sessions - options.go

package sessions

import "time"

type optFunc func(*store)

// Name sets the cookie name
func Name(name string) optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.cookie.Name = name

// Domain sets the optional domain for the cookie
func Domain(domain string) optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.cookie.Domain = domain

// Path sets the optional path for the cookie
func Path(path string) optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.cookie.Path = path

// HTTPOnly sets the httponly flag on the cookie
func HTTPOnly() optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.cookie.HttpOnly = true

// Secure sets the secure flag on the cookie
func Secure() optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.cookie.Secure = true

// Expiry sets a maximum time that a cookie and authenticated message are valid
// for
func Expiry(d time.Duration) optFunc {
	return func(s *store) {
		s.expires = d