import type {ListItem, Match, MatchData, Uint, UserID} from './types.js'; import type {PropsObject} from './lib/dom.js'; import type {WindowElement} from './lib/windows.js'; import {amendNode, clearNode} from './lib/dom.js'; import {br, button, div, h1, img, input, label, li, span, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr, ul} from './lib/html.js'; import pageLoad from './lib/load.js'; import {NodeArray, NodeMap, node, stringSort} from './lib/nodes.js'; import {circle, g, line, path, polyline, rect, svg, svgData, symbol, title, use} from './lib/svg.js'; import {desktop, shell as shellElement, windows} from './lib/windows.js'; import RPC, {rpc} from './rpc.js'; let nextID = 0; const rcSort = (a: Redirect | Command, b: Redirect | Command) => -, matchData2Match = (md: MatchData[]) =>[isSuffix, name]) => ({isSuffix, name})), shell = shellElement(), addLabel = (name: string, input: HTMLInputElement): [HTMLLabelElement, HTMLInputElement] => { const id = "ID_" + nextID++; return [label({"for": id}, name), amendNode(input, {id})]; }, maxID = 4294967296, symbols = svg(), addSymbol = (s: SVGSymbolElement) => { const id = "ID_" + nextID++; amendNode(symbols, amendNode(s, {id})); return [ (props: PropsObject = {}) => svg(props, [ typeof props["title"] === "string" ? title(props["title"]) : [], use({"href": `#${id}`}) ]), svgData(s) ] as const; }, [remove, removeIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 32 34"}, path({"d": "M10,5 v-3 q0,-1 1,-1 h10 q1,0 1,1 v3 m8,0 h-28 q-1,0 -1,1 v2 q0,1 1,1 h28 q1,0 1,-1 v-2 q0,-1 -1,-1 m-2,4 v22 q0,2 -2,2 h-20 q-2,0 -2,-2 v-22 m2,3 v18 q0,1 1,1 h3 q1,0 1,-1 v-18 q0,-1 -1,-1 h-3 q-1,0 -1,1 m7.5,0 v18 q0,1 1,1 h3 q1,0 1,-1 v-18 q0,-1 -1,-1 h-3 q-1,0 -1,1 m7.5,0 v18 q0,1 1,1 h3 q1,0 1,-1 v-18 q0,-1 -1,-1 h-3 q-1,0 -1,1", "style": "stroke: currentColor", "fill": "none"}))), [rename, renameIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 30 20"}, path({"d": "M1,5 v10 h28 v-10 Z M17,1 h10 m-5,0 V19 m-5,0 h10", "style": "stroke: currentColor", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "fill": "#fff"}))), [edit, editIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 70 70", "fill": "#fff", "stroke": "#000"}, [polyline({"points": "51,7 58,0 69,11 62,18 51,7 7,52 18,63 62,18", "stroke-width": 2}), path({"d": "M7,52 L1,68 L18,63 M53,12 L14,51 M57,16 L18,55"})])), [addRedirect, addRedirectIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ path({"d": "M10,80 h40 a1,1 0,0,0 0,-60 h-20", "stroke-width": 15, "stroke": "#000", "fill": "none"}), path({"d": "M30,5 v30 l-20,-15 z", "fill": "#000"}), path({"d": "M60,40 v50 m-25,-25 h50", "stroke-width": 15, "stroke": "#0f0", "fill": "none"}) ])), [addCommand, addCommandIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ rect({"width": 100, "height": 100, "fill": "#000", "rx": 10}), rect({"width": 100, "height": 30, "fill": "#aaa", "rx": 10}), rect({"y": 15, "width": 100, "height": 20, "fill": "#000"}), path({"d": "M10,25 l10,10 l-10,10 M25,45 h20", "stroke": "#fff", "stroke-width": 5}), path({"d": "M60,40 v50 m-25,-25 h50", "stroke-width": 15, "stroke": "#0f0", "fill": "none"}) ])), [addServer, addServerIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ g({"id": "sr", "transform": "translate(0, 3)"}, [ rect({"x": 2, "width": 96, "height": 20, "stroke": "#000", "stroke-width": 2, "fill": "#fff", "rx": 5}), line({"x1": 10, "x2": 30, "y1": 7, "y2": 7, "stroke": "#000"}), circle({"id": "sc", "cx": 70, "r": 2, "cy": 7, "fill": "#000"}), use({"href": "#sc", "x": 5}), use({"href": "#sc", "x": 10}), use({"href": "#sc", "x": 15}) ]), use({"href": "#sr", "y": 25}), use({"href": "#sr", "y": 50}), use({"href": "#sr", "y": 75}), path({"d": "M60,40 v50 m-25,-25 h50", "stroke-width": 15, "stroke": "#0f0", "fill": "none"}) ])), [start, startIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ path({"d": "M10,10 v80 L90,50 z", "fill": "#000"}), rect({"x": 10, "y": 10, "width": 80, "height": 80, "style": {"display": "var(--h, none)"}}) ])), [info, infoIcon] = addSymbol(symbol({"viewBox": "0 0 100 100"}, [ circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 50, "stroke-width": 6, "r": 47, "stroke": "#fff", "fill": "#15a"}), rect({"x": 42, "y": 45, "width": 16, "height": 40, "rx": 8, "fill": "#fff"}), circle({"cx": 50, "cy": 30, "r": 8, "fill": "#fff"}) ])), editRedirect = (server: Server, data?: Redirect) => { const icon = data ? editIcon : addRedirectIcon, from = input({"type": "number", "min": 1, "max": 65535, "value": data?.from ?? 80}), to = input({"value": data?.to}), w = windows(), matches = new MatchMaker(w, data?.match ?? []); shell.addWindow(amendNode(w, {"window-title": (data ? "Edit" : "Add") + " Redirect", "window-icon": icon}, [ addLabel("From:", from), br(), addLabel("To:", to), br(), matches, button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { const f = parseInt(from.value); if (f <= 0 || f > 65535) { w.alert("Invalid Port", `Invalid from port: ${from.value}`, icon); } else if (to.value === "") { w.alert("Invalid address", `Invalid to address: ${to.value}`, icon); } else if (matches.list.some(({name}) => name === "")) { w.alert("Invalid Match", "Cannot have empty match", icon); } else { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); (data ? rpc.modifyRedirect({ "server":, "id":, "from": f, "to": to.value, "match": matches.list }) .then(() => data.update(f, to.value, matches.list)) : rpc.addRedirect({ "server":, "from": f, "to": to.value, "match": matches.list }) .then(id => server.redirects.set(id, new Redirect(server, id, f, to.value, false, matches.list))) ) .then(() => w.remove()) .catch(err => w.alert("Error", err.message, icon)) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": false})); } }}, (data ? "Edit" : "Create") + " Redirect") ])); }, editCommand = (server: Server, data?: Command) => { const icon = data ? editIcon : addCommandIcon, exe = input({"value": data?.exe}), params = new NodeArray(div(), data? => ({[node]: input({"value": p})})) ?? []), env = new EnvMaker(data?.env ?? {}), workDir = input({"value": data?.workDir}), userID = input({"type": "checkbox", "checked": data?.user !== undefined, "onchange": () => { amendNode(uid, {"disabled": !userID.checked}); amendNode(gid, {"disabled": !userID.checked}); }}), uid = input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "max": maxID, "value": data?.user?.uid, "disabled": data?.user === undefined}), gid = input({"type": "number", "min": 0, "max": maxID, "value": data?.user?.gid, "disabled": data?.user === undefined}), w = windows(), matches = new MatchMaker(w, data?.match ?? []); shell.addWindow(amendNode(w, {"window-title": (data ? "Edit" : "Add") + " Command", "window-icon": icon}, [ addLabel("Executable:", exe), br(), label("Params:"), params, button({"onclick": () => { if (params.length > 0) { params.pop(); } }}, "-"), button({"onclick": () => params.push({[node]: input()})}, "+"), br(), addLabel("Working Directory: ", workDir), br(), br(), env, br(), matches, br(), addLabel("Run as different user?:", userID), br(), addLabel("UID:", uid), br(), addLabel("GID:", gid), br(), button({"onclick": function(this: HTMLButtonElement) { const u = parseInt(uid.value), g = parseInt(gid.value); if (exe.value === "") { w.alert("Invalid executable", "Executable cannot be empty", icon); } else if (matches.list.some(({name}) => name === "")) { w.alert("Invalid Match", "Cannot have empty match", icon); } else if (u < 0 || u > maxID) { w.alert("Invalid UID", `UID must be in range 0 < uid < ${maxID}`, icon); } else if (g < 0 || g > maxID) { w.alert("Invalid GID", `GID must be in range 0 < uid < ${maxID}`, icon); } else { amendNode(this, {"disabled": true}); const p = => p[node].value), e = env.toObject(), ids = userID.checked ? { "uid": u, "gid": g } : undefined; (data ? rpc.modifyCommand({ "server":, "id":, "exe": exe.value, "params": p, "workDir": workDir.value, "env": e, "match": matches.list, "user": ids }) .then(() => data.update(exe.value, p, e, matches.list, ids)) : rpc.addCommand({ "server":, "exe": exe.value, "params": p, "workDir": workDir.value, "env": e, "match": matches.list, "user": ids }) .then(id => server.commands.set(id, new Command(server, id, exe.value, p, workDir.value, e, matches.list, ids))) ) .then(() => w.remove()) .catch(err => w.alert("Error", err.message, icon)) .finally(() => amendNode(this, {"disabled": false})); } }}, (data ? "Edit" : "Create") + " Command") ])); }, servers = new NodeMap(ul(), (a: Server, b: Server) => stringSort(,, statusColours = ["#f00", "#0f0", "#f80"]; class MatchMaker { list: Match[]; [node]: HTMLDivElement; #u = tbody(); #w: WindowElement; constructor(w: WindowElement, matches: Match[]) { this.list = []; for (const m of matches) { this.add(m); } if (matches.length === 0) { this.add(); } this[node] = div([ table([ thead(tr([ th("Matches"), th("Is Suffix?"), th(img({"src": removeIcon, "style": {"width": "1em", "height": "1em"}})) ])), this.#u ]), button({"onclick": () => this.add()}, "Add Match") ]); this.#w = w; } add(m: Match = {"name": "", "isSuffix": false}) { this.list.push(m); const l = tr([ td(input({"onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement){ = this.value}, "value":})), td(input({"type": "checkbox", "onchange": function(this: HTMLInputElement){m.isSuffix = this.checked}, "checked": m.isSuffix})), td(remove({"title": "Remove Match", "onclick": () => { if (this.list.length === 1) { this.#w.alert("Cannot remove Match", "Must have at least 1 Match", removeIcon); } else { this.list.splice(this.list.indexOf(m), 1); l.remove(); } }})) ]); amendNode(this.#u, l); } } type Env = { key: HTMLInputElement; value: HTMLInputElement; [node]: HTMLTableRowElement; } class EnvMaker { #nextID = 0; #m: NodeMap; [node]: HTMLDivElement; constructor(environment: Record) { this.#m = new NodeMap(tbody()); for (const key in environment) { this.addEnv(key, environment[key]); } this[node] = div([ table([ thead(tr([ th("Env Key"), th("Value"), th(img({"src": removeIcon, "style": {"width": "1em", "height": "1em"}})) ])), this.#m ]), button({"onclick": () => this.addEnv()}, "+") ]); } addEnv(key = "", value = "") { const id = this.#nextID++, k = input({"value": key}), v = input({value}); this.#m.set(id, { "key": k, "value": v, [node]: tr([ td(k), td(v), td(remove({"onclick": () => this.#m.delete(id)})) ]) }); } toObject() { const env: Record = {}; for (const e of this.#m.values()) { if (e.key.value) { env[e.key.value] = e.value.value; } } return env; } } class Redirect { id: Uint; from: Uint; to: string; match: Match[]; #active: boolean; [node]: HTMLLIElement; #fromSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #toSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #statusSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #startStop: SVGSVGElement; constructor(server: Server, id: Uint, from: Uint, to: string, active: boolean, match: Match[]) { = id; this.from = from; = to; this.match = match; this.#active = active; this.#fromSpan = span(from + ""), this.#toSpan = span(to); this.#statusSpan = span({"style": {"color": statusColours[+active]}}); this.#startStop = start({"onclick": () => { const sid = {"server":, id}; if (this.#active) { rpc.stopRedirect(sid) .then(() => this.setActive(false)) .catch(err => shell.alert("Error stopping redirect", err.message, startIcon)); } else { rpc.startRedirect(sid) .then(() => this.setActive(true)) .catch(err => shell.alert("Error starting redirect", err.message, startIcon)); } }, "style": active ? "--h: auto" : undefined}); this[node] = li ([ this.#statusSpan, this.#fromSpan, " ➔ ", this.#toSpan, this.#startStop, edit({"title": "Edit Redirect", "onclick": () => editRedirect(server, this)}), remove({"title": "Remove Redirect", "onclick": () => shell.confirm("Are you sure?", "Are you sure you wish to remove this redirect?", removeIcon).then(c => { if (c) { rpc.removeRedirect({"server":, "id": id}) .then(() => server.redirects.delete(id)) .catch(e => shell.alert("Error removing redirect", e.message, removeIcon)); } })}) ]); } update(from: Uint, to: string, match: Match[]) { this.#fromSpan.innerText = (this.from = from) + ""; this.#toSpan.innerText = = to; this.match = match; } setActive(v: boolean) { amendNode(this.#statusSpan, {"style": {"color": statusColours[+v]}}); amendNode(this.#startStop, {"style": {"--h": (this.#active = v) ? "auto" : undefined}}); } } class Command { id: Uint; exe: string; params: string[]; workDir: string; env: Record; match: Match[]; #status: Uint; [node]: HTMLLIElement; #exeSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #statusSpan: HTMLSpanElement; #error: string; user?: UserID; #startStop: SVGSVGElement; constructor(server: Server, id: Uint, exe: string, params: string[], workDir: string, env: Record, match: Match[], user?: UserID, status: Uint = 0, error = "") { = id; this.exe = exe; this.params = params; this.workDir = workDir; this.env = env; this.match = match; this.#status = status; this.#exeSpan = span(exe + " " + params.join(" ")); this.#statusSpan = span({"class": "status", "style": {"color": statusColours[status]}}); this.#error = error; this.user = user; this.#startStop = start({"onclick": () => { const sid = {"server":, id} if (this.#status === 1) { rpc.stopCommand(sid) .then(() => this.setStatus(0)) .catch(err => { this.setStatus(2); shell.alert("Error stopping command", err.message) }); } else { rpc.startCommand(sid) .then(() => this.setStatus(1)) .catch(err => { this.setStatus(2); this.setError(err.message); shell.alert("Error starting command", err.message); }); } }, "style": status === 1 ? "--h: auto" : undefined}); this[node] = li([ this.#statusSpan, this.#exeSpan, this.#startStop, info({"title": "Command Information", "onclick": () => (this.#status === 1 ? rpc.getCommandPorts({"server":, id}) : Promise.resolve([])).then(ports => shell.addWindow(windows({"window-title": "Command Information", "window-icon": infoIcon}, [ div(`Error: ${this.#error}`), div(`Open Ports: ${ports.sort((a: Uint, b: Uint) => b - a).join(", ")}`) ]))).catch(e => shell.alert("Error getting information", e.message, infoIcon))}), edit({"title": "Edit Command", "onclick": () => editCommand(server, this)}), remove({"title": "Remove Command", "onclick": () => shell.confirm("Are you sure?", "Are you sure you wish to remove this command?", removeIcon).then(c => { if (c) { rpc.removeCommand({"server":, "id": id}) .then(() => server.commands.delete(id)) .catch(e => shell.alert("Error removing command", e.message, removeIcon)); } })}) ]); } update(exe: string, params: string[], env: Record, match: Match[], user?: UserID) { this.#exeSpan.innerText = (this.exe = exe) + " " + (this.params = params).join(" "); this.env = env; this.match = match; this.user = user; } setStatus (s: Uint) { amendNode(this.#statusSpan, {"style": {"color": statusColours[this.#status = s]}}); amendNode(this.#startStop, {"style": {"--h": s === 1 ? "auto" : undefined}}); } setError (e: string) { this.#error = e; } } class Server { name: string; redirects: NodeMap; commands: NodeMap; [node]: HTMLLIElement; #nameSpan: HTMLSpanElement; constructor([name, rs, cs]: ListItem) { = name; this.redirects = new NodeMap(ul(), rcSort,[id, from, to, active, _, ...match]) => [id, new Redirect(this, id, from, to, active, matchData2Match(match))])); this.commands = new NodeMap(ul(), rcSort,[id, exe, params, workDir, env, status, error, user, ...match]) => [id, new Command(this, id, exe, params, workDir, env, matchData2Match(match), user || undefined, status, error)])); this.#nameSpan = span(name); this[node] = li([ div([ this.#nameSpan, addRedirect({"title": "Add Redirect", "onclick": () => editRedirect(this)}), addCommand({"title": "Add Command", "onclick": () => editCommand(this)}), rename({"title": "Rename Server", "onclick": () => shell.prompt("New Name", "Plese enter a new name for this server",, renameIcon).then(name => { if (name && name !== { rpc.rename([, name]).catch(err => shell.alert("Error", err.message, renameIcon)); this.setName(name); } })}), remove({"title": "Remove Server", "onclick": () => shell.confirm("Remove", "Are you sure you wish to remove this server?", removeIcon).then(ok => { if (ok) { rpc.remove( => shell.alert("Error", err.message, removeIcon)).then(() => servers.delete(; } })}) ]), this.redirects, this.commands ]); } setName(name: string) { servers.delete(; this.#nameSpan.innerText = = name; servers.set(name, this); } } pageLoad.then(() => RPC("/socket").then(() => rpc.waitList().when(list => { for (const s of list) { servers.set(s[0], new Server(s)); } clearNode(document.body, amendNode(shell, desktop([ symbols, h1("Reverse Proxy"), addServer({"title": "Add Server", "onclick": () => shell.prompt("Server Name", "Please enter a name for the new server", "", addServerIcon).then(name => { if (name) { rpc.add(name).catch(err => shell.alert("Error", err, addServerIcon)).then(() => servers.set(name, new Server([name, [], []]))); } })}), servers ]))); rpc.waitAdd().when(name => servers.set(name, new Server([name, [], []]))); rpc.waitRename().when(([oldName, newName]) => servers.get(oldName)?.setName(newName)); rpc.waitRemove().when(name => servers.delete(name)); rpc.waitAddRedirect().when(r => { const server = servers.get(r.server); server?.redirects.set(, new Redirect(server,, r.from,, false, r.match)); }); rpc.waitModifyRedirect().when(r => servers.get(r.server)?.redirects.get(,, r.match)); rpc.waitRemoveRedirect().when(r => servers.get(r.server)?.redirects.delete(; rpc.waitAddCommand().when(c => { const server = servers.get(c.server); server?.commands.set(, new Command(server,, c.exe, c.params, c.workDir, c.env, c.match, c.user, 0, "")); }); rpc.waitModifyCommand().when(c => servers.get(c.server)?.commands.get(, c.params, c.env, c.match, c.user)); rpc.waitRemoveCommand().when(c => servers.get(c.server)?.commands.delete(; rpc.waitStartRedirect().when(r => servers.get(r.server)?.redirects.get(; rpc.waitStopRedirect().when(r => servers.get(r.server)?.redirects.get(; rpc.waitStartCommand().when(c => servers.get(c.server)?.commands.get(; rpc.waitStopCommand().when(c => servers.get(c.server)?.commands.get(; rpc.waitCommandStopped().when(([server, id]) => servers.get(server)?.commands.get(id)?.setStatus(2)); rpc.waitCommandError().when(c => servers.get(c.server)?.commands.get(; })));