type Tests = { [key: string]: Tests | (() => Promise); } ((data: Record) => { class Counter extends Text { #parent?: Counter; #count = 0; constructor(start: string, parent?: Counter) { super(start); this.#parent = parent; } add() { this.textContent = (++this.#count) + ""; this.#parent?.add(); } } const processTests = (breadcrumbs: string, t: Tests, totalCount: Counter, successCount: Counter, errorCount: Counter) => { const df = document.createDocumentFragment(), testList = document.createElement("ul"); for (const [name, test] of Object.entries(t)) { if (test instanceof Function) { const li = testList.appendChild(document.createElement("li")); li.textContent = name; li.setAttribute("title", test.toString()); totalCount.add(); test().catch(error => { console.error({"section": breadcrumbs.slice(1, -1).split("/"), name, error}); alert(`Error in section ${breadcrumbs}, test "${name}": check console for details`); }).then(pass => { li.setAttribute("class", pass ? "pass" : "fail"); if (pass) { successCount.add(); } else { for (let node = li.parentNode; node; node = node.parentNode) { if (node instanceof HTMLDetailsElement) { node.toggleAttribute("open", true); } } errorCount.add(); } }); } else { const details = df.appendChild(document.createElement("details")), summary = details.appendChild(document.createElement("summary")), total = new Counter("0", totalCount), successful = new Counter("0", successCount), errors = document.createElement("span"); summary.append(name, ": ", successful, "/", total, errors); details.append(processTests(breadcrumbs + name + "/", test, total, successful, errors.appendChild(new Counter("", errorCount)))); } } if (testList.childElementCount > 0) { df.append(testList); } return df; }, total = new Counter("0"), successful = new Counter("0"), errors = document.createElement("span"), tests = processTests("/", data, total, successful, errors.appendChild(new Counter(""))); let opened = false; window.addEventListener("load", () => document.body.append("Tests: ", successful, "/", total, errors, tests)); window.addEventListener("keypress", (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === "o") { opened = !opened; Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("details"), e => e.toggleAttribute("open", opened)); } }); })({ "load.js": { "pageLoad": async () => { const {default: pageLoad} = await import("./lib/load.js"); return Promise.race([ pageLoad, new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(() => sFn(false), 10000)) ]).then(v => v !== false); } }, "inter.js": { "Pipe": { "Send/Receive": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), p = new Pipe(); let res: boolean = false; p.receive(v => res = v); p.send(true); return res; }, "Send/Multi-receive": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), p = new Pipe(); let num = 0; p.receive(v => num += v); p.receive(v => num += v); p.receive(v => num += v); p.send(2); return num === 6; }, "Send/Multi-receive same fn": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), p = new Pipe(), fn = (v: number) => num += v; let num = 0; p.receive(fn); p.receive(fn); p.receive(fn); p.send(2); return num === 6; }, "Remove": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), p = new Pipe(), fn = (v: number) => num += v; let num = 0; p.receive(fn); p.receive(v => num += v); p.receive(v => num += v); p.remove(fn); p.send(2); return num === 4; }, "Remove same fn": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), p = new Pipe(), fn = (v: number) => num += v; let num = 0; p.receive(fn); p.receive(fn); p.receive(fn); p.remove(fn); p.send(2); return num === 4; }, "Bind": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [send, receive, remove] = new Pipe().bind(), fn = (v: number) => res += v; let res = 0; receive(fn); send(2); remove(fn); send(1); return res === 2; }, "Bind (1)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(1); return b[0] instanceof Function && b[1] === undefined && b[2] === undefined; }, "Bind (2)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(2); return b[0] === undefined && b[1] instanceof Function && b[2] === undefined; }, "Bind (3)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(3); return b[0] instanceof Function && b[1] instanceof Function && b[2] === undefined; }, "Bind (4)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(4); return b[0] === undefined && b[1] === undefined && b[2] instanceof Function; }, "Bind (5)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(5); return b[0] instanceof Function && b[1] === undefined && b[2] instanceof Function; }, "Bind (6)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(6); return b[0] === undefined && b[1] instanceof Function && b[2] instanceof Function; }, "Bind (7)": async () => { const {Pipe} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), b = new Pipe().bind(7); return b[0] instanceof Function && b[1] instanceof Function && b[2] instanceof Function; } }, "Requester": { "Respond/Request value": async () => { const {Requester} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), r = new Requester(); r.responder(true); return r.request(); }, "Respond/Request fn": async () => { const {Requester} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), r = new Requester(); r.responder(() => true); return r.request(); }, "No Responder": async () => { const {Requester} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), r = new Requester(); try { r.request(); } catch(e) { return true; } return false; } }, "Subscription": { "when": async () => { let res = false, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription(s => sFn = s).when(b => res = b).catch(() => res = false); sFn(true); return res; }, "when-chain": async () => { let res = false, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), s = new Subscription(s => sFn = s); s.when(b => b).when(b => res = b).catch(() => res = false); sFn(true); return res; }, "multi-then": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: number) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), s = new Subscription(s => sFn = s); s.when(b => res += b).catch(() => res = 0); s.when(b => res += b).catch(() => res = 0); s.when(b => res += b).catch(() => res = 0); sFn(1); return res === 3; }, "multi-then-chain": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: number) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), s = new Subscription(s => sFn = s); s.when(b => b + 1).when(b => res += b); s.when(b => b + 2).when(b => res += b); s.when(b => b + 3).when(b => res += b); sFn(1); return res === 9; }, "catch": async () => { let res = 0, eFn = (_: any) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription((_, e) => eFn = e).catch(e => res += e); eFn(1); return res === 1; }, "error catch": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription(s => sFn = s).when(() => {throw 1}).catch(e => res += e); sFn(false); return res === 1; }, "finally": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription(s => sFn = s).finally(() => res++); new Subscription(() => {}).finally(() => res++); sFn(false); return res === 1; }, "finally-chain": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription(s => sFn = s).when(() => {}).finally(() => res++); new Subscription(() => {}).when(() => {}).finally(() => res++); sFn(false); return res === 1; }, "error finally": async () => { let res = 0, sFn = (_: boolean) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription(s => sFn = s).when(() => {throw 1}).finally(() => res++).catch(() => res *= 5); new Subscription(() => {}).when(() => {throw 1}).finally(() => res += 3); sFn(false); return res === 5; }, "cancel": async () => { let res = 0; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription((_sFn, _eFn, cFn) => cFn(() => res++)).cancel(); new Subscription((_sFn, _eFn, cFn) => cFn(() => res++)); return res === 1; }, "chain-cancel": async () => { let res = 0; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"); new Subscription((_sFn, _eFn, cFn) => cFn(() => res++)).when(() => {}).cancel(); new Subscription((_sFn, _eFn, cFn) => cFn(() => res++)).when(() => {}); return res === 1; }, "splitCancel": async () => { let res = 0, success = (_n: number) => {}, error = (_n: number) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), sc = new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { success = sFn; error = eFn; cFn(() => res = -999); }).splitCancel(), first = sc().when(n => res += n * 2, n => res += n * 3), second = sc().when(n => res += n * 5, n => res += n * 7); success(1); error(2); first.cancel(); success(3); error(4); second.cancel(); success(5); error(6); return res === 70; }, "splitCancel with forward": async () => { let res = 0, success = (_n: number) => {}, error = (_n: number) => {}; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), sc = new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { success = sFn; error = eFn; cFn(() => res *= 10); }).splitCancel(true), first = sc().when(n => res += n * 2, n => res += n * 3), second = sc().when(n => res += n * 5, n => res += n * 7); success(1); error(2); first.cancel(); success(3); error(4); second.cancel(); success(5); error(6); return res === 700; }, "merge": async () => { let firstSuccess: (n: number) => void, firstError: (e: any) => void, secondSuccess: (s: string) => void, secondError: (e: any) => void, res = 0; const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), s = Subscription.merge( new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { firstSuccess = sFn; firstError = eFn; cFn(() => res *= 3); }), new Subscription((sFn, eFn, cFn) => { secondSuccess = sFn; secondError = eFn; cFn(() => res *= 5); }) ).when(n => res += typeof n === "string" ? n.length : n, e => res *= e); firstSuccess!(1); firstError!(2); secondSuccess!("123"); secondError!(3); s.cancel(); return res === 225; }, "bind (1)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(1); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn instanceof Function && eFn === undefined && cFn === undefined; }, "bind (2)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(2); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn === undefined && eFn instanceof Function && cFn === undefined; }, "bind (3)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(3); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn instanceof Function && eFn instanceof Function && cFn === undefined; }, "bind (4)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(4); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn === undefined && eFn === undefined && cFn instanceof Function; }, "bind (5)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(5); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn instanceof Function && eFn === undefined && cFn instanceof Function; }, "bind (6)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(6); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn === undefined && eFn instanceof Function && cFn instanceof Function; }, "bind (7)": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(7); return s instanceof Subscription && sFn instanceof Function && eFn instanceof Function && cFn instanceof Function; }, "bind": async () => { const {Subscription} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), [s, sFn, eFn, cFn] = Subscription.bind(); let res = 0; cFn(() => res++); s.when(num => res *= num, num => res %= num).cancel(); sFn(2); sFn(3); eFn(4); s.cancel(); sFn(5); return res === 15; } }, "WaitGroup": { "add-done": async () => { let res = 0; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); wg.onComplete(() => res = 1); res++; wg.add(); res++; wg.done(); return res === 1; }, "multi-add-done": async () => { let res = 0; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); wg.onComplete(() => res = 1); res++; wg.add(); res++; wg.add(); res++; wg.done(); res++; wg.done(); return res === 1; }, "error-done": async () => { let res = false; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); wg.onComplete(() => res = true); wg.add(); wg.error(); return res; }, "multi-error-done": async () => { let res = 0; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); res++; wg.onComplete(() => res = 1); res++; wg.add(); res++; wg.add(); res++; wg.error(); res++; wg.error(); return res === 1; }, "onUpdate": async () => { let res = 0; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); wg.onUpdate(wi => res += wi.waits * 2 + wi.done * 3 + wi.errors * 5); wg.add(); wg.add(); wg.error(); wg.done(); return res === 27; }, "onUpdate/onComplete": async () => { let res = 0; const {WaitGroup} = await import("./lib/inter.js"), wg = new WaitGroup(); wg.onComplete(() => res *= 2); wg.onUpdate(wi => res += wi.waits * 2 + wi.done * 3 + wi.errors * 5); wg.add(); wg.add(); wg.error(); wg.done(); return res === 54; } } }, "dom.js": { "amendNode": { "type test (div)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = document.createElement("div"); return amendNode(div) === div && div instanceof HTMLDivElement; }, "type test (span)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span = document.createElement("span"); return amendNode(span) === span && span instanceof HTMLSpanElement; }, "no property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div")).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "string property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": "value"}).getAttribute("property") === "value"; }, "number property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": 1}).getAttribute("property") === "1"; }, "boolean property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": true}).getAttribute("property") === ""; }, "unset boolean property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": true}), {"property": false}).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "ToString property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": {}}).getAttribute("property") === "[object Object]"; }, "remove string property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": "value"}), {"property": undefined}).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "remove number property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": 1}), {"property": undefined}).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "remove boolean property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": true}), {"property": undefined}).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "remove ToString property": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": {}}), {"property": undefined}).getAttribute("property") === null; }, "class set string": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": "class1 class2"}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class2"; }, "class set array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class2"; }, "class set multi-array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}), {"class": ["class3"]}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class2 class3"; }, "class set array -> string": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}), {"class": "class3"}).getAttribute("class") === "class3"; }, "class set DOMTokenList": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": div.classList}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class2"; }, "class set/unset classes": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}), {"class": ["!class2", "class3"]}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class3"; }, "class toggle classes": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2"]}), {"class": ["~class2", "~class3"]}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class3"; }, "class toggle with object": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": ["class1", "class2", "class3"]}), {"class": {"class2": false, "class3": null, "class4": true, "class5": null}}).getAttribute("class") === "class1 class4 class5"; }, "part set string": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": "part1 part2"}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part2"; }, "part set array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part2"; }, "part set multi-array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}), {"part": ["part3"]}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part2 part3"; }, "part set array -> string": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}), {"part": "part3"}).getAttribute("part") === "part3"; }, "part set DOMTokenList": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": div.part}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part2"; }, "part set/unset parts": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}), {"part": ["!part2", "part3"]}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part3"; }, "part toggle parts": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2"]}), {"part": ["~part2", "~part3"]}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part3"; }, "part toggle with object": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"part": ["part1", "part2", "part3"]}), {"part": {"part2": false, "part3": null, "part4": true, "part5": null}}).getAttribute("part") === "part1 part4 part5"; }, "style set string": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"style": "font-size: 2em; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"}).getAttribute("style") === "font-size: 2em; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"; }, "style set object": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"style": {"font-size": "2em", "color": "rgb(255, 0, 0)"}}).getAttribute("style") === "font-size: 2em; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"; }, "style set CSSStyleDeclaration": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"style": {"font-size": "2em", "color": "rgb(255, 0, 0)"}}); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"style": div.style}).getAttribute("style") === "font-size: 2em; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"; }, "set BoundAttr": async () => { const {amendNode, attr} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), myAttr = {[attr]: (n: Element, k: string) => { const a = document.createAttribute(k); a.textContent = "123"; n.setAttributeNode(a); }}, div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"some-attr": myAttr}); return div.getAttribute("some-attr") === "123"; }, "event string set": async () => { type W = typeof window & { ares: number; }; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); (window as W).ares = 0; amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": "window.ares++"}).click(); return (window as W).ares === 1; }, "event string unset": async () => { type W = typeof window & { bres: number; }; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); (window as W).bres = 0; amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": "window.bres++"}), {"onclick": undefined}).click(); return (window as W).bres === 0; }, "event arrow fn set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": () => res++}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 2; }, "event fn set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": function(this: HTMLDivElement) {res += +(this === div)}}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 2; }, "event EventListenerObject set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), he = {"handleEvent": function(this: object) {res += +(this === he)}}, div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": he}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 2; }, "event array arrow fn once set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [() => res++, {"once": true}, false]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 1; }, "event array fn once set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [function(this: HTMLDivElement) {res += +(this === div)}, {"once": true}, false]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 1; }, "event EventListenerObject once set": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), he = {"handleEvent": function(this: object) {res += +(this === he)}}, div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [he, {"once": true}, false]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 1; }, "event array arrow fn remove": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = () => res++, div = amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [fn, {}, false]}), {"onclick": [fn, {}, true]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 0; }, "event array fn remove": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = function(this: HTMLDivElement) {res += +(this === div)}, div = amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [fn, {}, false]}), {"onclick": [fn, {}, true]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 0; }, "event EventListenerObject remove": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), he = {"handleEvent": function(this: object) {res += +(this === he)}}, div = amendNode(amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [he, {}, false]}), {"onclick": [he, {}, true]}); div.click(); div.click(); return res === 0; }, "event signal": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), ac = new AbortController(), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"onclick": [() => res++, {"signal": ac.signal}, false]}); div.click(); div.click(); ac.abort(); div.click(); return res === 2; }, "string child": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), "Test String").innerText === "Test String"; }, "array string children": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return amendNode(document.createElement("div"), ["Test", " String"]).innerText === "Test String"; }, "append node child": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span = document.createElement("span"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), span); return div.firstChild === span && div.lastChild === span; }, "append node array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span1 = document.createElement("span"), span2 = document.createElement("span"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), [span1, span2]); return div.firstChild === span1 && div.lastChild === span2; }, "append string + node": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span = document.createElement("span"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), ["Text", span]); return div.firstChild instanceof Text && div.firstChild.textContent === "Text" && div.lastChild === span; }, "append multi-array": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span1 = document.createElement("span"), span2 = document.createElement("span"), span3 = document.createElement("span"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), [span1, [span2, span3]]); return div.firstChild === span1 && div.children[1] === span2 && div.lastChild === span3; }, "append NodeList": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span1 = document.createElement("span"), span2 = document.createElement("span"), span3 = document.createElement("span"), div1 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), [span1, [span2, span3]]), div2 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), div1.childNodes); return div2.firstChild === span1 && div2.children[1] === span2 && div2.lastChild === span3; }, "append HTMLCollection": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span1 = document.createElement("span"), span2 = document.createElement("span"), span3 = document.createElement("span"), div1 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), [span1, [span2, span3]]), div2 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), div1.children); return div2.firstChild === span1 && div2.children[1] === span2 && div2.lastChild === span3; }, "append BoundChild": async () => { const {amendNode, child} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span1 = document.createElement("span"), span2 = document.createElement("span"), childNode = {[child]: span2}; amendNode(span1, childNode); return span1.firstChild === span2; }, "property set + append": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span = document.createElement("span"), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"property": "value"}, span); return div.getAttribute("property") === "value" && div.firstChild === span; }, "set property NamedNodeMap": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), span = amendNode(document.createElement("span"), {"property": "value", "property2": 2}), div = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), span.attributes); return div.getAttribute("property") === "value" && span.getAttribute("property") === "value" && div.getAttribute("property2") === "2" && span.getAttribute("property2") === "2"; }, "non-node event setting": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); amendNode(window, {"onevent": () => res++}); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); return res === 2; }, "non-node event setting with once": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); amendNode(window, {"onevent": [() => res++, {"once": true}, false]}); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); return res === 1; }, "non-node event setting with signal": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), ac = new AbortController(); amendNode(window, {"onevent": [() => res++, {"signal": ac.signal}, false]}); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); ac.abort(); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); return res === 1; }, "non-node event setting with remove": async () => { let res = 0; const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = () => res++; amendNode(window, {"onevent": fn}); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); amendNode(window, {"onevent": [fn, {}, true]}); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("event")); return res === 1; }, "null": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), d = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"attr": "abc"}); amendNode(d, {"attr": null, "another": null}); return d.getAttribute("attr") === "abc" && d.getAttribute("another") === null; }, "toggle": async () => { const {amendNode, toggle} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), d = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"attr": toggle}), a = d.hasAttribute("attr"), b = amendNode(d, {"attr": toggle}).hasAttribute("attr"), c = amendNode(d, {"attr": toggle}).hasAttribute("attr"); return a && !b && c; }, "toggle fn": async () => { const {amendNode, toggle} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), states: boolean[] = [], toggleFn = (v: boolean) => states.push(v), d = document.createElement("div"); amendNode(d, {"attr": toggle(toggleFn)}); amendNode(d, {"attr": toggle(toggleFn)}); amendNode(d, {"attr": toggle(toggleFn)}); return states[0] && !states[1] && states[2]; }, "append to BoundChild": async () => { const {amendNode, child} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), d = document.createElement("div"), e = { [child]: d } as any, s = document.createElement("span"); return amendNode(e, s) === e && d.firstChild === s; }, "set property with mixed case": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), d = document.createElement("div"); amendNode(d, {"miXED": "123"}); return d.getAttributeNS(null, "miXED") === "123"; } }, "event": { "capture": async () => { const {event, eventCapture} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = () => {}, e = event(fn, eventCapture); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === true && e[1].once === false && e[1].passive === false && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === false; }, "capture remove": async () => { const {event, eventCapture, eventRemove} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = () => {}, e = event(fn, eventCapture | eventRemove); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === true && e[1].once === false && e[1].passive === false && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === true; }, "once": async () => { const {event, eventOnce} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = {"handleEvent": () => {}}, e = event(fn, eventOnce); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === false && e[1].once === true && e[1].passive === false && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === false; }, "once remove": async () => { const {event, eventOnce, eventRemove} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = {"handleEvent": () => {}}, e = event(fn, eventOnce | eventRemove); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === false && e[1].once === true && e[1].passive === false && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === true; }, "passive": async () => { const {event, eventPassive} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = function () {}, e = event(fn, eventPassive); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === false && e[1].once === false && e[1].passive === true && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === false; }, "passive remove": async () => { const {event, eventPassive, eventRemove} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = function () {}, e = event(fn, eventPassive | eventRemove); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === false && e[1].once === false && e[1].passive === true && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === true; }, "all": async () => { const {event, eventCapture, eventOnce, eventPassive} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = {"handleEvent": function () {}}, e = event(fn, eventCapture | eventOnce | eventPassive); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === true && e[1].once === true && e[1].passive === true && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === false; }, "all remove": async () => { const {event, eventCapture, eventOnce, eventPassive, eventRemove} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = {"handleEvent": function () {}}, e = event(fn, eventCapture | eventOnce | eventPassive | eventRemove); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === true && e[1].once === true && e[1].passive === true && e[1].signal === undefined && e[2] === true; }, "signal": async () => { const {event} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), fn = () => {}, ac = new AbortController(), e = event(fn, 0, ac.signal); return e[0] === fn && e[1].capture === false && e[1].once === false && e[1].passive === false && e[1].signal === ac.signal && e[2] === false; } }, "createDocumentFragment": { "createDocumentFragment": async () => { const {createDocumentFragment} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return createDocumentFragment() instanceof DocumentFragment; }, "string append": async () => { const {createDocumentFragment} = await import("./lib/dom.js"); return createDocumentFragment("Text").textContent === "Text"; }, "node append": async () => { const {createDocumentFragment} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = document.createElement("div"); return createDocumentFragment(div).firstChild === div; }, "array append": async () => { const {createDocumentFragment} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), df = createDocumentFragment(["Text", div]); return df.firstChild instanceof Text && df.firstChild.textContent === "Text" && df.lastChild === div; } }, "clearNode": { "empty": async () => { const {clearNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), n = document.createElement("div"); n.append(document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("div")); clearNode(n); return n.childNodes.length === 0; }, "empty with string": async () => { const {clearNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), n = document.createElement("div"); n.append(document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("div")); clearNode(n, "TEXT"); return n.textContent === "TEXT"; }, "empty with params + string": async () => { const {clearNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), n = document.createElement("div"); n.append(document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("div")); clearNode(n, {"property": "value"}, "TEXT"); return n.getAttribute("property") === "value" && n.textContent === "TEXT"; }, "empty with node": async () => { const {clearNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), n = document.createElement("div"), s = document.createElement("span"); n.append(document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("div")); clearNode(n, s); return n.firstChild === s; }, "empty with params + node": async () => { const {clearNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), n = document.createElement("div"), s = document.createElement("span"); n.append(document.createElement("div"), document.createElement("div")); clearNode(n, {"property": "value"}, s); return n.getAttribute("property") === "value" && n.firstChild === s; } }, "bindElement": { "div": async () => { const {bindElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = bindElement("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); return div() instanceof HTMLDivElement; }, "raw": async () => { const {bindElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = bindElement("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"), span = bindElement("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "span"); return div(span).firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement; }, "name": async () => { const {bindElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), div = bindElement("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div"); return div.name === "div"; } }, "bindCustomElement": { "custom": async () => { const {bindCustomElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), elem = bindCustomElement("my-elem", class extends HTMLElement{a = 1}); return "a" in elem(); }, "raw": async () => { const {bindCustomElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), a = bindCustomElement("my-other-elem", class extends HTMLElement{b = 2}), b = bindCustomElement("my-last-elem", class extends HTMLElement{c = 3}); return "c" in a(b).firstChild!; }, "name": async () => { const {bindCustomElement} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), elem = bindCustomElement("my-real-last-elem", class extends HTMLElement{}); return elem.name === "my-real-last-elem"; } } }, "bind.js": { "bind": { "bind text": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), text = bind("HELLO"), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), start = elm.textContent; text.value = "GOODBYE"; return start === "HELLO" && elm.textContent === "GOODBYE"; }, "bind text (multiple)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), text = bind("HELLO"), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), elm2 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), ["Other ", text, " Text"]), start = elm.textContent, start2 = elm2.textContent; text.value = "GOODBYE"; return start === "HELLO" && start2 == "Other HELLO Text" && elm.textContent === "GOODBYE" && elm2.textContent === "Other GOODBYE Text"; }, "bind attr": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), attr = bind("FIRST"), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"TEST": attr}), start = elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST"); attr.value = "SECOND"; return start === "FIRST" && elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST") === "SECOND"; }, "bind attr (multiple)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), attr = bind("FIRST"), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"TEST": attr, "TEST2": attr}), elm2 = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"TEST3": attr}), start = elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST"), start2 = elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST2"), start3 = elm2.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST3"); attr.value = "SECOND"; return start === "FIRST" && start2 === "FIRST" && start3 === "FIRST" && elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST") === "SECOND" && elm.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST2") === "SECOND" && elm2.getAttributeNS(null, "TEST3") === "SECOND"; }, "bind text using fn": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), text = bind("HELLO"), startVal = text(), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), start = elm.textContent; text("GOODBYE"); return start === "HELLO" && start === startVal && elm.textContent === "GOODBYE" && elm.textContent === text(); }, "binary bind (true->false)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), attr = bind(true), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {attr}), start = elm.hasAttribute("attr"); attr(false); return start && !elm.hasAttribute("attr"); }, "binary bind (false->true)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), attr = bind(false), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {attr}), start = elm.hasAttribute("attr"); attr(true); return !start && elm.hasAttribute("attr"); }, "bind class": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), classes = bind({"A": true, "B": false, "C": true} as Record), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {"class": classes}), start = elm.getAttribute("class"); classes({"B": true, "C": false}); return start === "A C" && elm.getAttribute("class") == "A B"; } }, "template": { "single bind": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind(" "), text = bind`HELLO${a}WORLD`, elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), start = elm.textContent; a.value = ","; return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => start === "HELLO WORLD" && elm.textContent === "HELLO,WORLD"); }, "single bind (attr)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind(" "), text = bind`HELLO${a}WORLD`, elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {text}), start = elm.getAttribute("text"); a.value = ","; return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => start === "HELLO WORLD" && elm.getAttribute("text") === "HELLO,WORLD"); }, "double bind": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind("One"), b = bind("Two"), text = bind`1: ${a}\n2: ${b}`, elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), start = elm.textContent; a.value = "Uno"; b.value = "Dos"; return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => start === `1: One\n2: Two` && elm.textContent === `1: Uno\n2: Dos`); }, "double bind (attr)": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind("One"), b = bind("Two"), text = bind`1: ${a}\n2: ${b}`, elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {text}), start = elm.getAttribute("text"); a.value = "Uno"; b.value = "Dos"; return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => start === `1: One\n2: Two` && elm.getAttribute("text") === `1: Uno\n2: Dos`); }, "single bind using fn": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind(" "), text = bind`HELLO${a}WORLD`, startVal = text(), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), text), start = elm.textContent; a(","); // @ts-ignore: Deliberately mis-using fn text("NO CHANGE"); return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => start === "HELLO WORLD" && start === startVal && elm.textContent === "HELLO,WORLD" && elm.textContent === text()); } }, "MultiBinding": { "single binding": async () => { const {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind(1), b = bind((a: number) => a + 2, a), c = b(); a(4); return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => c === 3 && b() === 6); }, "multi binding": async () => { const {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), a = bind(1), b = bind(2), c = bind((a: number, b: number) => a + b, a, b), d = c(); a(4); b(10); return new Promise(sFn => setTimeout(sFn)).then(() => d === 3 && c() === 14); } }, "function": async () => { const {amendNode} = await import("./lib/dom.js"), {default: bind} = await import("./lib/bind.js"), onclick = bind(() => a++), elm = amendNode(document.createElement("div"), {onclick}); let a = 0; elm.click(); onclick.value = () => a += 3; elm.click(); return a === 4; } }, "html.js": { "elements": { "a": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/html.js"); return a() instanceof HTMLAnchorElement; }, "a with child": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/html.js"), child = a(); return a(child).firstChild === child; }, "a with props": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/html.js"); return a({"property": "value"}).getAttribute("property") === "value"; }, "a with props + child": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/html.js"), child = a(), e = a({"property": "value"}, child); return e.getAttribute("property") === "value" && e.firstChild === child; }, "div": async () => { const {div} = await import("./lib/html.js"); return div() instanceof HTMLDivElement; }, "img": async () => { const {img} = await import("./lib/html.js"); return img() instanceof HTMLImageElement; }, "span": async () => { const {span} = await import("./lib/html.js"); return span() instanceof HTMLSpanElement; } } }, "svg.js": { "elements": { "a": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/svg.js"); return a() instanceof SVGAElement; }, "a with child": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/svg.js"), child = a(); return a(child).firstChild === child; }, "a with props": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/svg.js"); return a({"property": "value"}).getAttribute("property") === "value"; }, "a with props + child": async () => { const {a} = await import("./lib/svg.js"), child = a(), e = a({"property": "value"}, child); return e.getAttribute("property") === "value" && e.firstChild === child; }, "g": async () => { const {g} = await import("./lib/svg.js"); return g() instanceof SVGGElement; }, "path": async () => { const {path} = await import("./lib/svg.js"); return path() instanceof SVGPathElement; }, "rect": async () => { const {rect} = await import("./lib/svg.js"); return rect() instanceof SVGRectElement; } }, "svgData": { "svg to string": async () => { const {ns, svgData} = await import("./lib/svg.js"), svg = document.createElementNS(ns, "svg"), rect = svg.appendChild(document.createElement("g")).appendChild(document.createElement("rect")); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 100 100"); rect.setAttribute("width", "100"); rect.setAttribute("height", "50"); return svgData(svg) === "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%20100%20100%22%3E%3Cg%3E%3Crect%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%2250%22%3E%3C%2Frect%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"; }, "symbol to string": async () => { const {ns, svgData} = await import("./lib/svg.js"), svg = document.createElementNS(ns, "symbol"), rect = svg.appendChild(document.createElement("g")).appendChild(document.createElement("rect")); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 100 100"); rect.setAttribute("width", "100"); rect.setAttribute("height", "50"); return svgData(svg) === "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%20100%20100%22%3E%3Cg%3E%3Crect%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%2250%22%3E%3C%2Frect%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"; } } }, "math.js": window.MathMLElement ? { "elements": { "math": async () => { const {math} = await import("./lib/math.js"); return math() instanceof MathMLElement; }, "math with child": async () => { const {math, ms} = await import("./lib/math.js"), child = ms(); return math(child).firstChild === child; }, "math with props": async () => { const {math} = await import("./lib/math.js"); return math({"property": "value"}).getAttribute("property") === "value"; }, "math with props + child": async () => { const {math, ms} = await import("./lib/math.js"), child = ms(), e = math({"property": "value"}, child); return e.getAttribute("property") === "value" && e.firstChild === child; } } } : { "Not Supported": async () => { console.error("MathML not supported, test skipped."); return true; } }, "conn.js": { "HTTPRequest": { "GET": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/static").then(data => data === "123"); }, "blank GET echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo").then(data => data === ""); }, "blank GET data echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"data": "BAD"}).then(data => data === ""); }, "blank POST echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST"}).then(data => data === ""); }, "simple echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "123"}).then(data => data === "123"); }, "JSON number echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "123", "response": "json"}).then(data => data === 123); }, "JSON number array echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest<[number, number]>("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "[123, 456]", "response": "json"}).then(data => data instanceof Array && data.length === 2 && data[0] === 123 && data[1] === 456); }, "JSON number array echo with checker": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest<[number, number]>("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "[123, 456]", "response": "json", "checker": (data: unknown): data is [number, number] => data instanceof Array && data.length === 2 && data[0] === 123 && data[1] === 456}).then(() => true); }, "JSON number array echo with failing checker": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest<[number, number]>("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "[123, 456]", "response": "json", "checker": (data: unknown): data is [number, number] => data instanceof Map}).then(() => false).catch(() => true); }, "XML echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "", "response": "xml"}).then(doc => doc instanceof XMLDocument && doc.children[0] && doc.children[0].localName === "xml" && doc.children[0].children[0] && doc.children[0].children[0].localName === "elm" && doc.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("property") === "value"); }, "Text simple echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "123", "response": "text"}).then(data => data === "123"); }, "Blob echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "123", "response": "blob"}).then(blob => blob.text().then(text => text === "123")); }, "ArrayBuffer echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "123", "response": "arraybuffer"}).then(ab => ab.byteLength === 3 && new Uint8Array(ab).toString() === "49,50,51"); }, "Content-Type override": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "", "type": "application/xml", "response": "xh"}).then(xh => xh.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") === "application/xml"); }, "Document echo": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/echo", {"method": "POST", "data": "", "response": "document", "type": "text/xml"}).then(doc => doc instanceof Document && doc.children[0] && doc.children[0].localName === "xml" && doc.children[0].children[0] && doc.children[0].children[0].localName === "elm" && doc.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("property") === "value"); }, "GET request": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/request").then(data => data === `{"method":"GET"}`+"\n"); }, "POST request": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/request", {"method": "post"}).then(data => data === `{"method":"POST"}`+"\n"); }, "Username/Password": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/request", {"user": "username", "password": "password"}).then(data => data === `{"method":"GET","auth":"Basic ${btoa("username:password")}"}`+"\n"); }, "GET string data": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/request?a=123&b=456").then(data => data === `{"method":"GET","form":{"a":["123"],"b":["456"]}}`+"\n"); }, "POST string data": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return HTTPRequest("/request", {"method": "post", "data": "123"}).then(data => data === `{"method":"POST","contentType":"text/plain;charset=UTF-8","contentLength":3,"postData":"123"}`+"\n"); }, "POST form data": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), fd = new FormData(); fd.set("name", "value"); fd.set("username", "password"); return HTTPRequest("/request", {"method": "post", "type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "data": new URLSearchParams(fd as any).toString()}).then(data => data === `{"method":"POST","contentType":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","contentLength":28,"form":{"name":["value"],"username":["password"]},"postForm":{"name":["value"],"username":["password"]}}`+"\n"); }, "aborter": async () => { const {HTTPRequest} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), ac = new AbortController(), ret = HTTPRequest("/static", {"signal": ac.signal}).then(() => false, () => true); ac.abort(); return ret; } }, "WS": { "simple echo": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return WS("/socket").then(ws => { let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}; ws.when(({data}) => fn(data === "123"), () => fn(false)); ws.send("123"); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); }, "double echo": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return WS("/socket").then(ws => { let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}, r = 0, s = 0; ws.when(({data}) => { r++; if (data === "123") { s++; } else if (data === "456") { s *= 2; } if (r === 2) { fn(s === 2) } }, () => fn(false)); ws.send("123"); ws.send("456"); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); }, "error test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"); return WS("/socket-close").then(ws => { let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}; ws.when(() => fn(false), () => fn(true)); ws.send("123"); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); } } }, "rpc.js": { "static test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => new RPC(ws).request("static").then(d => d === "123")); }, "echo test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => new RPC(ws).request("echo", "456").then(d => d === "456")); }, "broadcast test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => { const rpc = new RPC(ws); let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}, res = 0; rpc.await(-1).then(data => res += +(data === "123")); rpc.request("broadcast", "123").then(d => { if (d) { res *= 2; } fn(res === 2); }); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); }, "broadcast test, double recieve": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => { const rpc = new RPC(ws); let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}, res = 0; rpc.await(-1).then(data => res += +(data === "123")); rpc.await(-1).then(data => res += +(data === "123")); rpc.request("broadcast", "123").then(d => { if (d) { res *= 2; } fn(res === 4); }); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); }, "broadcast test, subscribed": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => { const rpc = new RPC(ws); let fn = (_b: boolean) => {}, res = 0; rpc.subscribe(-1).when(data => res += +(data === "123")); rpc.request("broadcast", "123").then(d => { if (d) { res *= 2; } rpc.request("broadcast", "123").then(d => { if (d) { res *= 2; } fn(res === 6); }); }); return new Promise(sFn => fn = sFn); }); }, "endpoint error": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => new RPC(ws).request("unknown").then(() => false).catch(() => true)); }, "close test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => new RPC(ws).request("close").then(() => false).catch(() => true)); }, "close all test": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"); return WS("/rpc").then(ws => { const rpc = new RPC(ws); let res = 0; rpc.await(-1).catch(() => res++); rpc.await(-2).catch(() => res++); return rpc.request("close").then(() => false).catch(() => new Promise(sFn => window.setTimeout(() => sFn(res === 2), 0))); }); }, "queue": async () => { const {WS} = await import("./lib/conn.js"), {RPC} = await import("./lib/rpc.js"), rpc = new RPC(); setTimeout(() => WS("/rpc").then(ws => rpc.reconnect(ws)), 10); return rpc.request("echo", "456").then(d => d === "456"); } }, "bbcode.js": { "text": async () => { const bbcode = (await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).default; let ret = false; bbcode({[(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, t: string) => ret = t === " "}, " "); return ret; }, "long text": async () => { const bbcode = (await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).default; let ret = false; bbcode({[(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, t: string) => ret = t === "ABC 123"}, "ABC 123"); return ret; }, "simple token check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { const tk = t.next(true).value; if (isOpenTag(tk)) { ret = tk.tagName === "a"; } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, "[a]"); return ret; }, "simple token with attr check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { const tk = t.next(true).value; if (isOpenTag(tk)) { ret = tk.tagName === "a" && tk.attr === "b"; } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, "[a=b]"); return ret; }, "simple token with close check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isCloseTag, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { let tk = t.next(true).value; if (isOpenTag(tk) && tk.tagName === "a") { tk = t.next().value; if (isCloseTag(tk)) { ret = tk.tagName === "d"; } } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, "[a][/d]"); return ret; }, "simple token with attr and close check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isCloseTag, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { let tk = t.next(true).value; if (isOpenTag(tk) && tk.tagName === "a" && tk.attr === "bc") { tk = t.next().value; if (isCloseTag(tk)) { ret = tk.tagName === "d"; } } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, "[a=bc][/d]"); return ret; }, "multi-token check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isCloseTag, isOpenTag, isString} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { const checks = [ [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "a" && tk.attr === "bc"], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "d"], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "e" && tk.attr === "12\n3"], [isString, (data: any) => data === "TEXT"], [isCloseTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "e"], [isString, (data: any) => data === "MORE\nTEXT"], [isCloseTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "d"], [isCloseTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "a"] ] as [Function, Function][]; ret = true; for (let tk = t.next(true).value; tk; tk = t.next().value) { const [typeCheck, valueCheck] = checks.shift()!; ret &&= typeCheck(tk) && valueCheck(tk); } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, "[a=bc][d][e=12\n3]TEXT[/e]MORE\nTEXT[/d][/a]"); return ret; }, "process check": async () => { const {default: bbcode, process} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), base = { [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }; let ret = 0; bbcode(Object.assign({"a": (n: Node, t: any) => process(n, t, Object.assign({"b": () => ret++}, base), "a")}, base), "[b][a][b][b][/a][b]"); return ret === 2; }, "quoted attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { const checks = [ [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "a" && tk.attr === "bc"], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "b" && tk.attr === ""], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "c" && tk.attr === "\""], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "d" && tk.attr === "]"] ] as [Function, Function][]; ret = true; for (let tk = t.next(true).value; tk; tk = t.next().value) { const [typeCheck, valueCheck] = checks.shift()!; ret &&= typeCheck(tk) && valueCheck(tk); } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, `[a="bc"][b=""][c="\\""][d="]"]`); return ret; }, "isolation": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isCloseTag, isOpenTag} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { let tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "a") { return; } t.next(); tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "b") { return; } t.next(); tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "b") { return; } t.next(); tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "c") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "d") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "e") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (t.next().value) { return; } } tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isCloseTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "c") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "f") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (t.next().value) { return; } } tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isCloseTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "b") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "g") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "h") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (t.next().value) { return; } } tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isCloseTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "b") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (t.next().value) { return; } } tk = t.next(1).value; if (!isCloseTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "a") { return; } tk = t.next().value; if (!isOpenTag(tk) || tk.tagName !== "i") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (t.next().value) { return; } } ret = true; }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, `[a][b][b][c][d][e][/c][f][/b][g][h][/b][/a][i]`); return ret; }, "good tag after bad tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode, isOpenTag, isString} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"); let ret = false; bbcode({ "a": (_n: Node, t: any) => { const checks = [ [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "a" && tk.attr === null], [isString, (data: any) => data === "Some text [b=\"Bad"], [isOpenTag, (tk: any) => tk.tagName === "b" && tk.attr === "Good"] ] as [Function, Function][]; ret = true; for (let tk = t.next(true).value; tk; tk = t.next().value) { const [typeCheck, valueCheck] = checks.shift()!; ret &&= typeCheck(tk) && valueCheck(tk); } }, [(await import("./lib/bbcode.js")).text]: (_n: Node, _t: string) => {} }, `[a]Some text [b="Bad[b=Good]`); return ret; } }, "bbcode_tags.js": { "simple tags": { "b": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]TEXT[/b]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "i": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[i]TEXT[/i]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "u": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[u]TEXT[/u]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "s": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[s]TEXT[/s]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "left": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[left]TEXT[/left]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "centre": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[centre]TEXT[/centre]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "center": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[center]TEXT[/center]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "right": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[right]TEXT[/right]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "justify": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[justify]TEXT[/justify]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "full": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[full]TEXT[/full]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "h1": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h1]TEXT[/h1]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `


`; }, "h2": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h2]TEXT[/h2]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `


`; }, "h3": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h3]TEXT[/h3]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `


`; }, "h4": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h4]TEXT[/h4]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `


`; }, "h5": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h5]TEXT[/h5]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "h6": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[h6]TEXT[/h6]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `
`; }, "highlight": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[highlight]TEXT[/highlight]").firstElementChild!.outerHTML === `TEXT`; } }, "text": { "simple text": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]TEXT").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "new line": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]\n").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "new lines": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]\n\n").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `

`; }, "text with lines": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]a\nb\nc").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `a
c`; }, "text with non-tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b]a\n[c]b\nc[/c]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `a
c[/c]`; } }, "basic tags": { "hr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][hr][/b]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "colour": { "colour with no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[colour]TEXT[/colour]`; }, "colour with short hex": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=#f00]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "colour with long hex": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=#00f]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "colour with colour name": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=green]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "colour with rgb": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=rgb(1, 2, 3)]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "colour with rgba": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.4)]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "colour with nonsense (XSS)": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][colour=green;123\">]TEXT[/colour]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[color]TEXT[/color]`; }, "color with short hex": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=#f00]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with long hex": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=#00f]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with colour name": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=green]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with rgb": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=rgb(1, 2, 3)]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with rgba": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.4)]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "color with nonsense (XSS)": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][color=green;123\">]TEXT[/color]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; } }, "size": { "size with no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[size]TEXT[/size]`; }, "size with minimum attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=1]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "size with maximum attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=100]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "size with below minimum attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=0]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[size=0]TEXT[/size]`; }, "size with above maximum attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=101]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[size=101]TEXT[/size]`; }, "size with non-integer attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=1.1]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "size with non-number attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][size=size]TEXT[/size]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[size=size]TEXT[/size]`; } }, "font": { "font with no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][font]TEXT[/font]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[font]TEXT[/font]`; }, "font with font attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][font=arial]TEXT[/font]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "font with multiple fonts attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][font=arial, times]TEXT[/font]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "font with nonsense attr (XSS)": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][font=arial;\">]TEXT[/font]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; } }, "url": { "url no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url]TEXT[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "url no attr, same protocol": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url]//example.com/test/[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `//example.com/test/`; }, "url no attr, full URL": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url]https://example.com/test2/[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `https://example.com/test2/`; }, "url path attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=test]TEXT[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "url same protocol attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=//example.com/test/]TEXT[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "url full url attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=https://example.com/test2/]TEXT[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `TEXT`; }, "url invalid text": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url]//#[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[url]//#[/url]`; }, "url invalid attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=//#]TEXT[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[url=//#]TEXT[/url]`; }, "url empty attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=][/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[url=][/url]`; }, "url no url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url][/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[url][/url]`; }, "url no end tag with attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=http://example.com/]EXAMPLE").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `EXAMPLE`; }, "url no end tag with no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url]http://example.com").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[url]http://example.com`; }, "url with inner tags and attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url=http://example.com][b]BOLD[/b] Text[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `BOLD Text`; }, "url with inner tags and no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][url][b]BOLD[/b] Text[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[b]BOLD[/b] Text`; } }, "audio": { "audio with path url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio]AUDIO[/audio]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "audio with same protocol url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio]//example.com/AUDIO[/audio]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "audio with full url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio]https://example.com/AUDIO[/audio]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "audio with invalid url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio]//#[/audio]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[audio]//#[/audio]`; }, "audio with no url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio][/audio]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[audio][/audio]`; }, "audio with no end tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][audio]https://example.com/AUDIO").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[audio]https://example.com/AUDIO`; } }, "img": { "img with no url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img][/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[img][/img]`; }, "img with relative url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with same protocol url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img]//example.com/IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with full url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img]https://example.com/IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with no end tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img]https://example.com/IMAGE").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[img]https://example.com/IMAGE`; }, "img with invalid url": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img]//#[/url]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `[img]//#[/url]`; }, "img with width": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=10]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=x10]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with width and height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=20x10]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with percentage width": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=10%]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with percentage height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=x10%]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with percentage width and percentage height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=20%x10%]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with width and percentage height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=20x10%]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with percentage width and height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=20%x10]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with invalid width": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=ax]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with invalid height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=xa]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with invalid width and invalid height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=axb]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with invalid width and valid height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=ax10]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "img with valid width and invalid height": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][img=10xa]IMAGE[/img]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; } }, "code": { "code with no inner text": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][code][/code]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
				"code with just text": async () => {
					const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"),
					      {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js");
					return bbcode(all, "[b][code]TEXT[/code]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "code with text and tags": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][code]TEXT[i]MORE[u]TEXT[/u][/i][/code]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "code with no end tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][code]TEXT[i]MORE[u]TEXT[/u][/i]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; } } }, "complex tags": { "quote": { "quote empty, no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote][/quote]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "quote just text no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote]TEXT[/quote]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "quote with tags no attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote]TEXT[code]MORE TEXT[/code][/quote]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "quote just text with attr": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote=NAME]TEXT[/quote]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
`; }, "quote with unfinished tag, testing quote enclosure": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote=NAME][i]TEXT[/quote][u]MORE TEXT[/u]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
MORE TEXT`; }, "quote with unfinished tags, testing multiple quote enclosure": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][quote]START[quote=NAME][i]TEXT[/quote][u]MORE TEXT[/quote][s]LAST TEXT[/s]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
LAST TEXT`; } }, "list": { "list with no contents": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
    `; }, "list with text contents": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list]TEXT[/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
      `; }, "list with 'a' type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=a][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
        `; }, "list with 'A' type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=A][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
          `; }, "list with 'i' type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=i][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
            `; }, "list with 'I' type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=I][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
              `; }, "list with '1' type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=1][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                `; }, "list with invalid type": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list=b][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                  `; }, "list with single item": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*][/*][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                  `; }, "list with multiple items": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*][/*][*][/*][*][/*][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                  `; }, "list with multiple items and data": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*]TEXT[/*][*][b]BOLD TEXT[/b][/*][*][u]MORE [i]TEXT[/i][/u][/*][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                  • TEXT
                  • BOLD TEXT
                  • MORE TEXT
                  `; }, "list with missing end tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "list with items and missing end tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*][/*][*][/*][*][/*]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "list with missing item end tags": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*][*][*]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "list with missing item end tags with data": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][list][*]TEXT[*][b]BOLD TEXT[/b][*][u]MORE [i]TEXT[/i][/u][/list]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    • TEXT
                    • BOLD TEXT
                    • MORE TEXT
                    `; } }, "table": { "table tag empty": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "table with empty row": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][/tr][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with empty cell": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with missing end row tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td][/td][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with missing end cell tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td][/tr][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "table with missing end cell and row tag": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === ``; }, "table with multiple cells": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td]A[/td][td]B[/td][/tr][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with multiple rows and cells": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][td][h1]A[/h1][/td][td]B[/td][/tr][tr][td]C[/td][td]D[/td][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `


                    `; }, "table with multiple rows, cells, and header cells": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tr][th]1st[/th][td][h1]A[/h1][/td][td]B[/td][/tr][tr][th]2nd[/th][td]C[/td][td]D[/td][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `


                    `; }, "table with header": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][thead][tr][th]A[/th][/tr][tr][td]B[/td][/tr][/thead][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with footer": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][tfoot][tr][th]A[/th][/tr][tr][td]B[/td][/tr][/tfoot][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; }, "table with everything": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(all, "[b][table][thead][tr][th]A[/th][th]B[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][/tr][/tbody][tfoot][tr][td]I[/td][td]II[/td][/tr][/tfoot][/table]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `
                    `; } } }, "none": { "none": async () => { const {default: bbcode} = await import("./lib/bbcode.js"), {all, none} = await import("./lib/bbcode_tags.js"); return bbcode(Object.assign({none}, all), "[b][none]Stuff[hr]More Stuff[/none]").firstElementChild!.innerHTML === `Stuff
                    More Stuff`; } } }, "settings.js": { "BoolSetting": { "get": async () => { const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_BoolSetting_1"; let v = new BoolSetting(name).value === false; window.localStorage.setItem(name, ""); v &&= new BoolSetting(name).value === true; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); v &&= new BoolSetting(name).value === false; return v; }, "set": async () => { const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_BoolSetting_2", bs = new BoolSetting(name); let b = bs.value === false && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; bs.set(false); b &&= bs.value === false && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; bs.set(true); b &&= bs.value === true && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === ""; bs.set(false); b &&= bs.value === false && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; return b; }, "remove": async () => { const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_BoolSetting_3"; new BoolSetting(name).set(true).remove(); return window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; }, "name": async () => { const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_BoolSetting_4"; return new BoolSetting(name).name === name; }, "wait": async () => { let num = 0, v = 0; const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), bs = new BoolSetting("SETTINGS_BoolSetting_5").wait(b => { const needed = num === 2 || num === 5; num++; v += +(b === needed); }); bs.set(false); bs.set(false); bs.set(true); bs.set(true); bs.set(false); bs.set(true); return v === 3; }, "multi-wait": async () => { let numv = 0, numw = 0, v = 0, w = 0; const {BoolSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_BoolSetting_6", bs = new BoolSetting(name).wait(b => { const needed = numv === 2 || numv === 5; numv++; v += +(b === needed); }).wait(b => { const needed = numw === 2 || numw === 5; numw++; w += +(b === needed); }); bs.set(false); bs.set(false); bs.set(true); bs.set(true); bs.set(false); bs.set(true); return v === 3 && w === 3; } }, "IntSetting": { "get": async () => { const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_IntSetting_1"; let v = new IntSetting(name).value === 0; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "1"); v &&= new IntSetting(name).value === 1; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "2"); v &&= new IntSetting(name).value === 2; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "-3"); v &&= new IntSetting(name).value === -3; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "a"); v &&= new IntSetting(name).value === 0; v &&= new IntSetting(name, 1).value === 1; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); v &&= new IntSetting(name).value === 0; return v; }, "set": async () => { const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_IntSetting_2", is = new IntSetting(name); let b = is.value === 0 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; is.set(1); b &&= is.value === 1 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "1"; is.set(-2); b &&= is.value === -2 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "-2"; is.set(0); b &&= is.value === 0 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "0"; is.set(0.5); b &&= is.value === 0 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "0"; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return b; }, "remove": async () => { const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_IntSetting_3"; new IntSetting(name).set(1).remove(); return window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; }, "name": async () => { const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_IntSetting_4"; return new IntSetting(name).name === name; }, "wait": async () => { let num = 0, v = 0; const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), is = new IntSetting("SETTINGS_IntSetting_5").wait(i => { const r = num++; if (r&1) { v += +(i === r); } else { v += +(i === -r); } }); is.set(1); is.set(-2); is.set(3); is.remove(); return v === 4; }, "multi-wait": async () => { let numv = 0, numw = 0, v = 0, w = 0; const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), is = new IntSetting("SETTINGS_IntSetting_6").wait(i => { const r = numv++; if (r&1) { v += +(i === r); } else { v += +(i === -r); } }).wait(i => { const r = numw++; if (r&1) { w += +(i === r); } else { w += +(i === -r); } }); is.set(1); is.set(-2); is.set(3); is.remove(); return v === 4 && w === 4; }, "min/max": async () => { const {IntSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_IntSetting_7"; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "1"); let v = new IntSetting(name, -1, -10, 5).value === 1; v &&= new IntSetting(name, 3, 2, 10).value === 3; v &&= new IntSetting(name, -1, -2, 0).value === -1; v &&= new IntSetting(name, 0, -1, 1).set(2).value === 1; v &&= new IntSetting(name, 0, -1, 1).set(0.5).value === 1; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return v; } }, "NumberSetting": { "get": async () => { const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_NumberSetting_1"; let v = new NumberSetting(name).value === 0; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "1"); v &&= new NumberSetting(name).value === 1; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "2.5"); v &&= new NumberSetting(name).value === 2.5; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "-3.1"); v &&= new NumberSetting(name).value === -3.1; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "a"); v &&= new NumberSetting(name).value === 0; v &&= new NumberSetting(name, 1).value === 1; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); v &&= new NumberSetting(name).value === 0; return v; }, "set": async () => { const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_NumberSetting_2", ns = new NumberSetting(name); let b = ns.value === 0 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; ns.set(1); b &&= ns.value === 1 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "1"; ns.set(-2); b &&= ns.value === -2 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "-2"; ns.set(0); b &&= ns.value === 0 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "0"; ns.set(0.5); b &&= ns.value === 0.5 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "0.5"; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return b; }, "remove": async () => { const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_NumberSetting_3"; new NumberSetting(name).set(1).remove(); return window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; }, "name": async () => { const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_NumberSetting_4"; return new NumberSetting(name).name === name; }, "wait": async () => { let num = 0, v = 0; const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), ns = new NumberSetting("SETTINGS_IntSetting_5", -0.5).wait(i => { const r = num++; if (r&1) { v += +(i === r + 0.5); } else { v += +(i === -r - 0.5); } }); ns.set(1.5); ns.set(-2.5); ns.set(3.5); ns.remove(); return v === 4; }, "multi-wait": async () => { let numv = 0, numw = 0, v = 0, w = 0; const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), ns = new NumberSetting("SETTINGS_NumberSetting_6", -0.5).wait(i => { const r = numv++; if (r&1) { v += +(i === r + 0.5); } else { v += +(i === -r - 0.5); } }).wait(i => { const r = numw++; if (r&1) { w += +(i === r + 0.5); } else { w += +(i === -r - 0.5); } }); ns.set(1.5); ns.set(-2.5); ns.set(3.5); ns.remove(); return v === 4 && w === 4; }, "min/max": async () => { const {NumberSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_NumberSetting_7"; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "1.5"); let v = new NumberSetting(name, -1, -10, 5).value === 1.5; v &&= new NumberSetting(name, 3.5, 2, 10).value === 3.5; v &&= new NumberSetting(name, -1, -2, 0).value === -1; v &&= new NumberSetting(name, 0, -1, 2).set(2.5).value === 1.5; v &&= new NumberSetting(name, 0, -1, 1).set(0.5).value === 0.5; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return v; } }, "StringSetting": { "get": async () => { const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_StringSetting_1"; let v = new StringSetting(name).value === ""; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "A"); v &&= new StringSetting(name).value === "A"; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); v &&= new StringSetting(name).value === ""; return v; }, "set": async () => { const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_StringSetting_2", ss = new StringSetting(name); let b = ss.value === "" && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; ss.set(""); b &&= ss.value === "" && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; ss.set("A"); b &&= ss.value === "A" && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "A"; ss.set("B"); b &&= ss.value === "B" && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "B"; ss.set(""); b &&= ss.value === "" && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === ""; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return b; }, "remove": async () => { const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_StringSetting_3"; new StringSetting(name).set("A").remove(); return window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; }, "name": async () => { const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_StringSetting_4"; return new StringSetting(name).name === name; }, "wait": async () => { let num = 0, v = 0; const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), ss = new StringSetting("SETTINGS_StringSetting_5").wait(s => { v += +(s === (num ? String.fromCharCode(num + 64) : "")); num++; }); ss.set("A"); ss.set("B"); ss.set("C"); ss.set("D"); ss.set("E"); ss.set("F"); ss.remove(); return v === 7; }, "multi-wait": async () => { let numv = 0, numw = 0, v = 0, w = 0; const {StringSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_StringSetting_6", ss = new StringSetting(name).wait(s => { v += +(s === (numv ? String.fromCharCode(numv + 64) : "")); numv++; }).wait(s => { w += +(s === (numw ? String.fromCharCode(numw + 64) : "")); numw++; }); ss.set("A"); ss.set("B"); ss.set("C"); ss.set("D"); ss.set("E"); ss.set("F"); ss.remove(); return v === 7 && w === 7; } }, "JSONSetting": { "get": async () => { const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_JSONSetting_1", def = {"A": 1}, check = (o: any): o is typeof def => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number"; let v = new JSONSetting(name, def, check).value.A === 1; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "{\"A\":2}"); v &&= new JSONSetting(name, def, check).value.A === 2; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "{\"B\":2}"); v &&= new JSONSetting(name, def, check).value.A === 1; window.localStorage.setItem(name, "{\"A\":3}"); v &&= new JSONSetting(name, def, check).value.A === 3; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); v &&= new JSONSetting(name, def, check).value.A === 1; return v; }, "set": async () => { type O = { A: number; } const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_JSONSetting_2", ss = new JSONSetting(name, {"A": 1} as O, (o: any): o is O => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number"); let b = ss.value.A === 1 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; ss.set({"A": 1}); b &&= ss.value.A === 1 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "{\"A\":1}"; ss.set({"A": 2}); b &&= ss.value.A === 2 && window.localStorage.getItem(name) === "{\"A\":2}"; window.localStorage.removeItem(name); return b; }, "remove": async () => { type O = { A: number; } const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_JSONSetting_3"; new JSONSetting(name, {"A": 1} as O, (o: any): o is O => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number").set({"A": 2}).remove(); return window.localStorage.getItem(name) === null; }, "name": async () => { type O = { A: number; } const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), name = "SETTINGS_JSONSetting_4"; return new JSONSetting(name, {"A": 1} as O, (o: any): o is O => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number").name === name; }, "wait": async () => { type O = { A: number; } let num = 0, v = 0; const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), js = new JSONSetting("SETTINGS_JSONSetting_5", {"A": 1}, (o: any): o is O => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number").wait(o => v += +(o.A === ++num)); js.set({"A": 2}); js.set({"A": 3}); js.set({"A": 4}); js.set({"A": 5}); js.remove(); return v === 5; }, "multi-wait": async () => { type O = { A: number; } let numv = 0, numw = 0, v = 0, w = 0; const {JSONSetting} = await import("./lib/settings.js"), js = new JSONSetting("SETTINGS_JSONSetting_5", {"A": 1}, (o: any): o is O => o instanceof Object && typeof o.A === "number").wait(o => v += +(o.A === ++numv)).wait(o => w += +(o.A === ++numw)); js.set({"A": 2}); js.set({"A": 3}); js.set({"A": 4}); js.set({"A": 5}); js.remove(); return v === 5 && w === 5; } } }, "drag.js": { "DragTransfer": { "register": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), t = {"transfer": () => 1}; return dt.register(t) === "0" && dt.register(t) === "1" && dt.register(t) === "2"; }, "register fn": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), t = () => 1; return dt.register(t) === "0" && dt.register(t) === "1" && dt.register(t) === "2"; }, "get": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), k1 = dt.register({"transfer": () => 1}), k2 = dt.register({"transfer": () => 2}), preventDefault = () => {}; return dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => k1}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === 1 && dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => k2}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === 2 && dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => ""}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === undefined; }, "get fns": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), k1 = dt.register(() => 1), k2 = dt.register(() => 2), preventDefault = () => {}; return dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => k1}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === 1 && dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => k2}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === 2 && dt.get({"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => ""}, preventDefault} as any as DragEvent) === undefined; }, "set": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), e = {"dataTransfer": {"setData": () => ret++, "setDragImage": () => ret *= 3}} as any as DragEvent; let ret = 0; dt.set(e, ""); dt.set(e, "", document.createElement("div")); return ret === 6; }, "deregister": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt = new DragTransfer(""), k = dt.register({"transfer": () => 1}), e = {"dataTransfer": {"getData": () => k}, "preventDefault": () => {}} as any as DragEvent, v = +(dt.get(e) === 1) + +(dt.get(e) === 1); dt.deregister(k); return v === 2 && dt.get(e) === undefined; }, "is": async () => { const {DragTransfer} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), dt1 = new DragTransfer("A"), dt2 = new DragTransfer("B"), e = {"dataTransfer": {"types": ["A"]}} as any as DragEvent; return dt1.is(e) && !dt2.is(e); } }, "DragFiles": { "asForm": async () => { const {DragFiles} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), file1 = new File(["A"], "a.txt"), file2 = new File(["B"], "b.tst"), f = new DragFiles("text/plain").asForm({"dataTransfer": {"files": [file1, file2]}, "preventDefault": () => {}} as any as DragEvent, "field"), fd = f.getAll("field"); return fd[0] === file1 && fd[1] === file2; }, "is": async () => { const {DragFiles} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), f = new DragFiles("text/plain", "some/mime"); return f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "some/mime"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}, {"kind": "file", "type": "some/mime"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && !f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Tiles"], "items": []}} as any as DragEvent) && !f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Tiles"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && !f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}, {"kind": "file", "type": "not/some/mime"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && !f.is({"dataTransfer": {"types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "tile", "type": "text/plain"}]}} as any as DragEvent); } }, "setDragEffect": { "setDragEffect": async () => { const {DragFiles, DragTransfer, setDragEffect} = await import("./lib/drag.js"), fn = setDragEffect({"link": [new DragFiles("text/plain"), new DragTransfer("A")], "copy": [new DragTransfer("B")]}); let icon = "", v = 0; v += +(fn({"preventDefault": () => {}, "dataTransfer": {set dropEffect(e: string) {icon = e}, "types": ["Files"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && icon === "link"); icon = ""; v += +(!fn({"preventDefault": () => {}, "dataTransfer": {set dropEffect(e: string) {icon = e}, "types": ["Tiles"], "items": [{"kind": "file", "type": "text/plain"}]}} as any as DragEvent) && icon === ""); v += +(fn({"preventDefault": () => {}, "dataTransfer": {set dropEffect(e: string) {icon = e}, "types": ["A"], "items": []}} as any as DragEvent) && icon === "link"); icon = ""; v += +(fn({"preventDefault": () => {}, "dataTransfer": {set dropEffect(e: string) {icon = e}, "types": ["B"], "items": []}} as any as DragEvent) && icon === "copy"); icon = ""; v += +(!fn({"preventDefault": () => {}, "dataTransfer": {set dropEffect(e: string) {icon = e}, "types": ["C"], "items": []}} as any as DragEvent) && icon === ""); return v === 5; } } }, "events.js": { "mouseX/mouseY": { "mouse coords": async () => { const m = await import("./lib/events.js"); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 100, "clientY": 100})); let {mouseX, mouseY} = m; if (mouseX !== 100 || mouseY !== 100) { return false; } window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 9000, "clientY": 3000})); ({mouseX, mouseY} = m); if (mouseX !== 9000 || mouseY !== 3000) { return false; } window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 0, "clientY": 0})); ({mouseX, mouseY} = m); return mouseX === 0 && mouseY === 0; } }, "keyEvent": { "single key keyEvent": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom1", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (after stop)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom2", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (no stop)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom3", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(false); return res === 1; }, "single key keyEvent (double down)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom4", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (double stop)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom5", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); stop(); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (with up)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom6", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (multiple times)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom7", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 12; }, "single key keyEvent (multiple times with once)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom8", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3, true); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "single key keyEvent (restarted)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom9", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3, true); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 12; }, "multi key keyEvent": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom10", key2 = "Custom11", [start, stop] = keyEvent([key, key2], () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "multi key keyEvent (other key)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom12", key2 = "Custom13", [start, stop] = keyEvent([key, key2], () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {"key": key2})); stop(); return res === 3; }, "multi key keyEvent (both keys)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom14", key2 = "Custom15", [start, stop] = keyEvent([key, key2], () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {"key": key2})); stop(); return res === 18; }, "single key keyEvent (with blur)": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom16", [start, stop] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent("blur")); stop(false); return res === 3; }, "change key": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom28", newKey = "Custom29", [start, stop, change] = keyEvent(key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {"key": newKey})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); change(newKey); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {"key": newKey})); stop(); return res === 12; } }, "key combinations": { "Ctrl+ single key keyEvent": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom20", [start, stop] = keyEvent("Ctrl+"+key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, ctrlKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, ctrlKey: true})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, ctrlKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); return res === 3; }, "Shift+": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom21", [start, stop] = keyEvent("Shift+"+key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, shiftKey: true})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, shiftKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); stop(false); return res === 12; }, "Alt+": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom22", [start, stop] = keyEvent("Alt+"+key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); return res === 3; }, "Meta+": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom23", [start, stop] = keyEvent("Meta+"+key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, metaKey: true})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, metaKey: true})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, metaKey: false})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); return res === 12; }, "All mods": async () => { let res = 0; const {keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key = "Custom24", [start, stop] = keyEvent("Alt+Control+Shift+Super+"+key, () => res++, () => res *= 3); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, metaKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, ctrlKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup", {key})); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); stop(false); window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key, altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, shiftKey: true})); return res === 40; } }, "mouseMoveEvent": { "move": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseMoveEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, () => res++); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); stop(); return res === 60; }, "move (no stop run)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseMoveEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, () => res++); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); stop(false); return res === 59; }, "move (multi-start)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseMoveEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, () => res++); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); stop(); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(false); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); stop(); return res === 61; }, "move (with blur)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseMoveEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseMoveEvent((e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, () => res++); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); window.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent("blur")); stop(false); return res === 60; } }, "mouseDragEvent": { "drag 0": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(); return res === 73; }, "drag 1": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(1, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(); return res === 73; }, "drag 2": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(2, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(); return res === 73; }, "drag 0 (without stop)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(false); return res === 27; }, "drag 0 (with mouseup)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 1, "clientX": 15, "clientY": 5})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 2, "clientX": 20, "clientY": 6})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 0, "clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); stop(false); return res === 105; }, "drag 0 (with multiple mouseup)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 0, "clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 1, "clientX": 15, "clientY": 5})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 2, "clientX": 20, "clientY": 6})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {"button": 0, "clientX": 25, "clientY": 7})); stop(false); return res === 105; }, "drag 0 (with multiple start)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); stop(false); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(); return res === 73; }, "drag 0 (with post stop event)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); stop(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 10, "clientY": 4})); return res === 73; }, "drag 0 (with blur)": async () => { let res = 0; const {mouseDragEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), [start, stop] = mouseDragEvent(0, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 2 * e.clientX + 3 * e.clientY, (e: MouseEvent) => res += 5 * e.clientX + 7 * e.clientY); start(); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 1, "clientY": 2})); window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {"clientX": 5, "clientY": 3})); window.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent("blur")); stop(false); return res === 73; } }, "hasKeyEvent": { "hasKeyEvent": async () => { let res = 0; const {hasKeyEvent, keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key1 = "Custom17", [start1, stop1] = keyEvent(key1, () => {}), key2 = "Custom18", [start2, stop2] = keyEvent(key2, undefined, () => {}), key3 = "Custom19", [start3, stop3] = keyEvent(key2, () => {}, () => {}); start1(); start2(); start3(); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key1)); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key2)); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key3)); stop1(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key1)); stop2(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key2)); stop3(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key3)); return res === 4; }, "hasKeyEvent + mods": async () => { let res = 0; const {hasKeyEvent, keyEvent} = await import("./lib/events.js"), key1 = "Custom25", [start1, stop1] = keyEvent(key1, () => {}), key2 = "Custom26", [start2, stop2] = keyEvent(key2, undefined, () => {}), key3 = "Custom27", [start3, stop3] = keyEvent("Ctrl+"+key2, () => {}, () => {}); start1(); start2(); start3(); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key1)); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key2)); res += +(hasKeyEvent(key3)); stop1(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key1)); stop2(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key2)); stop3(); res += +(!hasKeyEvent(key3)); res *= 2; start3(); res += +(hasKeyEvent("Ctrl+"+key2)); stop3(); return res === 11; } } }, "fraction.js": { "comparison": { "0 == 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1 == 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "0 < 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.cmp(Fraction.one) === -1; }, "1 > 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.cmp(Fraction.zero) === 1; }, "2 == 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "1 < 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === -1; }, "2 > 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n).cmp(Fraction.one) === 1; }, "-1 < 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).cmp(Fraction.one) === -1; }, "1 > -1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 1; }, "1 == 2/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.cmp(new Fraction(2n, 2n)) === 0; }, "2 == 6/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n).cmp(new Fraction(6n, 3n)) === 0; }, "-3 == -12/4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-3n).cmp(new Fraction(-12n, 4n)) === 0; }, "3 == -12/-4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(3n).cmp(new Fraction(-12n, -4n)) === 0; }, "1 ~= NaN": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return isNaN(Fraction.one.cmp(Fraction.NaN)); }, "NaN ~= 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return isNaN(Fraction.NaN.cmp(Fraction.one)); } }, "isNaN": { "NaN": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.NaN.isNaN(); }, "0 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(0n, 0n).isNaN(); }, "1 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 0n).isNaN(); }, "2 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 0n).isNaN(); }, "-1 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n, 0n).isNaN(); } }, "sign": { "0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.sign() === 0; }, "1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.sign() === 1; }, "2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n).sign() === 1; }, "3/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(3n, 2n).sign() === 1; }, "-1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).sign() === -1; }, "-2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-2n).sign() === -1; }, "-3/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-3n, 2n).sign() === -1; }, "3/-2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(3n, -2n).sign() === -1; }, "-3/-2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-3n, -2n).sign() === 1; } }, "Symbol.toPrimitive": { "number": { "0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +Fraction.zero === 0; }, "1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +Fraction.one === 1; }, "NaN": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return isNaN(+Fraction.NaN); }, "-1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(-1n) === -1; }, "1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(1n, 2n) === 0.5; }, "2/4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(2n, 4n) === 0.5; }, "1/10": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(1n, 10n) === 0.1; }, "30/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(30n, 3n) === 10; }, "-1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(-1n, 2n) === -0.5; }, "2/-4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(2n, -4n) === -0.5; }, "-1/10": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(-1n, 10n) === -0.1; }, "30/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return +new Fraction(30n, -3n) === -10; } }, "string": { "0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero + "" === "0"; }, "1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one + "" === "1"; }, "NaN": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.NaN + "" === "NaN"; }, "-1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n) + "" === "-1"; }, "1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n) + "" === "1 / 2"; }, "2/4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 4n) + "" === "2 / 4"; }, "1/10": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 10n) + "" === "1 / 10"; }, "30/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(30n, 3n) + "" === "30 / 3"; }, "-1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n, 2n) + "" === "-1 / 2"; }, "2/-4": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, -4n) + "" === "-2 / 4"; }, "-1/10": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n, 10n) + "" === "-1 / 10"; }, "30/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(30n, -3n) + "" === "-30 / 3"; } } }, "add": { "0 + 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.add(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "0 + 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.add(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1 + 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.add(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1 + 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.add(Fraction.one).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "1 + 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.add(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(3n)) === 0; }, "-1 + 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).add(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "-1 + -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).add(new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-3n)) === 0; }, "1/2 + 1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).add(new Fraction(1n, 2n)).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1/2 + 1/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).add(new Fraction(1n, 3n)).cmp(new Fraction(5n, 6n)) === 0; }, "1/2 + 1/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).add(new Fraction(1n, -3n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 6n)) === 0; }, "2/3 + 2/5": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 3n).add(new Fraction(2n, 5n)).cmp(new Fraction(16n, 15n)) === 0; } }, "sub": { "0 - 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.sub(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "0 - 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.sub(Fraction.one).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "1 - 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.sub(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1 - 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.sub(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1 - 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.sub(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "-1 - 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).sub(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-3n)) === 0; }, "-1 - -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).sub(new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1/2 - 1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).sub(new Fraction(1n, 2n)).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1/2 - 1/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).sub(new Fraction(1n, 3n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 6n)) === 0; }, "1/2 - 1/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).sub(new Fraction(1n, -3n)).cmp(new Fraction(5n, 6n)) === 0; }, "2/3 - 2/5": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 3n).sub(new Fraction(2n, 5n)).cmp(new Fraction(4n, 15n)) === 0; } }, "mul": { "0 * 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.mul(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "0 * 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.mul(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1 * 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.mul(Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1 * 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.mul(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1 * 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.mul(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "-1 * 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).mul(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-2n)) === 0; }, "-1 * -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).mul(new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "1/2 * 1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).mul(new Fraction(1n, 2n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 4n)) === 0; }, "1/2 * 1/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).mul(new Fraction(1n, 3n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 6n)) === 0; }, "1/2 * 1/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).mul(new Fraction(1n, -3n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, -6n)) === 0; }, "2/3 * 2/5": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 3n).mul(new Fraction(2n, 5n)).cmp(new Fraction(4n, 15n)) === 0; } }, "div": { "0 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.div(Fraction.zero).isNaN(); }, "0 / 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.zero.div(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1 / 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.div(Fraction.zero).isNaN(); }, "1 / 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.div(Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1 / 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.one.div(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 2n)) === 0; }, "-1 / 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).div(new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-1n, 2n)) === 0; }, "-1 / -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-1n).div(new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(new Fraction(1n, 2n)) === 0; }, "1/2 / 1/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).div(new Fraction(1n, 2n)).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1/2 / 1/3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).div(new Fraction(1n, 3n)).cmp(new Fraction(3n, 2n)) === 0; }, "1/2 / 1/-3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(1n, 2n).div(new Fraction(1n, -3n)).cmp(new Fraction(-3n, 2n)) === 0; }, "2/3 / 2/5": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 3n).div(new Fraction(2n, 5n)).cmp(new Fraction(10n, 6n)) === 0; } }, "min": { "0, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(Fraction.zero, Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "0, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(Fraction.zero, Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(Fraction.one, Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "1, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(Fraction.one, Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1, 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(Fraction.one, new Fraction(2n)).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "-1, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.zero).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "-1, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.one).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "-1, 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "-1, 2, 3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n), new Fraction(3n)).cmp(new Fraction(-1n)) === 0; }, "-1, 2, 3, -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n), new Fraction(3n), new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(new Fraction(-2n)) === 0; }, "-1, NaN, 3 -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.min(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.NaN, new Fraction(3n), new Fraction(-2n)) === Fraction.NaN; } }, "max": { "0, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(Fraction.zero, Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "0, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(Fraction.zero, Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(Fraction.one, Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(Fraction.one, Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "1, 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(Fraction.one, new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "-1, 0": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.zero).cmp(Fraction.zero) === 0; }, "-1, 1": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.one).cmp(Fraction.one) === 0; }, "-1, 2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n)).cmp(new Fraction(2n)) === 0; }, "-1, 2, 3": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n), new Fraction(3n)).cmp(new Fraction(3n)) === 0; }, "-1, 2, 3, -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), new Fraction(2n), new Fraction(3n), new Fraction(-2n)).cmp(new Fraction(3n)) === 0; }, "-1, NaN, 3 -2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return Fraction.max(new Fraction(-1n), Fraction.NaN, new Fraction(3n), new Fraction(-2n)) === Fraction.NaN; } }, "simplify": { "2/8": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(2n, 8n).simplify() + "" === "1 / 4"; }, "-2/8": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-2n, 8n).simplify() + "" === "-1 / 4"; }, "8/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(8n, 2n).simplify() + "" === "4"; }, "-8/2": async () => { const {default: Fraction} = await import("./lib/fraction.js"); return new Fraction(-8n, 2n).simplify() + "" === "-4"; } } }, "css.js": { "compound selectors": { "a": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("a", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "a { opacity: 0; }"; }, "a:hover": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("a:hover", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "a:hover { opacity: 0; }"; }, "div.className": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div.className", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "div.className { opacity: 0; }"; }, "#IDHERE": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("#IDHERE", {"opacity":0}) + "" === "#IDHERE { opacity: 0; }"; }, "ul::before": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("ul::before", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "ul::before { opacity: 0; }"; }, "input[disabled]": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("input[disabled]", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "input[disabled] { opacity: 0; }"; }, "no properties": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("a", {}) + "" === ""; }, "multiple properties": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("a", {"gap": 0, "opacity": 1, "order": 2}) + "" === "a { gap: 0px; opacity: 1; order: 2; }"; }, "multiple defs": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add({ "a": {"gap": 0, "opacity": 1, "order": 2}, "div": {"opacity": 0} }) + "" === "a { gap: 0px; opacity: 1; order: 2; }div { opacity: 0; }"; } }, "complex selectors": { "div a": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div a", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "div a { opacity: 0; }"; }, "div a:not(:hover)": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div a:not(:hover)", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "div a:not(:hover) { opacity: 0; }"; }, "div + span > a:hover::before": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div + span > a:hover::before", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "div + span > a:hover::before { opacity: 0; }"; } }, "multiple selectors": { "div, a": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div, a", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "div, a { opacity: 0; }"; }, "span, ul > li, label + input": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("span, ul > li, label + input", {"opacity": 0}) + "" === "span, ul > li, label + input { opacity: 0; }"; } }, "combined selectors": { "div span, a span": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div, a", {" span": {"opacity": 0}}) + "" === "div span, a span { opacity: 0; }"; }, "div + span, a + span": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div, a", {" + span": {"opacity": 0}}) + "" === "div + span, a + span { opacity: 0; }"; }, "div, a, div > span, a > span": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"); return new CSS().add("div, a", {"opacity": 0, " > span": {"order": 1}}) + "" === "div, a { opacity: 0; }div > span, a > span { order: 1; }"; } }, "ids": { "basic ids": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS(); return css.id() === "_0" && css.id() === "_1" && css.id() === "_2"; }, "prefixed ids": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS("ID_"); return css.id() === "ID_0" && css.id() === "ID_1" && css.id() === "ID_2"; }, "different start": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS("", 10); return css.id() === "_10" && css.id() === "_11" && css.id() === "_12"; }, "multiple ids": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), ids = new CSS().ids(3); return ids[0] === "_0" && ids[1] === "_1" && ids[2] === "_2"; } }, "at": { "@supports": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS(); return css.at("@supports (display: flex)", {"a": {"opacity": 0}}) + "" === "@supports (display: flex) {\n a { opacity: 0; }\n}"; }, "@media": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS(); return css.at("@media screen and (min-width: 900px)", { "article": { "padding": "1rem 3rem" } }) + "" === "@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {\n article { padding: 1rem 3rem; }\n}"; }, "@namespace": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS(); return css.at(`@namespace svg url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg)`) + "" === `@namespace svg url("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");`; }, "@keyframes": async () => { const {default: CSS} = await import("./lib/css.js"), css = new CSS(); return (css.at("@keyframes identifier", { "0%": { "top": 0 }, "100%": { "left": 0 } }) + "").replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll(" \n", "\n") /* Hack to get FF and Chrome output to match */ === "@keyframes identifier {\n0% { top: 0px; }\n100% { left: 0px; }\n}"; } }, "mixins": { "shallow single": async () => { const {mixin} = await import("./lib/css.js"), o = mixin({}, {"a": "b"}); return o["a"] === "b"; }, "shallow multiple": async () => { const {mixin} = await import("./lib/css.js"), o = mixin({"existing1": "some value", "existing2": "be gone"}, {"a": "b", "existing2": "stay"}); return o["existing1"] === "some value" && o["existing2"] === "stay" && o["a"] === "b"; }, "deep single": async () => { const {mixin} = await import("./lib/css.js"), o = mixin({}, {"a": {"b": "c"}}); return o["a"] instanceof Object && (o["a"] as Record)["b"] === "c"; }, "deep merge": async () => { const {mixin} = await import("./lib/css.js"), o = mixin({"existing": {"a": "b", "c": "d"}}, {"existing": {"c": "e", "f": "g"}}); return o["existing"] instanceof Object && (o["existing"] as Record)["c"] === "e" && (o["existing"] as Record)["f"] === "g"; } } }, "nodes.js": { "NodeArray": { "construct": { "empty": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), n = new NodeArray(div); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n[node] === div; }, "some nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n.length === 2 && n[0].num === 1 && n[1].num === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; }, "some nodes without sort": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n.length === 2 && n[0].num === 1 && n[1].num === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; }, "sorted nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, (a: MyNode, b: MyNode) => a.num - b.num, [{[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}, {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return n.length === 2 && n[0].num === 1 && n[1].num === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; } }, "at": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.at(0) === undefined && n.at(-1) === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n.at(0)?.num === 1 && n.at(-1)?.num === 2; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.at(0)?.num === 0 && n.at(1)?.num === 1 && n.at(4)?.num === 4 && n.at(4) === n.at(-1) && n.at(3) === n.at(-2); }, "many nodes big negative": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.at(-6) === undefined; }, "many nodes big positive": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.at(5) === undefined; } }, "concat": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.concat([]).length === 0; }, "a node": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), aNode = {[node]: document.createElement("div")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [aNode]), nn = n.concat(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return nn.length === 1 && nn[0] === aNode; }, "a node + another": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), aNode = {[node]: document.createElement("div")}, another = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [aNode]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 nn = n.concat(another); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return nn.length == 2 && nn[0] === aNode && nn[1] === another; }, "two nodes + another": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), aNode = {[node]: document.createElement("div")}, bNode = {[node]: document.createElement("a")}, another = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [aNode, bNode]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 nn = n.concat(another); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return nn.length == 3 && nn[0] === aNode && nn[1] === bNode && nn[2] == another; }, "two nodes + two others": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), aNode = {[node]: document.createElement("div")}, bNode = {[node]: document.createElement("a")}, another = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, anotherOne = {[node]: document.createElement("br")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [aNode, bNode]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 nn = n.concat(another, anotherOne); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return nn.length == 4 && nn[0] === aNode && nn[1] === bNode && nn[2] == another && nn[3] == anotherOne; }, "two nodes + array": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), aNode = {[node]: document.createElement("div")}, bNode = {[node]: document.createElement("a")}, another = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, anotherOne = {[node]: document.createElement("br")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [aNode, bNode]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 nn = n.concat([another, anotherOne]); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return nn.length == 4 && nn[0] === aNode && nn[1] === bNode && nn[2] == another && nn[3] == anotherOne; } }, "copyWithin": { "should throw error": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"); try { new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).copyWithin(0); } catch { return true; } return false; } }, "entries": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")), g = n.entries(); return g.next().value === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]), g = n.entries(), a = g.next().value, b = g.next().value; return a?.[0] === 0 && a?.[1].num === 1 && b?.[0] === 1 && b?.[1].num === 2 && g.next().value === undefined; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); let good = 0; for (const [num, e] of n.entries()) { if (num === good && e.num === num) { good++; } } return good === 5; } }, "every": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; return n.every(() => good = false) && good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return n.every(() => true); }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return !n.every(() => false); }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}; let pos = 0; return n.every(function(this: any, t, p, a){ return t.num === pos && p === pos++ && a === n && this === aThis}, aThis); } }, "fill": { "should throw error": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"); try { // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).fill({[node]: document.createElement("span")}); } catch { return true; } return false; } }, "filter": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; return n.filter(() => good = false) && good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]), filtered = n.filter(() => true); return filtered.length === 1 && filtered[0] === item; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]), filtered = n.filter(() => false); return filtered.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}, filtered = n.filter(function(this: any, e) { return e.num % 2 === 0 && this === aThis; }, aThis); return filtered.length === 3 && filtered[0].num === 0 && filtered[1].num === 2 && filtered[2].num === 4; } }, "filterRemove": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; return n.filterRemove(() => good = false) && good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]), filtered = n.filterRemove(() => true); return filtered.length === 1 && filtered[0] === item && n.length === 0; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]), filtered = n.filterRemove(() => false); return filtered.length === 0 && n.length === 1; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}, filtered = n.filterRemove(function(this: any, e) { return e.num % 2 === 0 && this === aThis; }, aThis); return filtered.length === 3 && filtered[0].num === 0 && filtered[1].num === 2 && filtered[2].num === 4 && n[0].num === 1 && n[1].num === 3; } }, "find": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = false; return n.find(() => good = true) === undefined && !good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.find(() => true) === item; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.find(() => false) === undefined; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}; return n.find(function(this: any, e) { return e.num === 3 && this === aThis; }, aThis)?.num === 3; } }, "findIndex": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = false; return n.findIndex(() => good = true) === -1 && !good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.findIndex(() => true) === 0; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.findIndex(() => false) === -1; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}; return n.findIndex(function(this: any, e) { return e.num === 3 && this === aThis; }, aThis) === 3; } }, "findLast": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = false; return n.findLast(() => good = true) === undefined && !good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.findLast(() => true) === item; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.findLast(() => false) === undefined; }, "many nodes true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.findLast(() => true)?.num === 4; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}; return n.findLast(function(this: any, e) { return e.num === 3 && this === aThis; }, aThis)?.num === 3; } }, "forEach": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; n.forEach(() => good = false); return good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); let good = false; n.forEach(e => good = e === item); return good; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))), aThis = {}; let good = true; n.forEach(function(this: any, e, n){good &&= e.num === n && this === aThis} , aThis); return good } }, "from": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), n = NodeArray.from(div); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 0 && n[node] === div; }, "a nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), child = div.appendChild(document.createElement("span")), n = NodeArray.from(div); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 1 && n[node] === div && n.at(0) === child; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), children = Array.from({length: 5}, () => div.appendChild(document.createElement("span"))), n = NodeArray.from(div); return n.length === 5 && n.at(0) === children[0] && n.at(4) === children[4]; }, "many nodes with fn": async () => { let pos = 0; const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), children = Array.from({length: 5}, () => div.appendChild(document.createElement("span"))), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = NodeArray.from(div, e => ({[node]: e, "num": pos++})); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 5 && n.at(0)?.[node] === children[0] && n.at(0)?.num === 0 && n.at(4)?.[node] === children[4] && n.at(4)?.num === 4; } }, "includes": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return !n.includes({[node]: document.createElement("div")}); }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.includes(item); }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.includes(n.at(0)!) && n.includes(n.at(4)!); }, "many nodes with offset": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return !n.includes(n.at(0)!, 1) && n.includes(n.at(4)!, 4); } }, "indexOf": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.indexOf({[node]: document.createElement("div")}) === -1; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.indexOf(item) === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.indexOf(n.at(0)!) === 0 && n.indexOf(n.at(4)!) === 4; }, "many nodes with offset": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.indexOf(n.at(0)!, 1) === -1 && n.indexOf(n.at(4)!, 4) === 4; } }, "keys": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === ""; }, "a node": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === "0"; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === "0,1,2,3,4"; } }, "lastIndexOf": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.lastIndexOf({[node]: document.createElement("div")}) === -1; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.lastIndexOf(item) === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.lastIndexOf(n.at(0)!) === 0 && n.lastIndexOf(n.at(4)!) === 4; }, "many nodes with offset": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.lastIndexOf(n.at(0)!, 1) === 0 && n.lastIndexOf(n.at(4)!, 3) === -1; } }, "map": { "no nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.map(e => e.num).join(",") === ""; }, "a node": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return n.map(e => e.num).join(",") === "1"; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.map(e => e.num).join(",") === "0,1,2,3,4"; } }, "pop": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.pop() === undefined; }, "a node": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return n.pop()?.num === 1 && n.pop() === undefined && n.length === 0 && div.children.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.pop()?.num === 4 && n.pop()?.num === 3 && n.length === 3 && div.children.length === 3; } }, "push": { "empty push": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 0 && n.push(item) === 1 && n.length === 1 && n.at(0) === item && n[node].children?.[0] === item[node]; }, "non-empty push": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 5 && n.push(item) === 6 && n.length === 6 && n.at(5) === item && n[node].children[5] === item[node]; }, "sorted push": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), (a, b) => b.num - a.num); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n.push({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: i}); } return n.length === 5 && n.at(0)?.num === 4 && n.at(4)?.num === 0; } }, "reduce": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.reduce((v, c, i) => v + c.num + i, 0) === 0; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.reduce((v, c, i) => v + c.num + i, 0) === 1; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.reduce((v, c, i) => v * i + c.num, 0) === 64; } }, "reduceRight": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.reduceRight((v, c, i) => v + c.num + i, 0) === 0; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.reduceRight((v, c, i) => v + c.num + i, 0) === 1; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.reduceRight((v, c, i) => v * i + c.num, 0) === 0 && n.reduceRight((v, c, i) => v * (i + 1) + c.num, 0) === 119; } }, "reverse": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.reverse().length === 0; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.reverse().at(0) === item; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items); n.reverse(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.at(0) === items[4] && n.at(4) === items[0] && n[node].children[0] === items[4][node] && n[node].children[4] === items[0][node]; }, "many nodes sorted + push": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), (a, b) => a.num - b.num, items); n.reverse(); n.push(item); return n.at(0) === item; } }, "shift": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.shift() === undefined; }, "a node": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); return n.shift()?.num === 1 && n.shift() === undefined && n.length === 0 && div.children.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.shift()?.num === 0 && n.shift()?.num === 1 && n.length === 3 && div.children.length === 3; } }, "slice": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.length === 0 && n.slice().length === 0; }, "a node": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]), s = n.slice(); return n.length === 1 && s.length === 1 && s[0] === item; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 5 && s[0] === items[0] && s[4] === items[4]; }, "many nodes (+ve start)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(1); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 4 && s[0] === items[1] && s[3] === items[4]; }, "many nodes (-ve start)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(-2); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 2 && s[0] === items[3] && s[1] === items[4]; }, "many nodes (big +ve start)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(10); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 0; }, "many nodes (big -ve start)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(-10); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 5 && s[0] === items[0] && s[4] === items[4]; }, "many nodes (+ve end)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(0, 2); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 2 && s[0] === items[0] && s[1] === items[1]; }, "many nodes (-ve end)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(0, -2); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 3 && s[0] === items[0] && s[2] === items[2]; }, "many nodes (big +ve end)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(0, 10); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 5 && s[0] === items[0] && s[4] === items[4]; }, "many nodes (big -ve end)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.slice(0, -10); return n.length === 5 && s.length === 0; } }, "some": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; return !n.some(() => good = false) && good; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); let good = false; return n.some(() => good = true) && good; }, "a node false": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]); let good = true; return !n.some(() => good = false) && !good; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n.some(t => t.num === 3); } }, "sort": { "no nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); n.sort((a, b) => b.num - a.num); return n.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, noSort, items); n.sort((a, b) => b.num - a.num); return n.at(0) === items[4] && n.at(1) === items[3] && n.at(2) === items[2] && n.at(3) === items[1] && n.at(4) === items[0] && div.children[0] === items[4][node] && div.children[4] === items[0][node]; }, "many nodes (re-sort)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(div, (a, b) => a.num - b.num, items); items[0].num = 6; n.sort(); return n.at(0) === items[1] && div.firstChild === items[1][node] && n.at(4) === items[0] && div.lastChild === items[0][node]; } }, "splice": { "no nodes, remove": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.length === 0 && n.splice(0, 1).length === 0 && n.length === 0; }, "no nodes, add": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.splice(0, 0, {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}).length === 0 && n.length === 1; }, "no nodes, remove+add": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n.splice(0, 1, {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}).length === 0 && n.length === 1; }, "one node, remove": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); return n.splice(0, 1)[0] === item && n.length === 0; }, "one node, add one after": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]); return n.splice(1, 0, items[1]).length === 0 && n.length === 2 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(1) === items[1]; }, "one node, add one before": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]); return n.splice(0, 0, items[1]).length === 0 && n.length === 2 && n.at(0) === items[1] && n.at(1) === items[0]; }, "one node, replace": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]); return n.splice(0, 1, items[1])[0] === items[0] && n.length === 1 && n.at(0) === items[1]; }, "one node, add two after": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]); return n.splice(1, 0, items[1], items[2]).length === 0 && n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(1) === items[1] && n.at(2) === items[2]; }, "one node, add two before": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]); return n.splice(0, 0, items[1], items[2]).length === 0 && n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[1] && n.at(1) === items[2] && n.at(2) === items[0]; }, "many nodes, remove many": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), removed = n.splice(1, 2); return removed.length === 2 && removed[0] === items[1] && removed[1] === items[2] && n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(2) === items[4]; } }, "toReverse": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).toReversed(); return n.length === 0; }, "a node true": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]).toReversed(); return n.at(0) === item; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items).toReversed(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.at(0) === items[4] && n.at(4) === items[0]; }, "many nodes sorted + push": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), (a, b) => a.num - b.num, items).toReversed(); n.push(item); return n.at(0) == items[4] && n.at(4) === items[0] && n.at(5) === item; } }, "toSorted": { "no nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).toSorted((a, b) => b.num - a.num); return n.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items).toSorted((a, b) => b.num - a.num); return n.at(0) === items[4] && n.at(1) === items[3] && n.at(2) === items[2] && n.at(3) === items[1] && n.at(4) === items[0]; } }, "toSplice": { "no nodes, remove": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).toSpliced(0, 1); return n.length === 0; }, "no nodes, add": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).toSpliced(0, 0, {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}); return n.length === 1; }, "no nodes, remove+add": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")).toSpliced(0, 1, {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}); return n.length === 1; }, "one node, remove": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]).toSpliced(0, 1); return n.length === 0; }, "one node, add one after": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]).toSpliced(1, 0, items[1]); return n.length === 2 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(1) === items[1]; }, "one node, add one before": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]).toSpliced(0, 0, items[1]); return n.length === 2 && n.at(0) === items[1] && n.at(1) === items[0]; }, "one node, replace": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]).toSpliced(0, 1, items[1]); return n.length === 1 && n.at(0) === items[1]; }, "one node, add two after": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]).toSpliced(1, 0, items[1], items[2]); return n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(1) === items[1] && n.at(2) === items[2]; }, "one node, add two before": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [items[0]]).toSpliced(0, 0, items[1], items[2]); return n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[1] && n.at(1) === items[2] && n.at(2) === items[0]; }, "many nodes, remove many": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num})), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items).toSpliced(1, 2); return n.length === 3 && n.at(0) === items[0] && n.at(2) === items[4]; } }, "unshift": { "empty unshift": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 0 && n.unshift(item) === 1 && n.length === 1 && n.at(0) === item && n[node].children?.[0] === item[node]; }, "non-empty unshift": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.length === 5 && n.unshift(item) === 6 && n.length === 6 && n.at(0) === item && n[node].children[0] === item[node]; }, "sorted unshift": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), (a, b) => a.num - b.num); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n.unshift({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: i}); } return n.length === 5 && n.at(0)?.num === 0 && n.at(4)?.num === 4; } }, "values": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")), g = n.values(); return g.next().value === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]), g = n.values(), a = g.next().value, b = g.next().value; return a?.num === 1 && b?.num === 2 && g.next().value === undefined; }, "many nodes (iterator)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); let good = 0; for (const e of n) { if (e.num === good) { good++; } } return good === 5; } }, "with": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); try { // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.with(0, {[node]: document.createElement("div")}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "two nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]), wa = n.with(0, {num: 3, [node]: document.createElement("span")}), wb = n.with(1, {num: 4, [node]: document.createElement("span")}), wc = n.with(-1, {num: 5, [node]: document.createElement("span")}); try { n.with(-2, {num: 6, [node]: document.createElement("span")}); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof RangeError)) { return false; } } try { n.with(2, {num: 6, [node]: document.createElement("span")}); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof RangeError)) { return false; } } return wa[0].num === 3 && wa[1].num === 2 && wb[0].num === 1 && wb[1].num === 4 && wc[0].num === 1 && wc[1].num === 5; } }, "index": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div")); return n[0] === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n[0]?.num === 1 && n[1]?.num === 2; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n[0]?.num === 0 && n[1]?.num === 1 && n[4]?.num === 4; }, "many nodes big positive": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => ({[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}))); return n[5] === undefined; }, "negative index": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n[0]?.num === 1 && n[1]?.num === 2 && n[-1] === undefined; }, "maximum index": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [{[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]); return n[0]?.num === 1 && n[1]?.num === 2 && n[2] === undefined; } }, "as child node": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), {div} = await import("./lib/html.js"), c = div(), n = div(new NodeArray(c)); return n.firstChild === c; }, "with element item": async () => { const {NodeArray} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), {div} = await import("./lib/html.js"), c = div(), n = new NodeArray(div()); n.push(c); return n.pop() === c; } }, "NodeMap": { "construct": { "empty": async () => { const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), n = new NodeMap(div); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n[node] === div; }, "some nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, [["A", {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}], ["B", {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]]); return n.size === 2 && n.get("A")?.num === 1 && n.get("B")?.num === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; }, "some nodes without sort": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, [["A", {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}], ["B", {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}]]); return n.size === 2 && n.get("A")?.num === 1 && n.get("B")?.num === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; }, "sorted nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, (a: MyNode, b: MyNode) => a.num - b.num, [["A", {[node]: document.createElement("br"), num: 2}], ["B", {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}]]); return n.size === 2 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLSpanElement && div.lastChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; } }, "clear": { "empty": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")); n.clear(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 0; }, "one node": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [["a", {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]]), s = n.size, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 l = n[node].children.length; n.clear(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return s === 1 && l === 1 && n.size === 0 && n[node].children.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), s = n.size, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 l = n[node].children.length; n.clear(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return s === 5 && l === 5 && n.size === 0 && n[node].children.length === 0; } }, "delete": { "one node": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [["a", {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]]); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.delete("a"); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 0 && n[node].children.length === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); n.delete("B"); n.delete("D"); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 3 && div.children.length === 3 && div.firstChild === items[0][1][node] && div.lastChild === items[4][1][node] && div.children[1] === items[2][1][node]; } }, "entries": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")), g = n.entries(); return g.next().value === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), g = n.entries(), a = g.next().value, b = g.next().value; return a?.[0] === "A" && a?.[1] === items[0][1] && b?.[0] === "B" && b?.[1] === items[1][1] && g.next().value === undefined; } }, "forEach": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")); let good = true; n.forEach(() => good = false); return good; }, "a node true": async () => { const {NodeArray, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeArray(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [item]); let good = false; // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.forEach(e => good = e === item); return good; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), aThis = {}; let good = true; n.forEach(function(this: any, v: any, k: string, o: any) { const i = items.shift(); good &&= k === i?.[0] && v === i?.[1] && this === aThis && o === n; }, aThis); return good } }, "get": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.get("A") === items[0][1] && n.get("E") === items[4][1] && n.get("F") === undefined; } }, "has": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items); return n.has("A") && n.has("E") && !n.has("F"); } }, "insertAfter": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.insertAfter("F", item, "C") && n.size === 6 && div.children[3] === item[node]; }, "bad key": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return !n.insertAfter("F", item, "G") && n.size === 5; }, "existing key": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.insertAfter("E", item, "C") && n.size === 5 && div.children[3] === item[node]; } }, "insertBefore": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.insertBefore("F", item, "C") && n.size === 6 && div.children[2] === item[node]; }, "bad key": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return !n.insertBefore("F", item, "G") && n.size === 5; }, "existing key": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.insertBefore("E", item, "C") && n.size === 5 && div.children[2] === item[node]; } }, "keyAt": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}])); return ([[0, "A"], [1, "B"], [2, "C"], [3, "D"], [4, "E"], [5, undefined]] as [number, string | undefined][]).every(([pos, key]) => n.keyAt(pos) === key); } }, "keys": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === ""; }, "a node": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, [["A", {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]]); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === "A"; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}])); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === "A,B,C,D,E"; }, "many nodes (reversed)": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(69 - num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}])); return Array.from(n.keys()).join(",") === "E,D,C,B,A"; } }, "position": { "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}])); return ([["A", 0], ["B", 1], ["C", 2], ["D", 3], ["E", 4], ["F", -1]] as [string, number][]).every(([key, pos]) => n.position(key) === pos); } }, "reSet": { "a node": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, [["A", item]]); n.reSet("A", "B"); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return div.firstChild === div.lastChild && div.firstChild === item[node] && n.size === 1 && !n.has("A") //&& n.get("B") === item; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); n.reSet("C", "F"); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 5 && div.children[2] === items[2][1][node] && !n.has("C") && n.get("F") === items[2][1]; } }, "reverse": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")); return n.reverse().size === 0; }, "a node": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num: 1}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, [["A", item]]); return div.firstChild === item[node]; }, "many nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); n.reverse(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return div.firstChild === items[4][1][node] && div.lastChild === items[0][1][node]; }, "many nodes sorted + set": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}]), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span"), "num": 99}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); n.reverse(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.set("F", item); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return div.firstChild === items[4][1][node] && div.lastChild === item[node]; } }, "set": { "empty set": async () => { const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, n = new NodeMap(div); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.set("A", item); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 1 && n.get("A") === item && div.firstChild === item[node]; }, "non-empty set": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), item = {[node]: document.createElement("span")}, // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span")}])); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n.set("F", item); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 6 && n.get("F") === item && div.children[5] === item[node]; }, "sorted set": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}]) as [string, MyNode][], // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, (a, b) => b.num - a.num); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 for (const [key, item] of items) { n.set(key, item); } // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.size === 5 && div.firstChild === items[4][1][node] && div.lastChild === items[0][1][node]; } }, "sort": { "no nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")); n.sort((a, b) => b.num - a.num); return n.size === 0; }, "many nodes": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}]) as [string, MyNode][], // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, noSort, items); n.sort((a, b) => b.num - a.num); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return div.children[0] === items[4][1][node] && div.children[1] === items[3][1][node] && div.children[2] === items[2][1][node] && div.children[3] === items[1][1][node] && div.children[4] === items[0][1][node]; }, "many nodes (re-sort)": async () => { type MyNode = { num: number; } const {NodeMap, node} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), div = document.createElement("div"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}]) as [string, MyNode][], // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(div, (a, b) => a.num - b.num, items); items[0][1].num = 6; n.sort(); // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 return n.position("B") === 0 && div.firstChild === items[1][1][node] && n.position("A") === 4 && div.lastChild === items[0][1][node]; } }, "values": { "no nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div")), g = n.values(); return g.next().value === undefined; }, "two nodes": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items), g = n.values(), a = g.next().value, b = g.next().value; return a === items[0][1] && b === items[1][1] && g.next().value === undefined; }, "many nodes (iterator)": async () => { const {NodeMap, node, noSort} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), items = Array.from({length: 5}, (_, num) => [String.fromCharCode(65 + num), {[node]: document.createElement("span"), num}]), // @ts-ignore: Type Error (at least partially) caused by: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/35562 n = new NodeMap(document.createElement("div"), noSort, items); let good = 0; for (const item of n.values()) { // @ts-ignore: Type Error if (item === items.shift()?.[1]) { good++; } } return good === 5; } }, "as child node": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), {div} = await import("./lib/html.js"), c = div(), n = div(new NodeMap(c)); return n.firstChild === c; }, "with element item": async () => { const {NodeMap} = await import("./lib/nodes.js"), {div} = await import("./lib/html.js"), c = div(), n = new NodeMap(div()); n.set("", c); return n.get("") === c; } } }, "misc.js": { "isInt": { "basic": { "0": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(0); }, "'0'": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt("0"); }, "1": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(1); }, "-1": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(-1); }, "'a'": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt('a'); }, "0.5": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(0.5); }, "true": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(true); }, "false": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(false); }, "NaN": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(NaN); }, "+Infinity": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(+Infinity); }, "-Infinity": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(-Infinity); } }, "limits": { "-2 <= x <= 5, x = -3": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(-3, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = -2": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(-2, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = -1": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(-1, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 0": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(0, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 4": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(4, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 5": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return isInt(5, -2, 5); }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 6": async () => { const {isInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return !isInt(6, -2, 5); } } }, "checkInt": { "'a'": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt("a") === 0; }, "0.5": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(0.5) === 0; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = -3": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(-3, -2, 5) === 0; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 1": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(1, -2, 5) === 1; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 6": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(6, -2, 5) === 0; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = -3, def = 2": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(-3, -2, 5, 2) === 2; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 1, def = 2": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(1, -2, 5, 2) === 1; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 6, def = 2": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(6, -2, 5, 2) === 2; }, "2 <= x <= 5, x = 6": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(6, 2, 5) === 2; }, "-2 <= x <= 5, x = 6, def = 2.5": async () => { const {checkInt} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return checkInt(6, -2, 5, 2.5) === 2; } }, "mod": { "0 % 2 === 0": async () => { const {mod} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return mod(0, 2) === 0; }, "1 % 2 === 1": async () => { const {mod} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return mod(1, 2) === 1; }, "2 % 2 === 0": async () => { const {mod} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return mod(2, 2) === 0; }, "-1 % 2 === 1": async () => { const {mod} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return mod(-1, 2) === 1; }, "-2 % 2 === 0": async () => { const {mod} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); return mod(-2, 2) === 0; } }, "setAndReturn": { "setAndReturn": async () => { const {setAndReturn} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), m = new Map(); return setAndReturn(m, "key", 3) === 3 && m.get("key") === 3; }, "overwrite": async () => { const {setAndReturn} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), m = new Map([["key", 2]]); return m.get("key") === 2 && setAndReturn(m, "key", 3) === 3 && m.get("key") === 3; } }, "addAndReturn": { "addAndReturn": async () => { const {addAndReturn} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), s = new Set(); return !s.has(3) && addAndReturn(s, 3) === 3 && s.has(3); }, "overwrite": async () => { const {addAndReturn} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), s = new Set([3]); return s.has(3) && addAndReturn(s, 3) === 3 && s.has(3); } }, "pushAndReturn": async () => { const {pushAndReturn} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), a: number[] = []; return a.length === 0 && pushAndReturn(a, 3) === 3 && a[0] === 3; }, "queue": async () => { const {queue} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); let res = 0; queue(async () => res += 1); queue(async () => res *= 2); queue(async () => res += 3); return queue(async () => res *= 5).then(() => res === 25); }, "autoFocus": { "focus()": async () => { const {autoFocus} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); let res = 0; class focusElement extends HTMLElement { focus() {res++;} select() {res *= 2;} } customElements.define("focus-element", focusElement); autoFocus(new focusElement()); return new Promise(fn => window.setTimeout(() => fn(res === 1), 100)); }, "select()": async () => { const {autoFocus} = await import("./lib/misc.js"); let res = 0; class selectElement extends HTMLInputElement { focus() {res++;} select() {res *= 2;} } customElements.define("select-element", selectElement, {"extends": "input"}); autoFocus(new selectElement()); return new Promise(fn => window.setTimeout(() => fn(res === 2), 100)); } }, "text2DOM": { "html": async () => { const {text2DOM} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), d = text2DOM("

                    "); return d instanceof DocumentFragment && d.firstChild instanceof HTMLDivElement && d.firstChild?.firstChild instanceof HTMLBRElement; }, "svg": async () => { const {text2DOM} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), d = text2DOM(""); return d instanceof DocumentFragment && d.firstChild instanceof SVGSVGElement && d.firstChild?.firstChild instanceof SVGGElement; }, "mix": async () => { const {text2DOM} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), d = text2DOM("
                    "); return d instanceof DocumentFragment && d.firstChild instanceof HTMLDivElement && d.firstChild?.firstChild instanceof SVGSVGElement; } }, "callable": async () => { const {Callable} = await import("./lib/misc.js"), Fn = class extends Callable<(o: number) => number> { #num: number; constructor(n: number) { super((o: number) => this.#num = o); this.#num = n; } value() { return this.#num; } }, myFn = new Fn(1), old = myFn.value(), middle = myFn(3); return old === 1 && middle === 3 && myFn.value() === 3; } }, "typeguard.js": { "Bool": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); return b(true) && b(false); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); return !b(1) && !b(""); }, "true or false": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Bool(true), f = Bool(false); return t(true) && !t(false) && !f(true) && f(false); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); try { return b.throw(true) && b.throw(false); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); try { b.throw(1); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "bool": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","boolean"]`; }, "true": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(true); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","true"]`; }, "false": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(false); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","false"]`; } }, "toString": { "any": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(); return b.toString() === "boolean"; }, "true": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(true); return b.toString() === "true"; }, "false": async () => { const {Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = Bool(false); return b.toString() === "false"; } } }, "Str": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); return s("") && s("abc") && s("123"); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); return !s(1) && !s(false) && !s(null); }, "with regex": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(/^a/); return !s("") && s("abc") && !s("123"); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); try { return s.throw("") && s.throw("abc") && s.throw("123"); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); try { s.throw(false); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "with regex": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(/^a/); try { s.throw("abc"); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } try { s.throw("123"); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["","string"]`; }, "toString": { "any": async () => { const {Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Str(); return s.toString() === "string"; } } }, "Tmpl": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Tmpl, IntStr, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "ghi"); return t("abc0defghi") && t("abc123defsome-stringghi") && t("abc123defghighi"); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Tmpl, IntStr, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "ghi"); return !t("") && !t(0) && !t("aabc123defghighi") && !t("abc123defghi1") && !t("abconedefghi"); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Tmpl, IntStr, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "ghi"); try { return t.throw("abc0defghi"); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Tmpl, IntStr, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "ghi"); try { t.throw(""); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "empty": async () => { const {Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl(""); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["","\\"\\""]`; }, "simple": async () => { const {Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["","\\"abc\\""]`; }, "with params": async () => { const {IntStr, Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "g$hi"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Template",["abc",["","number"],"def",["","string"],"g$hi"]]`; }, "with templates": async () => { const {IntStr, Str, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Tmpl("123", Str(), "456", Val("!!"), "---"), "g$hi"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Template",["abc",["","number"],"def123",["","string"],"456!!---g$hi"]]`; }, "collapse adjacent strings": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("beginning", Str(), "", Str(), "end"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Template",["beginning",["","string"],"end"]]`; }, "collapse multiple adjacent strings": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("beginning", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "middle", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "end"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Template",["beginning",["","string"],"middle",["","string"],"end"]]`; }, "reduce to simple `string` if possible": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("", Str(), ""), t2 = Tmpl("", Str(), "", Str(), ""), t3 = Tmpl("", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), ""); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["","string"]` && JSON.stringify(t2.def()) === `["","string"]` && JSON.stringify(t3.def()) === `["","string"]` }, "with ${ in a Val, but still a template": async () => { const {IntStr, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${not a type}"), "def", IntStr(), "ghi"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === '["Template",["abc${not a type}def",["","number"],"ghi"]]'; }, "with ${ in a Val, but now a string": async () => { const {Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${not a type}"), "def"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === '["","\\"abc${not a type}def\\""]'; }, "with ${string} in a string value, followed by a Str()": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${string}"), "", Str(), "def"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === '["Template",["abc${string}",["","string"],"def"]]'; }, "with Or in template": async () => { const {Or, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Or(Val("123"), Val("456")), "def"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === '["Template",["abc",["Or",[["","\\"123\\""],["","\\"456\\""]]],"def"]]'; } }, "toString": { "empty": async () => { const {Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl(""); return t.toString() === `""`; }, "simple": async () => { const {Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc"); return t.toString() === `"abc"`; }, "with params": async () => { const {IntStr, Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Str(), "g$hi"); return t.toString() === "`abc${number}def${string}g$hi`"; }, "with templates": async () => { const {IntStr, Str, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", IntStr(), "def", Tmpl("123", Str(), "456", Val("!!"), "---"), "g$hi"); return t.toString() === "`abc${number}def123${string}456!!---g$hi`"; }, "collapse adjacent strings": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("beginning", Str(), "", Str(), "end"); return t.toString() === "`beginning${string}end`"; }, "collapse multiple adjacent strings": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("beginning", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "middle", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), "end"); return t.toString() === "`beginning${string}middle${string}end`"; }, "reduce to simple `string` if possible": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("", Str(), ""), t2 = Tmpl("", Str(), "", Str(), ""), t3 = Tmpl("", Str(), "", Str(), "", Str(), ""); return t.toString() === "string" && t2.toString() === "string" && t3.toString() === "string"; }, "with ${ in a Val, but still a template": async () => { const {IntStr, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${not a type}"), "def", IntStr(), "ghi"); return t.toString() === "`abc\\${not a type}def${number}ghi`"; }, "with ${ in a Val, but now a string": async () => { const {Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${not a type}"), "def"); return t.toString() === "\"abc${not a type}def\""; }, "with ${string} in a string value, followed by a Str()": async () => { const {Str, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Val("${string}"), "", Str(), "def"); return t.toString() === "`abc\\${string}${string}def`"; }, "with Or in template": async () => { const {Or, Tmpl, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tmpl("abc", Or(Val("123"), Val("456")), "def"); return t.toString() === '`abc${"123" | "456"}def`'; } } }, "Undefined": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); return u(undefined); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); return !u(null) && !u("") && !u(123); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); try { return u.throw(undefined); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); try { u.throw(null); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); return JSON.stringify(u.def()) === `["","undefined"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Undefined(); return u.toString() === "undefined"; } }, "Opt": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Int, Opt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()); return o(1) && o(2) && o(undefined); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Int, Opt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()); return !o("") && !o(null); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Int, Opt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()); try { return o.throw(undefined); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Int, Opt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()); try { o.throw(""); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Int, Opt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Or",[["","number"],["","undefined"]]]`; }, "with undefined": async () => { const {Opt, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Undefined()); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["","undefined"]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Int, Opt, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Int()), o2 = Opt(Str()); return o.toString() === "number | undefined" && o2.toString() === "string | undefined"; }, "with undefined": async () => { const {Opt, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Opt(Undefined()); return o.toString() === "undefined"; } } }, "Null": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); return n(null); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); return !n(undefined) && !n("") && !n(123); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); try { return n.throw(null); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); try { n.throw(undefined); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["","null"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Null} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Null(); return n.toString() === "null"; } }, "Num": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); return n(0) && n(-1) && n(3.14) && n(-1.618) && n(-Infinity) && n(Infinity); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); return !n("") && !n(false) && !n(null); }, "limits": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(0, 1000); return n(0) && n(1000) && !n(1000.1) && !n(Infinity) && !n(-1) && !n(-Infinity); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); try { return n.throw(0); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); try { n.throw(""); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "any": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["","number"]`; }, "with min": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(0); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["","number","0 <= n"]`; }, "with max": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(-Infinity, 0); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["","number","n <= 0"]`; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(5, 10); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["","number","5 <= n <= 10"]`; } }, "toString": { "any": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(); return n.toString() === "number"; }, "with min": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(0); return n.toString() === "number /* 0 <= n */"; }, "with max": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(-Infinity, 0); return n.toString() === "number /* n <= 0 */"; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = Num(5, 10); return n.toString() === "number /* 5 <= n <= 10 */"; } } }, "Int": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); return i(0) && i(-1) && i(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) && i(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); return !i(3.14) && !i(-1.618) && !i(Infinity) && !i(-Infinity) && !i("") && !i(false) && !i(null); }, "limits": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(0, 1000); return i(0) && i(1000) && !i(1001) && !i(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) && !i(-1) && !i(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); try { return i.throw(0); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); try { i.throw(0.5); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "any": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number"]`; }, "with min (Infinity for max)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(0, Infinity); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number","0 <= i"]`; }, "with min (default for max)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(0); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number","0 <= i"]`; }, "with max (-Infinity for min)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(-Infinity, 0); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number","i <= 0"]`; }, "with max (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER for min)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, 0); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number","i <= 0"]`; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(5, 10); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["","number","5 <= i <= 10"]`; } }, "toString": { "any": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(); return i.toString() === "number"; }, "with min (Infinity for max)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(0, Infinity); return i.toString() === "number /* 0 <= i */"; }, "with min (default for max)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(0); return i.toString() === "number /* 0 <= i */"; }, "with max (-Infinity for min)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(-Infinity, 0); return i.toString() === "number /* i <= 0 */"; }, "with max (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER for min)": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, 0); return i.toString() === "number /* i <= 0 */"; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = Int(5, 10); return i.toString() === "number /* 5 <= i <= 10 */"; } } }, "BigInt": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); return b(0n) && b(-1n) && b(1000n) && b(-100000n); }, "invalid": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); return !b(3.14) && !b(-1.618) && !b(Infinity) && !b(-Infinity) && !b("") && !b(false) && !b(null); }, "limits": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(-100n, 100n); return b(0n) && b(100n) && b(-100n) && !b(101n) && !b(-101); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); try { return b.throw(0n); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); try { b.throw(0.5); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "any": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","bigint"]`; }, "with min (default for max)": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(0n); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","bigint","0n <= b"]`; }, "with max (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER for min)": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(undefined, 0n); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","bigint","b <= 0n"]`; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(5n, 10n); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["","bigint","5n <= b <= 10n"]`; } }, "toString": { "any": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(); return b.toString() === "bigint"; }, "with min (default for max)": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(0n); return b.toString() === "bigint /* 0n <= b */"; }, "with max (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER for min)": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(undefined, 0n); return b.toString() === "bigint /* b <= 0n */"; }, "with min and max": async () => { const {BigInt} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BigInt(5n, 10n); return b.toString() === "bigint /* 5n <= b <= 10n */"; } } }, "Sym": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); return s(Symbol("")); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); return !s(""); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); try { return s.throw(Symbol("")); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); try { s.throw(""); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["","symbol"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Sym(); return s.toString() === "symbol"; } }, "Val": { "returns": { "valid - 1": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1); return v(1); }, "invalid - 1": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1); return !v(2); }, "valid - 2": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(2); return v(2); }, "invalid - 2": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(2); return !v(1); }, "valid - \"abc\"": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); return v("abc"); }, "invalid - \"abc\"": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); return !v("def"); } }, "throws": { "valid - 1": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1); try { return v.throw(1); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - 1": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1); try { v.throw(2); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - 2": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(2); try { return v.throw(2); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - 2": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(2); try { v.throw(1); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - \"abc\"": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); try { return v.throw("abc"); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - \"abc\"": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); try { v.throw("def"); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "string": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","\\"abc\\""]`; }, "number": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(123); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","123"]`; }, "boolean": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(true); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","true"]`; }, "bigint": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1024n); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","1024n"]`; }, "null": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(null); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","null"]`; }, "undefined": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(undefined); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","undefined"]`; } }, "toString": { "string": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val("abc"); return v.toString() === `"abc"`; }, "number": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(123); return v.toString() === `123`; }, "boolean": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(true); return v.toString() === `true`; }, "bigint": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(1024n); return v.toString() === `1024n`; }, "null": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(null); return v.toString() === `null`; }, "undefined": async () => { const {Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Val(undefined); return v.toString() === `undefined`; } } }, "Any": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Any} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Any(); return a(1) && a("abc") && a([1, 2,3]); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Any} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Any(); try { return a.throw(1) && a.throw("abc") && a.throw([1, 2,3]); } catch(e) { return false; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Any} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Any(); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["","any"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Any} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Any(); return a.toString() === "any"; } }, "Unknown": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Unknown} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Unknown(); return u(1) && u("abc") && u([1, 2,3]); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Unknown} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Unknown(); try { return u.throw(1) && u.throw("abc") && u.throw([1, 2,3]); } catch(e) { return false; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Unknown} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Unknown(); return JSON.stringify(u.def()) === `["","unknown"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Unknown} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), u = Unknown(); return u.toString() === "unknown"; } }, "Void": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Void} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Void(); return v(1) && v("abc") && v([1, 2,3]); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Void} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Void(); try { return v.throw(1) && v.throw("abc") && v.throw([1, 2,3]); } catch(e) { return false; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Void} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Void(); return JSON.stringify(v.def()) === `["","void"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Void} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), v = Void(); return v.toString() === "void"; } }, "Arr": { "returns": { "valid - Num": async () => { const {Arr, Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Num()); return a([0, 1, 2]) && a([3, 4, 5, 6]); }, "invalid - Num": async () => { const {Arr, Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Num()); return !a(null) && !a(["1", "2", "3"]); }, "valid - Bool": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); return a([true]) && a([false, true]); }, "invalid - Bool": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); return !a(null) && !a(["true", "false", ""]); } }, "throws": { "valid - Num": async () => { const {Arr, Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Num()); try { return a.throw([0, 1, 2]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - Num": async () => { const {Arr, Num} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Num()); try { a.throw(null); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - Bool": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); try { return a.throw([true]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - Bool": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); try { a.throw(null); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["Array",["","boolean"]]`; }, "with comment": async () => { const {Arr, Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Int(0)); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["Array",["","number","0 <= i"]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {Arr, Bool, Int, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Or(Int(0, 255), Arr(Bool()))); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["Array",["Or",[["","number","0 <= i <= 255"],["Array",["","boolean"]]]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Arr, Bool} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Bool()); return a.toString() === "boolean[]"; }, "with comment": async () => { const {Arr, Int} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Int(0)); return a.toString() === "number /* 0 <= i */[]"; }, "complex": async () => { const {Arr, Bool, Int, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = Arr(Or(Int(0, 255), Arr(Bool()))); return a.toString() === "(number /* 0 <= i <= 255 */ | boolean[])[]"; } } }, "Tuple": { "returns": { "valid - empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); return t([]); }, "invalid - empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); return !t([1]); }, "valid - single string value": async () => { const {Str, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Str()); return t(["abc"]) && t(["def"]); }, "invalid - single string value": async () => { const {Str, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Str()); return !t([]) && !t([1]) && !t(["abc", "def"]); }, "valid - with spread": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Null, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Bool(), Null(), ...Int()); return t([true, null]) && t([true, null, 1]) && t([false, null, 1, 2, 3]); }, "invalid - with spread": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Null, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Bool(), Null(), ...Int()); return !t([true, 1]) && !t([true, null, 1, "2"]) && !t([false, null, "1"]); } }, "throws": { "valid - empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); try { return t.throw([]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); try { t.throw([1]); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - single string value": async () => { const {Str, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Str()); try { return t.throw(["abc"]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - single string value": async () => { const {Str, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Str()); try { t.throw([]); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - with spread": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Null, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Bool(), Null(), ...Int()); try { return t.throw([true, null]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - with spread": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Null, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Bool(), Null(), ...Int()); try { t.throw([true, 1]); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Tuple",[]]`; }, "single element": async () => { const {Int, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int()); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Tuple",[["","number"]]]`; }, "multiple elements": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), Str()); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Tuple",[["","number"],["","string"]]]`; }, "tuples within tuples": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), Str()), u = Tuple(t, t); return JSON.stringify(u.def()) === `["Tuple",[["Tuple",[["","number"],["","string"]]],["Tuple",[["","number"],["","string"]]]]]`; }, "with spread": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), ...Str()); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Tuple",[["","number"]],["","string"]]`; } }, "toString": { "empty": async () => { const {Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(); return t.toString() === "[]"; }, "single element": async () => { const {Int, Tuple} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int()); return t.toString() === "[number]"; }, "multiple elements": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), Str()); return t.toString() === "[number, string]"; }, "tuples within tuples": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), Str()), u = Tuple(t, t); return u.toString() === "[[number, string], [number, string]]"; }, "with spread": async () => { const {Int, Tuple, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Tuple(Int(), ...Str()); return t.toString() === `[number, ...string[]]`; } } }, "Class": { "return": { "valid": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); return c(document.createElement("div")) && c(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "img")); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); return !c(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg")) && !c(null); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); try { return c.throw(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div")); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); try { c.throw(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg")); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); return JSON.stringify(c.def()) === `["","HTMLElement"]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Class} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), c = Class(HTMLElement); return c.toString() === "HTMLElement"; } }, "Obj": { "return": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); return o({"a": 0, "b": ""}) && o({"a": 123, "b": "abc", "c": true}); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); return !o({"a": "", "b": 0}) && o({"a": 123, "b": "abc"}) && !o({}); }, "valid - optional": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) }); return o({"a": 0, "b": ""}) && o({"a": 123}); }, "invalid - optional": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) }); return !o({"a": "abc", "b": 123}) && !o({"b": ""}); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); try { return o.throw({"a": 0, "b": ""}) } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); try { o.throw({}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "empty": async () => { const {Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj(); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{}]`; }, "with fields": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["","string"]}]`; }, "with odd fields": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a b c": Num(), "b()": Str() }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{"a b c":["","number"],"b()":["","string"]}]`; }, "with object field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "child": Obj({ "a b c": Num(), "b()": Str() }) }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{"child":["Object",{"a b c":["","number"],"b()":["","string"]}]}]`; }, "with undefined field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Undefined() }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["","undefined"]}]`; }, "with optional field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Opt, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Opt(Str()) }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["Or",[["","string"],["","undefined"]]]}]`; } }, "toString": { "empty": async () => { const {Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj(); return o.toString() === "{}"; }, "with fields": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }); return o.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b: string;\n}"; }, "with odd fields": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a b c": Num(), "b()": Str() }); return o.toString() === "{\n \"a b c\": number;\n \"b()\": string;\n}"; }, "with object field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "child": Obj({ "a b c": Num(), "b()": Str() }) }); return o.toString() === "{\n child: {\n \"a b c\": number;\n \"b()\": string;\n };\n}"; }, "with undefined field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Undefined() }); return o.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b?: undefined;\n}"; }, "with optional field": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Opt, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Opt(Str()) }); return o.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b?: string | undefined;\n}"; } } }, "Part": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); return p({}) && p({"a": 1}) && p({"b": "2"}) && p({"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": false}); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); return !p({"a": "1"}) && !p({"b": 2}); }, "valid - before Req": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Req, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Req(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }))); return p({}) && p({"a": 1}) && p({"b": "2"}) && p({"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": false}); }, "invalid - before Req": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Req, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Req(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }))); return !p({"a": "1"}) && !p({"b": 2}); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); try { return p.throw({}); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); try { p.throw({"a": "1"}); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); return JSON.stringify(p.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["Or",[["","number"],["","undefined"]]],"b":["Or",[["","string"],["","undefined"]]]}]`; }, "inner object": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str(), "c": Obj({ "a": Num() }) })); return JSON.stringify(p.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["Or",[["","number"],["","undefined"]]],"b":["Or",[["","string"],["","undefined"]]],"c":["Or",[["Object",{"a":["","number"]}],["","undefined"]]]}]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() })); return p.toString() === "{\n a?: number | undefined;\n b?: string | undefined;\n}"; }, "inner object": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), p = Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str(), "c": Obj({ "a": Num() }) })); return p.toString() === "{\n a?: number | undefined;\n b?: string | undefined;\n c?: {\n a: number;\n } | undefined;\n}"; } } }, "Req": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) })); return r({"a": 0, "b": "1"}) && r({"a": 2, "b": "3", "c": true}); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) })); return !r({"a": 0}) && !r({"b": "3"}); }, "valid - before Part": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Part, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Part(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) }))); return r({"a": 0, "b": "1"}) && r({"a": 2, "b": "3", "c": true}); }, "invalid - before Part": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Part, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Part(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) }))); return !r({"a": 0}) && !r({"b": "3"}); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) })); try { return r.throw({"a": 0, "b": "1"}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Or, Req, Str, Undefined} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Obj({ "a": Or(Num(), Undefined()), "b": Or(Str(), Undefined()) })); try { r.throw({"a": 0}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Req, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }))); return JSON.stringify(r.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["","string"]}]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Num, Obj, Part, Req, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Req(Part(Obj({ "a": Num(), "b": Str() }))); return r.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b: string;\n}"; } }, "Take": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return t({"a": 0, "b": "1", "c": 2}); } }, "throws": { "invalid": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); try{ t.throw({}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["","string"]}]`; }, "inner obj": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Obj({ "c": Str() }), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return JSON.stringify(t.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["","number"],"b":["Object",{"c":["","string"]}]}]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return t.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b: string;\n}"; }, "inner obj": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Str, Take} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), t = Take(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Obj({ "c": Str() }), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return t.toString() === "{\n a: number;\n b: {\n c: string;\n };\n}"; } } }, "Skip": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return s({"a": "0", "b": "1", "c": true}); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); try { s.throw({"a": "0", "b": "1", "c": 2}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["Object",{"c":["","boolean"]}]`; }, "inner obj": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Obj({ "a": Bool() }) }), "a", "b"); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["Object",{"c":["Object",{"a":["","boolean"]}]}]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Bool() }), "a", "b"); return s.toString() === "{\n c: boolean;\n}"; }, "inner obj": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, Skip, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = Skip(Obj({ "a": Int(), "b": Str(), "c": Obj({ "a": Bool() }) }), "a", "b"); return s.toString() === "{\n c: {\n a: boolean;\n };\n}"; } } }, "Recur": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); return o({"a": []}) && o({"a": [{"a": []}, {"a": []}]}) && o({"a": [{"a": [{"a": []}]}]}); }, "invalid": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); return !o({"b": []}) && !o({"a": [{"b": []}, {"a": []}]}) && !o({"a": [{"a": [{"b": []}]}]}); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); try { return o.throw({"a": [{"a": [{"a": []}]}]}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); try { o.throw({"a": [{"a": [{"b": []}]}]}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o, "MyType")) }); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Recur","MyType",["Object",{"a":["Array",["Recur","MyType"]]}]]`; }, "in deep": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o, "MyType2")) }), p = Obj({"a": o}); return JSON.stringify(p.def()) === `["Object",{"a":["Recur","MyType2",["Object",{"a":["Array",["Recur","MyType2"]]}]]}]`; } }, "toString": { "simple - no name": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); return o.toString() + "" === "type_4"; }, "simple - with name": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o, "MyType")) }); return o + "" === "MyType"; }, "in deep": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o, "MyType2")) }), p = Obj({"a": o}); return p + "" === "{\n a: MyType2;\n}" }, "multiple calls to toString": async () => { type O = { a: O[]; } const {Arr, Obj, Recur} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o: import("./lib/typeguard.js").TypeGuard = Obj({ "a": Arr(Recur(() => o)) }); return o + "" === o + ""; } } }, "Rec": { "returns": { "valid - Str key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Str(), Num()); return r({}) && r({"a": 1}) && r({"a": 2, "b": 4, "c": 8}); }, "invalid - Str key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Str(), Num()); return !r({[Symbol("a")]: 1}) && !r({"a": 2, "b": 4, [Symbol("c")]: 8}); }, "valid - Sym key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Sym(), Num()); return r({}) && r({[Symbol("a")]: 1}) && r({[Symbol("a")]: 2, [Symbol("b")]: 3}); }, "invalid - Sym key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Sym(), Num()); return !r({"": 1}) && !r({"a": 2, [Symbol("b")]: 3}); }, "valid - Int key": async () => { const {IntStr, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(IntStr(), Str()); return r({}) && r({"1": "abc"}) && r({"2": "def", "3": "ghi"}); }, "invalid - Int key": async () => { const {IntStr, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(IntStr(), Str()); return !r({"": 1}) && !r({"1.1": 2, "1": 3}) && !r({"a": 4, "1": 5}); } }, "thows": { "valid - Str key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Str(), Num()); try { return r.throw({"a": 1}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - Str key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Str(), Num()); try { r.throw({[Symbol("a")]: 1}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - Sym key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Sym(), Num()); try { return r.throw({[Symbol("a")]: 1}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - Sym key": async () => { const {Num, Rec, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(Sym(), Num()); try { r.throw({"": 1}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, IntStr, Rec} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(IntStr(), Bool()); return JSON.stringify(r.def()) === `["Record",["Template",["",["","number"],""]],["","boolean"]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {BoolStr, Int, Obj, Rec, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(BoolStr(), Rec(Val("abc"), Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return JSON.stringify(r.def()) === `["Record",["Template",["",["","boolean"],""]],["Record",["","\\"abc\\""],["Object",{"a":["","number","0 <= i <= 255"]}]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, IntStr, Rec} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(IntStr(), Bool()); return r.toString() === "Record<`${number}`, boolean>"; }, "complex": async () => { const {BoolStr, Int, Obj, Rec, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), r = Rec(BoolStr(), Rec(Val("abc"), Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return r.toString() === "Record<`${boolean}`, Record<\"abc\", {\n a: number /* 0 <= i <= 255 */;\n}>>"; } } }, "Or": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Sym()); return o(true) && o(false) && o(1) && o(-1234) && o(Symbol("hello")); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Sym()); return !o("") && !o({}) && !o([]); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Sym()); try { return o.throw(true); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or, Sym} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Sym()); try { o.throw(""); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num()); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Or",[["","boolean"],["","number"]]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {Bool, BoolStr, IntStr, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Or(BoolStr(), IntStr())); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Or",[["","boolean"],["","number"],["Template",["",["","boolean"],""]],["Template",["",["","number"],""]]]]`; }, "duplicates": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Bool(), Bool(), Num()); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Or",[["","boolean"],["","number"]]]`; }, "multi-level duplicates": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Or(Or(Bool(), Num()), Bool()), Or(Bool(), Or(Num()))); return JSON.stringify(o.def()) === `["Or",[["","boolean"],["","number"]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num()); return o.toString() === "boolean | number"; }, "complex": async () => { const {Bool, BoolStr, IntStr, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Or(BoolStr(), IntStr())); return o.toString() === "boolean | number | `${boolean}` | `${number}`"; }, "duplicates": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Bool(), Num(), Bool(), Bool(), Num()); return o.toString() === "boolean | number"; }, "multi-level duplicates": async () => { const {Bool, Num, Or} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), o = Or(Or(Or(Bool(), Num()), Bool()), Or(Bool(), Or(Num()))); return o.toString() === "boolean | number"; } } }, "And": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {And, Arr, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Arr(Num()), Obj({"length": Num(2, 4)})); return a([1, 2]) && a([1, 2, 3]) && a([1, 2, 3, 4]); }, "invalid": async () => { const {And, Arr, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Arr(Num()), Obj({"length": Num(2, 4)})); return !a([1]) && !a(["", ""]) && !a([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {And, Arr, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Arr(Num()), Obj({"length": Num(2, 4)})); try { return a.throw([1, 2]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {And, Arr, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Arr(Num()), Obj({"length": Num(2, 4)})); try { a.throw([1]); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {And, Bool, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Obj({"a": Bool(), "b": Num()}), Obj({"a": Bool(), "b": Bool()})); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["And",[["Object",{"a":["","boolean"],"b":["","number"]}],["Object",{"a":["","boolean"],"b":["","boolean"]}]]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {And,BoolStr, IntStr, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Str(), Or(BoolStr(), IntStr())); return JSON.stringify(a.def()) === `["And",[["","string"],["Or",[["Template",["",["","boolean"],""]],["Template",["",["","number"],""]]]]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {And, Bool, Num, Obj} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Obj({"a": Bool(), "b": Num()}), Obj({"a": Bool(), "b": Bool()})); return a.toString() === "{\n a: boolean;\n b: number;\n} & {\n a: boolean;\n b: boolean;\n}"; }, "complex": async () => { const {And,BoolStr, IntStr, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), a = And(Str(), Or(BoolStr(), IntStr())); return a.toString() === "string & (`${boolean}` | `${number}`)"; } } }, "MapType": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {MapType, Num, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Num(), Str()); return m(new Map()) && m(new Map([[1, "a"]])) && m(new Map([[1, "a"], [2, "b"]])); }, "invalid": async () => { const {MapType, Num, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Num(), Str()); return !m(new Map([["a", 1]])) && !m(new Map([[1, "a"], ["b", 2]])); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {MapType, Num, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Num(), Str()); try { return m.throw(new Map([[1, "a"]])); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {MapType, Num, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Num(), Str()); try { m.throw(new Map([["a", 1]])); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, MapType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Int(), Bool()); return JSON.stringify(m.def()) === `["Map",["","number"],["","boolean"]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, MapType, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Bool(), MapType(Val("abc"), Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return JSON.stringify(m.def()) === `["Map",["","boolean"],["Map",["","\\"abc\\""],["Object",{"a":["","number","0 <= i <= 255"]}]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, Int, MapType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Int(), Bool()); return m.toString() === "Map"; }, "complex": async () => { const {Bool, Int, Obj, MapType, Val} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), m = MapType(Bool(), MapType(Val("abc"), Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return m.toString() === "Map>"; } } }, "SetType": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Num()); return s(new Set()) && s(new Set([1])) && s(new Set([1, 2, 3])); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Num()); return !s(new Set([""])) && !s(new Set([1, false, 3])); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Num, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Num()); try { return s.throw(new Set([1, 2, 3])); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Num, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Num()); try { s.throw(new Set([""])); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Bool()); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["Set",["","boolean"]]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {Int, Obj, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(SetType(Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return JSON.stringify(s.def()) === `["Set",["Set",["Object",{"a":["","number","0 <= i <= 255"]}]]]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Bool, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(Bool()); return s.toString() === "Set"; }, "complex": async () => { const {Int, Obj, SetType} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), s = SetType(SetType(Obj({ a: Int(0, 255) }))); return s.toString() === "Set>"; } } }, "NumStr": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); return n("0") && n("1.1") && n("-1.23") && n("Infinity") && n("-Infinity"); }, "invalid": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); return !n(0) && !n(1) && !n(true); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); try { return n.throw("1.111"); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); try { n.throw(0); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); return JSON.stringify(n.def()) === `["Template",["",["","number"],""]]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {NumStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), n = NumStr(); return n.toString() === "`${number}`"; } }, "IntStr": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); return i("0") && i("1") && i("99999999"); }, "invalid": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); return !i(0) && !i(1) && !i(true); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); try { return i.throw("1"); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); try { i.throw(0); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); return JSON.stringify(i.def()) === `["Template",["",["","number"],""]]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {IntStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), i = IntStr(); return i.toString() === "`${number}`"; } }, "BoolStr": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); return b("true") && b("false"); }, "invalid": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); return !b(true) && !b(false) && !b("other"); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); try { return b.throw("true"); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); try { b.throw(true); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); return JSON.stringify(b.def()) === `["Template",["",["","boolean"],""]]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {BoolStr} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), b = BoolStr(); return b.toString() === "`${boolean}`"; } }, "Function": { "return": { "valid - no specified args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); return f(() => {}) && f((_: any) => {}) && f(function(_a: any, _b: any, ..._c: any[]) {}); }, "invalid - no specified args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); return !f(0) && !f(true) && !f("() => {}") && !f("function(a, b, c) {}"); }, "valid - 2 args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); return f((_a: any, _b: any) => {}) && f(function(_a: any, _b: any) {}) && f(function(_a: any, _b: any, ..._c: any[]) {}); }, "invalid - 2 args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); return !f(() => {}) && !f((_a: any) => {}) && !f((_a: any, ..._b: any[]) => {}) && !f(function(_a: any) {}) && !f(function(_a: any, _b: any, _c: any, ..._d: any[]) {}); } }, "throws": { "valid - no specified args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); try { return f.throw(() => {}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - no specified args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); try { f.throw(0); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } }, "valid - 2 args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); try { return f.throw((_a: any, _b: any) => {}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid - 2 args": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); try { f.throw(() => {}); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": { "simple": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); return JSON.stringify(f.def()) === `["","Function"]`; }, "complex": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); return JSON.stringify(f.def()) === `["","Function","2"]`; } }, "toString": { "simple": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(); return f.toString() === "Function"; }, "complex": async () => { const {Func} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Func(2); return f.toString() === "Function /* 2 */"; } } }, "Forbid": { "returns": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); return f(true) && f(false) && f(0); }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); return !f(null) && !f(""); } }, "throws": { "valid": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); try { return f.throw(true); } catch(e) { console.log(e); return false; } }, "invalid": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); try { f.throw(null); return false; } catch(e) { return true; } } }, "def": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); return JSON.stringify(f.def()) === `["Exclude",["Or",[["","boolean"],["","null"],["","number"],["","string"]]],["Or",[["","null"],["","string"]]]]`; }, "toString": async () => { const {Bool, Forbid, Null, Num, Or, Str} = await import("./lib/typeguard.js"), f = Forbid(Or(Bool(), Null(), Num(), Str()), Or(Null(), Str())); return f.toString() === `Exclude`; } } }, "casefold": [ ["A", "A", "a"], ["a", "a", "a"], ["A", "a", "a"], ["ẞ", "SS", "ss"], ["ẞ", "ss", "ss"], ["1# HarBOR Side", "1# HARboR SiDE", "1# harbor side"] ].reduce((o, [from, to, exact]) => (o[`${from} == ${to} (${exact})`] = async () => { const {default: fold} = await import("./lib/casefold.js"), folded = fold(from); return folded === fold(to) && folded === exact; }, o), {} as Record Promise>), "parser": { "tokeniser": { "peek": { "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); let peeked = false; parser("abc", p => { peeked = p.peek() === "a"; return p.done(); }).next(); return peeked; }, "cab": async () => { let peeked = false; const {default: parser, TokenDone} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("cab", p => { peeked = p.peek() === "c"; return p.done(); }).next().value; return peeked && tk.type === TokenDone && tk.data === ""; } }, "next": { "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("123abc", p => [{ "type": 1 + +(p.next() === "1" && p.next() === "2" && p.next() === "3"), "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "123"; }, "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc", p => [{ "type": +(p.next() === "a" && p.next() === "b" && p.next() === "c" && p.next() === ""), "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "abc"; } }, "backup": { "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("123abc", p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.backup(); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "12"; }, "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc123", p => { p.next(); p.backup(); p.backup(); p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.backup(); p.next(); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "abc"; } }, "reset": { "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("123abc", p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.reset(); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === ""; }, "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc123", p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.reset(); p.next(); p.next(); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "ab"; } }, "accept": { "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc", p => { p.accept("a"); p.accept("b"); p.accept("d"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "ab"; }, "cab": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("cab", p => { p.accept("a"); p.accept("b"); p.accept("c"); return [{ "type": 2, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "c"; }, "abc???": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc", p => { p.accept("a"); p.accept("b"); p.accept("c"); p.accept("a"); p.accept("b"); p.accept("c"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "abc"; } }, "get": { "simple": async () => { let read = ""; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("12345abcde", p => { p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); read = p.get(); return p.done(); }).next(); return read === "123"; }, "run": async () => { let read = ""; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("12345abcde", p => { p.exceptRun("abcde"); read = p.get(); return p.done(); }).next(); return read === "12345"; } }, "acceptString": { "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("1234567890", p => p.return(p.acceptString("123"))).next().value; return tk.type === 3 && tk.data === "123"; }, "456": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("1234567890", p => p.return(p.acceptString("456"))).next().value; return tk.type === 0 && tk.data === ""; }, "124": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("1234567890", p => p.return(p.acceptString("124"))).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "12"; }, "abcdef": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abcd", p => p.return(p.acceptString("abcdef"))).next().value; return tk.type === 4 && tk.data === "abcd"; }, "aBcDeF": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aBcD", p => p.return(p.acceptString("abcdef"))).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "a"; }, "abcdef (2)": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abcd", p => p.return(p.acceptString("aBcDeF"))).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "a"; }, "aBcDeF (case insensitive)": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aBcDeFgH", p => p.return(p.acceptString("abcdef", false))).next().value; return tk.type === 6 && tk.data === "aBcDeF"; }, "aBcDeF (case insensitive, 2)": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abcdefgh", p => p.return(p.acceptString("aBcDeF", false))).next().value; return tk.type === 6 && tk.data === "abcdef"; } }, "acceptWord": { "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("1234567890", p => { p.acceptWord([ "012345", "123", "124" ]); return p.return(1); }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "123"; }, "125": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("125", p => { p.acceptWord([ "012345", "123", "124" ]); return p.return(1); }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === ""; }, "1234567890": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("1234567890", p => { p.acceptWord([ "012345", "123", "124", "12354", "1234567" ]); return p.return(1); }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "1234567"; }, "AbCdEfGh": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("AbCdEfGh", p => { p.acceptWord([ "abc", "aBCDefgh", "abcdfg", "ABCDFG" ], false); return p.return(1); }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "AbCdEfGh"; } }, "acceptRun": { "aabbbcccc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aabbbcccc", p => { p.acceptRun("a"); p.acceptRun("b"); p.acceptRun("d"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "aabbb"; }, "ccccccaaaabbbbbbb": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("ccccccaaaabbbbbbb", p => { p.acceptRun("a"); p.acceptRun("b"); p.acceptRun("c"); return [{ "type": 2, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "cccccc"; }, "aabbbcccc???": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aabbbcccc", p => { p.acceptRun("a"); p.acceptRun("b"); p.acceptRun("c"); p.acceptRun("d"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "aabbbcccc"; } }, "length": { "simple": async () => { let l = 0; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("12345abcde", p => { p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); p.accept("123"); l = p.length(); return p.done(); }).next(); return l === 3 }, "run": async () => { let l = 0; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("12345abcde", p => { p.exceptRun("abcde"); l = p.length(); return p.done(); }).next(); return l === 5 } }, "except": { "abc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc", p => { p.except("a"); p.except("b"); p.except("d"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "ab"; }, "cab": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("cab", p => { p.except("a"); p.except("b"); p.except("c"); return [{ "type": 2, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "cab"; }, "abc???": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("abc", p => { p.except("a"); p.except("b"); p.except("c"); p.except("a"); p.except("b"); p.except("c"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "abc"; } }, "exceptRun": { "aabbbcccc": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aabbbcccc", p => { p.exceptRun("a"); p.exceptRun("b"); p.exceptRun("cd"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "aabbb"; }, "ccccccaaaabbbbbbb": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("ccccccaaaabbbbbbb", p => { p.exceptRun("a"); p.exceptRun("b"); p.exceptRun("c"); return [{ "type": 2, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 2 && tk.data === "ccccccaaaabbbbbbb"; }, "aabbbcccc???": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("aabbbcccc", p => { p.exceptRun("a"); p.exceptRun("b"); p.exceptRun("c"); p.exceptRun("d"); p.exceptRun("e"); return [{ "type": 1, "data": p.get() }, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return tk.type === 1 && tk.data === "aabbbcccc"; } }, "done": { "empty": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("", p => { return p.done(); }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":-1,"data":""}` && a === b; }, "msg": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("", p => { return p.done("myMsg"); }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":-1,"data":"myMsg"}` && a === b; } }, "error": { "empty": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("", p => { return p.error(); }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":-2,"data":"unknown error"}` && a === b; }, "msg": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("", p => { return p.error("myErr"); }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":-2,"data":"myErr"}` && a === b; } }, "multi fn": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("12345abcde", p => { p.exceptRun("abcde"); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, p => { p.acceptRun("abcde"); return [{"type": 2, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }]; }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":1,"data":"12345"}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}` && c === `{"type":-1,"data":""}`; }, "return": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = parser("12345abcde", p => { p.exceptRun("abcde"); return p.return(1, p => { p.acceptRun("abcde"); return p.return(2); }); }), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":1,"data":"12345"}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}` && c === `{"type":-1,"data":""}`; } }, "phraser": { "peek": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); let peeked = false; parser("12345abcde", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => p.done()], p => { peeked = p.peek() === 1; return p.done(); }).next(); return peeked; }, "abcde12345": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); let peeked = false; parser("abcde12345", p => [{"type": 2, "data": ""}, () => p.done()], p => { peeked = p.peek() === 2; return p.done(); }).next(); return peeked; } }, "next": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => [{"type": +(p.next() === 1 && p.next() === 2), "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"},{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; }, "abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()], p => [{"type": 2 + +(p.next() === 2 && p.next() === -1), "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; } }, "backup": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.backup(); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.backup(); p.next(); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; } }, "reset": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.next(); p.reset(); p.next(); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.next(); p.next(); p.reset(); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[]}`; } }, "accept": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.accept(1); p.accept(2); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"},{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; }, "abcde12345": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.accept(1); p.accept(2); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; } }, "acceptRun": { "12345abcde": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.acceptRun(1); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "123": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.acceptRun(1, 2); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"1"},{"type":1,"data":"2"},{"type":2,"data":"3"}]}`; }, "123??": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.acceptRun(1, 2); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"1"},{"type":1,"data":"2"},{"type":2,"data":"3"},{"type":2,"data":"3"}]}`; } }, "length": { "simple": async () => { let length = 0; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.accept(1, 2); p.accept(1, 2); p.accept(1, 2); p.accept(1, 2); p.accept(1, 2); p.accept(1, 2); length = p.length(); return p.done(); }).next().value; return length === 3; }, "run": async () => { let length = 0; const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"); parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.acceptRun(1, 2); length = p.length(); return p.done(); }).next().value; return length === 3; } }, "except": { "12345abcde 1,1": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.except(1); p.except(1); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[]}`; }, "12345abcde 1,2": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.except(1); p.except(2); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "12345abcde 2,2": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.except(2); p.except(2); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "12345abcde 2,1": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": "abcde"}, () => p.done()]], p => { p.except(2); p.except(1); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"},{"type":2,"data":"abcde"}]}`; } }, "exceptRun": { "12345abcde 1": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.exceptRun(1); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[]}`; }, "12345abcde 2": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "12345"}, () => p.done()], p => { p.exceptRun(2); return [{"type": 3, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"12345"}]}`; }, "123 1,2": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.exceptRun(1, 2); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[]}`; }, "123 3": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.exceptRun(3); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"1"},{"type":1,"data":"2"},{"type":2,"data":"3"}]}`; }, "123?? 4": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.exceptRun(4); return [{"type": 1, "data": p.get()}, () => p.done()]; }).next().value; return JSON.stringify(p) === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"1"},{"type":1,"data":"2"},{"type":2,"data":"3"},{"type":2,"data":"3"}]}`; } }, "done": { "empty": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => p.done(), p => p.done()); return JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-1,"data":[]}` && JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-1,"data":[]}`; }, "msg": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => p.done(), p => p.done("msg")); return JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-1,"data":[{"type":-1,"data":"msg"}]}` && JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-1,"data":[{"type":-1,"data":"msg"}]}`; } }, "error": { "empty": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => p.done(), p => p.error()); return JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-2,"data":[{"type":-2,"data":"unknown error"}]}` && JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-2,"data":[{"type":-2,"data":"unknown error"}]}`; }, "msg": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => p.done(), p => p.error("custom error")); return JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-2,"data":[{"type":-2,"data":"custom error"}]}` && JSON.stringify(p.next().value) === `{"type":-2,"data":[{"type":-2,"data":"custom error"}]}`; } }, "return": async () => { const {default: parser} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), p = parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data":"1"}, () => [{"type": 1, "data":"2"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data":"3"}, () => [{"type": 3, "data":"3"}, () => p.done()]]]], p => { p.acceptRun(1); return p.return(4, () => { p.acceptRun(2, 3); return p.return(5); }); }), a = JSON.stringify(p.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(p.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(p.next().value); return a === `{"type":4,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"1"},{"type":1,"data":"2"}]}` && b === `{"type":5,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"3"},{"type":3,"data":"3"}]}` && c === `{"type":-1,"data":[]}`; } }, "withNumbers": { "tokens": async () => { const {default: parser, withNumbers} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = withNumbers(parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "123"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": " \n "}, () => [{"type": 3, "data": "\n\nabc"}, () => p.done()]]])), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), d = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":1,"data":"123","pos":0,"line":0,"linePos":0}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":" \\n ","pos":3,"line":0,"linePos":3}` && c === `{"type":3,"data":"\\n\\nabc","pos":8,"line":1,"linePos":2}` && d === `{"type":-1,"data":"","pos":13,"line":3,"linePos":3}`; }, "phrases": async () => { const {default: parser, withNumbers} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = withNumbers(parser("", p => p.done(), p => [ {"type": 1, "data": [ {"type": 1, "data": "abc"} ]}, () => [ {"type": 2, "data": [ {"type": 2, "data": "123"}, {"type": 3, "data": "\n456"} ]}, () => [{"type": 3, "data": [ {"type": 4, "data": "nl\n"}, {"type": 5, "data": "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"}, {"type": 6, "data": "\n\n\n"} ]}, () => p.done("msg")] ]])), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), d = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), e = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value); return a === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"abc","pos":0,"line":0,"linePos":0}]}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"123","pos":3,"line":0,"linePos":3},{"type":3,"data":"\\n456","pos":6,"line":0,"linePos":6}]}` && c === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":4,"data":"nl\\n","pos":10,"line":1,"linePos":3},{"type":5,"data":"Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz","pos":13,"line":2,"linePos":0},{"type":6,"data":"\\n\\n\\n","pos":50,"line":2,"linePos":37}]}` && d === `{"type":-1,"data":[{"type":-1,"data":"msg","pos":53,"line":5,"linePos":0}]}` && d === e; } }, "processToEnd": { "tokens": async () => { const {default: parser, processToEnd} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = processToEnd(parser("", p => [{"type": 1, "data": "123"}, () => [{"type": 2, "data": " \n "}, () => [{"type": 3, "data": "\n\nabc"}, () => p.done()]]])), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), d = tk.next(); return a === `{"type":1,"data":"123"}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":" \\n "}` && c === `{"type":3,"data":"\\n\\nabc"}` && d.done === true && d.value === undefined; }, "phrases": async () => { const {default: parser, processToEnd} = await import("./lib/parser.js"), tk = processToEnd(parser("", p => p.done(), p => [ {"type": 1, "data": [ {"type": 1, "data": "abc"} ]}, () => [ {"type": 2, "data": [ {"type": 2, "data": "123"}, {"type": 3, "data": "\n456"} ]}, () => [{"type": 3, "data": [ {"type": 4, "data": "nl\n"}, {"type": 5, "data": "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"}, {"type": 6, "data": "\n\n\n"} ]}, () => p.done("msg")] ]])), a = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), b = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), c = JSON.stringify(tk.next().value), d = tk.next(); return a === `{"type":1,"data":[{"type":1,"data":"abc"}]}` && b === `{"type":2,"data":[{"type":2,"data":"123"},{"type":3,"data":"\\n456"}]}` && c === `{"type":3,"data":[{"type":4,"data":"nl\\n"},{"type":5,"data":"Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"},{"type":6,"data":"\\n\\n\\n"}]}` && d.done === true && d.value === undefined; } } }, "markdown": Object.entries({ "thematic breaks": { "dashes": [ ["---", "
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                    heading\n---- a

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                    heading\n== ==

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                    "], [" Foo\n ---\n\n Foo\n---", "

                    "], ["> foo\n---", "


                    "], ["> foo\nbar\n===", "


                    "], ["====", "


                    "], ["---\n---", "

                    "] ], "complex setext header": [ ["Foo\nbar\n---\nbaz", "



                    "], ["Foo\n\nbar\n---\nbaz", "




                    "], ["Foo\nbar\n\n---\nbaz", "



                    "], ["Foo\nbar\n\\---\nbaz", "


                    "], ["---\nFoo\n---\nBar\n---\nBaz", "




                    "] ] }, "code blocks": { "simple code blocks": [ [" a simple\n indented code block", "
                    a simple\n  indented code block
                    "], ["\ta simple\n\t indented code block", "
                    a simple\n  indented code block
                    "], [" \n *hi*\n", "
                    "], [" an indented code block\n\n with a blank line", "
                    an indented code block\n\nwith a blank line
                    "], [" foo \t", "
                    foo  \t
                    "], [" foo \t\n \t \t", "
                    foo  \t\n\t \t
                    "], [" chunk1\n\n chunk2\n \n \n \n chunk3", "
                    "], [" chunk1\n \n chunk2", "
                    chunk1\n  \n  chunk2
                    "], [" foo\n bar", "
                    "], [" \n foo\n ", "
                    "], [" foo ", "
                    "], [" ", "
                    "] ], "code blocks with surrounding": [ ["a simple\n paragraph", "

                    a simple\nparagraph

                    "], ["a paragraph\n\n a simple\n indented code block", "

                    a paragraph

                    a simple\n  indented code block
                    "], [" a simple\n indented code block\na paragraph", "
                    a simple\n  indented code block\n

                    a paragraph

                    "], ["# Heading\n foo\nHeading\n------\n foo\n----", "





                    "] ], "not a code block": [ ["Foo\n bar", "


                    "] ] }, "fenced code blocks": { "simple fenced": [ ["```\nCode Here\n```", "
                    Code Here\n
                    "], ["~~~\nCode Here\n~~~", "
                    Code Here\n
                    "], [" ````\n Code Here\n```\nabc\n ````", "
                    Code Here\n```\nabc\n
                    "], [" ~~~~\n Code Here\n~~~\nabc\n ~~~~", "
                    Code Here\n~~~\nabc\n
                    "], [" ```\n Code Here\n ~~~\n abc\n ~~~\n ```", "
                    Code Here\n~~~\nabc\n~~~\n
                    "], [" ~~~\n Code Here\n ```\n abc\n ```\n ~~~", "
                    Code Here\n```\nabc\n```\n
                    "], ["```\n``` a\n```", "
                    ``` a\n
                    "], ["```\nCode Here", "
                    Code Here
                    "], ["```\n<\n >\n```", "
                    <\n >\n
                    "], ["~~~\n<\n >\n~~~", "
                    <\n >\n
                    "], ["```", "
                    "], ["~~~", "
                    "], ["```\n\n\n \n```", "
                    "], ["~~~\n\n\n \n~~~", "
                    "], ["```\n```", "
                    "], ["~~~\n~~~", "
                    "], [" ```\naaa\n aaa\n ```", "
                    "], [" ~~~\naaa\n aaa\n ~~~", "
                    "], [" ```\n aaa\n aaa\n aaa\n ```", "
                    aaa\n aaa\naaa\n
                    "], [" ~~~\n aaa\n aaa\n aaa\n ~~~", "
                    aaa\n aaa\naaa\n
                    "], ["```\naaa\n ```", "
                    "], ["~~~\naaa\n ~~~", "
                    "], ["~~~~~~\naaa\n~~~ ~~", "
                    aaa\n~~~ ~~
                    "], ["```\naaa\n ```", "
                    aaa\n    ```
                    "], ["~~~\naaa\n ~~~", "
                    aaa\n    ~~~
                    "], ["```\n``` aaa\n```", "
                    ``` aaa\n
                    "], ["~~~\n~~~ aaa\n~~~", "
                    ~~~ aaa\n
                    "], ["```\n\n```", "
                    "] ], "fenced with info string": [ ["```bash\nCode Here\n```", "
                    Code Here\n
                    "], ["~~~ cpp \nCode Here\n~~~", "
                    Code Here\n
                    "], [" ```` python \n Code Here\n```\nabc\n ````", "
                    Code Here\n```\nabc\n
                    "], [" ~~~~ code here \n Code Here\n```\nabc\n ~~~~", "
                    Code Here\n```\nabc\n
                    "], ["```ruby\ndef foo(x)\n return 3\nend\n```", "
                    def foo(x)\n  return 3\nend\n
                    "], ["~~~ aa ``` ~~~\nfoo\n~~~", "
                    "] ], "mixed blocks": [ ["> ```\n> aaa\n\nbbb", "


                    "], ["> ~~~\n> aaa\n\nbbb", "


                    "], ["foo\n```\nbar\n```\nbaz", "




                    "], ["foo\n---\n~~~\nbar\n~~~\n# baz", "




                    "] ], "not a fenced code block": [ [" ```\n aaa\n ```", "
                    "] ] }, "raw html": { "type 1": [ ['
                    \nimport Text.HTML.TagSoup\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = print $ parseTags tags\n
                    \nokay', '
                    \nimport Text.HTML.TagSoup\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = print $ parseTags tags\n


                    '], ['\nokay', '\n


                    '], ['', ''], ['\nh1 {color:red;}\n\np {color:blue;}\n\nokay', '\n


                    '] ], "type 2": [ ['*bar*\nbaz', '*bar*\n


                    '] ], "type 3": [ ["';\n\n?>\nokay", "';\n\n?>\n


                    "] ], "type 4": [ ["", ""] ], "type 5": [ ["\nokay", "\n


                    "] ], "type 6": [ ["
                    ", "
                    "], ["
                    ", "
                    "], ["
                    More\nData", "
                    "], ["Text Before\n\n
                    \nText After", "

                    Text Before

                    \nText After"], ["Text Before\n\n
                    \n\nText After", "

                    Text Before


                    Text After

                    "], ["
                    More\nData\n\nClose?", "


                    "], ["
                    *bar*\n\nbaz", "*bar*\n\n


                    "] ], "type 7": [ ["\n*bar*\n", "\n*bar*\n"], ['\n*bar*\n', '\n*bar*\n'], ["\n*foo*\n", "\n*foo*\n"], ["\n\n*foo*\n\n", "\n\n


                    "], ['Foo\n
                    \nbaz', '


                    '], ['Foo\n\nbaz\n\nMore Foo\n\nMore Text', '

                    Foo\n\nbaz\n\nMore Foo

                    More Text

                    '] ] }, "link reference": { "simple": [ ["[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n[foo]", "


                    "], [" [foo]: \n /url \n 'the title' \n\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[Foo*bar\\]]:my_(url) 'title (with parens)'\n\n[Foo*bar\\]]", "


                    "], ["[Foo bar]:\n\n'title'\n\n[Foo bar]", "

                    Foo bar

                    "], ["[foo]: /url '\ntitle\nline1\nline2\n'\n\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[foo]: /url 'title\n\nwith blank line'\n\n[foo]", "

                    [foo]: /url 'title

                    with blank line'


                    "], ["[foo]:\n/url\n\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[foo]:\n\n[foo]", "



                    "], ["[foo]: <>\n\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[foo]: (baz)\n\n[foo]", "

                    [foo]: (baz)


                    "], ["[foo]: /url\\bar\\*baz \"foo\\\"bar\\baz\"\n\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[foo]\n\n[foo]: url", "


                    "], ["[foo]\n\n[foo]: first\n[foo]: second", "


                    "], ["[FOO]: /url\n\n[Foo]", "


                    "], ["[ΑΓΩ]: /φου\n\n[αγω]", "


                    "], ["[foo]: /url", ""], ["[\nfoo\n]: /url\nbar", "


                    "], ["[foo]: /url \"title\" ok", "

                    [foo]: /url \"title\" ok

                    "], ["[foo]: /url\n\"title\" ok", "

                    \"title\" ok

                    "], [" [foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n[foo]", "
                    [foo]: /url \"title\"\n


                    "], ["```\n[foo]: /url\n```\n\n\n[foo]", "
                    [foo]: /url\n


                    "], ["Foo\n[bar]: /baz\n\n[bar]", "

                    Foo\n[bar]: /baz


                    "], ["# [Foo]\n[foo]: /url\n> bar", "



                    "], ["[foo]: /url\nbar\n===\n[foo]", "



                    "], ["[foo]: /url\n===\n[foo]", "


                    "], ["[foo]: /foo-url \"foo\"\n[bar]: /bar-url\n \"bar\"\n[baz]: /baz-url\n\n[foo],\n[bar],\n[baz]", "


                    "], ["[foo]\n\n> [foo]: /url", "


                    "] ] }, "paragraphs": { "leading whitespace": [ ["aaa\n\nbbb", "



                    "], ["aaa\nbbb\n\nccc\nddd", "



                    "], ["aaa\nbbb\n\n\nccc\nddd", "



                    "], [" aaa\nbbb", "


                    "], ["aaa\n bbb\n ccc", "


                    "], [" aaa\nbbb", "


                    "] ] }, "block quotes": { "simple": [ ["> # Foo\n> bar\n> baz", "



                    "], ["># Foo\n>bar\n> baz", "



                    "], [" > # Foo\n > bar\n > baz", "



                    "], [" >", "
                    "], [" >\n> \n> ", "
                    "], [">\n> foo\n> ", "


                    "], ["> foo\n\n> bar", "



                    "], ["> foo\n> bar", "


                    "], ["> foo\n>\n> bar", "



                    "], ["foo\n> bar", "



                    "], ["> aaa\n***\n> bbb", "



                    "], ["> code\n\n> not code", "

                    not code

                    "] ], "not a block quote": [ [" > # Foo\n > bar\n > baz", "
                    > # Foo\n> bar\n> baz
                    "] ], "laziness": [ ["> # Foo\n> bar\nbaz", "



                    "], ["> bar\nbaz\n> foo", "


                    "], ["> foo\n> ---", "


                    "], ["> foo\n---", "


                    "], ["> foo\n bar", "
                    "], ["> ```\nfoo\n```", "


                    "], ["> foo\n - bar", "

                    foo\n- bar

                    "], ["> bar\nbaz", "


                    "], ["> bar\n\nbaz", "



                    "], ["> bar\n>\nbaz", "



                    "] ], "multi depth": [ ["> > > foo\nbar", "


                    "], [">>> foo\n> bar\n>>baz", "


                    "] ] }, "list items": { "simple": [ ["1. A paragraph\n with two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.

                      indented code\n

                      A block quote.

                    "], ["- one\n\n two", "
                    • one


                    "], ["- one\n\n two", "
                    • one


                    "], [" - one\n\n two", "
                    • one
                    "], [" - one\n\n two", "
                    • one


                    "], [" > > 1. one\n>>\n>> two", "
                    1. one


                    "], [">>- one\n>>\n > > two", "
                    • one


                    "], ["- foo\n\n\n\n bar", "
                    • foo


                    "], ["1. foo\n\n ```\n bar\n ```\n baz\n\n > bam", "
                    1. foo




                    "], ["- Foo\n\n bar\n\n\n baz", "
                    • Foo

                    "], ["123456789. ok", "
                    1. ok
                    "], ["0. ok", "
                    1. ok
                    "], ["003. ok", "
                    1. ok
                    "], ["- foo\n\n bar", "
                    • foo

                    "], [" 10. foo\n\n bar", "
                    1. foo

                    "], ["1. indented code\n\n paragraph\n\n more code", "
                    1. indented code\n


                      more code
                    "], ["1. indented code\n\n paragraph\n\n more code", "
                    1.  indented code\n


                      more code
                    "], ["- foo\n\n bar", "
                    • foo


                    "], ["- foo\n\n bar", "
                    • foo


                    "], ["-\n foo\n-\n ```\n bar\n ```\n-\n baz", "
                    • foo
                    • bar\n
                    • baz
                    "], ["- \n foo", "
                    • foo
                    "], ["-\n\n foo", "


                    "], ["- foo\n-\n- bar", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    "], ["- foo\n- \n- bar", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    "], ["1. foo\n2.\n3. bar", "
                    1. foo
                    2. bar
                    "], ["*", "
                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\n with two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.

                      indented code\n

                      A block quote.

                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\n with two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.

                      indented code\n

                      A block quote.

                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\n with two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.

                      indented code\n

                      A block quote.

                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.

                      indented code\n

                      A block quote.

                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\n with two lines.", "
                    1. A paragraph\nwith two lines.
                    "], ["> 1. > Blockquote\ncontinued here.", "
                    1. Blockquote\ncontinued here.

                    "], ["> 1. > Blockquote\n> continued here.", "
                    1. Blockquote\ncontinued here.

                    "], ["- foo\n - bar\n - baz\n - boo", "
                    • foo
                      • bar
                        • baz
                          • boo
                    "], ["- foo\n - bar\n - baz\n - boo", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    • baz
                    • boo
                    "], ["10) foo\n - bar", "
                    1. foo
                      • bar
                    "], ["10) foo\n - bar", "
                    1. foo
                    • bar
                    "], ["- - foo", "
                      • foo
                    "], ["1. - 2. foo", "
                        1. foo
                    "], ["- # Foo\n- Bar\n ---\n baz", "
                    • Foo

                    • Bar

                    "] ], "not a list item": [ ["-one\n\n2.two", "



                    "], ["1234567890. ok", "

                    1234567890. ok

                    "], ["-1. not ok", "

                    -1. not ok

                    "], ["foo\n*\n\nfoo\n1.", "



                    "], [" 1. A paragraph\n with two lines.\n\n indented code\n\n > A block quote.", "
                    1.  A paragraph\n    with two lines.\n\n        indented code\n\n    > A block quote.
                    "], ["- foo\n\n- bar\n\n- baz", "
                    • foo

                    • bar

                    • baz

                    "] ] }, "list": { "simple": [ ["- foo\n- bar\n+ baz", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    • baz
                    "], ["1. foo\n2. bar\n3) baz", "
                    1. foo
                    2. bar
                    1. baz
                    "], ["Foo\n- bar\n- baz", "


                    • bar
                    • baz
                    "], ["The number of windows in my house is\n1. The number of doors is 6.", "

                    The number of windows in my house is

                    1. The number of doors is 6.
                    "], ["- foo\n - bar\n - baz\n\n\n bim", "
                    • foo
                      • bar
                        • baz


                    "], ["- foo\n- bar\n\n\n\n- baz\n- bim", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    • baz
                    • bim
                    "], ["- foo\n\n notcode\n\n- foo\n\n\n\n code", "
                    • foo


                    • foo

                    "], ["- a\n - b\n - c\n - d\n - e\n - f\n- g", "
                    • a
                    • b
                    • c
                    • d
                    • e
                    • f
                    • g
                    "], ["1. a\n\n 2. b\n\n 3. c", "
                    1. a

                    2. b

                    3. c

                    "], ["- a\n - b\n - c\n - d\n - e", "
                    • a
                    • b
                    • c
                    • d\n- e
                    "], ["1. a\n\n 2. b\n\n 3. c", "
                    1. a

                    2. b

                    3. c
                    "], ["- a\n- b\n\n- c", "
                    • a

                    • b

                    • c

                    "], ["* a\n*\n\n* c", "
                    • a

                    • c

                    "], ["- a\n- b\n\n\n c\n- d", "
                    • a

                    • b


                    • d

                    "], ["- a\n- b\n\n\n [ref]: /url\n- d", "
                    • a

                    • b

                    • d

                    "], ["- a\n- ```\n b\n\n\n\n ```\n- c", "
                    • a
                    • b\n\n\n\n
                    • c
                    "], ["- a\n - b\n\n c\n- d", "
                    • a
                      • b


                    • d
                    "], ["* a\n > b\n > \n* c", "
                    • a


                    • c
                    "], ["- a\n > b\n ```\n c\n ```\n- d", "
                    • a


                    • d
                    "], ["- a", "
                    • a
                    "], ["- a\n - b", "
                    • a
                      • b
                    "], ["1. ```\n foo\n ```\n\n bar", "
                    1. foo\n


                    "], ["* foo\n * bar\n\n baz", "
                    • foo

                      • bar


                    "], ["- a\n - b\n - c\n\n- d\n - e\n - f", "
                    • a

                      • b
                      • c
                    • d

                      • e
                      • f
                    "], ["- a\n\t- b\n\t- c\n\t\t- d", "
                    • a
                      • b
                      • c
                        • d
                    "] ], "not a list": [ ["The number of windows in my house is\n14. The number of doors is 6.", "

                    The number of windows in my house is\n14. The number of doors is 6.

                    "], ["The number of windows in my house is\n2. The number of doors is 6.", "

                    The number of windows in my house is\n2. The number of doors is 6.

                    "] ] }, "list task items": { "simple": [ ["- [ ] foo\n- [x] bar", "
                    • foo
                    • bar
                    "], ["- [x] foo\n - [ ] bar\n - [x] baz\n- [ ] bim", "
                    • foo
                      • bar
                      • baz
                    • bim
                    "] ] }, "table": { "simple": [ ["| Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| Cell 3 | Cell 4", "
                    Heading 1Heading 2
                    Cell 1Cell 2
                    Cell 3Cell 4
                    "], ["| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |\n| :------: | -------: | :------- | -------- |\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 |\n| Cell 5 | Cell 6 | Cell 7 | Cell 8 |", "
                    Header 1Header 2Header 3Header 4
                    Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3Cell 4
                    Cell 5Cell 6Cell 7Cell 8
                    "], ["Header 1|Header 2|Header 3|Header 4\n:-------|:------:|-------:|--------\nCell 1 |Cell 2 |Cell 3 |Cell 4\n*Cell 5*|Cell 6 |Cell 7 |Cell 8", "
                    Header 1Header 2Header 3Header 4
                    Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3Cell 4
                    Cell 5Cell 6Cell 7Cell 8
                    "], ["> foo|foo\n> ---|---\n> bar|bar\nbaz|baz", "


                    "], ["| foo\n|----\n| test2", "
                    "], ["- foo|foo\n---|---\nbar|bar", "
                    - foofoo
                    "], ["| foo | bar |\n| --- | --- |\n| baz | quux |", "
                    "], ["paragraph\nfoo|foo\n---|---\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["| Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| \\\\\\\`|\\\\\\\`", "
                    Heading 1Heading 2
                    Cell 1Cell 2
                    "], ["# | 1 | 2\n--|--|--\nx | `\\` | `x`", "
                    "], ["# | 1 | 2\n--|--|--\nx | \\`\\` | `x`", "
                    "], ["| 1 | 2 |\n| :-----: | :-----: |\n| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |", "
                    "], ["| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |\n| :-----: | :-----: | :-----: | :-----: |\n| 5 | 6 |", "
                    "], ["| foo |\n:-----:\n| bar |", "
                    "], [" | Col1a | Col2a |\n | ----- | ----- |\n | Col1b | Col2b |", "
                    "], [" | Col1a | Col2a |\n | ----- | ----- |\n | Col1b | Col2b |", "
                    | Col1a | Col2a |\n

                    | ----- | ----- |\n| Col1b | Col2b |

                    "], [" | Col1a | Col2a |\n | ----- | ----- |\n | Col1b | Col2b |", "

                    | Col1a | Col2a |\n| ----- | ----- |\n| Col1b | Col2b |

                    "], [" | Col1a | Col2a |\n | ----- | ----- |\n | Col1b | Col2b |", "
                    | Col1b | Col2b |
                    "], [" | Col1a | Col2a |\n | ----- | ----- |", "
                    "], ["Col1a | Col1b | Col1c\n----- | -----\nCol2a | Col2b | Col2c", "

                    Col1a | Col1b | Col1c\n----- | -----\nCol2a | Col2b | Col2c

                    "], ["| Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| `Cell 3\\|` | Cell 4", "
                    Heading 1Heading 2
                    Cell 1Cell 2
                    Cell 3|Cell 4
                    "], ["| Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| `Cell 3\\|` | Cell 4", "
                    Heading 1Heading 2
                    Cell 1Cell 2
                    Cell 3\|Cell 4
                    "], ["- Level 1\n\n - Level 2\n\n | Column 1 | Column 2 |\n | -------- | -------- |\n | abcdefgh | ijklmnop |", "
                    • Level 1

                      • Level 2

                        Column 1Column 2
                    "], ["- Level 1\n\n - Level 2\n\n | Column 1 | Column 2 |\n | -------- | -------- |\n | abcdefgh | ijklmnop |", "
                    • Level 1

                      • Level 2

                        Column 1Column 2
                    "], ["| foo | bar |\n| --- | --- |\n| baz | bim |", "
                    "], ["| abc | defghi |\n:-: | -----------:\nbar | baz", "
                    "], ["| f\\|oo |\n| ------ |\n| b `\\|` az |\n| b **\\|** im |", "
                    b | az
                    b | im
                    "], ["| abc | def |\n| --- | --- |\n| bar | baz |\n> bar", "


                    "] ], "not a table": [ ["foo|foo\n-----|-----s\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["foo|foo\n-----:-----\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["foo|foo\n-----||-----\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["foo|foo\n-----|-::-\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["foo\n-----|-----\nbar|bar", "


                    "], ["|\n|\n|", "


                    "] ] }, "inline": { "code": [ ["`foo`", "


                    "], ["`` foo ` bar ``", "

                    foo ` bar

                    "], ["` `` `", "


                    "], ["` `` `", "


                    "], ["` a`", "


                    "], ["`\tb\t`", "


                    "], ["` `\n` `", "


                    "], ["``\nfoo\nbar \nbaz\n``", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["``\nfoo \n``", "


                    "], ["`foo bar \nbaz`", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["`foo\\`bar`", "


                    "], ["``foo`bar``", "


                    "], ["` foo `` bar `", "

                    foo `` bar

                    "], ["*foo`*`", "


                    "], ["[not a `link](/foo`)", "

                    [not a link](/foo)

                    "], ["``", "

                    <a href=\"\">`

                    "], ["``", "


                    "], ["```foo``", "


                    "], ["`foo", "


                    "], ["`foo``bar``", "


                    "], ["foo``", "


                    "] ], "emphasis": [ ["*foo bar*", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["a * foo bar*", "

                    a * foo bar*

                    "], ["a*\"foo\"*", "


                    "], ["* a *", "

                    * a *

                    "], ["foo*bar*", "


                    "], ["5*6*78", "


                    "], ["_foo bar_", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["_ foo bar_", "

                    _ foo bar_

                    "], ["a_\"foo\"_", "


                    "], ["foo_bar_", "


                    "], ["5_6_78", "


                    "], ["пристаням_стремятся_", "


                    "], ["aa_\"bb\"_cc", "


                    "], ["foo-_(bar)_", "


                    "], ["_foo*", "


                    "], ["*foo bar *", "

                    *foo bar *

                    "], ["*foo bar\n*", "

                    *foo bar\n*

                    "], ["*(*foo)", "


                    "], ["*(*foo*)*", "


                    "], ["*foo*bar", "


                    "], ["_foo bar _", "

                    _foo bar _

                    "], ["_(_foo)", "


                    "], ["_(_foo_)_", "


                    "], ["_foo_bar", "


                    "], ["_пристаням_стремятся", "


                    "], ["_foo_bar_baz_", "


                    "], ["_(bar)_.", "


                    "], ["**foo bar**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["** foo bar**", "

                    ** foo bar**

                    "], ["a**\"foo\"**", "


                    "], ["foo**bar**", "


                    "], ["__foo bar__", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["__ foo bar__", "

                    __ foo bar__

                    "], ["__\nfoo bar__", "

                    __\nfoo bar__

                    "], ["a__\"foo\"__", "


                    "], ["foo__bar__", "


                    "], ["5__6__78", "


                    "], ["пристаням__стремятся__", "


                    "], ["__foo, __bar__, baz__", "

                    foo, bar, baz

                    "], ["foo-__(bar)__", "


                    "], ["**foo bar **", "

                    **foo bar **

                    "], ["**(**foo)", "


                    "], ["*(**foo**)*", "


                    "], ["**Gomphocarpus (*Gomphocarpus physocarpus*, syn.\n*Asclepias physocarpa*)**", "

                    Gomphocarpus (Gomphocarpus physocarpus, syn.\nAsclepias physocarpa)

                    "], ["**foo \"*bar*\" foo**", "

                    foo \"bar\" foo

                    "], ["**foo**bar", "


                    "], ["__foo bar __", "

                    __foo bar __

                    "], ["__(__foo)", "


                    "], ["_(__foo__)_", "


                    "], ["__foo__bar", "


                    "], ["__пристаням__стремятся", "


                    "], ["__foo__bar__baz__", "


                    "], ["__(bar)__.", "


                    "], ["*foo [bar](/url)*", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*foo\nbar*", "


                    "], ["_foo __bar__ baz_", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["_foo _bar_ baz_", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["__foo_ bar_", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*foo *bar**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*foo **bar** baz*", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["*foo**bar**baz*", "


                    "], ["*foo**bar*", "


                    "], ["***foo** bar*", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*foo **bar***", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*foo**bar***", "


                    "], ["foo***bar***baz", "


                    "], ["foo******bar*********baz", "


                    "], ["*foo **bar *baz* bim** bop*", "

                    foo bar baz bim bop

                    "], ["*foo [*bar*](/url)*", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["** is not an empty emphasis", "

                    ** is not an empty emphasis

                    "], ["**** is not an empty strong emphasis", "

                    **** is not an empty strong emphasis

                    "], ["**foo [bar](/url)**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["**foo\nbar**", "


                    "], ["__foo _bar_ baz__", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["__foo __bar__ baz__", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["____foo__ baz__", "

                    foo baz

                    "], ["**foo **bar****", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["**foo *bar* baz**", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["**foo*bar*baz**", "


                    "], ["***foo* bar**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["**foo *bar***", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["**foo *bar **baz**\nbim* bop**", "

                    foo bar baz\nbim bop

                    "], ["**foo [*bar*](/url)**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["__ is not an empty emphasis", "

                    __ is not an empty emphasis

                    "], ["____ is not an empty strong emphasis", "

                    ____ is not an empty strong emphasis

                    "], ["foo ***", "

                    foo ***

                    "], ["foo *\\**", "

                    foo *

                    "], ["foo *_*", "

                    foo _

                    "], ["foo *****", "

                    foo *****

                    "], ["foo **\\***", "

                    foo *

                    "], ["foo **_**", "

                    foo _

                    "], ["**foo*", "


                    "], ["*foo**", "


                    "], ["***foo**", "


                    "], ["****foo*", "


                    "], ["**foo***", "


                    "], ["*foo****", "


                    "], ["foo ___", "

                    foo ___

                    "], ["foo _\\__", "

                    foo _

                    "], ["foo _*_", "

                    foo *

                    "], ["foo _____", "

                    foo _____

                    "], ["foo __\\___", "

                    foo _

                    "], ["foo __*__", "

                    foo *

                    "], ["__foo_", "


                    "], ["_foo__", "


                    "], ["___foo__", "


                    "], ["__foo___", "


                    "], ["_foo____", "


                    "], ["**foo**", "


                    "], ["*_foo_*", "


                    "], ["__foo__", "


                    "], ["_*foo*_", "


                    "], ["****foo****", "


                    "], ["____foo____", "


                    "], ["******foo******", "


                    "], ["***foo***", "


                    "], ["_____foo_____", "


                    "], ["*foo _bar* baz_", "

                    foo _bar baz_

                    "], ["*foo __bar *baz bim__ bam*", "

                    foo bar *baz bim bam

                    "], ["**foo **bar baz**", "

                    **foo bar baz

                    "], ["*foo *bar baz*", "

                    *foo bar baz

                    "], ["*[bar*](/url)", "


                    "], ["_foo [bar_](/url)", "

                    _foo bar_

                    "], ["*", "


                    "], ["**", "


                    "], ["__", "


                    "], ["*a `*`*", "

                    a *

                    "], ["_a `_`_", "

                    a _

                    "], ["**a", "


                    "], ["__a", "


                    "] ], "underline": [ ["_foo bar_", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["aa_\"bb\"_cc", "


                    "], ["foo-_(bar)_", "


                    "], ["_(_foo)", "


                    "], ["_(_foo_)_", "


                    "], ["_foo_bar_baz_", "


                    "], ["_(bar)_.", "


                    "], ["foo__bar__", "


                    "], ["5__6__78", "


                    "], ["__(__foo)", "


                    "], ["_(__foo__)_", "


                    "], ["_foo __bar__ baz_", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["__foo _bar_ baz__", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["foo ___", "

                    foo ___

                    "], ["foo _\\__", "

                    foo _

                    "], ["foo _*_", "

                    foo *

                    "], ["foo _____", "

                    foo _____

                    "], ["__foo_", "


                    "], ["_foo__", "


                    "], ["_foo____", "


                    "], ["_____foo_____", "


                    "], ["_a `_`_", "

                    a _

                    "] ], "subscript": [ ["Subscript: H~2~O", "

                    Subscript: H2O

                    "], ["~foo\\~", "


                    "], ["~foo bar~", "

                    ~foo bar~

                    "], ["~foo\\ bar\\ baz~", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["~\\ foo\\ ~", "


                    "], ["~foo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bar~", "

                    foo\\\\\\ bar

                    "], ["**~foo~ bar**", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["*~f", "


                    "] ], "superscript": [ ["^test^", "


                    "], ["^foo\\^", "


                    "], ["2^4 + 3^5", "

                    2^4 + 3^5

                    "], ["^foo~bar^baz^bar~foo^", "


                    "], ["^\\ foo\\ ^", "


                    "], ["^foo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bar^", "

                    foo\\\\\\ bar

                    "], ["^foo\\\\\\\\\\\\ bar^", "

                    ^foo\\\\\\ bar^

                    "], ["**^foo^ bar**", "

                    foo bar

                    "] ], "strikethrough": [ ["~~Strikeout~~", "


                    "], ["x ~~~~foo~~ bar~~", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ~~foo ~~bar~~~~", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ~~~~foo~~~~", "

                    x foo

                    "], ["x ~~a ~~foo~~~~~~~~~~~bar~~ b~~\n\nx ~~a ~~foo~~~~~~~~~~~~bar~~ b~~", "

                    x a foo~~~bar b

                    x a foo~~~~bar b

                    "], ["**~~test**~~\n\n~~**test~~**", "



                    "], ["[~~link]()~~\n\n~~[link~~]()", "



                    "], ["~~`code~~`\n\n`~~code`~~", "



                    "], ["~~foo ~~bar~~ baz~~\n\n~~f **o ~~o b~~ a** r~~", "

                    foo bar baz

                    f o o b a r

                    "], ["foo ~~ bar ~~ baz", "

                    foo ~~ bar ~~ baz

                    "], ["[~~foo~~]()", "


                    "], ["~~test\n~~\n\n~~\ntest~~\n\n~~\ntest\n~~", "




                    "], ["a~~\"foo\"~~", "


                    "], ["-~~~~;~~~~~~", "


                    "] ], "insert": [ ["++Insert++", "


                    "], ["x ++++foo++ bar++", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ++foo ++bar++++", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ++++foo++++", "

                    x foo

                    "], ["x +++foo+++", "

                    x +foo+

                    "], ["**++test**++\n\n++**test++**", "



                    "], ["[++link]()++\n\n++[link++]()", "



                    "], ["++`code++`\n\n`++code`++", "



                    "], ["++foo ++bar++ baz++", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["++f **o ++o b++ a** r++", "

                    f o o b a r

                    "], ["foo ++ bar ++ baz", "

                    foo ++ bar ++ baz

                    "], ["++test\n++\n\n++\ntest++\n\n++\ntest\n++", "




                    "], ["x ++a ++foo+++++++++++bar++ b++\n\nx ++a ++foo++++++++++++bar++ b++", "

                    x a foo+++bar b

                    x a foo++++bar b

                    "], ["a++\"foo\"++", "


                    "], ["[++foo++]()", "


                    "], ["-++++;++++++", "


                    "] ], "mark": [ ["==Mark==", "


                    "], ["x ====foo== bar==", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ==foo ==bar====", "

                    x foo bar

                    "], ["x ====foo====", "

                    x foo

                    "], ["x ===foo===", "

                    x =foo=

                    "], ["**==test**==\n\n==**test==**", "



                    "], ["[==link]()==\n\n==[link==]()", "



                    "], ["==`code==`\n\n`==code`==", "



                    "], ["==foo ==bar== baz==", "

                    foo bar baz

                    "], ["==f **o ==o b== a** r==", "

                    f o o b a r

                    "], ["foo == bar == baz", "

                    foo == bar == baz

                    "], ["==test\n== a\n\n==\ntest==\n\n==\ntest\n==", "

                    ==test\n== a



                    "], ["x ==a ==foo===========bar== b==\n\nx ==a ==foo============bar== b==", "

                    x a foo===bar b

                    x a foo====bar b

                    "], ["a==\"foo\"==", "


                    "], ["[==foo==]()", "


                    "], ["-====;======", "


                    "] ], "links": [ ["[link](/uri \"title\")", "


                    "], ["[link](/uri)", "


                    "], ["[](./target.md)", "

                    "], ["[link]()", "


                    "], ["[link](<>)", "


                    "], ["[]()", "

                    "], ["[link](/my uri)", "

                    [link](/my uri)

                    "], ["[link](
                    )", "


                    "], ["[link](foo\nbar)", "


                    "], ["[link]()", "


                    "], ["[a]()", "


                    "], ["[link]()", "


                    "], ["[a](\n[a](c)", "


                    "], ["[link](\\(foo\\))", "


                    "], ["[link](foo(and(bar)))", "


                    "], ["[link](foo(and(bar))", "


                    "], ["[link](foo\\(and\\(bar\\))", "


                    "], ["[link]()", "


                    "], ["[link](foo\\)\\:)", "


                    "], ["[link](#fragment)\n\n[link](http://example.com#fragment)\n\n[link](http://example.com?foo=3#frag)", "




                    "], ["[link](foo\\bar)", "


                    "], ["[link](foo%20bä)", "


                    "], ["[link](\"title\")", "


                    "], ["[link](/url \"title\")\n[link](/url 'title')\n[link](/url (title))", "


                    "], ["[link](/url \"title \\\""\")", "


                    "], ["[link](/url \"title\")", "


                    "], ["[link](/url \"title \"and\" title\")", "

                    [link](/url \"title \"and\" title\")

                    "], ["[link](/url 'title \"and\" title')", "


                    "], ["[link]( /uri\n \"title\" )", "


                    "], ["[link] (/uri)", "

                    [link] (/uri)

                    "], ["[link [foo [bar]]](/uri)", "

                    link [foo [bar]]

                    "], ["[link] bar](/uri)", "

                    [link] bar](/uri)

                    "], ["[link \\[bar](/uri)", "

                    link [bar

                    "], ["[link *foo **bar** `#`*](/uri)", "

                    link foo bar #

                    "], ["[![moon](moon.jpg)](/uri)", "


                    "], ["[foo [bar](/uri)](/uri)", "

                    [foo bar](/uri)

                    "], ["[foo *[bar [baz](/uri)](/uri)*](/uri)", "

                    [foo [bar baz](/uri)](/uri)

                    "], ["![[[foo](uri1)](uri2)](uri3)", "


                    "], ["*[foo*](/uri)", "


                    "], ["[foo *bar](baz*)", "

                    foo *bar

                    "], ["*foo [bar* baz]", "

                    foo [bar baz]

                    "], ["[foo ", "


                    "], ["[foo`](/uri)`", "


                    "], ["[foo", "


                    "], ["[foo][bar]\n\n[bar]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[link [foo [bar]]][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    link [foo [bar]]

                    "], ["[link \\[bar][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    link [bar

                    "], ["[link *foo **bar** `#`*][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    link foo bar #

                    "], ["[![moon](moon.jpg)][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[foo [bar](/uri)][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    [foo bar]ref

                    "], ["[foo *bar [baz][ref]*][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    [foo bar baz]ref

                    "], ["*[foo*][ref]\n\n[ref]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[foo *bar][ref]*\n\n[ref]: /uri", "

                    foo *bar*

                    "], ["[foo \n\n[ref]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[foo`][ref]`\n\n[ref]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[foo\n\n[ref]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[foo][BaR]\n\n[bar]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[ẞ]\n\n[SS]: /url", "

                    "], ["[Foo\n bar]: /url\n\n[Baz][Foo bar]", "


                    "], ["[foo] [bar]\n\n[bar]: /url \"title\"", "

                    [foo] bar

                    "], ["[foo]\n[bar]\n\n[bar]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[foo]: /url1\n\n[foo]: /url2\n\n[bar][foo]", "


                    "], ["[bar][foo\\!]\n\n[foo!]: /url", "


                    "], ["[foo][ref[]\n\n[ref[]: /uri", "


                    [ref[]: /uri

                    "], ["[foo][ref[bar]]\n\n[ref[bar]]: /uri", "


                    [ref[bar]]: /uri

                    "], ["[[[foo]]]\n\n[[[foo]]]: /url", "


                    [[[foo]]]: /url

                    "], ["[foo][ref\\[]\n\n[ref\\[]: /uri", "


                    "], ["[bar\\\\]: /uri\n\n[bar\\\\]", "


                    "], ["[]\n\n[]: /uri", "


                    []: /uri

                    "], ["[\n ]\n\n[\n ]: /uri", "


                    [\n]: /uri

                    "], ["[foo][]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[*foo* bar][]\n\n[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["[Foo][]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[foo] \n[]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[*foo* bar]\n\n[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["[[*foo* bar]]\n\n[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"", "

                    [foo bar]

                    "], ["[[bar [foo]\n\n[foo]: /url", "

                    [[bar foo

                    "], ["[Foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[foo] bar\n\n[foo]: /url", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["\\[foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["[foo*]: /url\n\n*[foo*]", "


                    "], ["[foo][bar]\n\n[foo]: /url1\n[bar]: /url2", "


                    "], ["[foo][]\n\n[foo]: /url1", "


                    "], ["[foo]()\n\n[foo]: /url1", "


                    "], ["[foo](not a link)\n\n[foo]: /url1", "

                    foo(not a link)

                    "], ["[foo][bar][baz]\n\n[baz]: /url", "


                    "], ["[foo][bar][baz]\n\n[baz]: /url1\n[bar]: /url2", "


                    "], ["[foo][bar][baz]\n\n[baz]: /url1\n[foo]: /url2", "


                    "] ], "images": [ ["![foo](/url \"title\")", "


                    "], ["![foo *bar*]\n\n[foo *bar*]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"", "


                    "], ["![foo ![bar](/url)](/url2)", "


                    "], ["![foo [bar](/url)](/url2)", "


                    "], ["![foo *bar*][]\n\n[foo *bar*]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"", "


                    "], ["![foo *bar*][foobar]\n\n[FOOBAR]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"", "


                    "], ["![foo](train.jpg)", "


                    "], ["My ![foo bar](/path/to/train.jpg \"title\" )", "

                    My \"foo

                    "], ["![foo]()", "


                    "], ["![](/url)", "


                    "], ["![foo][bar]\n\n[bar]: /url", "


                    "], ["![foo][bar]\n\n[BAR]: /url", "


                    "], ["![foo][]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![*foo* bar][]\n\n[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![Foo][]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![foo] \n[]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![*foo* bar]\n\n[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["![[foo]]\n\n[[foo]]: /url \"title\"", "


                    [[foo]]: /url \"title\"

                    "], ["![Foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["!\\[foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "], ["\\![foo]\n\n[foo]: /url \"title\"", "


                    "] ], "autolinks": [ ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "

                    <http://foo.bar/baz bim>

                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["<>", "


                    "], ["< http://foo.bar >", "

                    < http://foo.bar >

                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["", "


                    "], ["http://example.com", "


                    "], ["foo@bar.example.com", "


                    "] ], "HTML": [ ["", "

                    "], ["", "

                    "], ["", "

                    "], ["", "

                    "\" _boolean=\"\" zoop:33=\"zoop:33\">

                    "], ["Foo ", "


                    "], ["<33> <__>", "

                    <33> <__>

                    "], ["", "

                    <a h*#ref=\"hi\">

                    "], ["
                    ", "

                    <a href=\"hi'> <a href=hi'>

                    "], ["< a><\nfoo>\n", "

                    < a><\nfoo><bar/ >\n<foo bar=baz\nbim!bop />

                    "], ["
                    ", "

                    <a href='bar'title=title>

                    "], ["
                    ", "

                    "], ["", "

                    </a href=\"foo\">

                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["foo foo -->\n\nfoo ", "

                    foo <!--> foo -->

                    foo <!-- foo--->

                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["foo &<]]>", "

                    foo &<]]>

                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["", "

                    <a href=\"\"\">

                    "] ], "hard line breaks": [ ["foo \nbaz", "


                    "], ["foo\\\nbaz", "


                    "], ["foo \nbaz", "


                    "], ["foo \n bar", "


                    "], ["foo\\\n bar", "


                    "], ["*foo \nbar*", "


                    "], ["*foo\\\nbar*", "


                    "], ["`code \nspan`", "

                    code span

                    "], ["`code\\\nspan`", "

                    code\\ span

                    "], ["a
                    ", "


                    "], ["a ", "


                    "], ["foo\\", "


                    "], ["foo ", "


                    "], ["### foo\\", "


                    "], ["### foo ", "


                    "] ], "soft line breaks": [ ["foo\nbaz", "


                    "], ["foo \n baz", "


                    "] ], "textual content": [ ["hello $.;'there", "

                    hello $.;'there

                    "], ["Foo χρῆν", "

                    Foo χρῆν

                    "], ["Multiple spaces", "

                    Multiple spaces

                    "] ] }, "no extension": { "task list items": [ ["- [ ] foo\n- [x] bar", "
                    • [ ] foo
                    • [x] bar
                    "], ["- [x] foo\n - [ ] bar\n - [x] baz\n- [ ] bim", "
                    • [x] foo
                      • [ ] bar
                      • [x] baz
                    • [ ] bim
                    "] ], "table": [ ["| Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| Cell 3 | Cell 4", "

                    | Heading 1 | Heading 2\n| --------- | ---------\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2\n| Cell 3 | Cell 4

                    "], ["| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |\n| :------: | -------: | :------- | -------- |\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 |\n| Cell 5 | Cell 6 | Cell 7 | Cell 8 |", "

                    | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |\n| :------: | -------: | :------- | -------- |\n| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 |\n| Cell 5 | Cell 6 | Cell 7 | Cell 8 |

                    "], ["Header 1|Header 2|Header 3|Header 4\n:-------|:------:|-------:|--------\nCell 1 |Cell 2 |Cell 3 |Cell 4\n*Cell 5*|Cell 6 |Cell 7 |Cell 8", "

                    Header 1|Header 2|Header 3|Header 4\n:-------|:------:|-------:|--------\nCell 1 |Cell 2 |Cell 3 |Cell 4\nCell 5|Cell 6 |Cell 7 |Cell 8

                    "], ["> foo|foo\n> ---|---\n> bar|bar\nbaz|baz", "


                    "] ], "subscript": [ ["Subscript: H~2~O", "

                    Subscript: H~2~O

                    "], ["~foo\\ bar\\ baz~", "

                    ~foo\\ bar\\ baz~

                    "], ["~\\ foo\\ ~", "

                    ~\\ foo\\ ~

                    "], ["~foo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bar~", "

                    ~foo\\\\\\\\ bar~

                    "] ], "superscript": [ ["^test^", "


                    "], ["^foo~bar^baz^bar~foo^", "


                    "], ["^\\ foo\\ ^", "

                    ^\\ foo\\ ^

                    "], ["^foo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bar^", "

                    ^foo\\\\\\\\ bar^

                    "] ], "strikethrough": [ ["~~Strikeout~~", "


                    "], ["x ~~~~foo~~ bar~~", "

                    x ~~~~foo~~ bar~~

                    "], ["x ~~foo ~~bar~~~~", "

                    x ~~foo ~~bar~~~~

                    "], ["x ~~~~foo~~~~", "

                    x ~~~~foo~~~~

                    "] ], "insert": [ ["++Insert++", "


                    "], ["x ++++foo++ bar++", "

                    x ++++foo++ bar++

                    "], ["x ++foo ++bar++++", "

                    x ++foo ++bar++++

                    "], ["x ++++foo++++", "

                    x ++++foo++++

                    "] ], "mark": [ ["==Mark==", "


                    "], ["x ====foo== bar==", "

                    x ====foo== bar==

                    "], ["x ==foo ==bar====", "

                    x ==foo ==bar====

                    "], ["x ====foo====", "

                    x ====foo====

                    "] ], "underline": [ ["_foo bar_", "

                    foo bar

                    "], ["foo-_(bar)_", "


                    "], ["_(_foo_)_", "


                    "], ["_foo_bar_baz_", "


                    "] ] } } as Record>).reduce((o, [title, tests]) => (o[title] = Object.entries(tests).reduce((p, [subtitle, testArr]) => (p[subtitle] = testArr.reduce((q, [input, output], n) => (q[n+1] = Object.defineProperty(async () => { const {default: parseMarkdown} = await import("./lib/markdown.js"), {code, div, pre} = await import ("./lib/html.js"), tags: any = Object.assign({"code": (info: string, text: string) => pre({"class": info.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/[ \t]+/).filter(l => l.trim()).map(l => `language-${l}`) || null}, code(text))}, title === "no extension" ? { "underline": null, "subscript": null, "superscript": null, "strikethrough": null, "insert": null, "highlight": null, "table": null, "checkbox": null } : subtitle === "underline" ? {} : {"underline": null}), generated = div(parseMarkdown(input, tags)).innerHTML; if (generated !== output) { console.log(input, generated); } return generated === output; }, "toString", {"value": () => JSON.stringify(input) + " => " + JSON.stringify(output)}), q), {} as Record Promise>), p), {} as Record Promise>>), o), {} as Tests), "storagestate": { "session storage set": async () => { const {bindSessionStorage} = await import("./lib/storagestate.js"), a = bindSessionStorage("mySessionKey", 0, (v: unknown): v is number => typeof v === "number"), rand = Math.random() * 1000 | 0; bindSessionStorage("mySessionKey", 1)(rand); return new Promise(fn => setTimeout(fn)).then(() => a() === rand && window.sessionStorage.getItem("mySessionKey") === rand + ""); }, "local storage set": async () => { const {bindLocalStorage} = await import("./lib/storagestate.js"), a = bindLocalStorage("myLocalKey", 0, (v: unknown): v is number => typeof v === "number"), rand = Math.random() * 1000 | 0; bindLocalStorage("myLocalKey", 1)(rand); return new Promise(fn => setTimeout(fn)).then(() => a() === rand && window.localStorage.getItem("myLocalKey") === rand + ""); } }, "datatable": Object.assign(Object.entries({ "simple export": [ [{}, {}, {}, {}, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] ], "export with filters": [ [{}, {"data-filter": "B"}, {}, {}, [1, 4]], [{}, {"data-filter": "C"}, {}, {}, [2]], [{}, {"data-filter": "AA"}, {}, {}, [0, 3, 4]], [{}, {"data-filter": "AA", "data-is-prefix": true}, {}, {}, [0, 3, 4]], [{}, {"data-filter": "AA", "data-is-suffix": true}, {}, {}, [0, 3]], [{}, {"data-filter": "AA", "data-is-prefix": true, "data-is-suffix": true}, {}, {}, [0]], [{}, {}, {"data-filter": 80}, {}, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]], [{}, {}, {"data-filter": 80, "data-type": "string"}, {}, [1]], [{}, {}, {"data-min": 80}, {}, [1]], [{}, {}, {"data-min": 5, "data-max": 20}, {}, [0, 2]], [{}, {}, {"data-min": 5, "data-max": 20}, {}, [0, 2]], [{}, {}, {"data-min": 10, "data-max": 20}, {}, [2]], [{}, {"data-filter": "AA", "data-is-prefix": true}, {"data-filter": 1, "data-type": "string"}, {}, [3, 4]], [{}, {}, {}, {"data-empty": true}, [0]], [{}, {}, {}, {"data-not-empty": true}, [1, 2, 3, 4]] ], "export with sorts": [ [{}, {"data-sort": "asc"}, {}, {}, [0, 3, 4, 2, 1]], [{}, {"data-sort": "desc"}, {}, {}, [1, 2, 4, 3, 0]], [{}, {}, {"data-sort": "asc"}, {}, [4, 3, 0, 2, 1]], [{}, {}, {"data-sort": "desc"}, {}, [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]], [{}, {}, {"data-sort": "asc", "data-type": "string"}, {}, [3, 4, 2, 0, 1]], [{}, {}, {"data-sort": "desc", "data-type": "string"}, {}, [1, 0, 2, 4, 3]] ], "export paged": [ [{"page": 0, "perPage": 2}, {}, {}, {}, [0, 1]], [{"page": 1, "perPage": 2}, {}, {}, {}, [2, 3]], [{"page": 2, "perPage": 2}, {}, {}, {}, [4]] ] } as Record, Record, Record, Record, number[]][]>).reduce((o, [section, tests]) => (o[section] = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(tests.map(([pageAttrs, colA, colB, colC, res]) => async () => { const {default: datatable} = await import("./lib/datatable.js"), {td, th, thead, tr} = await import("./lib/html.js"), data = [ ["AA", "5", ""], ["BA", "80", "6"], ["AC", "12", "9"], ["AAA", "-1", "30"], ["AAAB", "-15", "50"] ], dt = datatable(pageAttrs, [ thead(tr([ th(colA, "Col A"), th(colB, "Col B"), th(colC, "Col C") ])), data.map(row => tr(row.map(cell => td(cell)))) ]), result = JSON.stringify(res.map(row => data[row])); return new Promise(fn => setTimeout(fn)).then(() => JSON.stringify(dt.exportPage()) === result); }))), o), {} as Tests), { "export with titles": async () => { const {default: datatable} = await import("./lib/datatable.js"), {td, th, thead, tr} = await import("./lib/html.js"), dt = datatable([ thead(tr([ th("Col A"), th("Col B"), th({"data-title": "CCC"}, "Col C") ])), tr([ td("1"), td("2"), td("3") ]) ]); return new Promise(fn => setTimeout(fn)).then(() => JSON.stringify(dt.export(true)) === JSON.stringify([["Col A", "Col B", "CCC"],["1", "2", "3"]])); }, "exportPage with titles": async () => { const {default: datatable} = await import("./lib/datatable.js"), {td, th, thead, tr} = await import("./lib/html.js"), dt = datatable({"page": 0, "perPage": 1}, [ thead(tr([ th("Col A"), th("Col B"), th({"data-title": "CCC"}, "Col C") ])), tr([ td("1"), td("2"), td("3") ]), tr([ td("4"), td("5"), td("6") ]) ]); return new Promise(fn => setTimeout(fn)).then(() => JSON.stringify(dt.exportPage(true)) === JSON.stringify([["Col A", "Col B", "CCC"],["1", "2", "3"]])); 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