type ManualTests = { [key: string]: ManualTests | [string, string] | [string]; } ((data: Record) => { class Counter extends Text { #parent?: Counter; #count = 0; constructor(start: string, parent?: Counter) { super(start); this.#parent = parent; } add() { this.textContent = (++this.#count) + ""; this.#parent?.add(); } } let queue = Promise.resolve(); const icon = document.head.getElementsByTagName("link")[0], processTests = (breadcrumbs: string, t: ManualTests, totalCount: Counter, successCount: Counter, errorCount: Counter) => { const df = document.createDocumentFragment(), testList = document.createElement("ul"); for (const [name, test] of Object.entries(t)) { if (test instanceof Array) { const li = testList.appendChild(document.createElement("li")), button = li.appendChild(document.createElement("button")); li.append(name); totalCount.add(); button.innerText = "Run Test"; button.addEventListener("click", () => { queue = queue.finally(() => new Promise(s => { const w = window.open("/test", "", ""), script = document.createElement("script"); if (!w) { alert("Cannot create window"); return; } button.toggleAttribute("disabled", true); let resultFn: (pass: boolean) => void, errorFn: (error: any) => void; new Promise((sFn, eFn) => { resultFn = sFn; errorFn = eFn; }).catch(error => { console.log({"section": breadcrumbs.slice(1, -1).split("/"), name, error}); alert(`Error in section ${breadcrumbs}, test "${name}": check console for details`); }).then(pass => { li.setAttribute("class", pass ? "pass" : "fail"); if (pass) { successCount.add(); } else { for (let node = li.parentNode; node; node = node.parentNode) { if (node instanceof HTMLDetailsElement) { node.toggleAttribute("open", true); } } errorCount.add(); } w.close(); button.remove(); }); Object.assign(w, {"result": resultFn!}); w.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { button.toggleAttribute("disabled", false) s(); }); w.addEventListener("error", (e: ErrorEvent) => { w.close(); errorFn(e.error); s(); }); script.setAttribute("type", "module"); script.innerText = test[0]; w.addEventListener("load", () => { w.document.title = `${breadcrumbs}: ${name}`; w.document.body.innerHTML = (test[1] ?? "") + `
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Use the back button.
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button.textContent = "Click Here"; button.addEventListener("click", () => goto("/other-page/123/def", {"test": 1, "data": "abc"})); return button; }));`], } }, "urlstate.js": { "StateBound": { "hasDefault": [`import URLState from './lib/urlstate.js'; import {button} from './lib/html.js'; const sb = URLState("some-name", "default"); document.body.prepend(button({"data-value": sb, "onclick": function() { result(this.dataset.value === "default"); }}, "Click Here")); `], "value updates with URL": [`import URLState, {goto} from './lib/urlstate.js'; import {button} from './lib/html.js'; const sb = URLState("some-name", "default"); document.body.prepend(button({"data-value": sb, "onclick": function() { if (this.dataset.value === "default") { goto('?some-name="123"'); this.innerText = "Click Here Again"; } else { result(window.location.search === "?some-name=%22123%22" && this.dataset.value === "123"); } }}, "Click Here")); `], "value updates with setter": [`import URLState, {goto} from './lib/urlstate.js'; 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