link ShellElement} will determine whether `Windows` can be minimised and how they are handled when they are. The {@link ShellElement} of this module disables minimising. It can be enabled by using the ShellElement of either the {@link module:windows_taskbar} or {@link module_windows_taskmanager} modules. * * This element registers with the name `windows-windows`. * * This element handles the follow attributes: * * | Attribute | Type | Description | * |------------------|--------|---------------| * | --window-height | Number | CSS: Specifies the height of the `Window`. | * | --window-left | Number | CSS: Specifies the `x` coordinate of the `Window`. | * | --window-top | Number | CSS: Specifies the `y` coordinate of the `Window`. | * | --window-width | Number | CSS: Specifies the width of the `Window`. | * | hide-close | Toggle | Hides the `Close` button. | * | hide-maximise | Toggle | Hides the `Maximise` button. | * | hide-minimise | Toggle | Hides the `Minimise` button. | * | hide-titlebar | Toggle | Hides the titlebar. | * | maximised | Toggle | The window will expand to the size of the {@link ShellElement}. | * | minimised | Toggle | The window will be hidden and it will be up to the shell to allow restoring it. | * | resizable | Toggle | Allows the `Window` to be resized. | * | window-icon | String | Sets the window icon. | * | window-title | String | Sets the window title. | * * Hover text on the default buttons can be modified via the {@link setLanguage} function. * * The following entries affect this element: * * | Entry | Default Value | Description | * |------------|-----------------|---------------| * | `CLOSE` | "Close" | Hover text on the 'Close Window' button. | * | `MAXIMISE` | "Maximise" | Hover text on the 'Maximise Window' button. | * | `MINIMISE` | "Minimise" | Hover text on the 'Minimise Window' button. | * | `RESTORE` | "Restore" | Hover text on the 'Restore Window' button. | * * The following customs events can be dispatched: * * | Event | Description | * |---------|---------------| * | close | Dispatched when either the `Close` button is clicked or the {@link WindowElement/close} method is called. | * | moved | Dispatched when the `Window` is dragged around within the shell. | * | remove | Dispatched when the `Window` is removed from the DOM. | * | resized | Dispatched when the `Window` is resized. | */ export class WindowElement extends BaseElement { #title: HTMLSpanElement; #icon: HTMLImageElement; #extra: HTMLSpanElement; #slot: HTMLDivElement; #child: WindowElement | null = null; #parent: WindowElement | null = null; #maximise: HTMLButtonElement; constructor() { super(); const onclick = () => this.focus(); amendNode(this.attachShadow({"mode": "closed"}), {"onclick": event(onclick, eventCapture)}, [ div(Array.from({length: 8}, (_, n) => div({"onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => resizeWindow(this, n, e)}))), div({"part": "titlebar", "onmousedown": (e: MouseEvent) => moveWindow(this, e), "ondblclick": (e: Event) => { if (!( instanceof HTMLButtonElement) && !this.hasAttribute("hide-maximise")) { amendNode(this, {"maximised": toggle}); } }}, [ this.#icon = img({"part": "icon", "src": defaultIcon}), this.#title = span({"part": "title"}), div({"part": "controls"}, [ button({"part": "close", "title": lang["CLOSE"], "onclick": () => this.close()}), this.#maximise = button({"part": "maximise", "title": lang["MAXIMISE"], "onclick": () => amendNode(this, {"maximised": toggle})}), button({"part": "minimise", "title": lang["MINIMISE"], "onclick": () => amendNode(this, {"minimised": toggle})}), this.#extra = span() ]) ]), this.#slot = div(slot()), div() ]).adoptedStyleSheets = windowStyle; setTimeout(amendNode, 0, this, {"onmousedown": event(onclick, eventCapture)}); } connectedCallback() { if (focusingWindow === this) { focusingWindow = null; } } disconnectedCallback() { if (focusingWindow === this) { return; } const p = this.#parent, c = this.#child; if (p) { amendNode(p.#slot, {"class": ["!hasChild"]}); p.#child = null; this.#parent = null; } if (c) { c.remove(); this.#child = null; } this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("remove")); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, _: string | null, newValue: string | null) { switch (name) { case "window-title": clearNode(this.#title, {"title": newValue ?? ""}, newValue ?? ""); break; case "window-icon": amendNode(this.#icon, {"src": newValue ?? defaultIcon}); break; case "maximised": amendNode(this.#maximise, {"title": newValue === null ? lang["MAXIMISE"] : lang["RESTORE"]}); } } static get observedAttributes() { return windowObservedAttrs; } /** * This method adds a `Window` as a child. If there is already a child, it is added as a child of that `Window`. * * @param {WindowElement} w The child window to be added. * @return {boolean} Returns true if window was successfully added, and false otherwise, which should only occur if this window has no parent. */ addWindow(w: WindowElement): boolean { if (!this.parentNode) { return false; } if (this.#child) { this.#child.addWindow(w); return true; } this.#child = w; w.#parent = this; amendNode(this.#slot, {"class": ["hasChild"]}); amendNode(this.parentNode, w); return true; } /** * The addControlButton method adds additional buttons to the titlebar of the `Window`. * * @param {string} icon The icon to be displayed on the button. * @param {(this: WindowElement) => void} onclick The function to call when the button is clicked. * @param {string | Binding} [title] An optional title text for the button. * * @return {() => void} A Function to remove the button. */ addControlButton(icon: string, onclick: (this: WindowElement) => void, title?: string | Binding): () => void { const b = button({"style": {"background-image": `url(${JSON.stringify(icon)})`}, "onclick": () =>, title}); amendNode(this.#extra, b); return () => b.remove(); } /** The focus method will unset a set `minimise` attribute and bring the deepest child to the top of the window stack. */ focus() { amendNode(this, {"minimised": false}); const c = this.#child; if (c) { c.focus(); return; } if (this.parentNode && this.nextElementSibling) { focusingWindow = this; const scrolls: [Element, number, number][] = [], ni = document.createNodeIterator(this, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT); for (let elm = this.#slot as Element | null; elm; elm = ni.nextNode() as Element | null) { const {scrollTop, scrollLeft} = elm; if (scrollTop || scrollLeft) { scrolls.push([elm, scrollTop, scrollLeft]); } } amendNode(this.parentNode, this); for (const [elm, scrollTop, scrollLeft] of scrolls) { elm.scrollTop = scrollTop; elm.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } if (!this.contains(document.activeElement)) { super.focus(); } } close() { if (this.#child) { this.#child.focus(); } else if (this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("close", {"cancelable": true}))) { this.remove(); return true; } return false; } } export const /** * A {@link dom:DOMBind | DOMBind} that creates a {@link ShellElement}. */ shell = bindCustomElement("windows-shell", ShellElement), /** * A {@link dom:DOMBind | DOMBind} that creates a {@link DesktopElement}. */ desktop = bindCustomElement("windows-desktop", DesktopElement), /** * A {@link dom:DOMBind | DOMBind} that creates a {@link WindowsElement}. */ windows = bindCustomElement("windows-window", WindowElement), /** * This function sets the `defaultIcon` variable, which is the icon used on all `WindowElements` if it isn't overridden. * * @param {string} icon The icon to be set. * * @return {string} The icon. * */ setDefaultIcon = (icon: string) => defaultIcon = icon, /** * The setLanguage function sets the language items used by the {@link ShellElement} and {@link WindowElement} classes. * * @param {{CANCEL?: string | Binding; CLOSE?: string | Binding; MAXIMISE?: string | Binding; MINIMISE?: string | Binding; OK?: string | Binding; RESTORE?: string | Binding;}} l The language to be changed. * */ setLanguage = (l: Partial) => {Object.assign(lang, l)}; /** * The current default icon. Can be changed with the {@link setDefaultIcon} function. */ export let defaultIcon = `data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox="0 0 14 18" xmlns="${svgNS}"%3E%3Cpath d="M9,1 h-8 v16 h12 v-12 Z v4 h4" stroke="black" fill="none" /%3E%3Cpath d="M3,8 h8 m-8,3 h8 m-8,3 h8" stroke="gray" /%3E%3C/svg%3E`;